
Epilepsy Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The ketogenic diet is an evidence-based proven treatment for epilepsy."
"I've been seizure-free for two years, which is awesome."
"Many people with epilepsy will say that one of the ways they're at increased risk of having a seizure is if they become sleep deprived."
"Identifying the underlying cause is the first step in the approach to treating epilepsy."
"In properly selected patients, surgery to remove the seizure focus can be effective in about 90 to 95 percent of cases."
"Our ability to make progress in treating people with epilepsy is predicated on our ability to make inroads in basic and applied research."
"Epilepsy used to be and sometimes still is blamed on demonic possession."
"The large majority of seizures that are drug-resistant respond to the ketogenic diet."
"One of the major problems in the treatment of status is underdosing!"
"Up to about 65% of patients are essentially cured!"
"Even if surgery doesn’t result in a cure, up to 9 out of 10 people experience a dramatic reduction in seizure frequency."
Choose a drug that minimizes side-effects while maximizing benefits. The "L" drugs (lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and Lacosamide) are generally good choices for most epilepsies.
"Surgery is very effective and safe. The ideal candidate for resection would have a single seizure focus that correlates with EEG findings and lesion found on imaging."
"Abort seizures aggressively! Remember, time is brain!"
"Because of high potential for deterioration, management of convulsive status epilepticus happens in an ICU setting and requires continuous EEG monitoring."
"About 62 to 65% of patients on a ketogenic diet respond very favorably, even after multiple drugs fail."
"Only about one fifth of patients with these acute symptomatic seizures will go on to have epilepsy."
"The main factor we consider is the patient's seizure and epilepsy type."
"The ketogenic diet is actually a 100 year old evidence-based treatment for epilepsy. It can stop seizures even when medications fail to stop seizures."
"The science is already here this is an evidence-based treatment for epilepsy."
"A person in an epileptic fugue who sees visions might be a holy man somewhere." - Jules Masserman
"However, the most important direct epilepsy-related cause of death is a phenomenon called sudden unexpected death in epilepsy or SUDEP for short."
"Using the lowest dose that's possible to control your seizures is certainly also going to help with minimizing side effects."
"Untreated obstructive sleep apnea may increase your risk of having breakthrough seizures."
"Literally stops seizures and significantly reduces them."
"...quality of life was improved in the surgical group and more than half of them were seizure-free."
"...75 to 80% of patients correctly selected can be seizure-free after temporal lobectomy."
"...laser amygdala hippocampectomy has some great results for temporal lobe epilepsy."
"The ketogenic diet was developed for a brain disorder: epilepsy."
"Anti-epileptics work by suppressing the discharge of excitable neurons and the spreading of seizure activity to other areas of the brain."
"Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, basically. Everything that we do in our body, in our daily functions that should come from our brain, you know what I'm saying?"
"In the world of epilepsy, if you can get rid of seizures, then any potential that is in there... can be accessed."
"Breathing exercises can impact various aspects of life, even reducing seizures."
"Epilepsy surgery is highly individualized. It depends on what kind of seizures you have, where they come from in the brain, and where they're located."
"If we can prevent that second seizure from occurring, then that's an ideal situation."
"Epilepsy is really a term that indicates that someone is at risk for more seizures."
"Epilepsy surgery is perceived as a last resort, a drastic option for treatment of epilepsy."
"When we look at epilepsy surgery, it's a potential effective treatment option for individuals."
"300 seizures a week, it's just really heartbreaking stuff."
"Patients that are treated early in the course of epilepsy may have longer, better long-term control of their seizures."
"The goal of seizure therapy is to reduce the frequency and severity of the seizures to a level that doesn't compromise quality of life."
"Putting people on a ketogenic diet is a very good treatment modality for epilepsy."
"Ketogenic diets have been used to treat epilepsy for about a century."
"We encourage everyone to take action and bring the information that you've learned today back to your house and ask the questions you need to better understand your epilepsy."
"The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives."
"The Epilepsy Foundation aims to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives."
"Epilepsy was regarded as a form of social stigma."
"The ketogenic diet first came to us in the 1920s with the treatment of patients with epilepsy and seizures."
"It's kind of like epilepsy, which is another love of mine; there's a ton of different things you can do in terms of giving them different medications and trying out seeing what will help."
"It's not uncommon for an epileptic to lose consciousness, maybe even for a few minutes."
"The tonic-clonic seizure is the stereotypic type of seizure with muscle rigidity and convulsions."
"History is of the utmost importance in evaluating any patient with suspected epilepsy."
"Once they get into a state of ketosis, they have a decreased frequency of these seizures."
"The treatment for seizures is a ketogenic diet, and it's dramatic."
"Having a diagnosis of epilepsy today is much more hopeful than we were decades ago."
"The seizures are actually electrical storms of the brain."
"CBD has been approved by the FDA last year for treatment of two rare epilepsy disorders in infants."
"Moreover, 5% of patients remain completely seizure free."
"You can get off anti-epileptics; his doctors probably won't want him to if he's got a residual tumor."
"You can wean off and a lot of people have weaned off and were able to come off and not need the anti-epileptics."
"Shout out to all of our friends who struggle with epilepsy."
"Epilepsy is basically having two unprovoked seizures that are 24 hours apart or one unprovoked seizure with a more than 60 percent risk of recurrence for the next year."
"Epilepsy is defined as two unprovoked seizures that are 24 hours apart or one unprovoked seizure with high risk of recurrence."
"Anyone can develop epilepsy; it happens in all races and social classes and can start at any age."
"I hope we have helped you to understand more about epilepsy."
"The number one cause of a status epilepticus seizure is non-compliance with an antiepileptic drug in a patient who has epilepsy."
"Epilepsy itself is not a contraindication for pregnancy."
"The best anti epileptic drug regimen to use is the one that is most effective at preventing seizures in a given patient."
"Women who have epilepsy need to be counseled regarding the unique risks that the pregnancy will pose to them and to their baby."
"Epilepsy is the most prevalent of all the neurological disorders."
"Epilepsy should never stop anybody from doing anything."
"Remove stigma and understand epilepsy."
"Ketogenic diets have also been shown to be somewhat beneficial for patients with seizures."
"It's not easy telling people about epilepsy... by talking about it, I think you will raise awareness."
"The chances of more medications leading to seizure freedom is close to 0%."
"Ketogenic diets work extremely well for kids with intractable seizures."
"Epilepsy is a tendency for spontaneous recurrent seizures due to abnormal electrical discharge in the central nervous system."
"In status epilepticus, time is everything because as the duration of status epilepticus becomes longer, the chance of death or chance of permanent brain damage progressively increases."
"Our drive at the moment is to work towards a functional cure for epilepsy."
"That's what we mean by functional cure for epilepsy."
"You never stop being epileptic, but you never have to have another seizure again because the medication is so effective."
"I had instant results with my epilepsy whereby it was completely controlled."
"Epilepsy in general can be helped significantly by a ketogenic carnivore diet or ketogenic diet in general."
"I've never spoken about this before, but I was born epileptic, and my mother and father didn't know what to do or how to handle it, but they did the best they could with what little they had."