
Definition Quotes

There are 2700 quotes

"The actual definition of creativity is along the lines of producing a new idea which has value to someone."
"This is a better definition I think; it's more accurate, it's more precise, and it's what we do as humans. We are intelligent; we have infinite potential to learn from our environments."
"We don't know what it means to be really human. My working definition of the word 'spiritual' is what it means to be really human."
"Success is one of the most fluid, non-rigid classifications we've arguably ever had as a species."
"Leadership's just influence. In fact, I say it's really nothing more, it's nothing less."
"Love Is A Verb, not a thing... it's the actions that show love."
"Passion is a really interesting topic because most of us have the wrong definition of passion."
"By official definition, an algorithm can be defined as being the current term of choice for a problem-solving procedure."
"The easiest way to define recursion is to say it's where a function calls itself."
"It's so important to define success. There is wanting to be successful and knowing you will be successful."
"Defining what failure is is so critical in creating muscle growth. There are multiple ways to define it."
"Most of us can't really define exactly what happiness is or means for us."
"Trauma is not what happened to you; trauma is the wound that is sustained as a result."
"The way I define systemic racism is a system that negatively impacts a racial group disproportionately."
"All truth is spiritual. My definition of spirituality is all-encompassing, right?"
"Ultimately, what is behind critical thinking? Let's define it and let's talk about why you want to develop it."
"I is always equal to the square root of negative 1."
"Intelligence is how you process information."
"Art involves distortion, it involves hyperbole, it involves exaggeration, but you can't just randomly distort something and call it art."
"It's mysterious, and the whole question of how we define time comes into play."
"The great thing about being a human being is you get to define your own existence."
"Love means that you care for something unquestionably."
"If you're being paid, at that point, you're a professional."
"You can't solve a problem unless you first have defined the problem properly."
"I think capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production, distribution through voluntary exchange."
"Atheism remains a lack of belief in a god, and nothing more."
"Love is not an adjective or a noun; love is a verb."
"The word samurai means 'the one who serves.'"
"The US government's definition for child trafficking is the use of fraud, force, or coercion to seize the custody of a child who then moved for one of two purposes which is either labor trafficking or sex trafficking."
"I suppose what it comes down to is the definition of eternity."
"A woman in the dictionary is an adult human female, which is a good and sensible definition."
"It's not the events of our life that define us, it's the meaning we attach to those events."
"Quality social interactions, and we will define that a little bit better."
"The textbook definition of evolution is a change in allele frequencies within a population over the course of multiple generations."
"The name itself comes from the philosopher Thomas More, who back in 1516 said that Utopia was somewhere that does not exist, a place of which we dream."
"A function is continuous if it has no holes, breaks, or asymptotes. That's pretty much it."
"Defining God, but you know, that is a point in that why do people say that God cannot be defined."
"Slavery is not what defines Western civilization; the fact that we ended it is one of the things that defines Western civilization."
"Art is so subjective. You can call anything art."
"If there didn't have uniform laws of nature, we wouldn't have any way the word miracle actually comes from a Greek word that means 'sign'."
"What is Western civilization like? Can we get a definition here?"
"Truth is commonly defined as that which is concordant with reality."
"We don’t really know what life is, and basically, we are still trying to figure out."
"Development doesn't have a universally accepted definition. That means we can also define it in ways beyond economics and how much like Europe they are."
"NPC stands for non-player character, basically any character controlled by the computer and not a human."
"Atheism isn't the assertion that no gods exist."
"Yes, black people can be racist, provided you're using a colloquial definition of racism that means, can they be bigoted towards people."
"Decimates has a primary definition and that is to kill, destroy, or remove a large portion of."
"Marriage is consent. That's what marriage means, marriage is full informed consent."
"That's the original meaning of the word Comfort, to provoke and to encourage."
"Hard light gives us those very clearly defined, hard-edged, low defying shadows and specular highlights."
"Is this a game, or is it a toy? I've not played it. It's a toy. It's not a game. It's a game. It's not a toy."
"What is a relationship without trust? That's not a relationship."
"How would you define religion? It's basically defined as a system of beliefs."
"The definition of a safe relationship is when one person takes the other person's best interests as a part of their own best interests and vice-versa."
"The actual definition of a prime number is it is a number with exactly two factors."
"By definition, an algorithm is simply a finite sequence of instructions structured to solve a problem."
"Restoration, by definition, means returning something to its earlier good condition."
"Love is not a warm fuzzy feeling around your heart. Love is an action word."
"To marvel means to be amazed, to be astonished, to wonder."
"Islam purely simply means submission and surrender to God."
"When we say that something is safe, what it means is that we know it doesn't do harm."
"An exoplanet or extrasolar planet is any world that orbits a star outside of our solar system."
"Sexism against men is still just called sexism."
"What good is success if you can't say no? Success and autonomy are the same word."
"A woman is an adult female. That's what a woman is."
"Politics is a transactional exchange—that's literally what it means."
"What does it matter how you define what an artist is?"
"The rigorous, well-defined execution of the scientific method."
"Anytime you try to exclude somebody from doing something because of the color of their skin, that is a definition of racism."
"People get confused when something goes into play versus goes into their hand. Both of those things are card draw. If you find cards with them."
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?"
"Manga means all kinds of comics. It's not just manga, comics made in Japan or made in a certain set."
"By describing something like the Ark of the Covenant as a MacGuffin, you are robbing both the word MacGuffin and the Ark of the Covenant of their meaning."
"Words are tools to describe things, so if we all agree, racism means something, it's so that we can convey ideas to each other."
"That's the literal definition of prejudice: to pre-judge."
"If they're anti-semitic, who's not? This is really diluting, destroying the very definition of anti-semitism."
"A person using their white privilege against you is the definition of racism."
"The definition of cozy is very different from person to person."
"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."
"According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, a conspiracy theory is a theory that explains an event or a set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators."
"If a hero can't save anything then they aren't a hero anymore."
"If you define a god as what is already happening and I don't believe in that god, then there's no reason for me to believe."
"Leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less."
"Non-fungible means non-replaceable. You can't replace it. There's only one of them. It's unique. Non-fungible."
"I think we should first define the term casual gaming."
"Tough is not something that you say something is, it's a lifestyle."
"A string is a palindrome when it stays the same on reversing the order of characters."
"Relationships are created and upheld by the power of definition."
"I do like talking about immigration though because it is the constant reinvigoration of America."
"Courage is really not the absence of fear, but it is the management of fear. It is available because or else what is courageous about it?"
"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."
"Prime numbers are defined as whole numbers that are greater than one and are divisible by only one and themselves."
"The use of illegal violence in order to enact a political end is basically the textbook definition of terrorism."
"The question of what a classic even is is a lot bigger than any one person's opinions."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"A doctrine is a formalized expression of a foundational belief." - Ron Matsen
"It's just as objective as what anyone else would mean when they say the word objective."
"Criminal does in fact mean things that are against the law."
"There are no instances where...dictionary definition of a word."
"NFTs... the core definition... is just like a data file that has information in it and it's on a blockchain."
"Protesting is not burning, it's not looting, it's not violence and must never be tolerated."
"What is democracy? As a political system, the word democracy originated in ancient Greece and means ruled by the people."
"Legislate something on paper that defines acceptable speech."
"The word 'vampire' in the English language means 'a corpse supposed in European folklore to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth.'"
"Civil war means citizens are fighting one another with weapons."
"We gonna get into this, we gonna break it down, and let's really have a talk about what accountability actually is, because I promise you, it is not punishment."
"Transformation is the very essence and definition of salvation."
"Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket."
"Redefine racism so that racism isn't just bigotry against another racial group."
"Love is spelled risk, so love isn't about love it's about r-i-s-k."
"If you oppose somebody because of their race, that is the definition of racist."
"Realistically, a gaming PC is just any computer that can play the game that you want to play at the FPS you want to play it."
"Encapsulate all those feelings, and we call it love."
"Schadenfreude, of course, means that pleasure that you experience in the misfortune of others."
"Culture is when we disagree; otherwise, it's just a cult."
"Allah, according to the dictionary and according to Jesus... is Allah."
"By definition, we say that person is a Muslim... anyone who submits to the Creator."
"Spur of the moment means without plan, something spontaneous."
"I want to leave you with that in a way of what Relentless means to me is that you never give up."
"It's not who I am inside that defines me, but my actions."
"When word games are permissible, then you can just redefine it."
"That's the definition of American patriotism."
"The battle is about language and defining words."
"Do you know what Nemesis means? A righteous infliction of Retribution."
"Catholic means Catholic. That's the end of it."
"Terrorism isn't just violence, terrorism is violence committed within the ultimate ends."
"You can't solve a problem unless you first accurately define the problem."
"Eternal love: perceive all the love that surrounds you."
"Folks, this is the very definition of racism. This is the very definition of it."
"A whoremonger is a man who consorts with or pays for the services of whores."
"What racism actually means is discrimination against a particular race or discrimination against someone because of their race."
"Consciousness: a tough problem; we need a better definition."
"You know the definition of mean today is just telling the truth."
"Inflation is a metaphysical metric that's been artificially defined."
"An assault is a threat of unwanted or offensive touching."
"This is the definition of a generational player"
"It don't matter what you know the definition of faith come on now."
"And ReLU really stands for rectified linear unit."
"That is the definition of true true love ladies and gentlemen all right loving one woman in a million ways."
"Courage is something I think every leader defines themselves with if you don't have courage you're not a leader it doesn't matter that is the primary component of leadership it's courage."
"Truth is that which has fidelity to an original."
"The term classic surely implies that there would be a certain level of quality or critical acclaim behind it."
"When games are no longer about having fun, then it's no longer a game."
"Define misogyny: holding resentment or some lingering dislike towards women."
"Muslim just means a person who submits to god."
"Play is what fundamentally defines us, that play is inherent to human nature."
"What's a joint? It's the dried flowers of a plant in a wrapping. What does that sound like to you? Sounds a lot like tea."
"We have to define innovation as that you are better off with this than you would have been without it."
"I think it's very disingenuous to call it monogamy when it's not monogamy."
"Ramsay Snow is the textbook definition of a psychopath."
"Art is so flexible; there's no definition of what is art and what isn't."
"Success is truly one of the hardest things to Define."
"Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular Nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that Nation or group."
"It's called the ecliptic plane because that's the only circle around the sky where eclipses can occur."
"Actually making love, like that, like actually having sex... defines sex as the bodily transmission of Love."
"At the end of the day, what is a streaming service? It provides entertainment."
"There is a dividing line, and I want you to see this line here. This line is the line that I would call Salvation."
"This is not really about the abuse, it's more about the definition as a legal issue."
"To encounter someone means that you see them somewhere."
"Islamic law is called sharia, which means path to water."
"Something can be the best advancement of a thing but that doesn't necessarily make it a magnum opus."
"The definition of gaslighting: making you feel like you're overreacting and blowing things out of proportion."
"First of all, let's talk about exactly what I mean when I say metalcore."
"What's your definition of greatness? Everything."
"If you call the most noble human beings you can encounter patriots and you call Putin the patriot, you're running a concept of being a patriot that is so wide..."
"The word 'witch' just means wise and intuition. It's just your intuition."
"If you lack a belief in a god, you ARE an atheist."
"You'd have to start by defining Christianity and its facets, and then showing how those facets are compatible with what we know about the world."
"He restores my soul. What is the definition of restore? To bring back to or put back something to a former or original state."
"Why does cheating never prosper? Because whenever cheating prospers, none dare call it cheating."
"There's no clear definition of what the juice is."
"Without the Constitution, there's no definition of American."
"We label anything achieving social cohesion as moral."
"No one should ever define a person or a role based off race and gender you should Define it off of the characteristics that the character was created within."
"Marriage is the union of one man with one woman for life, to the exclusion of all others."
"A super eruption is defined as any eruption with a volcano explosivity index magnitude of eight or above."
"If you can't define what you believe in, then what is it that you believe in?"
"To rule something as a homicide in the purest definition literally means death at the hands of another."
"Sentience is just a weird word because you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"It's like very advanced but like sentience is just a weird word because like you know you could argue that an insect has sentience."
"If you're in a speedo, that's not comedy... Everything is what you do."
"Vehicles enabled by software can now be defined by it."
"A tool is not defined by its will, but by its actions."
"Most people define love with the foundation of trust."
"When a protester breaks a window in protest of a bank, it's called violence. But when a bank forecloses on millions of homes, that is violence."
"Prayer is not a religious activity, prayer is a legal activity."
"I can define what a Muslim is. A Muslim is one who submits to do the will of God."
"You know the definition of insanity? It's the same thing expecting a different result."
"Love is boundless and you can't really define it."
"To me, that's the definition of what a hero is."
"Defining what a healthy relationship looks like."
"Justification: a new word for a new phenomenon."
"Expressions of altruism for another species define the human animal bond."
"Technology might be defined as the intelligent application of energy."
"There's a nice little thing that you can define - it's a finite number."
"Philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom."
"If we can't define women as adult human females and argue that women share a particular experience in this world and have experienced historical oppression due only to having been born female, there is no basis for women's rights."
"Creativity: Our ability to think about a problem or idea in a new and unusual way."
"Intelligence: Our global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with our environment."