
Neurons Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The human brain contains 100 billion neurons; that's as many cells as there are stars across the Milky Way."
"We are all born with a brain that has 86 billion neurons."
"This organ inside of our heads consists of 84 billion neurons that fire in synchrony together. It is far, far more powerful than any supercomputer on the planet."
"For lifestyle disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and cancer, the approach should be to restore things and try to truly heal damaged neurons."
"Your brain has 86 billion neurons."
"What's extraordinary about the brain is not so much the number of neurons, though there are about 90 billion."
"We can generate new blood vessels, generate new neurons, improve their cognitive function not slowing the decline but improving the cognitive function."
"Neurons are like ladies very very sensitive and very specific and they like to keep the private environment and they want to keep a very stable environment not whatever fluctuations are going in blood should also come on to their environment in the central nervous system."
"The brain is made up of billions of neurons which are electrically excitable cells."
"If I have an isolated neuron, it may well have some minimal amount of consciousness."
"Neurons pack a lot of computing power into a very tiny space."
"Neurons can represent reference frames... to know where the location of something is."
"There are cells in the human body that are never replaced, not replenished, and these are the neurons that sit in your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system."
"Your whole life your brain is changing you've got 86 billion neurons you've got 0.2 quadrillion connections between these neurons and your whole life every moment these things are changing their strength they're unplugging they're replugging."
"Neurons like to be excited, neurons like to be tickled, but they don't like to be bludgeoned. Chronic overstimulation of any neuron in the body leads to neuronal cell death."
"The human brain is not the largest mammal brain, but it holds the record for the largest number of neurons."
"Your brain is comprised of nerve cells called neurons, and in your brain, you have 100 billion neurons. But what's most important is not just the neurons themselves, but how connected they are. It's estimated that in the brain, there are 10 quadrillion neural connections."
"If you have a group of a thousand people, they have the same number of neural connections as there are grains of sand on planet Earth."
"Some neurons respond to serotonin, others to dopamine, some are highly sensitive to estrogen or testosterone."
"Neurons are highly interconnected, but they're smart in sensing where firing comes from."
"There are estimated to be between 100 and maybe upwards of 200 billion neurons in the brain."
"A big proponent of an animal's intelligence is the density of neurons."
"Nervous tissue consists of neurons... uniquely purposeful because their anatomy allows them to connect one another through dendrites and axon terminals in order to transmit messages at an intense rate."
"To compose it, you actually require sixteen neurons in the first layer."
"I really do need 16 neurons in that first layer for me to be able to compose this pattern."
"Neurons serve as interconnected information processors."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if we were able to see the physiology of these hundred thousand neurons?"
"Neurons are just like people. They're very social. They're in social networks."
"It's estimated there's over 100 billion neurons in the human brain."
"Huperzine A has shown to promote neurogenesis, which is the birth of new neurons in the brain, and act as a neuroprotective agent for existing neurons."
"If we could zoom way into the brain, you would see lots and lots of neurons; in fact, if you had enough time to count, you could count 86 billion neurons."
"Neurons are specialized cells that transmit electrical signals throughout our bodies."
"Neurons communicate with each other to help us perform functions like thinking, planning, reasoning, creating memories, and speaking."
"Your head has neurons and there's all these connections between the neurons and that's what we're trying to simulate when we are building a neural network or a deep neural network."
"The great thing about these types of neurons is that they have the ability to regularly regenerate compared to other types of neurons in the body that we've said cannot."
"Neurons are cells that are part of the nervous system."
"The principal way a neuron sends signals over long distances is by generating and propagating action potentials."
"In neurons, an action potential is also called a nerve impulse."
"Neurons are said to be highly excitable cells."
"The more neurons we have, the better these networks work somehow."
"Your second brain, aka the enteric nervous system, consists of over 100 million neurons."
"Neurons are the main communicating cells of nervous tissue, made of a soma or cell body with little neurites or extensions attached."
"This is a very coordinated process where only a selective group of cells, specifically the neurons, die at a much higher frequency than other cells in the brain."
"These are called action potentials."
"Neurons are the irritable, excitable cells that send electrical signals around."
"Neurons can be classified by their projections and by their structure."
"Neurons communicate with each other by transmitting electrical impulses."
"This is a neuron and this is nervous tissue."
"A skill is the ability to recruit as many neurons as possible for a dictated pattern of movement so as to be able to execute it with as much power as possible."
"Neurons have these projections because one important property, or one important function of neurons, is to communicate with each other."
"Neuroendocrine hormones are similar, except for the hormone is not secreted from a gland, rather it's secreted by an actual neuron."
"Within each column, we have three primary types of neurons."
"TrueNorth has 1 million neurons and 256 million synapses."
"Elephants have 250 billion neurons in their brains."
"This increases the surface area of the cerebrum and therefore increases the number of cortical neurons."
"Every click that you hear is an action potential, a small electric pulse that the neuron fires by which it communicates with other nerve cells in the same circuit."
"When we work in computational neuroscience, we tend to think of the brain as a computing machine, and the neurons and circuits as information processing units."
"If neurons are truly creating every sensation that we have, well, if you could stimulate neurons directly, you can put people inside the matrix."