
Religion Quotes

There are 23230 quotes

"Religion causes a lot of disagreement. But there's also been a lot of studies on what they all have in common. For example, all the major religions have some version of the Golden Rule, basic compassion."
"Bible to me is basic instructions before leaving Earth."
"Now we know the game plan of the enemy and Allah recorded it in the Quran so it's not a small thing to just pass by."
"God wants you to not stay as a baby in diapers; He wants you to be spiritually strong."
"People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on the Word of God."
"There is another scourge sweeping the globe: attacks on your and my religious freedom."
"The relationship with God cannot be cognitive, it can't be intellectual really, it's got to be spiritual."
"Jesus, Son of Mary, was born of a virginal birth; he has no earthly father."
"Love isn't, 'Well, my religion says this, so you do what I say.'"
"If there's any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism."
"The moment that somebody starts telling you that God is acting through them, you better look out."
"We have to restore the humane apparatus to religions that has been extracted by exploiters who use religion the wrong way."
"Every religion teaches you that...how to live a good life morally, that is profiting."
"The grace of God is the unmerited, undeserved, unearned favor and kindness of God."
"Grace is a dynamic force that does more than affect our standing with God... it affects our experience as well."
"All the world's great major religions talk about us as being souls, as truly being spiritual beings that are incarnated here in our bodies."
"Allah is more merciful to his creation than a mother to her child."
"Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within... all of religion, he considers as a process of manifesting this divinity within."
"Underlying all the varied approaches in religion, in philosophy, and spirituality there's one grand underlying truth, a perennial truth."
"All-powerful, all-loving leads to the problem of evil. Every religion has to explain, if you have such a nice idea of God, why is there evil in the world?"
"Part of the hallmark of a religion that's got its act together... is that it locates evil within rather than without."
"The Bible is the greatest scientific book ever written."
"You come to church not to learn how to get rich, you come to church to learn how to get right."
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions."
"The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man."
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord - this is language that is far more religious even than in the founding era."
"Without religion, good people would do good things and bad people to do bad things, but it takes something like religion to convince good people to do bad things."
"The wisdom of God is infallible, flawless, and from everlasting to everlasting."
"Having deep religious beliefs...keeps you anchored."
"Religion is realization; it's not just about believing in doctrines but about self-realization."
"If you create three interesting religions that all come off of the same branch, like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam branched off of the same core theology long ago, it creates an interesting relationship between these three religions."
"These holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically."
"The Bible is saying circumcision is of the heart, not the penis, to focus on the spirit, the symbolic, not the literal."
"The scriptures should not be read literally."
"God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day."
"The immortality of the Atman is the essential teaching of any kind of spirituality in any religion."
"The highest reward in Paradise is where Allah will speak to the Believers and he will say to the Believers, 'Are you satisfied with all of these things that I mentioned to you?'"
"More people have died over religious belief wars than any other type."
"Earth is not the center of the known universe, and your holy book that says it is may be wrong."
"The problem of divine hiddenness is probably one of the strongest arguments against the existence of God."
"Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide, and whomsoever Allah allows to be led astray, none can guide aright."
"Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed."
"Religion does not poison everything. Everything poisons religion."
"We need to get away from all this religious stuff and go to enlightenment values."
"God thinks there is a Christopher Hitchens, and God loves him."
"Religion works for most people because... they do want it to be true that they are supervised, that God looks out for them."
"There are many reasons to think that [religion] is not the best source of value talk. But the thing that religious people are right about...they're right to think that we need a universal morality."
"A person's religion is more often than not determined by their social and geographical background."
"If there's a God out there and the evidence is such that I haven't discovered it, maybe that God's trying a little too hard to hide."
"If there is a God that wants to make itself known, it can show up right here on the show and broadcast alongside of us."
"God is saying to you today, just like He said to His disciples on that boat, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?'"
"These people use their religion as an excuse to oppress people."
"We had an anchor, we had an island, but we abandoned it. We gave up on God, on religion, which was our source of identity, our sense of purpose, our Solid Ground."
"It's almost like picking and choosing, right? When Christianity benefits you. But I feel like that's all religion."
"I actually think schools should teach religion as part of our social studies class, like we're going to learn about various religions."
"The smallest of deeds can become magnificent if done for the sake of Allah."
"The Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
"The description in Genesis is a description of how the world exists, not in a scientific way but in a way which takes into account that intelligence is necessary."
"In the Quran and even the Bible, they mention parents being [important]."
"The religion strove towards encouraging harmony and focused primarily on the good aspects of nature."
"Expression of emotion is part of the Sunnah."
"The main determinant of religious belief... is where you were born."
"Islam is the most culturally diverse, ethnically diverse religion because we can accommodate all of these different kinds of cultures and different ways of life."
"Religion is dark. Religion is not sweetness and light."
"A little philosophy inclines to atheism, but depth in philosophy brings minds to religion."
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
"Why does a unique religious teaching provide evidence for the truth of their central theology? All religions have a unique teaching."
"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."
"Heavenly Mother is not mentioned very much in any of the writings of religion."
"True Religions are things that have stood the test of time and have been shaped by selection to at least benefit the people who adhere to them."
"Religion is meant to guide you back to your Creator, not to be a mere tool for worldly benefit."
"True religion is taking care of the widows and orphans."
"Morality could not survive the death of God."
"Self-discipline is among the top-ranking features of all the great religions... and there are some people who believe that our major purpose on earth is that of developing wisdom through struggle and self-discipline."
"I do not believe in a religion which can't provide a piece of bread to a hungry man here and cannot wipe the tears of the widow."
"If you become a Muslim...God will change their bad deeds into good deeds."
"The religious instinct is real and it's biologically grounded."
"Religion's your ultimate concern. So everyone's got a religion, meaning there's something that's an ultimate value to you."
"The truth about what is good and useful is true whether a particular religion survives or not."
"There's a lot of value in religion... We could have just seen what things were metaphorical, what things were literal, and tried to keep the wisdom that was inside of it."
"This Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to All Nations, and then the end will come."
"For Amish women, education typically extends to the eighth grade, aligning with their belief that knowledge should primarily serve practical and religious purposes."
"The only reason you should wear a hijab is because you want to and because Allah commanded you to, never for other people."
"I was very much struck by how the translation of the biblical writings jump-started the development of literacy across the entire world."
"All prosperity preachers are false prophets."
"All prosperity preachers... every one of them, are sent by the devil."
"Scripture is the source of all sanctifying truth."
"In progressive Christianity, you don't have to believe that Jesus was physically resurrected from the grave."
"Progressive Christians actually feel closer to atheists and Buddhists and Hindus than they do conservative Christians."
"To put it simply, the premise of holding on to their unified identity above all else is single-handedly the reason for Christianity's staggering success as well as the reason for nearly all of the problems it would have throughout history and even today."
"You don't hurt that when someone asks you to preach and they give you their pulpit. That's their Holies of Holies. You honor that."
"Isn't it kind of cool that there's a religion where everyone in the world prays facing the same direction? Everyone. In fact, religion is fascinating."
"The fact is that thirty percent of Millennials and generations Z say religion is important to them."
"The triumph of Christianity: how a forbidden religion swept the world."
"I have some modicum of respect for the religious folk, even though I'm not one, because I admire people who stand by their principles."
"To whom belongs the dominion today?...to Allah, the One, the Subduer."
"God has not sent different religions; He has made human beings into different tribes, different colors, different languages, so that they may recognize each other, not that they may despise each other."
"The constitutional mandate of separation of church and state does not actually prohibit religion or the free expression thereof for public school students."
"Religions pretend to have the answers to things that humans don't know, some people are not satisfied with the comforting lie and so they go out and explore."
"The belief in God was not a science stopper for Sir Isaac Newton; it was the science starter."
"Science has not buried God; it has revealed him."
"The Christian view of God is very different than the other views of God because the Christian God is that God came down, came into this world, and suffered."
"Insofar as atheists have a polemical agenda to attack all religion and dismiss it as being inferior, a product of feeble-mindedness, delusory, and so on... they'll probably continue their evangelical mission to liberate the world from religion."
"You can learn more in 15 minutes at a good science museum than you can a lifetime reading the Bible."
"I think religion can be so beautiful and so necessary and so wonderful."
"The same religion that can change someone's life and make them a better person can also make another person hate themselves."
"If you were asking me whether I believe there is only one God, my answer is yes. And if you were asking me whether I believe that Muhammad, peace be upon him, was one of the prophets of God, my answer is yes."
"This life is very short, it's transitory, it's passing quickly, and they all taught that there's a better life, there's a paradise waiting, and that's what we're trying to get to."
"If a person exercises his best, most judicious Ijtihad... and he is correct, Allah will give him a double reward, and even if he's incorrect, he will get one reward. Allah does not punish for a sincere effort."
"Religion could have been a source of global cooperation because at least some religions espouse universal values."
"Wisdom is not optional; it's an absolute prerequisite to religion."
"Every Christian looks at the Quran and finds it completely unpersuasive, and every Muslim returns the favor with respect to Christianity."
"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose."
"God has an overwhelmingly positive future for us."
"One of the fundamental features of any religion is apocalypse, the end of days."
"Even if you're rabidly anti-religious, I encourage you to watch this video and have a little think about it."
"Psalm 139:13-16: 'For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.'"
"The true religious impulse is to question and search."
"What good are you doing for the world exactly? And he said, 'if you acquire a peaceful spirit, then thousands around you will be saved' and I think that's as good a description of what religion is for as anything else."
"I've really changed my mind on the importance of religion... organized religion has a lot to offer us."
"The Bible shaped the modern world... even the perverse offshoots of the Bible shaped the modern world."
"The Bible was not written to answer your questions; it was written to direct you to the Lord."
"My advice is to steer clear of religion but put your hope in the eternal one who died in excruciating death so that you and I could truly live for eternity. This is what I believe and it has brought me extraordinary peace through the pains of this broken planet."
"The function of religion in society has been to give people consolation in the face of their own death."
"Pentecostals and charismatics number about five hundred million Christians around the world."
"This true religion is helping the widow, helping the poor people, helping children."
"You can't use religion as a means to justify your crazy behavior."
"My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion."
"Faith being the first principle in revealed religion and the foundation of all righteousness necessarily claims the first place in a course of lectures which are designed to unfold to the understanding the doctrine of Jesus Christ."
"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination."
"The theology of the Salvation Army comes from Methodism. And while many know the Salvation Army for its thrift shops, youth groups, and shelters, the Salvation Army has churches located throughout the world in over 100 countries."
"The city wasn't asking the Salvation Army to come out and state that they renounce their Christian values or change what they preach, besides, what about love thy neighbor? What about not judging others?"
"The truth of the gospel is a brace put around mind, soul, body, and spirit."
"The church is the mechanic shop for God's people."
"The only hope of salvation: God in the person of Jesus Christ came into this world for the primary purpose of dying for our sins."
"The ways that people can experience religion now extend into communities with AI, virtual realities, virtual churches, virtual connection, virtual mosques."
"All religions begin with an awareness of death."
"Transcendent experience, community, is one powerful way of thinking about what religion provides."
"There are some advantages to religious belief, but there are also some major, major disadvantages."
"Megachurches are slowly becoming more known for something else. They're scams."
"However, you personally feel about megachurches, I think it's easy to see why they appeal to so many evangelical and fundamentalist Christians."
"The Shroud of Turin remains a source of fascination and mystery, with claims of its authenticity as Jesus's actual burial cloth sparking intense scientific study."
"The Ark of the Covenant, a sacred relic mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, has captivated the imagination of people for millennia."
"Biblical justice is the equitable and impartial application of the rule of God's moral law in society."
"There are many people for whom religion is such a sort of sacred thing, obviously, that any criticism of religion, however mild, comes across as hate speech."
"Jesus Christ never introduced a religion to earth."
"Have healthy conversations about it... be open to the fact that if this is the person that God has for you, sex is something that He designed."
"Practical boundaries really helped us... to stick to our values and honor God in the way that we wanted to."
"Religions must use moral behavior and religious education, not war, coercion, or social pressure, to influence and inspire."
"For many American Evangelical Christians, the core idea of the Rapture is not fiction at all."
"One of the gifts of religion is it does remove that fear of death."
"The religions that grow, succor, and motivate people to perform heroic acts are usually theologically rigorous, arduous in practice, and definite in their convictions about what is true and what is false."
"Religious teachings and religious organizations are vital to our free society and therefore deserving of special concern and constant protection."
"The Bible says you must believe Jesus is God to be saved, and the Quran says if you believe that, you're going to hell. So, it's disrespectful to both Christianity and Islam to try and pretend that they're compatible with each other."
"One of the best ways of doing that is to look at a religion from what they term a descriptive approach, which is where instead of looking at what the religion says, you look at what practice the people who practice it do."
"The fundamental purpose of Galatians 3:28 in context is to say that both men and women have equal access to salvation in Christ."
"The Quran sets forward a premise that Almighty God has set in a human being a fitrah, a natural inclination towards what is right and wrong."
"The Quran has in the past and will in the future provide humanity with the progressive and dynamic source of addressing its most critical issues."
"There's nothing stranger than eating the blood and body of the Incarnate God; you will not find anything which is more mysterious, which is more occult, which is more esoteric."
"You often find atheists have probably read more of the Bible than most Christians."
"The best way to get someone to be an atheist is to get them to read the Bible."
"God's goal is your spiritual maturity, not your church attendance."
"By the name and in the name of Adonai, which is that of God Almighty, strong, powerful, admirable, exalted, pure, clean, glorified, virtuous, great, just, terrible, and holy."
"For suggesting [other planets could contain animals and inhabitants], the Catholic Church burned [Giordano Bruno] at the stake. Ah, religion, predictable as always."
"The reason I am interested in religion is not because of the bizarre cultural artifacts... but because it's dealing with the fundamental 'you were born, you're gonna die'."
"The whole of human societies is held together in and through religion."
"Human rights are not only possible without religion, but in a broader sense, they may be made possible by the rejection of religion."
"My religious beliefs are my religious beliefs... They're mine to interpret, they're mine to understand."
"The Quran is enough to argue the case for a Muslim alliance with Orthodox Christians."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the rectification of the human condition. It is the restoration of the human race."
"For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive."
"In my kingdom... if you want to be great, you must be a servant, you must be a slave of all."
"Judge not, lest ye be judged. By the same measure that you judge others, is by the same measure you will be judged."
"The Bible is like oxygen, like gravity. You don't have to believe in it, but it's true."
"Every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"Jesus Christ is the only one who can lastingly fill that hole inside of us."
"The power of Jesus is the only one strong enough to lift us from these corrupt desires."
"A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
"We need to work together, Jews, Christians, Muslims... we're the human family."
"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son Himself. Only the Father knows."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the true creator of the heavens and the earth."
"One of the interesting things in America is that even though organized religion has declined, religiosity has to a much lesser extent."
"Men continue to believe in its divine origin because they are at a loss to understand it."
"Religion, like any ideology, can be used to promote good and bad."
"Religion isn't bad science; it's a completely different mode of knowing."
"Every major religion and Mystic tradition says that the truth is hidden inside of paradox."
"Religion addresses the question, 'What life is for,' as opposed to what caused it."
"Imagine all the things that we would have made no progress on if people had just accepted the religious answers they'd been given."
"This book is an act of mercy from Allah, it's an act of Rahman from Allah."
"Allah is not interested in torturing you for everything you do, that's not this religion."
"If you're selling the Constitution to people who don't believe in God, not only does religion shape the moral view of people, it also shapes their view of what a human being is."
"Morality without religion is subjective and baseless."
"It's not going to be political... This talk is why the church is pro-life, way ahead of any political party or politician."
"In a way, duality is all you've got. That's why you've got dualities in all sorts of religions and philosophies throughout all of history."
"All religions... maximize pleasure for the people who join that religion and then minimize pleasure for the people who don't."
"If you take the good wherever you find it, religion, non-religious, philosophical thing, take those things, keep them, get rid of the baggage, how could we not be better off?"
"I am Christian, but I'm just saying, you've got to separate religion and history."
"When it comes to the existence of God, we're talking about metaphysics, these are things beyond the physical."
"Religion forces nice people to do unkind things and also makes intelligent people say stupid things."
"The one thing that I think is really dangerous in many religions is that it gives people a gold-plated excuse to stop thinking."