
Assumptions Quotes

There are 1704 quotes

"The base assumptions people make about their life and the way their mind works holds so many people back from living a life that could be far more enjoyable and include far less suffering."
"If these assumptions could be proven faulty, that means that our entire society is built on a lie, or at least a mistake."
"Don't let the window close without at least re-examining some of the assumptions that got you here."
"I would love for everyone here to really challenge the core assumptions we have."
"An illusion can only exist in the presence of assumptions. No assumptions, no illusion."
"By making a few assumptions of my own along the way, we will attempt to solve the Drake equation."
"I think people look at the outcome of decisions and make these assumptions and make these claims and they don't look at the intention."
"Assumptions harden into fact when it becomes consistent in your life."
"You constantly have to question your assumptions because new information is being layered on and re-contextualizing the stuff that came before."
"The assumption was that black people are genetically inferior to white people and are too dumb to get married."
"Appearances can be misleading. Don't be so quick to judge."
"The people that you don't think are millionaires are millionaires, and the people that you think are millionaires are not."
"This is why you shouldn't jump to conclusions because I do love you."
"Stop pretending to read people's minds and talk to them."
"Pretending that you can read somebody else's minds and know how and why they do things, you're often going to be wrong."
"Don't assume – it makes an ass out of you and me."
"Not everyone who disagrees with you is a pedo, and not everyone who agrees with you is necessarily a great person."
"It's an assumption that someone's innate nature is destined by one single action, and it's not reasonable to conclude they're always going to commit crimes in the future."
"A lot of things that we women do is assume, make a lot of assumptions, and sometimes it isn't what you think; you just need to communicate with them."
"Are the laws of the universe Lorenz invariant? We assume that they are, but could that be the most preposterous assumption?"
"Assume that your interlocutor has good motives."
"Don't assume because it makes an ass out of you and me."
"Being healthy should be the default position."
"Try not to assume things, always look deeper."
"If we make assumptions about who they are and what they are based on their demographic characteristics, we really are feeding into the exact same system that biases people towards reinforcing systemic racism."
"Don't jump to conclusions. You don't know the whole story because of one tweet."
"In this society, we make certain assumptions about human nature, and the assumption that we make is that human nature is competitive, aggressive, and selfish."
"Often, advancements in thought are made when deep-rooted assumptions are challenged."
"The Mediocrity Principle tells us that when we only have one example of something, we should assume that example is fairly normal."
"There are quite a lot of assumptions about me. Some people don't actually believe that I'm black. Some people assume that I have a kid."
"If you start with the wrong assumptions, you'll most likely get the wrong conclusions."
"Don't assume malevolence where you can assume ignorance."
"I am trying to do better and not jump to conclusions."
"Belief means you are assuming something that you do not know."
"The age-old incorrect assumption that there's some invisible barrier preventing women from being good at eSports is trotted out every time young boys win cash in this video game."
"I would not assume that the simulators are benevolent. I think the most likely case is that the simulators are indifferent."
"You should never assume people to know what you want or think."
"Our current understanding of the universe is a little bit too primitive. We assume that it was isotropic, it was same everywhere, but it seems to be a lot different, actually a lot different."
"The great problem is that we've tended to assume...it is inevitable that the west will triumph."
"The word 'disability' actually means something. No, we shouldn't assume or stereotype disabled people, but the logic that disabled people can do exactly what able-bodied people can do can lead to a lot of problems."
"Don't assume you know someone because of their public persona."
"Never assume that she is not the most important thing to me. Never assume it."
"The problem with the 'what about' arguments is that you're assuming I have views about other politicians that I don't have."
"Never assume that you're immune from robbery, or worse, based on where you live."
"It's gotta start with changing all of the assumptions about common humanity."
"Never judge someone based on how they look, or I guess if they're a raccoon."
"We have people assume that the disability is the hardest part of our relationship. And we’ve mentioned this before, it’s really not."
"There's something about our assumptions about human nature that just profoundly misconceived."
"Racism by definition is making assumptions about a person based on their race."
"Assuming the worst in others we show our worst character. Assuming the best in others is always the best course of action."
"If you fundamentally get it wrong, this is a case where you can be not just a bit wrong; you can be unbelievably, orders of magnitude wrong about the assumptions you make."
"It's easier to assume positive intent and it is just a much more human experience."
"Every single model is only as good as its assumptions."
"All of us have a bias; none of us look at the truth without having some assumptions built into it."
"Energy is a national security priority, and so therefore if you say that then you would assume..."
"Truth as manifested in ethics is not based on arbitrary assumptions."
"At the core of that is questioning the assumptions, okay? Sort of entering the thinking first principles thinking, sort of looking at the reality of the situation and using it, using that knowledge, applying that knowledge."
"You don't get to assume design because when you assume design you could be wrong."
"Fans went ahead and assumed, now that's sweet."
"Challenging assumptions and encouraging critical thinking can lead to a more nuanced understanding of complex issues."
"Going from the problem to looking at what the assumptions might be, then developing an actual question."
"I think people should really try to reflect on that a little more instead of just immediately leaping to the conclusion that that's the case."
"My grandparents had this cabin... but I didn't think anything of it."
"The value of an artwork is rooted in assumptions about the human performance underlying its creation."
"Maybe they really took action towards you at first."
"Just by stating an inflation target, you build into your models the assumption that inflation will always come down to two percent."
"We're just assuming that because it's sun and wind and those are friendly and filled with flowers, it's all okay."
"Soon we're going to be able to sit at bars... that's exciting."
"In the absence of evidence, the explanation that makes the least amount of assumptions tends to be correct."
"If you're silent, they will accept your silence as consent."
"The challenge for me in this is I just assume and I I'm not going to assume it anymore I assume that people are able to put two and two together and get four not five or seven or nine or whatever it is."
"Don't assume malevolence where ignorance suffices."
"Take people at their word. Don't think you know better than they do."
"We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the gentleman."
"Depression is the simple solution that makes the least amount of assumptions."
"Anything that gets here has got to have a very, very highly-developed technology."
"People will take a small bit of information and extrapolate so much."
"All disparities in racial statistics must be due to racism."
"Maybe what seems like common sense actually isn't."
"Questioning our assumptions around bathroom design is just as important today as it's ever been."
"The bigger issue here is about recognizing the assumptions that we make."
"I have to assume with the benefit of the doubt that everyone is being completely genuine when they tell me that."
"We made the wrong assumption about the order of events all because of those justice hammers. So you know what? I think it was Celeste."
"People always assume that sex is gonna be what happens at the end."
"You are always already free, so even the assumption that you get lost in thought and projection streams is just that, an assumption."
"The conclusions are drawn based on the assumptions the writer already has rather than what the work is actually doing."
"They think your back's turned, 301 reverse, they don't even feel like you're waiting on this anymore, they think you're done."
"We should be humble... you should not assume that you know the answer in advance."
"This seems very obvious what happened here and it feels like everybody knows."
"When super villains start doing weird things you don't understand, you can usually just assume it's bad, and you're not usually wrong in doing that."
"If under a given assumption the probability of an event is really small, then that assumption is probably wrong."
"Nobody could have assumed that something like this would happen."
"If we find even a single object that came from an extraterrestrial intelligence, we will learn something new. There is no doubt about it because whenever you collect data in a new way, you find something new."
"Don't assume that all women are attracted to men."
"Don't assume that someone does or doesn't like something for the worst possible reason there is to like or dislike it."
"Don't assume malice if you can't absolutely prove it especially when incompetence is just as good or a better explanation."
"Don't make assumptions about people, just like the woman who thought that she offended a guy and needs to apologize. That's an assumption."
"I guess the moral of this one is don't suspect your friend of stealing even if there's decent evidence that they are."
"Way less assumptions, way more clear agreements."
"To assume good faith of people, even with people like I disagree."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and possesses every negative stereotype of a duck you can't sit there and be confused when people assume that it is a duck."
"You can't always assume malice when ignorance will so neatly fit the mold."
"Take things as they are instead of assuming things that are not here."
"In order to find the truth, you have to challenge your preconceived notions."
"People are far more intelligent and perspicacious than we generally assume."
"He must have thought he was out caught behind."
"The mistake is if you would say 'oh yeah I can just YouTube how to do this and then I can go rent a car out.'"
"Freedom will never be achieved if one accepts the assumption that certain people are not right for it."
"There was never any evidence to assume that Howe was hostile."
"You shouldn't be afraid to question long-standing assumptions."
"Yeah, I have a feeling this is probably the drug dealers."
"It would be very surprising if the coronavirus were an exception, almost certainly true."
"It's so easy to look at that surface level and assume it's just begging to be more of that Five Nights of Freddy's inspired let's play bait."
"Your friends in this space, they aren't thinking like that towards you."
"I think that the biggest mistake that retail can make here is assuming that something has to be imminent or it's never going to happen."
"Playing Devil's Advocate...find opposing opinions...to Sanity check some of my assumptions."
"Before you go and judge and assume that they're evil or something like that, you might be surprised to find that their ideologies and religion is quite the opposite."
"Treat my [__] with the same respect. Don't come over here assuming I'm scamming."
"You cannot underestimate people based on your preconceptions."
"Unsuccessful brands commit suicide by assuming they have everything right from pricing to audience."
"It wasn't even that they were planning to do something."
"These kids are not failing for the reasons you think. They don't think failing because you think they don't care."
"If this was your sister, you'd probably take her at her word."
"The power of an idea is measured as what the idea explains divided by what the idea is forced to assume."
"I mean, you're assuming and he has top priors, so I'm like yeah he's going to go top mark for free."
"You didn't know... you just think of like the worst possible thing."
"It would probably be naive to say that he wasn't deriving at least a little bit of motivation."
"Someone wrote, 'I assume you guys are literally soul mates and have the perfect life.' Also, I love you."
"He left in the Atteros' car. The circumstances surrounding the crimes didn't immediately scream serial killer."
"A lot of people see like bad intentions in everyone right away or assume that everyone's just always out to get them without ever giving them some kind of like chance or a green light to show otherwise."
"I thought, 'Oh, this guy's going to be a [__],' and he's really not what you've portrayed."
"I understand the main thing is the whole ambush thing. But the thing is, I'm from the mainland. I don't know, right?"
"I just think we should not assume that Civilization is robust."
"I like to assume people are doing the best they can with what they have I know that's not always the case but I try to assume that"
"There's a lot more to these Tron games than you would assume on surface level."
"We think now there are a lot of assumptions in there and you want to talk about volatility, just look at a chart of bitcoin."
"There is so much you do not know, so much you assume."
"Ryan's got a good thing going. I'm not sure why he needs to think that I'm after him or something like that."
"Assuming that because many people can't do this means that nobody should is called the physically feeble fallacy."
"Even though I assumed you hated me, I always liked you."
"You have to be careful about assuming the world is a particular way and that effort or change or learning something new on your part is not going to change that."
"It's offensive, it's like when you make these assumptions and prejudgments on entire groups of people."
"Don't be afraid to revisit your early assumptions or stretch your initial ideas in new and crazy directions."
"Maybe we're wrong here, they must love golf and McVeigh then."
"You look Mexican and you know that's what she meant."
"But don’t want to communicate that people who do are white supremacists."
"Hope she's okay, she's probably just had something to do today she's pretty popular after all."
"It's absolutely clear to me that Ukraine assumed that they would be able to clear the Russians out of the vermouth College."
"How do you even be able to tell if somebody lives in the neighborhood based off the looks of them?"
"I think a fairly straightforward assessment of the behavior of the Republican party today can lead one to the assumption that they do want to undermine democracy."
"If it looks forks and quacks like a duck, then absent compelling evidence to the contrary, we have warrant to conclude it's a duck."
"If something seems like it is the case then we at least have prima facie justification that it is the case."
"Most Italians assumed that with Mussolini gone the war for Italy would come to an end."
"That's like saying if I found out the man that had been living in our home as my father all these years was not my biological father then the postman must be."
"New discoveries have given us new reasons to change... the world we have today is the result of those false assumptions."
"Cases of uncertainty... it's easy to assume that incompetence must be the rule... but what came together well here was..."
"I don't feel like, cuz you said we all felt."
"People are pointing fingers without knowing all the facts."
"you are assuming that by me saying i want to do this blind that i want to do this badly."
"That's bullshit and that's why in court cases and systems we have due process where you can't just tar people, you can't just assume things."
"This idea we somehow think that people from the bench are beyond error, they're not."
"Let's solve the problem but let's not make it any worse by guessing."
"So much of our knowledge is built upon language, with the default assumption that if someone says something, it's true."
"But nobody could obviously because the dude has huge arms."
"Even if it assumes there's discrimination, it doesn't mean that that is necessarily the outcome."
"If you represent the donors, you do not have a better chance of winning than we do. We do not accept that assumption."
"The dude was living like a bachelor for a week, I would bet a million dollars that he knew Opie liked the house clean."
"People just assume that your politics mirror that Supreme Court justice."
"The #MeToo movement is destined to fail because they refuse to examine their underlying assumptions."
"You couldn't tell... you could never judge a book by its cover."
"People who see something bigger assume it to be more valuable, more powerful, something that they want more."
"I think it's very offensive that you assume that Ken is a simp instead of a you know a Chad."
"The amount of heat that people were getting when they even threw out a shred of the possibility that this may not have been what it was written in the beginning."
"Even if he is an abusive person, which he may very well be, doesn't mean he's abused every person if he's ever interacted with."
"Everybody always assumes they're gonna reach that point."
"Here's an enemy camp full of bad people... probably."
"Never jump to conclusions about a person based on that first accusation."
"Don't even go there, you might think he's just a friend, but believe me when you're alone, you don't know what's going through his head."
"The right to keep and bear arms presupposes that you can bear arms."
"The pattern I see over and over here and in so many other areas these days is people who don't understand the technology assuming they know how things work and when it doesn't go their way they assume conspiracy rather than ignorance."
"It's about assuming the best out of someone while dating."
"It made me question a number of very basic assumptions that I'd had about what a person is."
"Your dedication to re-evaluating, reconsidering, and reorganizing your basic assumptions about life has expanded the expressions of civilization itself."
"Models are a place that you can bury any number of bodies if you want to get x right as a conclusion."
"Assumption hacking. I like this very very much."
"At the moment, he thinks that I'm his girlfriend."
"You'll always do that. Go, 'Your new connection does this, works here, and they look like this.' And they'll go, 'Yep, that's that. Can't be new because that sounds like Britney or Bobby. That's them.'"
"When you assume about someone else, we make an ass out of you and me."
"Any insult of a black person is immediately assumed to be racist."
"Never ascribe to malice what you might ascribe to stupidity."
"Because he's a PhD, he's a doctor, what he's saying about pathology is true, so we're gonna assume what he's saying about spirituality is true."
"Why would you assume that everybody only stabs him once? That doesn't mean..."
"People just assume because you look a certain way, you're a certain way."
"Questioning assumptions is how you make progress."
"It really flipped a lot of my assumptions upside down."
"That's why you never assume you've got this battle in the bag."
"I'm not sure you should assume I'm not corrupt but I'm thank you for that though the system does produce corruption."
"I challenged authority no matter what and I prayed upon their assumptions."
"A sudden revelation that completely contradicts the assumptions one has been led to believe."
"People change, and yet one assumption runs like a virus through contemporary astrology: people do not change."