
Societal Advancement Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The majority of people are actually sabotaging themselves, sabotaging their ability to come up with ideas that are going to help them in their lives, help their businesses succeed, help society, and essentially help move society forward."
"Education and the proliferation of ideas through various media can elevate the baseline understanding of society, making sophisticated concepts part of conventional wisdom."
"Progress is a gift of the ideals of the Enlightenment."
"The death of boredom being a massive contributor to the lack of advancement in society because people that thought of great ideas thought of those great ideas because they had nothing else to do."
"Capitalism has created everything that we have today every single great thing you have in your life whether it be a car or in an air conditioner or clean water in your house or whatever it may be it all came from capitalism."
"Welcome to the future, it's going to be great."
"Being right is overrated right well it's it's like how do we move the ball forward enough to get a first down okay that's what we should be doing in everything that we're doing industry of citizens."
"The truth may cause pain, but hearing it's the only way we can advance our understanding of these situations and work to prevent them."
"The only way that we're going to move ahead is through effective governmental action."
"What happened to the society and how was it so advanced?"
"America moves forward only when we do so together."
"This court is about getting people the truth they need, so they can figure out how to move forward."
"The road out of poverty goes through a college education these days."
"Forward is the direction we need to go, not backward."
"We have to accept the science and move forward."
"Your emphasis on education and educational choice will be the thing that really distinguishes and liberates our people."
"How does a country in such a state unite and move forward?"
"Education is going to be absolutely fundamental in order to bring forth the next generation in a way that is improvement over the last."
"It changes their lives, it empowers them in real ways."
"The world is going to need all of the different kinds of minds to work together."
"The only way we can ever make progress is by hearing others."
"Socialism ultimately restricts anyone from progression."
"I think we don’t have to wait for AGI in order to bring incredible benefits to the world."
"It's hard to believe things have gotten this far especially in the 21st century where we consider ourselves to be so advanced."
"The real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development."
"Let's make this the country where no matter who you are and what your skin color is, you get ahead with your own hard work and commitment and dedication."
"We live in the knowledge Society. The more you know, the more you understand, the better you're gonna be off in the long run."
"This is a critical time for us to not only better understand but better figure figure out ways to work together as we have never worked together before."
"We want to open new pathways for all Americans to secure better jobs and bigger paychecks."
"Education, science, the arts. Those are the most important things for advancing human culture."
"Economics will help, but to reach economic prosperity and freedom in general, you have to have the launchpad of politics first."
"Power is a luxury... Think about when we started having power as a society and the advances that have come from it."
"We are so advanced in our society, we have never been more unified."
"If designed properly, a guaranteed basic income is really the way forward."
"Women are caregivers, excelling in skills demanded by modern life, leading to their ascendance."
"We're living with technological progress, something we haven't really had to forever. One of the values that comes out of that probably has a lot of goodness to it."
"Getting online can be a bridge to education, good paying job, quality healthcare, and engagement with a broader world."
"Someone has to take the blame, someone has to take the fall for mankind, for Paradise, and for Marley to continue forward into a more potential, hopefully peaceful future." - Ryan
"It's going to be a big advance for society if used properly and without human bias."
"We want every American to have the chance to live, to dream, and to thrive."
"Education is going to be the thing that really leads to a quantum leap here."
"But I think all sectors of employment could be making much more effort to rethink their selection processes, their recruitment processes, to think about how they could hire autistic people to move society in a new direction."
"It's about the collective it's about the community... to advance society."
"The advances were not in tools, techniques, and technology; the advances were in social organization."
"Akane ends the series with one goal in mind: to advance society past the civil system."
"The preservation of civilization and high expectations—you know if your exclusive concern is black well-being, you've got to realize that lowering standards is not the way to advance that well-being."
"In an insane world, it's pleasing to know that we have advanced in our thinking."
"Bacon's view of how society should advance in terms of spirituality, scientific discovery, and how society should be structured..."
"What you should be thinking about is how can we advance and improve ways for middle-class families to have some security so that if they work hard, they can get ahead and their kids can get ahead."
"The only way out of poverty is education."
"By doing experiments and then reporting them accurately and honestly, you advance human knowledge and therefore you advance the welfare of society."
"ACM enables its members to solve critical problems using new technology that enriches our lives and advances our society in the digital age."
"New Zealand just officially outlawed conversion therapy. Oh, praise them!"
"Science should be an absolute component that we should all care about and be able to evaluate and move forward with."
"Let's maximize the freedom we all enjoy together."
"If everybody was in agreement, this could advance civilization to such a degree that we would reduce famine."
"Money and power is actually a tool to progress the world forward."
"When neural engineering reaches the Saturn 5 rocket level of sophistication, it's going to take society to new heights."