
Mental Barriers Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The base assumptions people make about their life and the way their mind works holds so many people back from living a life that could be far more enjoyable and include far less suffering."
"You've got to stop thinking and start living before the system in your head has a chance to stop you."
"Our minds are designed to stop you at all costs from doing anything that might hurt you."
"We put a governor on our brain. The second we feel pain, discomfort, suffering, we stop. But if you can get through these barriers, that 40% becomes 60%, then 70%, and eventually, you're hopefully one day near 100%."
"There's always an illusion with the eight of swords that you're stuck. You're not really stuck."
"Deep down they do have a lot of optimism; they do have faith. It's just their mind getting in the way a little bit."
"Your thoughts become things. So even though there is a little bit of nervousness here, I feel like that is the only thing that's blocking your path. Have courage and everything will be well."
"It's all in your head, you need to just embrace it"
"By resolving those blockages which are nothing more than limiting thoughts and beliefs... I found that they tend to resolve themselves."
"You can never break free of where you are financially if you cannot break free mentally from the reality."
"Your main obstacle in life is between your own damn ears."
"Problems are like cobwebs that over time turn into chains."
"Finally get rid of limitations. And what I mean by limitations, get rid of limitations in your hat."
"You know the way out, you're not as stuck as you seem."
"Stop saying I can't, don't limit that mind and encourage yourself to get thinking outside of that box."
"There is a policeman inside of our heads and it must be destroyed."
"Psychedelics help break down the barrier of self."
"Be careful about the thoughts that keep you from starting."
"If you doubt yourself, then no matter how capable you are doing things, that doubt will pull the rug out from under it."
"The only limit that really does exist is the limit within your mind."
"The biggest objection you can never overcome is an objection that you create in your own brain."
"Remember, your only real limitation is the one you accept and set up in your own mind."
"Achievement is for those who can overcome the greatest obstacle of all: their mind."
"The toughest obstacle is the constant voice in my head telling me that I can't."
"Once this understanding washes over you, all the mental blocks, fears, and worries, all the uncontrollable circumstances and obstacles that have ever held you back will soon start to disappear."
"Sometimes we create barriers where barriers don't need to be."
"Often the hardest part is getting going because there's so much going on mentally for you."
"It's really about transcending, which is ending the trance, ending the trance that you're not good enough, that you're not smart enough, that you're too old or you're not... you have the genetics. This will give you that advantage."
"Self-imposed curses can create deep-seated beliefs that hold you back."
"What's going on in my brain that's stopping me from doing that jump? Fear is otherwise known as the fight or flight response."
"It's all in your mind... You're never free until you take the chains off your brain."
"Commitment is here, should you choose to accept it. If your own minds won't get in your own way."
"The only thing that's going to get in your way is your own mental."
"I think the biggest lesson I can give someone is who really cares? It's all in your head."
"Belief releases your creative power. Disbelief puts the brakes on. Belief is basic to creative thinking."
"All is well. The only thing that gets in the way is ourselves with our over analyzing, over controlling."
"So much of it is simply getting out of your own way and releasing."
"Meditation should just remove the obstacles of the mind and the body."
"Escape velocity is ultimately where you start to break those key psychological barriers."
"Our mind is what holds us back from everything in life and what Kundalini does is it helps you get beyond the mind's limiting beliefs."
"The only thing keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you don't have it."
"The world can be really narrow and restricted and confusing if you don't have the ability to figure out what someone else is thinking and predict their behavior."
"Our brain keeps coming up with excuses to not do something."
"Prepare yourself for income in abundance, release any mental blocks you may have."
"I don't think that you're busted in some way."
"Now it's just practical concerns and fear that I have to overcome."
"True freedom is attained when one transcends the illusionary imprisonment of their mind."
"What detrimental beliefs have you been holding onto all of these years?"
"If you feel stuck, it is an illusion of entrapment."
"The greatest prison is the prison you create inside your own minds."
"Get out of your head and stop waiting for perfect conditions."
"You have to go into the dark chambers that we often shut off and you gotta open them up... get to that dark place in your mind, figure out your purpose."
"However, Reed Richards later discovered that it actually wasn't the radiation exposure that kept her from changing into Jennifer Walters, but rather a mental block in Jennifer's head."
"The crowd says, 'Stop.' Fear says, 'Stop.' Insecurity says, 'Stop.' Past says, 'Stop.' Addiction says, 'Stop.' Depression says, 'Stop.' Anxiety says, 'Stop.' Because they didn't stop…"
"The ego wants to keep you in this linear space, prisoner to the past and the future."
"Focus on letting go of limitations or limiting thoughts."
"All of us probably have physical abilities beyond what we mentally believe we can do."
"You create things twice, first mentally then physically."
"Our only limitations are those we set up in our mind."
"A lot of it is a mental thing and I think yeah you might just be thinking that you can't run a faster pace or a goal pace but you might actually be able to do it sooner than you think."
"Shed self-doubt and negative thoughts that hinder you."
"You're never at your limit. Your limit is created in your mind."
"There's so much potential for connection and learning if we break through some of those mental projections."
"Disability is the inability to do something. And where does that inability ultimately lie? It lies in the mind."
"Your mastery will just be there... when you get the mind out of the way and you go for it."
"Gonna find somebody, it's that freak. Stop think, stop stop psyching yourself out, all right, okay."
"Many of us are not being held back by hell, we've been held back by our head."
"You forget your manifestation abilities and then you become almost a prisoner to your own doubt."
"The fear is only in the mind, it's nothing real, it's not out there."
"Your motivation is determined by your ability to see whether or not something is possible, so you have to eliminate your mental boundaries."
"When the mind leads, it tells us there's a limit on success."
"Your thoughts are what are very often holding you back."
"The elephant is controlled by the way he thinks. He sees the lion and thinks 'lunch.'"
"A stronghold is a fortress that we build in our minds around a lie that we've been told."
"Stories cannot demolish frontiers, but they can punch holes in our mental walls."
"Each man travels through space enclosed within a cage of his own building, surrounded by a mass of the forms created by his habitual thoughts."
"It's the kind of prison whose bars are created in one's own mind."
"You want to have a really big why. So why would you do a 36-hour fast? If you are trying to lose weight and you have tried everything and you're stuck, then you know the mental barriers go away when you know 36 hours is that fat burning reset."
"The goal is full range of motion, but to understand getting to full range of motion is going to take some time for a lot of people because they've built up so many mental hurdles in their mind."
"There's a lot of mental restrictions like, 'Well, I can't take that leap because that would be reckless.'"
"How can I learn to break past this mental wall?"
"This person has been caged by some kind of thought paradigm."
"...it really meant a lot to me to overcome a mental barrier."
"The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists."
"It's good to take an inventory of how your brain thinks because a lot of times you just get in the way."
"It's our perception that becomes our prison house."
"All you have to do is crucify this dumb brain, refuse to entertain any unbelief."
"Your body is so much more capable than what your mind is telling you."
"The only way the enemy can enter into your life is through your mind."
"Untie your mental blocks... What's holding us back from moving ahead and reaching our dreams?"
"I'm not a ghost, but I would think maybe in the same way Harry Potter has to learn to keep Voldemort out of his brain."
"Your mind is your worst obstacle to will become so if you get over that and play around with these things, you're just flabbergasted how much more convenient everything is."
"We have this critical factor in our mind that's keeping us from getting access to the feelings and emotions that hold those thoughts in place."
"Fear separates you from your capacity to reason."
"Stop convincing yourself that you're not good enough, stop convincing yourself that you can't do it."
"Just get out there and do it, break down those mental barriers, and once you do, you can pretty much do anything."
"The prison that most people will experience in this lifetime are the blocks and the obstacles in the walls that they build between their left ear and their right ear."
"Take all of those restrictions out of your brain, all of that negative doubt."
"The prison I was in was in my mind."
"Overcoming the emotional and mental barriers that I had towards this and being able to effectively read multiple books at once is an absolute superpower when it comes to effective learning."
"We're obviously still very much in the discovery phase of what's possible, and I think mentally we're limiting ourselves more than we are physically at the moment."
"You are conquering a lot of fears, moving through a lot of psychological and mental blockages."
"The biggest issues and things that stop people are the things that are rattling around between their ears."
"Be careful to not create mental blockades that keep yourself from accomplishing those goals."
"You can take one here, you can take one there, and begin to unlock the various doors in your mind and literally free yourself."
"On the days where mentally you're just not there, just do it anyways."
"I'm stronger than I think, my mind is giving up before my body's going to."
"The obstacle is the mind; it must be got over whether at home or in the forest."
"Reminder: Sometimes things in your head that seem daunting and seem like you don't want to do them, you're probably just overthinking them."
"Like anything, starting is always more difficult in the mind."
"The only thing that prevents us from doing supernatural things in this physical body is our mental limitations."
"Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to get over the mental block to even get started or continue."
"It's all in your head, you just gotta find a way around them and find a way to push through."
"Almost all traders suffer from some psychological demons or limiting beliefs which keep them from reaching their full potential."
"People won't make a substantial and lasting change until they remove their mental bottlenecks to focus on what they actually want."
"Everybody, both men and women, have times when negative thoughts get in their way and hold them back."
"The ones that have these ceilings, these blockages, it's always mental, it's always the mindset."
"You feel the desire to be social and outgoing, but your mind traps you in a bubble of doubt and paranoia."
"The hardest part about going to the gym... is actually getting there."
"Don't let your mind stop you from pushing yourself physically."
"The real barriers to scaling up are right between our ears."
"We might be stuck in our minds, but we aren't physically stuck."
"The greatest distance you're going to have to cover... is the six to eight inches between your ears."
"Programming is a psychological thing and it's fear that stops you doing stuff."
"Nothing happened to you, it's all in your mind."
"Eliminate your own mental barriers. Just chase it, just keep working."
"Your brain tells you stop, but if your body goes on, you can do a lot more than you think you can."
"Those shackles on your mind can be freed just like shackles on the wrist can be freed."
"These are the internal obstacles in the mind."
"They teach you to imprison yourself; you don't need the walls."
"The three most common mental challenges or barriers that people face are emotional eating, stress management, and self-sabotage."
"It's pretty powerful, so you know, again, when you talk about limitations and barriers and whatever, a lot of it is more mental."
"More often than not, we're holding ourselves back mentally more than physically. We're capable physically of doing so much more than we think we can."
"Feeling trapped in life is an illusion, something that you've told yourself or a story that has engraved itself in your mind."
"Nothing is keeping you from starting fresh today, nothing, only your mind."
"The biggest constraint is never the constraint of time or money, it's generally the constraint of thought."
"You're moving away from something within your mind that is limiting you."
"The enemy will never get under your feet until you first get him out of your head."