
Research Findings Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Plasticity diminishes with age, but one of the things that I felt like I was able to put together is that different parts of the brain have different plasticity windows."
"On almost any front, coffee seems to be healthy and have a really positive impact wherever it's been measured."
"Our study...point to having a high omega-3 level as protective...it's about the same predictive value."
"Severe adverse events [from Ivermectin] are unequivocally and exceedingly rare."
"Emma's research has revealed that AA is a multinational company involved in the development of military weapons."
"Studies have shown that your happiness maxes out around seventy-five to eighty thousand dollars, meaning the more money you make, the happier you are up to a certain point."
"The single biggest socioeconomic determining factor is, in the country bar none, according to Pew Research, according to Heritage, according to Barack Obama, what is it? If you could pick one thing that would most significantly determine your economic outlook, your criminal outlook, your personal outlook in relationships, what do you think that would be? Single-parent households."
"The emerging science of lucid dreaming has now generated evidence to suggest just that: that lucid dreaming can be used to improve our psychological well-being."
"The data on the existence of implicit bias on those subjects is pretty overwhelming."
"Recent research showed that people are actually able to distinguish between more than a trillion smells."
"Whatever we recorded on May 1st of 2021 in the nest area is primate. You can't mistake it."
"One study found that 45,000 deaths a year are linked to not having healthcare."
"Any important vaccine safety signature was clear within two months."
"The likely impact on jobs is minimal, according to research."
"The $1300 payment and the other stimulus payments objectively improve people's lives and every bit of research we've done into it has indicated that they went back into the economy and they genuinely helped people."
"If you spend time outside, you'll be healthier and happier. But research released this year provided an actual amount of time you want to hit to get the benefits: 120 minutes per week outside!"
"Studies that correlate loss of even one year of Education... to a lower life expectancy."
"New research suggests numbers of kids hospitalized for COVID is overcounted."
"New study is exposing the impact the pandemic has had on language and development."
"Research also shows it had a favorable impact on the well-being and earnings of children."
"We finally figured out the best time to drink coffee."
"You don't need to be rich to lead a good life to live a life of happiness."
"I think it's a really interesting result because it kind of defies expectations."
"Alpha GPC consistently showed favorable effects in improving neuropsychological test scores."
"The vast majority of droplets had no virus in it at all." - Dr. Russell Blaylock
"According to the research, capitalists are bad at business too."
"It was Martha's own study that showed that the habituated population is growing faster than the unhabituated one."
"Men are logical, women are emotional, nope, research does not support that."
"The findings themselves, great. Now we know that it's the female head that really gets the male turkey going."
"Regardless of your age, your background, your career, your education, your financial situation, your gender, your history, your IQ—only about a third, according to research, is predetermined."
"Persons with transsexualism after sex reassignment have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population."
"The most troublesome thing about the research is that nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"This new update about Dr. Anderson's findings actually made national headlines."
"The most valuable thing that the research says is to acquire love as you progress, that is the most universal, valuable thing there is."
"There's like hundreds of studies that have said video games don't increase any chances of violence and don't make people more violent or anything."
"Attractiveness increased with manipulated averageness."
"When the overall data of these 28 studies was analyzed the odds of the results occurring by chance were greater than a billion to one."
"The frequent cannabis users in our study were less anxious than the non-users."
"This is proven data on what we did and where we are today."
"We have a near comprehensive map for the origin and migration of Algonkian speakers."
"Protein restriction extends lifespan by about 40% across species studied."
"It seems like going down to a 30 caliber was the best result they could find for having a barrel that they could withstand the chamber pressures of."
"According to a shocking report from National Geographic, intelligent corvids, meaning a group of birds including crows and ravens, pay particular attention to dead friends."
"Perhaps this is why a study in Singapore found that those who consumed more than two servings of mushrooms a week had less than half the odds of suffering from mild cognitive impairment, compared to less than once a week."
"Interestingly in the black subjects... vegan men and women actually seem to be doing much better."
"The mice that ate for 8 to 12 hours, they did not become obese, diabetic, and they had a normal liver function."
"We'd recently showed, in several different animal models, that this pruning process, meaning complement deposition at synapses, now too many synapses leads to microglia over-engulfing too many synapses in animal models of Alzheimer's disease."
"...what we think could be happening in those in those experiments with the 1,100 part per million that may not be so high..."
"I was quite excited to see this, my former colleague Matthew was a co-author, and it was beautiful results. I looked at this data and it looked like just about the size I would expect the transition to be."
"We have shown that in fact the productivity of innovation is declining."
"Basically, you need to tell them what you found, why it is valuable, how it can be applied and what further research can be done."
"Eggs were considered a real hazard, and we have a lot of data from our research that shows that they're not so harmful after all."
"Atlas TI has different features and some people use Atlas TI... they feel very easy to explore different types of findings through the Atlas type."
"Articles with significant findings are estimated to be eight times more likely to be submitted for publication than studies with non-significant findings."
"The results of their testing showed that something other than gyroscopic forces and Fork Trail keep the bike upright while it's in motion."
"All the latest research now shows that working on your beliefs and hard work and discipline those things usually fail; the number one thing you need is passion."
"Statistically significant results mean that the difference was so big it could not have occurred by chance."
"A recent Australian study found that stimulant use is associated with excessive drinking while cannabis use is not."
"Astaxanthin was found to significantly extend the median lifespan of mice by 12% compared to the controls."
"Transferability is where you describe the context in such a way that readers will be able to transfer your information or your findings to similar contexts."
"These findings point to the need for improvement in three policy areas."
"Successful policy briefs emphasize the findings of a study rather than how the findings were derived."
"It's not that the virus is moving away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and then across the city, it's actually moving towards it from the Huanan market."
"Harvard researchers say that soda and sports drinks increase the risk of dying from heart disease and breast and colon cancers."
"We've done some research and we found out there's five dangerous trends that are literally threatening the very fabric and fiber of your building ownership."
"CO2 has been the biggest control on it, and this is an emerging picture that has come out in my career."
"We could also publish some really interesting findings in relation to the impact of women in the corporate world."
"So this is really a stunning result."
"According to a new study, it's a sign of intelligence."
"I feel very confident in the findings."
"Our findings begin to tell a larger story, not just of whether the ivory-billed woodpecker persists in Louisiana, but how it has survived and why its survival has been so difficult to document."
"Findings are consistent with analysis."
"One standard deviation increase in age will result in an increase in our life satisfaction."
"What we know from research is [that mentally ill people] are much more likely to be victims than the perpetrators of violence."
"What we saw as most significant wasn't what we thought was going to be the key variable at the start."
"Exercise was the most potent factor in this study."
"According to recent research by Professor Wen, 93% of students taking GCSE exams have suffered from symptoms of stress."
"Those who got up to 70 nanograms per milliliter had an 80 percent reduction in breast cancer incidence."
"Your results, products, or findings require you to present the findings, evidence, results, or product."
"The American Heart Association... found that replacing saturated fat with poly and monounsaturated fats... reduces risk of coronary heart disease."
"The new findings published in the journal Science show that phytochromes control genetic switches in response to temperature as well as light to dictate plant development."