
Energy Flow Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"The more that you energetically release and don't be controlling, the more things are going to flow to you."
"What you think about, you bring about; what you focus on, that's where energy flows."
"Breathing into your pelvis and feeling into that energy and allowing it to flow through you... once you breathe and feel and you're out of your everyday mind reality enough and that energy moves, it's the same. It's like we think that sex is all about penetration and friction, but it was always about the energy."
"An emotional cleansing current of love is flowing through you."
"Whenever we focus on what we do want, there is a free flow of energy."
"When Chi circulates, the body is irrigated with life force energy that keeps you fluid, healthy, and nourished."
"A feeling is just energy, and the energy can't stay inside of us. It has to come out."
"Moving into alignment, where attention goes, energy flows."
"When you're trying to utilize the energy, there's a rhythm in order for you to be able to smoothly flow through the energy field."
"There is so much of a wise and intelligent energy that is going to be around you because what you're doing is you're going with this flow and you're increasing your own energy and getting energy in return."
"Wherever your attention goes, your energy flows... reality is created based on your attention."
"I believe our energy goes where your intention flows."
"It's win everywhere. It's energy that's propelling itself in that field. So the more we receive, the more we can share. The more we share, the more we receive. It's that infinite flow of energy."
"When the universe stops some sort of flow or energy or interaction, it's for your greater good."
"Energy is fluid, roles can be flipped or reversed. Trust the process."
"A healthy relationship is always a beautiful figure of eight in terms of energy, flowing between two people."
"Cast negativity in a positive light and let go of any fears that block the flow of vital energy within your body, mind, and spirit."
"Money is energy, and if you don't let your money energies outlet, it's gonna get bad. It's like a pond. If there's no flow, the water gets bad."
"Understanding where energy is flowing, where there's growth, is crucial."
"Where you put your attention is where energy grows and expands."
"Money is given its appropriate value when seen as an energy that flows."
"Posture matters: align yourself for better energy flow and emotional release."
"All of the energy and the good auspicious luck you have starts at the front door."
"The way you place furniture and objects in your home helps that flow of energy and attracts that really good Chi."
"Cleansing this space definitely helps to bring a much more relaxed energy into it."
"Money is like energy that flows... start enjoying and it'll come."
"Follow the energy, shake up the schedule if needed."
"The pinnacle state and intended achievement of the specific discipline known as kundalini yoga is the rising of this energy from the base of the spine to the top of the head."
"Tai Chi is a soft martial art which takes its inspiration from the natural movements of animals and birds. The idea behind it is that it aims to improve the circulation of one's Chi, that is the energy within the body and the way it flows."
"Our energy is supposed to ebb and flow like a tide."
"People who dance... feel good when they dance because they're moving their energy around."
"So when you look across a whole ecosystem, the flow of energy is not so much a chain as it is a web."
"Where your mind goes is where the energy flows."
"Money is not bad it's an energy and the more that you are provided for the more that you're able to give."
"If you constantly analyze and worry, you will cut off from that energy."
"Gather nothing, store nothing. Energies are constantly moving and transforming and changing. Don't hold on to the past. Allow change to come in."
"Trusting the energies that are opening, what is moving, what is flowing even if other things are not."
"The door to union needs to be open, the energies are flowing, rushing in."
"Remain positive, continuing to have that positive energy flow through you."
"It's precisely because of the second law that all this exists... it's possible to harness this natural flow from order to disorder..."
"Retrogrades slow down the energy so you can be more assured."
"The blood uses negative space which exists between the molecules, providing an influx of energy."
"Allow yourself to feel this capacity to just trust in the flow of energy."
"The energy and positivity that you put forth will eventually make its way back to you."
"Forgive yourself to unblock the flow of energy and resume the normal life flow."
"The moment you let go, you allow the energy to flow in and you have total trust in the universe."
"Green energy is the best, so we should now have enough energy flowing through the system."
"Allow things to leave your life that want to leave your life. If you're holding on to something, you're constricting your energy, making yourself smaller."
"We are always manifesting, each thought we have creates an energy flow within and around our physical being."
"Daily gratitude shifts focus from what they lack to what they have, creating a positive energy flow."
"How to transform our being, liberate and flow energy to the higher expressions without suppression or violence."
"Connect from the ground to the third eye, the throat to the heart, to bring that energy back up."
"Feeling this moment of movement, of opportunity, I want you to feel like from the crown chakra all the way from the root to the crown there's this movement."
"I would just listen I would profoundly listen and the whole energy was one of stillness."
"Feel the energy in your hands, your arms, your legs. Feel it flow through your body."
"Unstuck energy attracts more opportunities and good energy."
"Music and dancing move the body and open up all these bioelectrical energies and flow. It's like yoga in that way."
"Each of these chakras is a channel for the flow of creative spiritual energy into your life."
"Shaking your body allows the energy to move into the right places."
"Wherever your energy goes, your intention flows."
"Your bodies are made of energy so it helps to move them, to let the energy move and flow. When you dance and you sing, whether you do that in your imagination or you are out in nature because nature truly is God's sanctuary."
"The most important thing is the energy that wants to flow in."
"A clear environment allows you to see things, it also allows higher energy to come through."
"A healthy mind is able to move the system of energy and information flow toward integration."
"Money is a side effect of energy, focus on getting more in flow and things will go more your way."
"Spirituality under all circumstances is about getting rid of the blockages that are blocking the flow of the chi, of the Shakti, of your energy flow."
"A Kundalini Awakening is simply the movement of your Kundalini energy within your body."
"Love is a state inside of you. It's a real thing. It's an energy flow."
"Spirit is helping by simplifying your life, eliminating clutter to balance the flow of activities. Clear the space, allow new energy to wash over you."
"One of the principles of feng shui when it comes to entries is you don't want all your money leaving the house, you don't want the energy to just go straight through the front door."
"The master was satisfied that he had succeeded. He was perfectly able to control himself and the flow of energy he emitted."
"Taking control of the flow of our energy to regenerate ourselves."
"If you learn not to close, you will be open. If you are open, that Shakti will always flow unconditionally."
"When you let go of something, you are allowing that magical energy to flow through because you are saying that I trust the universe to take care of it."
"The more that I stress out about something or the more I try to control something, the more that the energy remains blocked."
"Qigong not only from the Chinese perspective that is encouraging fluidity of movement of Qi."
"Clutter blocks the flow of prosperity."
"As long as there's a really good flow of of energy that isn't just like action movie the whole time."
"Pressing down to the knuckles of the hands, particularly that middle knuckle, and then think about drawing the energy up into the armpits all the way to the hips."
"There's a directionality of energy."
"Rooting deeply into the earth through the energy of that right leg."
"Songs like 'Bohemian Rhapsody' actively avoid this predictable structure and instead, their sense of energy and excitement comes from the journey that we go on as we travel from section to section, from mood to mood."
"Where consciousness goes, energy goes."
"Old man, you once taught me something: to feel the flow of energy and become one with that flow."
"When we start to remove the resistance from within, the energy flows through us."
"Streams continually flow toward the most diverse beings of the astral world."
"You're just validating and empathizing them as a person, allowing that energy to flow through them."
"We want to have that energy flowing and helping us ascend so that we can serve the world more broadly."
"This food chain demonstrates the interconnectedness of the grassland ecosystem as energy flows from one organism to another, forming a cycle that supports life at all trophic levels."
"Stillness allows the energy of love to flow freely."
"Relax into the flow, so you're riding this wave of energy using less and less tension and force to move."
"Keep elongating the spine, breathing life energy into every joint of the spine."
"Feel the energy starting to flow from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of the head."
"Let's really relax, let the spine, the neck sway a little bit here, just making space for the energy to flow."
"Let's churn the energy, get the flow going, get the blood flow going, and rev up your focus for the day."
"The size of an ecosystem is dependent on the energy it can harvest."
"Go with the energy, never against it."
"Healing energy constantly flows through every organ and joint and cell. I move easily and effortlessly."
"The more you get rid of all these worries, thoughts, behaviors, the more energy can flow in from the Divine."
"Feel the energy flowing through your whole body."
"The energy flowing through a specific point is proportional to the field strengths at that point."
"Enjoy yourself, enjoy this beautiful flow of energy, this enlightenment, this understanding."
"Imagine that a flow of energy is rising up along the central axis of your body."
"Money is an energy and money is supposed to always be moving."
"When you align your conscious with your subconscious, the energy is able to flow."
"Flow with this energy, you got nothing to worry about, you got no worries here, this is beautiful, absolutely beautiful."
"The upward movement of this energy is blissfully celebrated by the yogis."
"Healing always begins, power always flows."
"Energy flows into an ecosystem as sunlight and leaves as heat."
"Grounding helps you to connect with the Earth, feeling your energies flowing from creation down to the Earth and back up again."
"Once you get all the knots out of the body, energy flows, and you become a very powerful human being."
"Since this is Tai Chi, we want our Chi to flow and circulate throughout today's practice."
"Let your fingers just naturally curl into your palms, let your toes naturally spill out to the side, energy moves freely through the frame."
"Let it go and go towards the flow of energy, not the one that is repelling."
"If you take this glass of water to the kitchen and turn the faucet on... eventually, you're going to be left with a clean glass of water, just because of that constant new energy, new water coming in, old being flushed out."
"Energy flows through an ecosystem, coming in for the most part from the sun and moving through the different trophic levels."
"Human beings are at their best when there's an outflow of positive energy."
"Check the flow. What is the feng shui like in your room?"
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it has to flow through the ecosystem."
"So as we clear that pathway along the spine, it's called Shoshana Nadi, and that's where all of our chakras, our energy centers, are located."
"Press down through the feet, the four corners of the feet, and then start to draw the energy up the legs."
"Anchor into your feet, draw the energy up the arches, up through the middle upper spine."
"We want to keep the energy channels open while we're breathing."
"The definition of sacred space is fractality because that's the place from which charge can radiate efficiently."
"When the energy flows upward, it's called Prana; when the energy flows downward, very grounded, it's called Aparna."
"It's about me surrendering to that energy that's flowing through me all the time."
"When prana is blocked, we have disease; when prana is flowing, we have health."
"He taught them the power of this, this is why the Asian cultures have understanding of the energy and how to move the energy through the body."
"Where you put your attention, you know the expression, where your attention goes, energy flows."
"Where the mind goes, energy flows."
"Each week of pregnancy has a different flow of energy which is responsible for the formation of the various body parts of the fetus."
"During cellular respiration, most energy flows in this sequence: glucose to NADH to electron transport chain to proton motive force to ATP."
"Life is an open system, there's a throughput of energy and export of chaos."
"Just making space for the energy to flow within us."
"Notice how calm you feel in your body, notice how open the body feels, the energy channels been activated, open, cleansed."
"Let that tension melt, get out of the way of the healthy flow of vital energy through your body."
"As you hold here, you want to feel the energy really circulating and squeezing to your extremities."
"Feel the effects of the Sun Salutation, prana moving in the body, life force."
"There's energy shooting up through the crown of the head."
"Draw the energy upward from the feet to the inner thighs, letting your knees face towards the ceiling."
"Just allowing that blood to flow, that energy to flow."
"Breathing properly is regulating the flow of energy and the flow of fluids throughout the body."
"The age of suffering is over. We don't need to suffer anymore, but we have to make certain changes in our lives in order to flow with that energy."
"The energy that goes along with the breathing... you brighten up when you breathe in, you tend to diffuse when you breathe out."
"Nature is not solid and mechanical... it's an amazing flow of energy and relationality from which all this gets birthed."
"Through this rebirth, through this transformation, through this transition, I'm seeing you moving into this beautiful flow of energy."
"The flow of energy in a food web is unidirectional, same for a food chain."
"Energy flows downhill and that results in our flux being positive throughout, meaning that energy is flowing with our coordinate system."
"As we keep blessing, we're not the one blessing; the energy is flowing through us."
"Wherever the mind goes, energy flows."
"Allow that energy to flow and be a gift to that person."
"When that dormant energy is flowing freely and upwardly through the seven chakras, it leads to an expanded state of consciousness."
"Since it's the last thing before the battery, it can measure that flow of current."
"By law of nature, water flows from high to low energy."
"A clean organized house means a lot personally and I think like energy flow totally."
"All you have to do to learn and grow and gain wisdom is just flow with the energy."
"When the dampness is kind of blocking, then the energy can't flow smoothly."
"Energy is constantly flowing; there's no break."
"Money is energy, right? Money, currency, flow like the Nile."
"Open into that starfish shape, close the eyes, let the energy rebound."
"These are not coincidences; this is powerful evidence of the energy really aligning in the direction of your desires."
"Relaxation is our major goal; only through relaxation can we then move energy effectively through the body."
"Energy comes from the earth, it moves into the legs, from the legs it moves to the waist, and from the waist it moves outward."
"Turmaline facilitates the flow of vital energy, promoting balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit."
"When you have a soul recognition, you need to go with the flow of energy."
"Follow the energy, just go with the flow of the energy, let it take you where it wants to take you."
"Fighting these energies is stupid, just let them happen, flow with it."
"Go where the energy is, and where your heart is."
"In Tai Chi, we never change the direction of the energy."
"Money represents quite simply a flow of energy."
"Everything is changing, and you've got to flow with the energy."
"It's all about taking a leap, going with the flow of your energy."
"Energies are fluid, and understanding them helps you advance your soul growth."
"Everything's connected, everything is energy."
"Energy is now flowing once again."
"Energy is not static; we are energy that's flowing, always interacting with the environment, with each other, with ourselves."
"Allow room for new energy to come through into your life."
"Keep your energy positive; it will allow it to flow a lot better."
"Stepping into the natural cycle of how your energy moves."
"Modalities relate to how energies are designed to move, how they navigate life, and what their natural energetic expression is."
"You know exactly where life is taking you, and you're just enjoying the flow of the energy that the universe is blessing you with."