
Human Dignity Quotes

There are 749 quotes

"Human life has dignity, and IQ is not the most important thing that defines human beings."
"We have to be very careful that we don't devalue the human dignity of people who aren't in the upper end of the distribution."
"Who will embrace those who are different yet deserving, as are all of God’s children?"
"Respect somebody for being a human being, no matter what their body type is."
"The pursuit of justice requires not just the adherence to legal procedures but a deeper commitment to the principles of fairness, equity, and respect for human dignity."
"You are created in the image of God. There is something so unique and special about each and every person that walks the face of the earth."
"You're made in God's image; all humans are in God's image, so you just can't look at any group and treat them that way."
"We have certain inalienable rights that are endowed by our Creator."
"One of the key moments in the Bible that has shaped Western civilization is the line that God made man in His image."
"Every human being made in the image of God, which I think is the single most important sentence written in the history of humanity."
"Every human being on this earth deserves dignity at some level."
"We are talking about a future that guarantees all of us safety, security, and dignity."
"The single most important verse in the Bible is that God created human beings in His image."
"We have faith that human beings have an inherent dignity, we have faith that the rich have responsibility to the poor, we have faith in an ideal of universal brotherhood."
"Each person, in some sense, is created in the image of what is sacred, and you can't violate that, regardless of apparent evidence for hierarchical difference."
"These are human beings with an individual dignity and a destiny which must be respected."
"Liberty, democracy, human dignity - these are forces far more powerful than fear and oppression."
"Allah teaches us in the Quran that He created us in the highest with the most nobility and in the best possible upright form."
"Humans deserve dignity. Why is that hard? This shouldn't be hard."
"Respecting human dignity means regarding persons not just as means but also as ends in them."
"We gotta respect each other and treat each other like... kings."
"Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the womb and must be recognized as a gift of God that guarantees the future of humanity."
"Each and every person is unique and unrepeatable... their value is infinite in worth and dignity."
"All human beings have the dignity of being made in the image of God, and he said, 'I'm determined to treat them like that, irrespective of what they believe.'"
"Together we can work to redefine public safety so that it recognizes the humanity and the dignity of every person."
"Common good constitutionalism promises to expand and fulfill in new circumstances and with a new emphasis the Constitution's commitments to promoting the general welfare and human dignity."
"It's morally wrong to be racist because it's morally wrong to be willfully ignorant and to degrade the dignity of our shared humanity."
"The most important sentence in human history is that man was made in God's image."
"People with borderline personality disorder are human beings and are just as deserving of healthy relationships and love and stability as anyone else."
"We could go through any person in a situation like that, and we could list wonderful things about that person, adaptive things about that person, kind things about that person, diligent things."
"The first principle has to be this idea that every human being created in God's image... cannot be completely lost."
"Humanism is a philosophy or ethical system that centers on the concept of the dignity, freedom, and value of human beings."
"Europe was Europe, in the kind of platonic essence of Europe-ness. Europe represented human dignity, it represented human rights, it represented the rule of law."
"The scourge of human trafficking is a stain on all of humanity. It invades borders, destroys communities, and robs millions of their human dignity."
"Nancy Pelosi does not speak for the Catholic Church. She speaks as a high-level, important government leader and as a private citizen. And on the question of the equal dignity of human life in the womb, she also speaks in direct contradiction to the fundamental human right that Catholic teaching has consistently championed for 2000 years."
"Abortion is a fundamental principle that in violation of human dignity that the Catholic Church, that he professes, stands strongly against. There's no room for disagreement there."
"We believe that societies are more stable and just when they recognize the inherent dignity of every human being."
"The future will belong to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it."
"You have to learn how to separate the person from their housing status and to hate homelessness with everything that you have, but to love the person even more."
"Your market value is not the same as your human value."
"Humanism places a strong emphasis on the intrinsic value and dignity of human beings."
"We must treat every human being with dignity... James chapter 3... says we bless our Lord and father and we curse men who have been made in the likeness of God."
"The free market idea, which is really that you own your own labor and that you are able to alienate that labor, you're able to sell it, you are able to work with it, and then use the products of that labor to buy other things, comes down to fundamental human dignity."
"Nobody is better or more important than another person, and it's incumbent upon us not to treat others with disrespect."
"You can't tie your identity to your race, your nationality, or that you're an American. Our identity is rooted in the fact that we're made in God's image."
"Human beings do not deserve to be publicly shamed and humiliated."
"We're all made in the image of God, and so we all have our inherent worth."
"Whether a person is an atheist or a Christian or anything else, they are made in the image of God and therefore they are moral beings."
"Regular people, everyday Americans, generally share the same sensibilities; they believe in human dignity and want to judge people on the basis of their individuality."
"There simply is no principle more fundamental or foundational to the Catholic understanding of the moral life than the principle of the profound, inherent, and equal dignity of each and every member of the human family."
"In Norway... they treat people like human beings. When you treat a person like a human, you get a human back."
"All individuals are created by God; therefore, they have inalienable human dignity."
"I'm a human being, god damn it, my life has value!"
"You are made in the image of God and you're worthy of respect and dignity."
"Why not just treat a person well because they're a person?"
"He said to me, 'Tracy, I have Alzheimer's disease, not the plague. What does it take to be treated like a human being?'"
"These are people experiencing tribulations, not people who belong to tribulations."
"We are God's hands in this world; every human being is an image of God."
"The premise of the work of Kryon is to expose the majesty, the magnificence of humanity and every single human and to let the heart shine and love pour out where it hasn't poured before."
"Regardless of disability or ability, we're all made in the image of God. That is an indelible stamp that God has given all of us, and therefore, all life is precious because of that."
"People can call me stupid for having faith that you have value as a human being."
"When a person loses track of the dignity of the human soul and begins to judge others not on the basis of their being persons but on the basis of race, creed, economic status, that is prejudice."
"Every human being has value, then that means that every human being deserves to be protected no matter how small, no matter how early."
"God created us in His image and the likeness of God."
"It's not arrogance, it's having good character. Every human deserves to be treated with respect."
"But at what expense? Again, human integrity and dignity."
"They didn't even treat Cassidy like a human after her death."
"Your money is going to pay for these torture chambers where people are stripped of their dignity and then tortured to death."
"No idea is above scrutiny and no person should be beneath dignity."
"People exist in different ways... but they are still made in the Imago Dei."
"A thought is not just a woman or a woman that has promiscuous sex, she is a person, a creation of God with a history and an experience in life that has led her to her present destination and disposition."
"The female body and human life should be treated with more dignity."
"UBI eliminates the haves and have-nots, recognizing everyone's basic human dignity."
"I'm one thousand percent against dehumanization of any human being whatsoever."
"It’s going to make our country safer, more just, and it respects the value and dignity of human life exactly as our Constitution and our laws should."
"Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect... no matter what their age no matter what their position no matter what."
"The human person is a good towards which the only proper and adequate attitude is love."
"There's not supposed to be a person in the societies that is throwaway."
"Teach them to respect others, to treat people with dignity."
"Just remember, every vagina comes with a human being."
"Like, it's not even just for, I mean obviously this is a 33 year old pregnant woman, like she needs a space for the baby regardless of all the like, just humanity in that."
"Water could give a woman dignity, could make someone feel beautiful, you know, at the most human level."
"God created man and woman, equal in dignity, complementary in nature."
"Men and women possess an inalienable dignity from God, reflecting His wisdom and goodness."
"Yes, we must get back to the human and to see the divine image in everyone."
"We value kindness, respect, empathy, and dignity."
"Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make them sub-human."
"Everybody's given a chance to act like human beings when they come in here regardless of what they done on the outside."
"Life is a precious gift from our creator. We are all part of one large family, the human race."
"I think too many people have lost sight of the value of each life. It is a sad situation when someone can callously take the life of another human being."
"Just remember that the person you're treating is a person first and foremost."
"The Second Amendment is the one that puts the teeth into all of the other ones... It means that it actually shall not be infringed."
"Republican officials should not be using human beings as political pawns. It is not a way you hear the president talk a lot about how we have to treat people with dignity and with respect. That's not what's happening here."
"Treating human life like it has meaning rather than treating it like garbage to be tossed in the trash is extreme."
"Just because someone is battling the illness of addiction does not make them any less of a human or a person."
"Our action -- our leadership -- is essential to the cause of human dignity."
"We have to reaffirm the innate sacred value of every individual human life."
"The effort was to treat people as people and to treat workers as workers."
"The most important sentence ever written... man is made in God's image."
"What makes you a man is what's inside your heart, your empathy for other human beings, and the desire not to hurt anybody. That shouldn't even be an issue."
"Don't talk about it. If you want to see people as human beings, you need to treat them like that first."
"No child is monstrous, but the real danger is when that type of care is taken away."
"I oppose racial hatred because that's an offense against human dignity."
"All nations should stand up to protect human dignity."
"The future belongs to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it."
"You find somebody you disagree with and you say publicly they're a human, I mean really it's that simple."
"People deserve basic dignity in this country."
"We've got to treat people with dignity and respect."
"You matter because of who you are. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully but also to live until you die." - Dame Cecily Saunders
"We need to hold the companies accountable. We also need to invest in our communities. It's not a matter of people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It's a matter of the system being broken and we need to fix it."
"When we talk about these unique beings equally and significantly made to image God, to represent him, we're talking about male and female."
"Life is sacred, and it's to be treated with dignity and respect."
"God hates hell because he loves his good world and he loves human beings who are made in his image."
"Human beings living their lives are not objects for you to come and see so that you can change your perspective."
"It's one reason why when you talk about elevating these things, I just imagine more human dignity."
"Viewing people as objects takes away their full humanity."
"The boss battles are honestly pretty flipping excellent to say the least."
"You're doing a great thing because you treat people as people."
"They are not animals as folks are led to believe but a people having reasoning and cognitive thinking."
"Men and women are the image of God equal from the starts."
"We should never stigmatize a human being but we should stigmatize destructive behaviors."
"You need to treat people some basic level of dignity."
"Why do you have to treat them any different if they can't do anything for you? I think whether someone can or cannot do something for you, you treat them with kindness and respect."
"Everybody is equal, everybody is worth something, everybody is worthy."
"Details matter because this is a man, an American citizen, a Navy veteran, a human being."
"Being treated as a human and not as a sexual deviant."
"Everybody's dignity as a human being is respected... it has to start at the local level."
"People treat one another as if they're touched by divinity, their lives improve."
"In a free society, people should have the afforded dignity to choose for themselves."
"Evangelicals should be the ones calling the rest of the world to remember human dignity and the image of God."
"Nobody deserves to feel inhuman; they deserve to be connected with, they deserve to know that they are seen and valued."
"You are never meant to be looked upon as a thing for my pleasure or anybody else's."
"The only form of birth control in keeping with human dignity is self-control."
"It turns out that every human life is worthwhile every single one."
"No one should die alone and no one should die without someone holding their hand and talking to them..."
"The world is increasingly about the bottom line and not so much about human respect or human dignity."
"The morality that they embrace puts god and god's supposed will at the center leaving human feeling dignity and happiness a distant second."
"No person's actions can raise or lower your value as a human."
"Nobody deserves to be treated like absolute shit every day."
"You don't have to like me or agree what I do but as a human being respect is all it really calls for."
"Please be better than that, please don't reduce this person."
"Wow really you just don't see fat people as human you just don't even see fabulous human."
"Do you want your humanity or do you want to be a slave? That's what it's about."
"The way we treat other human beings... says a lot."
"Hinata has a spirit of 'I don't care who you are, I'm going to respect you as a human being'."
"The man is someone who stood up for the rights and dignity of all men." - Narrator
"Life has value, womb to tomb, and inherent dignity, womb to tomb."
"You can criticize them forcefully but still be respectful of their dignity as a human being."
"You don't have to treat people like this, we are human beings."
"It's about treating people like they're human beings."
"Every child is made in God's image, deserving of protection and precious."
"Just to treat people with dignity, this is who this person is."
"In America, we believe that everybody is born in the image of God."
"Restore human dignity. Treat each other with dignity."
"You treat people with the value they deserve by virtue of being made in the image of God."
"Happiness always entails the manifestation of the dignity of mankind."
"She's a human being and I do not think she deserves to be spoken to like that."
"Anything that makes the least among us feel like they're not a human being is a concern for me."
"The reason we value people's questions is because behind every question there's a questioner, a person who's created in the image of God and therefore has value and dignity and should be treated with respect."
"I think people should be granted human dignity period no matter if you're a Palestinian baby if you're an American baby regardless give them their humanity."
"Every decent human being around the world across the political spectrum agrees that black lives matter because all human lives matter and should be treated with respect and dignity."
"Self-sovereign identity is a matter of dignity."
"All of us are made in the image of God, without exception."
"You can't just say, well, there was this group of people called Christians, they had this really important idea that human dignity is equal across all of planet Earth, so we're gonna cherry-pick that one teaching out of Catholicism."
"Turning someone into a victim is about the worst thing you can do to a human being."
"While we are helping each other fighting for freedom and for human dignity, this is something which provides us this feeling that we are human beings."
"I want people to respect Donald Trump's humanity."
"I don't condone harassment or anything like that. Everyone on this list deserves the basic human respect."
"Respect other people's dignity. Respect their suffering."
"The Matthew Shepard foundation empowers individuals to embrace human dignity and diversity."
"I wouldn't fight back. I would have empathy because he's a human being just like Siza is a human being."
"It removes your humanity, I think it's awful, a hundred percent it's awful."
"Every human being is worthy and deserves dignity and deserves to be treated fundamentally as a human being as a human."
"Sin is those behaviors that deny the inherent worth and dignity of others."
"Experimenting around, seeing what works, can really spice up some of your conversations."
"I carry myself with honor. I would never disrespect any human being outside of their name."
"Everybody deserves to be treated with respect no matter what state of mind they're in, right?"
"Jesus Christ is our hope...even in the midst of injustices, we cannot forget the dignity of every person." - Cardinal Gerhard Mueller
"That act of tolerance or that ability to tolerate the ugly or the disfigured and to see the human inside is really important."
"I as a follower of Jesus Christ understand that every woman and every man has equal value and dignity because in Genesis 1 127 we read, 'God created man in his own image...'"
"Everything that it takes to be a human being is there at the moment of conception."
"I want us to be a country that values human dignity and human life."
"Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and be treated like a human being and deserves to have their privacy."
"Every human person will have unique intrinsic categorical value, period."
"Everybody is a person... we need to walk with kindness and love and we need to work on being better."
"Each human being has a unique worth and there is something of God in everybody."
"People should not be defined by the lowest moment in their lives."
"Shouldn't our government leaders seek to support the life and dignity of each human being instead of killing them?"
"Stories can break the dignity of the people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity."
"We want to be restored to our full humanity."
"Without Christianity, there isn't any foundation for a belief in human dignity or equality."
"What does it mean to be a conservative today? At the core of it truly is the respect for individual rights and respect for human dignity." - Brad Treywick
"In this religion, we are actually honoring humanity as it should be honored."
"Humans are multifaceted and deserving of respect."
"Now humans are looked at as just basically trash that can be abused and not looked at humans made in the image of God that should be treated with respect as image bearers of the living God."
"You deserve a baseline level of kindness." - Comparison
"Every single person is made in the image of God with an eternal soul."
"Every human being is created in God's image."
"If you believe that human beings should be treated with respect and dignity, you must oppose the Chinese Communist Party."
"Respecting someone's right to be alive is the absolute bare minimum that you can do."