
Environment Quotes

There are 17391 quotes

"We have to understand how genes and environment interact and figure out how all that works."
"Changing your environment can be a powerful way to maintain motivation and develop healthy habits."
"Environment plays a profound role in your entire fucking quality of life."
"Space we're in tells the story. Every space is the stage on which we play off our life."
"What would Earth be without our adorable animal friends? They're just as important to the planet as us humans."
"When it comes to long-term change, there's only two ways you can get it done: You can change your environment...or you make the behavior tiny."
"Sweden's amazing. It's incredible. The people are beautiful. They've got no trash, their fish even tastes like candy, like nothing bad ever happens there."
"Venus is also about how we relate to an environment, how we relate with people, how we sort of create energetic connections."
"If we have a good media environment, then we'll also have a peaceful environment."
"Tesla's plans to revolutionize everything about these new projects, the Tesla tiny homes will be the Front Runners of sustainable energy in the environment."
"We want to exercise practicing awareness on how the environment is impacting us."
"It's better if kids go to school. It's better if we don't go to war. It's better if we have a clean environment."
"We live in an indivisible biosphere community; there's no escape."
"I really didn't have a dog in the fight, but you really want to know why? The whole room was full of Kansas City people."
"The only byproduct of the entire combustion process is water vapor... this technically means that it has near zero emissions."
"Technologies...mean that we have about a hundred years where we haven't needed to destroy the biosphere or had half the world in poverty."
"We separate the mind from the body in Western medicine, and we separate the individual from the environment."
"Rearrange or redecorate your house... create a whole new style and a feel and an energy in your home."
"One of the key things to getting a great night's sleep is to make sure that the temperature of your sleeping environment is correct."
"It's possible to use description and interact with the environment in really intelligent ways that focus on creatively exploring even the most dangerous environments."
"You could be in the best place and be absolutely miserable. You can live in a palace and be horrendously miserable. You can live on the street and be exuberantly joyful. Both are possible."
"Parenting doesn't exist in a vacuum. Parenting and child-rearing and families exist in these many complex, multifaceted environments that are all influenced by each other."
"A human being cannot thrive in an atmosphere of distress."
"Bioshock is a wonderful example of how a game’s environment can be an effective method of storytelling."
"Exposure to microbes from the environment is likely an important part of educating our immune system."
"The environment that we're in has a powerful impact on our mood."
"Ultimately, we have what is possibly the most visually ostentatious curiosity we have seen so far: Nirnroot Island."
"These are the kind of things I love about the Elder Scrolls games: super detailed environmental storytelling."
"Being around people that are negative or being in situations that are negative can significantly affect you."
"Our temperament, that is, our emotionality, combined with our home environment and the school environments that we were raised in, shape what we know about the world and our concepts of self."
"Ice spikes is just truly one of the coolest worlds to survive in."
"If they're serious about being about carbon in the atmosphere, then they must be pro-nuclear."
"Being in a different environment, it's like, 'Oh, this is possible.' It made me want more."
"Environment is more important than genetics."
"Everything in nature grows only where it's vulnerable."
"A 15-minute city is one where everything we need is close to home, where communities are safe and inclusive, where the air is clean."
"There's going to be a lot that we have to adapt to both environmentally but also in terms of what will be revealed to us in the decade or two to come."
"It's almost as if everyone ages at different rates depending on their genes and environment."
"The feeling that we have no control over our environment...is deeply, deeply amiserating and compels us to act in certain ways either attempts to find positive ways of power or doing what you call covert ways of getting power."
"I transform my life by transforming the space in which I live and work."
"You cannot heal yourself in the same environment that got you sick."
"I think we underestimate how much spaces and aesthetics affect our mind."
"Green Path was full of these forest-themed enemies, and this place was just gorgeous and one of my favorite areas in the game."
"Is it going to be easier to read because there's less distractions from the outside world?"
"Cleaning... it's a lot harder to focus and be productive when everything around you is in chaos."
"There is variation based on both genetics and circumstance in baseline levels of dopamine."
"If you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with successful people."
"Breathe your biome. Your microbiome is not just coded by your food; it's mostly coded by what are you breathing."
"It's kind of nice to have co-workers, like, you know, I operate really well in an environment with people who are doing the same thing."
"Everything is energy, and our environment is our energy and impacts us as a whole."
"Everything we buy takes resources from the earth, energy to produce, and greenhouse gas emissions emitted to ship it all over the world."
"Swamp is really difficult to traverse; however, many rare plants grow here."
"Our minds have a tendency to absorb whatever world we're in."
"When the person becomes less of a victim to their environment, they are more of the creator of their environment."
"For kids who are growing up in this environment, it's tough, and I feel for kids who are growing up in this environment because I feel like in a lot of ways, it's worse."
"The weather is cool there at this time... most of all the sea there is very clear."
"Clutter increases stress hormones. It's very hard for us to feel at ease and settled in a space that is cluttered up and messy."
"Places belong to those that love them and take care of them."
"Genetics loads the gun, but environment pulls the trigger."
"Scientists say deforestation in the Amazon is to blame, as rainfall, much of which emanates from the forest itself, has significantly decreased."
"Private jets produce a ridiculous amount of carbon emissions."
"The planet is now 15 percent greener than it was in the year 2000...it's very hard for me to look at that and not think well maybe more plants is a good thing."
"I really do think there's a correlation between your environment and your ability to think."
"Consciousness is what allows you to ascend your genetics and environment, even if it's just a small degree."
"If you want to be great, you gotta surround yourself with greatness."
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when in the night, do as the night does."
"She's vegan... she cares about the environment and animals."
"Epigenetic control [means] you are the master because you can regulate the environment that will then manifest the genetics to conform to the environment."
"Your environment is you, and as human beings, we need to be more conscious of how we interact with the planet."
"It's never about willpower; it's all about the environment and habits."
"Being around people that have higher standards...feels freeing."
"Raising and consuming animals is devastating for our environment in so many different ways."
"Surround yourself with positive people, positive friends, positive books."
"Just whatever ecosystems you're in touch with in a day is going to code for the microbiome diversity, the intelligence of life within you."
"We are killing ourselves with poor diet choices, minimal physical activities, and inadequate exposure to natural environments."
"We are products of our environment, but we are also creators of our environment when we become aware of it."
"Being in an organized and tidy environment is just better for your mental health."
"We are living in the most toxic time in human history."
"I love a hot tub but you know I love a hot tub in a cold environment and a fire pit, just upping the romantic ante."
"You do the best you can to bring love, peace, joy, purity into the environment that you have any control over."
"The night cycle in particular being very very dark...and also more dangerous enemies come out at night."
"The salmon fishery in Bristol Bay is set in an almost pristine ecosystem, unique in the world."
"Bristol Bay's great sockeye salmon run is concentrated in several major river systems."
"This is the last major salmon drainage, healthy one in North America."
"Create templates for your repetitive tasks. Often, getting things done is much less about willpower and much more about your environment."
"In an environment like this, the truth can be easily lost."
"You got to bring your own environment. I bring my energy."
"Sometimes your greatest accomplishments come in an environment of self-doubt."
"Woo, all right! Look at this place, this looks great."
"I think humans are on a driven, naturally market-driven path to resolving carbon output in our industrial systems."
"What you think is to think the truth regardless of your surroundings."
"We are dependent upon the natural world for every breath of air we take and for every mouthful of food we eat, but it's even more than that."
"Sexuality is a very complicated thing. You do not have a single gene that codes for your sexuality. It is the complex interaction of many genes that are also complexly affected by your environment."
"Verdant Orcs seek the home that was owed to them, creating orcish Groves deep within forests away from the eyes of all."
"I've never seen a person consistently stick to positive habits in a negative environment."
"Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior."
"The best individual plant of all time is trees."
"It's not always the strongest, it's not always the smartest, it's the most adaptable to the environment in which they find themselves."
"Providing a stable environment with a sense of safety and things to do and exercise and things for them to explore, then you're really going to have a much deeper and satisfying relationship with them."
"Plants actually dominate the Earth's environment... making up 80% of Earth's biomass."
"Did you know that according to our very own scientists at NASA, that our planet's temperature has been increasing by 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit per decade?"
"I say the debate is over. We know the science, we see the threat, and we know the time for action is now."
"I have a strict belief that architecture has an ability to lift your soul, that we are susceptible to our surroundings."
"I would avoid going near the convenience store whenever I could because every time I passed in front of the store, I would always feel a sharp stare towards me."
"Working in this breathtakingly beautiful but incredibly unforgiving environment, construction teams have pulled off miracles."
"It's a part of its environment. And it graces its environment rather than disgraces it."
"The future of our planet is at stake. We must come together, defeat Donald Trump, and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
"They finally returned to Earth and are noticeably unhappy with what humans have done to it."
"Methane can trap 80 times more heat than carbon dioxide in a 20-year period."
"Sometimes I forget the water's poisonous. Might want to get out."
"Prince Philip's commitment to the environment, to technology, and to young people is an inspiration to all of us seeking to advance the UN charter."
"Half of our advances are genetics and half of our advances are environment."
"Tonight, I want to have a conversation about this incredible global issue that's at the intersection of land use, food, and environment, something we can all relate to."
"I think what we are is a product of our innate desires and our environmental influences reflected back onto us."
"Without this beautiful planet, we would have probably been gone a long time ago."
"Reforestation effects are so dramatic that the change for the so-called greening due to human activity for China alone is approximately 10%."
"Elon Musk has done the world a huge service with respect to Tesla and electronic vehicles and our environment."
"Indeed it did. The tidal basin is full of fresh, clean water now."
"Societies develop and evolve like organisms do, they form in a given circumstance, change with the environment."
"It would be easy to lose hope, but we are not hopeless or helpless. We have a path to recovery if we choose to take it."
"I didn't want to become a product of my environment; I want my environment to become a product of who I am."
"People underestimate the power of environment."
"ADHD is not simply a neuroscientific illness; it's actually a neuroscientific meets environment illness."
"But while it may be a frozen tundra, that doesn't mean it doesn't have things to be discovered."
"The Antarctic ice sheet holds about 90% of the world's ice, representing a significant portion of the planet's fresh water reserves."
"If you get rid of bees, the entire world will collapse. You get rid of us, and it will thrive. It will heal. We are the tumor on this planet."
"Kids are learning machines... they need to be in an environment where there's stimulating stuff that they can figure out how it works."
"If you want to change it, you have to change you, and then the environment will change."
"This is a garden, and we are gardeners. This perception changes how we interact with our environment."
"The earth has lost more than half of its animals since 1970. We are doing something very wrong."
"The nether used to be so terrifying, but now it's just kind of a nice little stroll in the park."
"I need friends outside of my work, an environment that really calms me."
"Animal agriculture contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than all of transportation combined."
"You don't understand how powerful you are in the sense that you influence that whole environment simply through your presence."
"The sixth great extinction on the planet right now... we're losing one species to the point of extinction every twenty minutes."
"Food independence needs to be the political mission; if we create food independence, greenhouse gas problems go away."
"Crack open a window and get a little bit of fresh air."
"All that any human being is seeking for is pleasantness within himself, pleasantness around him."
"Fossil fuels are basically just plants and animals that died millions of years ago."
"Eating less beef or products relating to it seems the best starting point for anyone who wants to get involved in this."
"The advantage of hydrogen fuel cell cars over conventional cars is the possibility of having a zero carbon footprint."
"Travel more...I want to be able to see the beauty of our national parks before they all burn."
"We urge you to vote for Joe Biden, who is offering fact-based plans to protect our health, our economy, and our environment."
"Protecting the environment is the mission for everyone, and especially, I believe blockchain technology can really help."
"We want our kittens to grow up in a secure environment where they feel like they have everything that they need, they feel loved, they feel cared for, they feel like they are not going to go hungry."
"I passed the biggest law in history to combat climate change because our future depends on it."
"That's what you do. See, this is what I look at: Like, you're born on a block because that's where your parents are born. That's the life that you're given in that moment, but that's not the only life I'm gonna experience."
"I'm a seeker of Truth and I care about Humanity and I care about the environment and I care about the general overall state of the people and the community and the world around me."
"Water, water all around, and not a drop to drink."
"It goes to show that life is incredibly determined and living things will make a home out of just about any environment they're given."
"A super habitable planet would have all its surface covered by forests, no polar regions, no deserts."
"If necessity is the mother of invention, electric vehicles are the answer to many of the world's woes."
"The right temperature and environment developed and changed over billions of years to make it habitable for us, but one tiny thing could set off this balance, and we'd be nothing."
"Hard to imagine anything that could be more out of place in an underwater world than bottled water."
"Actually, it's very clean and peaceful in space."
"Welcome to Night City, where your address says more about you than anything else."
"The whole place is surrounded by water, which affects people's moods positively."
"Madison is its capital; the whole place is surrounded by water which affects people's moods positively."
"Toto's 'Africa' is playing now in the desert... The six speakers play all four minutes and 56 seconds of Toto's seminal work on repeat."
"The environment plays an important role in our lives."
"The inhabitants show unfailing determination in their ways of coping with their hostile environment."
"The United Nations has talked about how animal agriculture is one of the most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems our planet faces."
"They're minutes away from switching the towers on and using Morph X energy to hopefully end pollution in the world."
"You can feel the weight of silence in that place."
"Equity fosters an inclusive and barrier-free environment in which everyone will fully benefit."
"We're in a position where we can create hard, good jobs by making sure the environment is clean and we all are in better shape."
"Being able to alter someone's lived environment is one of the ultimate forms of control."
"Microplastics will still exist hundreds of millions of years from now unless we find a way to help them decompose."
"The environment changes you. If the healthy choice is at arm's reach, that's what you'll choose."
"The contrast in how peaceful and how dangerous this world is, when you compare daytime and nighttime, is absolutely insane."
"It seems that wherever they went, they experienced extreme attrition—hardy rifles for long, hard service lives in some of the harshest environments on the planet: sand, salt water, and all the while belching black powder."
"The existential threat humanity faces is global warming."
"Our environment and the culture that surrounds us also mold us."
"Climate change will affect everybody, Democrats and Republicans alike."
"I know I'm not stupid because in the right environment, I can thrive."
"Spiritual energy is real, and that energy can go places, including water."
"Willpower has nothing to do with change; it's setting up your environment to be right for change."
"If you were to remove all water from Earth's hydrosphere, things would go very badly, namely, we would all die."
"All I care about is just being happy. It's like, happy people make a happy environment and creative work."
"The sound of rain outside has always been a very inspiring atmosphere to me."
"Soil carbon percentage may be very indicative of the persistence of the human species on the planet."
"Atmosphere... you want the atmosphere to match your goals."
"The lack of cars and loud noises were welcomed by the animals, who spontaneously reappeared."
"Transportation is the single biggest contributor of greenhouse gases in the American economy."
"Every generation or so, a silent killer emerges, threatening our environment and the well-being of humanity."
"Microplastics could be our generation's smoking issue."
"If we believe that people are the result of their environments, then that means that we need to make the environment as good as possible."
"Fashion production comprises 10% of total global carbon emissions."
"The real issue with fast fashion is the speed at which it's produced, putting a large pressure on people and the environment."
"Sustainability is our main driver and motivator; it drives everything that we do."
"Taking care of the environment according to the Quran chapter number six is part of the Sharia."
"We are the pioneers in the protection of people and planet because that's what pioneers do. We set our sights to the seemingly unattainable and then run towards it."
"Producing beef uses considerably more blue water than producing plants."
"The Environment breeds success, and therefore the environment must be altered to allow for success."
"Low humidity gives increasing transmission of the virus, high humidity is giving reduced transmission of the virus."
"All abusive environments are about gaining coercive control over others."
"Welcome to the jungle, people. Welcome to the jungle. We've got fun and games."
"The world is more competitive than it has ever been before, and you need to be surrounding yourself with people who are positive and full of energy that can complement your life."
"That's a great question. I wholeheartedly believe that a person's environment greatly affects the artwork they produce."
"Public transport does have a lot of other benefits. It offers mobility to people who can't drive or can't afford a car, it is much more environmentally friendly, and it can make city centers much nicer places to live without the noise and pollution of thousands of cars."