
Commonality Quotes

There are 2931 quotes

"Religion causes a lot of disagreement. But there's also been a lot of studies on what they all have in common. For example, all the major religions have some version of the Golden Rule, basic compassion."
"Highly empathic people tend to be looking for what they share with others, not what divides them."
"The most common element in their life is at some point, people stopped expecting anything out of them."
"We are all intrinsically made of the same stuff, which is not stuff, so of course there's going to be a common language and the commonality."
"We conducted together and we have some real disagreements but...we find what we have in common."
"We're all basically working with the same building blocks of neurons and neurochemistry."
"The fact of the matter is that what these people all had in common was... they had their cutting tools... they had containers, they had combustion devices to make fire, they had cordage, and they had cover."
"The problem with aging is that we accept it because it's so common."
"This is good, I always enjoy when characters find common ground with each other."
"Being intersex is more common than having red hair. Now that's the fact I want the intersex state to get out there, absolutely."
"Inequality is corrosive of a sense of commonality and common purpose."
"It's like, what's going on in Ukraine was also going on in Russia with regular people who don't want to get involved in these conflicts."
"Loneliness is something that a lot of us have felt at some point. It's one of my most common ask questions."
"But the things that have helped have there's a common ingredient for me."
"We have more in common than we have that divides us. It's our duty to support one another because in reality, we do have an enemy, but now we know who it is."
"Focus on those things that you all have in common."
"We have more in common than we have differences."
"We have so much more in common than people know."
"The truth is that Ukrainian people, Russian people, American people, Saudi people, Icelandic people, Senegalese people, all have more in common with one another than they have in common with the people that govern them."
"We have more things in common than we have differences, so hopefully we can come on that common platform and work to make humanity better."
"Once you have compassion and empathy, you can often see that you have a lot more in common with people than you do apart."
"Every streamer I've ever talked to has these issues. I've never met a streamer that doesn't have these issues."
"Every study ever done has shown that social cohesion relies on a common orientation among people in order to build commonality."
"It's okay to be kind of a mess, we're all a mess."
"Uniqueness, ironically enough, was commonplace."
"You are not alone. Everyone, at some point, is going to go through heartbreak."
"If bloating is something affecting you, the first thing you should know is that you're far from alone."
"What unites us has to be bigger than what divides us."
"Either we're completely alone... or extraterrestrial intelligence and any kind of intelligence is pretty common, and we should be finding a lot of it here on planet Earth in the historical record."
"Every man puts on their pants one leg at a time. It's no hood nowhere that's different that makes nobody different."
"I scare easily...and there's probably a whole bunch of other people who feel the same."
"No society can hold together where people have nothing in common."
"We have a lot more in common than we don't have in common."
"Religion gives us a sense of community because it brings people together... there's a million other things that we can agree on that are better."
"It is in shared struggle that we can understand just how similar we are."
"Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia, and it can be a devastating disease."
"We are united in our loneliness in fighting our common enemy, the pandemic."
"We found ourselves agreeing with a lot today. Common ground. It's called middle ground."
"Even when presented with the opportunity to ask for anything at all, most of us want the same things."
"I'm a dad with a webcam, but I speak for a lot of people."
"We consider it to be our obligation to look for commonality among all humanity."
"No matter what stage you're at, whether you're an 8-year-old member at the golf club or a 5-year-old kid playing, you've all got a common theme right of what you're out there to do: is to enjoy yourself."
"Supermassives, once an entirely unexpected category of black holes, may be common not only the center of our galaxy but of all galaxies."
"We have a lot more in common than we have separating us."
"Your simulations are nothing more than anxieties! You're afraid you don't fit in, you're afraid you'll be alone. Great news! You share that with ALL of us."
"Planets are the rule rather than the exception."
"Civilization is in fact over if we do not have these basic basic basic things in common."
"Another significant thing I've learned with living with all these strangers for over a month is that everyone, no matter where they are on the earth, they're all trying to find the same things."
"If you like Tolkien, we have something in common. We have something we can share."
"What they have in common is that they are all soaked in lies."
"We're all humans. We are human beings first, and there's a lot more that we share than there is that we disagree about."
"The thing that they have in common, spoiler alert, is that they all learned to set boundaries."
"My mate's told me that person's an idiot, so that person's an idiot. How about spending some time with the 'idiot,' and you might find out that your mate's biased."
"Let's look at what we have in common, rather than obsessing over our differences."
"Maybe we're all talking about the same thing, whether you're religious or not."
"None of this matters. Zoom out. Common ground."
"That's the guy we all root for. That's who we all feel like we are. That's our hero story."
"Realize that everyone struggles just like you do."
"I've made some really bad decisions but a lot of people make mistakes."
"Everyone wears jeans but no two people will wear them exactly the same way."
"Death is the one thing that we all like truly share."
"Americans used to have more in common with each other than they do now."
"A lack of sex in a relationship and all of the frustration that comes as a result of it are really, really common."
"We're all doing it but we don't realize that we're doing it."
"I'm just a normal regular Average Joe like you."
"Did it take years before you suspected that someone in your life might be a covert narcissist? If so, don't feel bad, that's actually really common."
"I realized that's kind of what life is... you're not unique, people are suffering everywhere."
"Every single individual that you come in contact with has programming like we do."
"Find the things that you have in common as opposed to the things that you have apart."
"You want to be a good person here, Jennifer. Anybody else in your situation would have done the exact same thing."
"Ice Giants like Neptune and Uranus are very common in the Universe."
"Awareness needs to be raised of these things because people have them and we're all people."
"Insulin resistance is very likely the single most common health disorder in the world."
"A lot of people have this experience, okay? Like that can actually be really comforting and make you feel less alone."
"I've got something wrong with me which lots of other people have got and it can be cured."
"Hurricanes: the common and frustrating natural disaster."
"I never said it ever anywhere that everybody that I would smoke. I think it's pretty common. I think it's a lot more common I think, and like now I think it's really a lot more acceptable, you know?"
"Nothing brings people together like a common enemy."
"We have so much more in common than we have that divides us."
"As long as you take something that people have a common experience with and give it a new twist, that's the first step to making something go viral."
"People are just like you and me, trying to live their lives."
"Everyone's just trying to do the same thing, take care of themselves and their family."
"You're not alone, it's understandable, so many people go through it."
"It is so sad and yet it is a common story that domestic violence does progress over time."
"There's so much [stuff] we all go through and none of us ever talk about it."
"Good deals are the common denominator amongst almost every real estate exit strategy."
"We live in silos and we don't share values and we don't share concerns... the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us."
"There's more to unite us than there is to divide us."
"That's the kind of thing... normal human beings."
"Honestly, I live a such a blessed life but I still get upset just like other people."
"You don't need to be from some out of step sect to believe this, you just have to be human and acknowledge what people actually want."
"Everybody picks their nose, okay? We're all human, it happens."
"The things that are the same about the great religions are the most important thing, and the things that are different, we should look at where those things might be cultural inflections."
"You're not alone, and it is something that a lot of people experience."
"They were cliches because they were done poorly."
"It's a little too obscure for my taste. I wish it was more common."
"I feel like everyone can resonate with just putting things off and off and off."
"What could be more common, more humble, more ordinary?"
"We all struggle, no one has it all together."
"This kind of lifestyle is shockingly common among Oklahoma teachers."
"Everybody is dealing with some sort of mental health issue at the moment."
"Other people have gone through similar stuff and it makes either your situation feel smaller or it just makes you see it in a different light."
"But the number one thing people have in common is they choose to do it."
"The less we see each other as fellow humans, that actually have more in common than we do differences."
"It's not unprecedented for these things to happen"
"We have more in common than I mean sometimes allow."
"When you communicate with people, you find that you have more in common than you have differences."
"The vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us. You have to know that."
"We need to seek out the similarities, not the differences."
"This might seem weird but this is actually a very common thing becoming less common as the days go on."
"History's filled with people who are leaders were just as clueless as you and me."
"We're talking about parenting, we naturally connect on so many levels."
"We all should come together because we have more in common."
"This is the mainstream answer shared by all major politicians."
"I guarantee you we have had the same problems, the only difference is we didn't quit."
"The minute we begin to recognize that we have more in common with one another than that which separates us, then we'll be much less easy to control."
"Why can't we get along and find our common ground?"
"At the end of the day, everybody kind of has the same values. Everybody kind of cares about well-being and suffering to some extent."
"Your America and my America have far more in common than people think."
"Not every man struggles with this... don't think that because you struggle, everyone else does."
"Abuse of power is always awful, any kind of power, financial power, any kind of power. It's also really common. People abuse their power by definition. That's just a function of human nature."
"I guess it goes to show that even centuries-old divides, no matter how big they might seem, can be bridged if there's goodwill among ordinary people who often have much more in common than we might think."
"There's a reason why we were making music. There's a reason there was a commonality."
"Don't feel bad for yourself because there's so many other people out there experiencing the same thing and the same feelings, but take those emotions and use them to motivate yourself."
"Easier said than done, yeah for sure for sure and it still happens to me."
"If you always struggle to stay focused while studying, you're not alone."
"Our job is to use this common ground we have."
"I think recognizing that everybody has it is a thing that might not get me through it, but provides a bit of comfort and reassurance when you're in it."
"In reality, we're all fighting the same war, we're all fighting the same battle."
"This spreads like the flu, most people will have it and they get on with their lives."
"The things we share in common far outweigh our differences."
"Go out, make a friend, you'll realize that we all, for the most part, want the same thing."
"This is us against them; people from the left and people who consider themselves on the left and right have way more in common right now."
"Royals are just like us. Just as competitive."
"Everyone has obstacles and struggles to overcome and we are way more similar to other people, to cisgender people, then we are different."
"Anyone can wear the mask, and after the past 18 months, we all have more in common with Peter Parker than we think."
"All of these have one major thing in common: loss of control."
"There's a relatability to Bob, a sense that if we gave into our vices for just a little too long, we'd find ourselves in the same position."
"Simple as that, and these things are happening all the time."
"Dreaming... this is the one thing that we all share."
"Your job is not to show them how you're different, your job is to show them how you're similar."
"More we have in common across humanity than we have differences."
"And honestly, if you never noticed it, you're not alone."
"Trading is not about always finding the perfect chart, it's about being consistent."
"Opinions are nowhere near as valuable as people seem to think they are because everyone's got them."
"We have far more in common than that which divides us."
"The world needs to find more commonality with each other rather than what's different."
"If you're feeling stuck, remember we've all been there."
"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet."
"It is not necessary to have a common aim in common. It is necessary only to have a common enemy."
"Money's involved, like you get that all the time with people."
"We have more in common with each other than with those who seek to divide us."
"The amount of people I think have felt that is very high."
"Every single person that I know has a parasocial relationship."
"Focus on love and connectedness; we all have a lot more in common."
"A lot of the people that are at each other's throats in this country have way more in common than they think they do."
"I respect Cardi B for quoting the source and shouting me out."
"Humans have a lot more in common than not, and we need to put the [expletive] aside and really focus on what matters."
"This only can work if we can find a way to understand each other and view things with some common frame of reference."
"We're all just dudes and dudettes at the end of the day."
"There's a reason why all these games use the same ideas and formulas to build PvP systems because they work."
"In a sea of the very, very rare, this may look a bit hum drum, a bit too common."
"Elisa Lam was a girl that I could understand and I think a lot of us could understand."
"Black and brown, opposite sides of everything, realizing there's a lot more in common than we have differences."
"What unites us is so much more powerful than what separates us."
"Intersex people are just way more common than anyone would like to even admit."
"You know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."
"Our unity is our strength... we have much more in common than we do that divides us."
"We've lost touch with those common aspirations and common hopes... we need to recall better what we share in common."
"Families don't stay together like they used to; people get divorced, they get married and they get divorced, and it's so common anymore."
"Comparative theology sheds light on common ground."
"We have so much more in common than we don't."
"It all comes from a common spiritual source."
"People have a lot more in common than we give them credit for."
"If you haven't used this thing, you're living under a rock - the falling guillotine."
"Everybody's failing, everybody's hurting, we're all just the same."
"Feeling sad is something that lots of people go through."
"We have more in common than we have that separates us."
"Just because something is in common doesn't mean it's normal."
"We all have something in common: we are going for our hearts' desires in this lifetime."
"All successful people have one thing in common: they are all effective communicators."
"Everybody puts their pants on one leg at a time."
"If there's one thing that we all have in common is that we want to know what the truth is."
"It's like walking into a store, buying an outfit, and expecting nobody else to have it. No special snowflake dust for you."
"We have more in common with these magnificent sea mammals than most people are willing to believe." - Unknown
"Dolphins are marine mammals that swim in the ocean, and it was astonishing to learn that we had more in common with the dolphin than with the land mammals." - Horst Hemister
"Poor white person and a poor black person have more in common with the possibility space of their life than either of them have in common with a billionaire."
"It's like a real reminder that typically the two things that can bring humans together more than anything else are art and suffering."
"I just find that we have so much in common as girls and I feel like we don't talk about it."
"It's really unfortunate when I think anybody has the 'us and them' mentality. It's bad. You don't realize we have way more in common than we have different."
"We're the unwashed masses but we support you, doctor."
"Americans aren't the only people in the world that want things."
"This is not a one-off; this is not one rotten apple. This is behavior that is not uncommon; it's commonplace."
"The frustrating things are actually fairly common."
"It's just British... it matters because that's then how people see each other."
"Oopsie poopsies, it happens to the best of us."
"There should be no shame because if you're experiencing something, someone else also experiencing it."
"Sometimes all you have in common with a person is that you have the same mother and father."
"If you actually look at the numbers, cases like these of people using guns in self-defense are actually very, very common."
"We have so much more in common with each other than the things that differentiate us."