
Mental Training Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"We can all extend our range of mental and emotional capabilities including training our minds to be happy."
"You're training your body, you're training your mind at the same time."
"A systematic form of mental training involving meditation can potentially transform your self and your mental habits in a positive way."
"For every one minute you spend training your body, spend two minutes training your mind."
"Most of the mental training he did was freakin' legit and I stand by that 100% fully."
"Mental conditioning is squats but for your soul, these are curls but for your brain."
"By me running, I am callousing my mind. I’m not training for a race. I’m training for life."
"Your brain, just like your muscles, can be trained and developed."
"By training your brain just like we trained our bodies what we found is we could reverse the formula for happiness and success and in doing so not only create ripples of positivity but create a real revolution."
"You have the power to impress upon yourself, to install and instruct your mind with how you want to be."
"Meditation has demonstrable effects on the brain and may represent one of the few ways in which purely mental training has been demonstrated to have robust impact on brain function."
"The happiest person is the person that works the hardest at being happy all the time. It's work. You have to train your mind to see the light in situations of Darkness."
"This work is like any other kind of training: the more you utilize your information analyzing muscles, the stronger they’ll get."
"Train your minds, get clarity on the mind, and see reality as it is."
"Meditation is an absolutely critical performance tool because it allows you to train your mind."
"Train your mind so that it does what you want it to do."
"Once you get the feel of this mental state, you will be able to will yourself into it immediately without any visualization exercises."
"Meditation helps train your mind to live in the present."
"Train yourself to focus your mind where you want it to go that is a skill you can level that [ __ ] up."
"Meditation: If you are in control of your mind, you can tame it and train it to make it stronger. You see life more clearly, make better decisions, and your potential expands while everyone else remains limited."
"Train your mind to focus on the positive end of the spectrum all the time, and yes it is there. If you can't find it, you're not looking hard enough. If you look harder and still can't find it, make it up. You are powerful enough to do that."
"Training your mind to slow down is healthier than substances."
"Mental training and visualization is a fascinating process that has been shown over and over again in now hundreds of studies to improve our ability to learn anything."
"All of mental training and visualization relies on what I consider really the Holy Grail of our brain and nervous system and that's neuroplasticity."
"When we imagine something in our mind's eye or mind's ear, we are imagining the real thing happening."
"Your mental training and visualization will be far more effective if you are performing the exact same or very similar mental and physical tasks in the real world."
"Naming and giving an identity to a real world skill and applying the same name or identity to the mental version of that can enhance the mental training and visualization in significant ways."
"Plasticity of plasticity: mental training improves engagement with neuroplasticity over time."
"Meditation is not about achieving a completely blank mind, it's about training an awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective."
"Your job is to better understand the specific details of your mental game. We're looking for ways to become aware so that you can begin taking control, begin taking action to correct your mental game."
"Begin by mastering your mentality, reviewing your matches, and seeking expert advice."
"Training your brain will have a far bigger impact on your performance and your everyday life than will training muscle strength or other similar physical properties."
"It's all about the mind. Your training is not about muscles, it's about your mind."
"Happiness is something that you can train in yourself."
"How can we train our brain to start thinking about the future and start moving towards goals?"
"Inner happiness is only attached to your mindset, to your frame of thoughts."
"Train yourself to look at the positive end of every spectrum."
"You're putting training wheels on your brain."
"Train your mind to spot positive signs, and your mind will encourage you to feel optimistic, to feel empowered."
"Your brain is the most powerful weapon you can train to use."
"We can physically change our brain by using our mind."
"If you're one of the few to train your ability to concentrate, you have a huge competitive advantage."
"How do you train your mind to deal with chaos in the moment?"
"The game of chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind useful in the course of human life are to be acquired and strengthened by it."
"You become like a lighthouse, training the mind in love and compassion."
"Your brain is like a muscle; train it to think effectively."
"Your focus can be trained like a muscle, becoming natural over time."
"You train yourself, your brain is far more powerful than you think it is."
"Those are three things you can do to actually increase your IQ."
"It's a way to keep yourself present... it kind of retrains your brain."
"Train your mind like you train a little puppy."
"I have a lot more time to work on the mental side of my game."
"Meditation is the process of training your mind to focus, be aware, and redirect thoughts."
"If you want your muscles to get bigger you lift weights, if you want your brain to get sharper, you evaluate your thinking."
"Train your brain now because the body follows the brain."
"Any system that you can sort out through hypothetical deductive method is a good place to train your mind to think about these things."
"That's what I'd say, people that are switched on will rip their perspective on mental training."
"Apparently doing this technique for multiple rounds will allow you to tap into another zone in your deep mind, unlocking strengths that once were thought to be impossible to achieve."
"Larry claimed that he was teaching them techniques to discipline the mind."
"The mind is the key as you train your forehands and backhands, you also train your mind physically and technically."
"Rehearsing who you want to be creates new circuits in the brain, a map to the future."
"Train your mind, and your life will change forever. You have it within you to transform."
"I want to learn the mental aspect of martial arts."
"Conditioning the mind is everything, it's the Holy Grail."
"You're training your neurology to be distracted, not to focus."
"Yoga practice trains our body, our breath, and our minds."
"You gotta train your mind your mind your I think uh this is my own personal opinion and you know I've been fighting for over 22 years and every fight I've lost my has been my my mind hasn't been right."
"The more that you do that, the more that you train your mind to shut up for a little bit, the easier it's going to be for you to develop these psychic abilities."
"The brain is the ultimate weapon you have so make sure that you are training it."
"You must train your thoughts, just like you train a child."
"Just like you need to train your body, you need to do the work between your ears. This cerebral work pays dividends and all high-level athletes have done it."
"Mental training should absolutely be part of it."
"I don't think most people fully grasp the impact that training your mind and having your mind right has on your wrestling career and your overall quality of life."
"By training the mind, we transform the mind."
"Train the mind to be at peace with every situation."
"When you repeat a behavior enough, even if it's just in your mind, it's going to become easier for you to do."
"I use some of the techniques from Scientology in various coaching I do and in helping world-class athletes and artists and executives when I do my coaching or mental training."
"Train your mind to default to something else."
"Concentration is barbell training for your brain because you build mind power."
"Compassion moves us to take action to alleviate that suffering, and studies are finding that compassion can be taught through meditation and other types of mental training."
"Of all the data that exists, there is one thing you could do while resting that seems to show improved results in terms of muscle connection, muscle fiber activation which should lead to better results and it's visualization."
"There's an inspiration factor in that if Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen actually practice fine-tuning their own minds, even to whatever degree they do, that is incredibly inspiring for kids who want to emulate Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, or anybody else."
"Why repetition works, why saturating your mind works, why persisting works, why it is important to bring your manifestations into your reality."
"If you're looking to get into sports and are interested in flow state itself, I would recommend taking a look at FocusCalm."
"The power of concentration is not a strenuous proceeding."
"We have to train our brains so we are connected with each other properly."
"...there's a technique to how your mind is making decisions and sometimes you do just need to force yourself and train it."
"We can train our minds; well-being is something that can be learned."
"Compassion can be cultivated through a particular type of mental training."
"It's kind of nice because your mind wanders so much, and it's kind of like a great way of just training yourself to be in the here and now."
"That is transformative. You have to take yourself to a different place to train like that mentally and physically."
"The best thing you can do is train your mind."
"The more important, I think, you train our mind a sense of letting go."
"Everything in life is mental training."
"Training the mind is what would ultimately lead to the most tangible rewards for most of us."
"Like you train your body, you got to train your mind."
"Such showcases humbly remind us that the impossible simply awaits the properly trained mind."
"Start training your inner monologue to constantly be saying supportive stuff."
"The only way to train your mind is to start feeding your mind positive thoughts."
"If you're not training your mind, someone else is."
"Mental skills can be trained just as much as physical ones."
"Read man read... when you're reading like you're training your mind to become better at thinking and to become better at visualizing."
"Get your mind on practical, workable levels of action, train your thinking, control your emotions by natural and reasonable outlets."
"Training your mind correctly is the most important thing."
"Spirituality depends on attention and the training of attention."
"Judo, considered not only a sport but a system of mental training, ethics, and social behavior."
"Mental training has broken every single limit he had within his psyche and physical state."
"We need to train not our bodies but our brain as well."
"Bruce Lee really believed in visualization training."
"Visualization is where you mentally train or you mentally rehearse your skills in your mind."
"Hypnosis and visualization techniques are being used extensively."
"To be constantly thinking about Jiu-Jitsu even when you're not training... you can actually make a lot of progress just thinking about it."
"The mind was much harder to train than the body."
"Daily routines, mindset practice, simple things that add up to a bigger picture."
"It's just a really good way to build up your focus and concentration."
"There are four foundations of mindfulness: mindfulness of the body, feelings, consciousness, and mental objects."
"The right way must be sought to train, stabilize, and purify the mind."
"It's all in the head. It's how you train your mind, and once you get control of your mind, you can achieve anything."
"It's a mental thing, you have to train your mind to understand that there's plenty of oxygen in your body."
"We train the mind to perform under pressure in any domain."
"We're not the hopeless victim of our past conditioning, but through training, practice, and exercise, it's possible to raise the mind up to entirely new levels."
"The meditative qualities of mind also give you enhanced focus."
"If you don't train this brain, it'll use you instead of you using it."
"Training your mind always, day to day, right hour to hour, minute to minute, day and night."
"Manifesting is mentally training for getting what you want."
"It's very important in boxing to start to generate your own will, your own cognition, so that you are aware and in control of what you're doing."
"Train your brain to handle emotions effectively, both positive and negative."
"For the past 12 years, Josh has been channeling his passion for the outer limits of the learning process towards training elite mental performers."
"If you want better for yourself, you have to train your brain to not accept those things."
"It's important to start training your mind from a very early age."
"Mental training is really using your minds to improve your performance."
"It's just as important to train our mind as it is to physically train our body."
"Using your brain to increase your athletic performance."
"It's about like you have to go out and basically train your brain or train your mental toughness like any other muscle."
"What you're trying to do in this taper period is you're trying to prepare the mind and the body for performance."
"Every time you notice that you're lost, that you're distracted by a thought about the past or the future, and you come back, you are training your mind."
"By simply redirecting your mind all day long, you will train your brain to start to spot the positive, optimistic things even in this moment."
"Emotional and mental development... we use breath, we use visualization, we use internal dialogue."
"The trained calm mind can observe this pre-conceptual readiness to act."
"Oh, you have to tame your mind, train your mind."
"You need to practice the mental just as much as you practice the physical."
"The fundamental training for the mind for the entire deep game of basketball... always has been and always will be meditation."
"People don't actually recognize that you can train the mind."
"You know it's focused on the process, it's all the things we're taught mentally."
"When you're balancing your effort in your ease, you are basically training your brain to manage your stress response a little bit better."
"The game is 90% above the shoulder, so we're going to build into mental skills, goal setting, diet, mindfulness."
"If I can make my body do something that it hates doing, then when it comes to making my mind do stuff, it's easy."
"Think about imagery, think about rehearsal, mental rehearsal, thought stopping, positive self-talk."
"I actually did train the voice in my head."
"You have to train your mind to remember what you learned."
"When you visualize yourself taking the steps, you are training your mind, body, and spirit to not resist taking those actions."
"I wanted to take the time to help to train my brain a little bit better to read uninterrupted for periods without the buzz of everything else going on in my brain."
"If you learn how to use the mind properly, then you're much more likely to remember all the things you want to remember."
"The next stage in training is not physical technique but minds."
"It's all just about training and conditioning your mind to focus on that."
"It's a way to train your brain to kind of move and get to the next thing."
"Music helps us train our minds, helps us be sociable, and even can have therapeutic uses."
"Training the mind to come back to the present moment becomes a lot easier, and pretty soon you're able to train your mind to do whatever you want it to, like a superpower."
"Consciously choose your thoughts, consciously train your mind to naturally be for you."
"You have to train yourself to be able to refocus and then move on."
"You need to train your mind first."
"Training my mind was a very physical and intentional practice."
"You are mentally rehearsing before the actual event so that your mind and your body are trained to anticipate and push right on through all the stuff that's scary because you've already rehearsed it."
"We're not in there for any sort of attacking now, it's all about mentality, mental skills coaching, like what it takes to win and be a winner."
"This is about training your mind."
"If you train your mind and if you start taking action, training your mind is the key piece."
"Meditation training is a way of recognizing the prior condition in which thoughts and sensations and everything else arises."