
Letting Go Quotes

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"The more that you energetically release and don't be controlling, the more things are going to flow to you."
"We would literally be happier and freer without what are we still holding on to that's literally holding us back from happiness and freedom."
"The evolution of the soul is becoming stronger and stronger because it's able to let go of what was pulling it down."
"The more you let go, the more freedom you have, the more peaceful you are."
"Allow yourself to let the baggage of the past go. A new person is not going to treat you in the same way."
"You're actually being asked to focus on the things that are working. Let the things that are not meant for you go."
"Let go of the past and soar. You are guided by the winds of spirit."
"Embrace my transformation. I courageously let go of the past."
"Let your past go; the burden you're carrying is heavy."
"At times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives. Let go and all will work out."
"It's all about shedding what no longer serves you so that you could live your best life to your fullest capacity."
"You have to reach a state where you've learned to let it go. That's what it's all about; it's all about letting go."
"Let go of everything you stored from the past and accept everything that's happening right now."
"I move forward with no regrets. I leave my past behind and walk into a brighter future."
"Say goodbye to things that once held you back. Relax and enjoy the fresh taste of success promised for the next chapter of your life."
"You know what? I'm done with this burn book."
"Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment."
"Release the past. You have the ability to give over unwanted energies to the loving forces of the universe."
"You are letting go of some old patterns, old belief systems, and possibly even certain habits."
"You're letting go of the old ways of being because I feel like the old ways of being kind of held you down a little bit."
"This is time to start something new. Don't let the past hold you back."
"Let it go, let it flow, and the things that are meant to stay will stay by your side."
"It's time to let go of things that are no longer serving you, only take forward what is going to help you in your future."
"We are continuously shedding old layers. We want to let go of the old, in order to embrace the new."
"Success belongs to me. Success with honor, integrity. Success will come your way as long as you learn to let go of the control, let go of the fear."
"The past is now behind you; release it and embrace new possibilities."
"Be at peace with whatever it is that you need to walk away from."
"Whatever happened yesterday, leave it alone because you can't do nothing for it, but you got to focus on conquering today."
"Not all grudges have to be vindicated because sometimes you just have to let it go."
"Turning your back on the past and looking towards the future, that is what this is all about."
"The tighter I grip onto an idea or a standard or whatever it is, usually the worse things go."
"Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes you just have to let go."
"The past is gone when we learn to forgive and to forget."
"It is only when you give up forcing or controlling anything that you begin to get the kind of control you always wanted, but never knew existed."
"In order to move into adulthood, you have to let go of the hope for having had a better childhood."
"This is about no longer holding yourself back, no longer standing in your own way. Letting go of the past, let it go, forgive yourself."
"Recognizing and releasing pain from past romantic relationships can lead to emotional healing and growth."
"Transformative changes are happening deep within your heart, signaling a need to let go of certain types of relationships."
"If you're holding on to something, it then becomes a choice."
"I move toward greater consciousness, I feel old thoughts and habits fall away."
"Let go of unhealthy attachments and connections that no longer serve you."
"Now is the time to let go of negative thinking patterns, to let go of self-limitation or limitation from other people. It is time to let go of toxic people and it's time to let go of toxic actions, behaviors, or habits."
"It is time to take steps forward; it is time to let go of the past."
"Once you've learned how to forgive yourself, you need to learn how to let go."
"True forgiveness is letting go and forgetting. Let go and forget."
"I can release the past and forgive everyone. I am free to move into new, glorious experiences."
"I let go of all expectations. I flow freely and lovingly with life."
"Listen impeccably and when I listen impeccably, I let go of whatever's not serving me and I embrace what is real."
"You're not gonna give your all to things anymore that no longer serve you."
"I have finally given myself the permission to let go of that trauma and understand where it comes from and say I can actually do things that are fun just because they're fun."
"You can't go to the future holding on to the biology of your past."
"Letting go is not giving up, sometimes it's the first step towards success."
"Forgiveness: Stop focusing your energy on past events. Life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream, and imagine."
"By letting go of these walls, you are paving a new pathway for yourself, entering a new stage of your life."
"Forget the memory, just overcome the emotion because it's the emotion that keeps you anchored to the past."
"Letting go of the past and embracing the future with the soulmate, because you guys mirror each other and there is so much more to this connection than just what you are experiencing in physical reality."
"We want to let go of the past and build a picture of us who we want to be."
"When I had the South Node eclipse in my second house years ago, that's when I let go of everything I had built over 16 years."
"The past is the past; the past is done. The only thing that matters is right now."
"The more you don't worry about making it work and just let it work, just allow yourself to just focus on me."
"I think it's time to let go, forget the past, just lose control 'cause life's too short for yesteryear. Come on and dance."
"Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments, and it is important to forgive."
"Time to breathe some life into this new chapter in your life, release what no longer serves you."
"The moment that you just let go of control, that's when the universe blesses you."
"As you take a few deep breaths, let go of any sort of limiting thoughts, energies, or ideas, allow the water to take it away."
"Hukum is the understanding to let go of yourself."
"The truth of the matter many times is not in what you pick up, the answer is in what you let go of."
"At a certain point, you have to let go and expect that the story might not go anywhere you expect it to go, and you just kind of ride the wave."
"When you let go of baggage, it's going somewhere for its best and most highest vibrational good."
"Leave the past behind you because it is only dragging you down, creating a block to the new life that is ready to come in for you."
"Let go of past burdens to make yourself available to the opportunities and love that the universe wants to usher into your life."
"Let go of anxiety, depression, anything that is taking up too much space."
"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."
"The Eternal Memory... It's a film about sacrifice and learning to let go."
"Let go of those old filters, those old pieces of yourself. They're no longer valid."
"What is meant for you will stay, and what is not meant for you will leave."
"Forgiveness is about moving yourself to that place of inner peace, freeing yourself from the past."
"Let go of past or present pain in order to make room for something better."
"You can forgive someone and never talk to them again. Forgiveness is about letting go of your own resentment."
"Holding any kind of anger or resentment just weighs you down and holds you back from living your best life."
"I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that are not meant for me."
"The more we hold on to painful things that we know are not good for us, the more we're just hurting ourselves."
"Let the ones go that don't serve you, that hurt you, that harm you, that aren't there for you."
"Let go of maybe some stubborn ways of thinking that maybe you know are not really healthy for us and don't help us."
"Life is too short to run in place if it's not pushing you forward, drop it if it's not what you need, forget it."
"It's time to let go. Let your heart lead the way."
"The time is now to let the past go and heal."
"Allow yourself to move on from those painful waters... this prosperity and brightness in that future is coming, as long as you allow it."
"Forgiveness: Nothing is gained by holding on to past disappointments."
"Forgiving is letting go of your charge on something."
"You cannot move forward to a better future if you are holding on to the hope for a better past."
"You let go of desires, needs, attachments, frustrations, emotions, grudges, habits, thoughts, obsessions, and so forth. That's it."
"When you let something go, what happens is that you return to a state of peace and just a state of being, a state of calmness."
"You've got to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now."
"Your power as a human being is directly proportional to your ability to let go."
"You're going to lose absolutely everything that you have in life that you cling to, including your physical appearance, your youth, your parents, your girlfriends and boyfriends, your marriage, your career, your job, your money, everything, and you're gonna lose your life. So, really, the option here is, will you let it go willingly and consciously, or will you be unconscious and resist the process of letting go?"
"Release all toxic relationships and or habits; it's a detox period here that we're in right now."
"Practice acceptance. Accept the past and all that it is with grace."
"If you love, you'll let them go. Love is freedom."
"Letting go of all the negative people in my life was a very important and life-changing decision."
"As long as you're trying, I'm staying. But if you want me to, I will let you go."
"You will never leave what you don't properly grieve."
"You are a bright energy. Let worry go and be happy here and now. Feel good about being a loving and colorful you."
"Sometimes you just gotta let things go and settle down for a little while."
"Once I was able to let go of all that was burdening me, I have been able to completely transform myself mentally and physically."
"Your magic is being awakened as you begin to let go of the old."
"Not every relationship is meant to go from season to season, not every person in the novel of your life is meant to make it to the next chapter."
"Forgiveness fits into the overall scheme of things. If we're going to forgive something, we're going to let it go."
"Sometimes the most freeing thing, the most happy outcome, is to be able to just wash it out of your hair, what happened, and move on."
"Feelings have an end, they come and they go... We do not allow them to go because we bring them up to our mental world and do those gymnastics for it."
"Letting go isn't always easy, but for a lot of people, it's absolutely necessary."
"Now imagine that if you were to just let go of all of that and go with the flow, the river would take you exactly where you need to go."
"The more you let go, you become free of your thoughts, the people trying to have them act a certain way, the outcomes, beliefs, labels, identity, the more free you will actually be."
"Anytime we're attached, we're trying to control. We're running around, trying to make things happen...but the current is taking you where you need to go. Just chill out, relax, don't be attached, don't try to control, just be."
"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
"Close the door to the past; don't let it have any more of your energy."
"The grace of letting go at the right moment, of knowing how to let go when the time is right, without torturing yourself with self-doubt or overthinking things."
"Do not let the past rule you right now, because as long as you're carrying it with you, you're facing it every single day. So let it go."
"Release yourself from any pain of the past and embrace this hopeful future."
"I forgave her a long time ago, man. I don't have any resentment."
"Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen."
"Walking away from things that no longer serve you is deciding that your happiness lies elsewhere."
"Sometimes minimalism it's not just trying to do something different... sometimes it may just be letting it go."
"In fact, it could be said that one of the biggest signs of healing in ourselves is when we can start letting go of fixing people."
"As soon as you let go, that's when everything starts spinning and working for you."
"Let go of any fears, let go of regrets; it's a time of purging anything that holds us back."
"Have the courage to let go of all the philosophies, free our mind only then can we truly connect with our spiritual self."
"That's unconditional love, that's saying I love you enough to let you go."
"The way to move forward is to let go of catching up."
"The quicker you release the situation, the more likely you're going to be able to find the love that you want."
"Don't keep going over old history, be alert, be present."
"Fatherhood is about being supportive and empathetic, about inspiring confidence and offering advice and in the end knowing that there's only so much you can do. Eventually, you have to let go."
"Your entire being is ready to become something more, but you have to let go of who you used to be or what was to make space for something else."
"May we make room for new growth by pruning the dead branches and may we leave what's dead behind."
"They need to let go of those things that are no longer serving them."
"The more I let go, the more free I feel, but the number one way and the number one thing that I want to share with you when it has to do with letting go and releasing attachment is releasing attachment is a release of meaning."
"You are ready to transform; say goodbye to things that once held you back."
"The greatest of all spiritual lessons is letting go."
"It's just that you've been talking. I think it's time to let go, forget the past, just lose control cause life's too short for yourself."
"Forget the past, just lose control because life's too short."
"Letting go is paramount to growth and development, so let it go, release it, see what happens."
"This is about you ending something, recognizing that it's done, and not holding on to it anymore."
"If you love someone, sometimes you must set them free."
"Bless the situation with love, light, and let the universe take care of it."
"I think you have put in the time that you need to with that guilt, and I think it's time to let that guilt go."
"Letting go of something in order to gain something greater."
"January is about letting go of that if you guys feel stuck in something because you're worried that nothing better exists, something better does exist."
"It's not something you make happen, it's something you allow to happen."
"The only way to overcome unhealthy attachments is to let go of them and dare others and circumstances to let us go."
"I choose to let go of any resistance and I allow myself to have everything that I want."
"My encouragement to you would be: Let it go."
"The three most important words in any relationship are not 'I love you.' They are 'let it go.'"
"It's never been your fault, no matter what, so let go of that toxic shame; it doesn't belong to you."
"You lighten your load when you let go of anything that is not meant for you."
"The whole process is about loving yourself in a very powerful way... it's about letting go."
"Letting go is about creating space for something new and better to enter your life."
"Don't bring your past into your future; don't let your past hold you back."
"It's never been your fault, no matter what. Let go of that toxic shame; it doesn't belong to you."
"Forgiveness is letting go of what is holding you back so you can turn in the direction of what you would prefer."
"Letting go is actually very easy when we allow it to be easy."
"90% of raising your vibration is letting go."
"The past is now behind you; release it and embrace new opportunities."
"This person also needs to realize that they cannot control everything in life, they have to surrender at some points."
"Something can be so amazing, and you can love someone so much, and yet it may not be the right fit for you."
"The most loving and beautiful thing you can do is to let it go."
"Letting go is so tricky, but then it allows us to open ourselves up to hope and positivity."
"When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you."
"Letting go of the things that you hold most precious is often the illusion of preciousness that holds you back from growth."
"When you learn to let go, you stop carefully sewing around with fine thread around little mistakes; instead, you can make much bolder, more confident changes."
"With grace and gratitude, allow life to remove what does not serve your happiness."
"It's amazing how much more is just trying to happen for you if you would stop the effort, if you would stop the force, if you would stop trying so hard, and you would allow yourself to just let go."
"The emotional, mental, spiritual experience of letting go is quite the opposite of restriction; it brings expansion."
"You have to learn to leave them in the hands of God and move forward with your life."
"It's time for you to allow the shedding of what does not serve you so you can evolve into what is owed to you."
"Let go of old patterns, let shift and change what needs to change in your life, situations, beliefs, circumstances, relationships, whatever needs to shift and change."
"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different."
"Holding grudges... only weighs you down and prevents you from being who you're meant to be right now."
"You can't take everything into a new season."
"What do you need to let go of in your life in order to get to this wish?"
"Stop trying to control the outcome. Stop trying to be attached to someone else, a person, the story that you tell yourself about why you are where you are, the outcome, the past. Let it go, and it will come, I promise you."
"Sometimes the strength comes from the letting go."
"Garner the strength to let go, to allow for that release."
"Leave behind anything that's not working for you, not serving you."
"Let the past go because whatever's coming in is way better than what didn't work out."
"You're going to have to cut some people, places, and things out of your life that do not fit in your future."
"Giving yourself permission to let go is one of the best and healthiest things you can do."
"We're not richer for holding on to it, but we're not poorer for letting it go."
"Notice how your body's starting to let go, so as the body lets go, push a little more, not forcing, letting go."
"Make a decision right now to let go of all that no longer serves you."
"I mellowed a lot in the pandemic... I let go of a lot of things that I held on to."
"Practice letting go and handling things as they come; this is foundational work for your well-being."
"Autumn shows us just how beautiful it is to let things go."
"Let go of any past connections that didn't serve you because that wasn't needed."
"Don't dwell on the sand that's already dropped."
"At what point do you just accept the fact that maybe it's a relationship you should let go?"
"You need to let go of this idea that you have to find what you're looking for, let things come to you."
"It feels just fine to let it all go for now and sleep, sleep deeply, sleep soundly."
"Sometimes to love someone, we have to love them enough to let them love someone who is not us."
"The only way to move on and evolve as a creator or any kind of creative person is to let go of what you have made."
"Letting go is not a betrayal to your son. We can help each other through it."