
Conflict Resolution Quotes

There are 9922 quotes

"It's okay to recognize everybody lost in this situation."
"We would never go to bed angry. My mom would make us sit at the table and discuss, get it all out on the table, give each other hugs, wrap it up."
"I want you to feel like I've treated you fairly, and if at any given point in time you think I'm not treating you fairly, I want you to stop me and we're gonna address it."
"If you make making sense your core value on a fundamental level, not only will it allow you to achieve anything you want more easily, but it will give you the ability to rise above any conflict you have experienced in your life."
"End conflict in your personal life. Exercise the humility, courage, and strength required both to forgive and to seek forgiveness."
"Being able to resolve conflict in a healthy way is crucial to a successful and satisfying relationship."
"If you're mad about something, you can either sit in silence and stew about it, or you can speak up. Just say what's going on. You will feel better, and whatever the issue is, will likely be solved a hell of a lot more quickly and painlessly if you just use your damn word."
"The secret is not to avoid the elephant in the room but to acknowledge it directly."
"The job taught me how to be charismatic, how to calm down screaming old ladies who are threatening to call the police on me, and how to talk with such finesse."
"I didn't understand why we had to fight. There was no reason for us to fight each other."
"Empathy is a very valuable resource for humanity... it has the power to resolve conflict."
"We're quick to jump to physical altercation; we're quick to jump into a warrior mindset. But when there's empathy, we can sit down and listen."
"The answer to evil is not more evil. What you fight, you become. It's love."
"You don't need to fight fire with fire. The fact that you are so compassionate and gentle with others just goes to show your true strength."
"We urgently need empathy to create the social glue to hold our societies together and to erode the toxic 'Us vs Them' mentality, that is the cause of so much conflict."
"We agree to disagree and never go to bed without resolving an argument, saying 'I love you,' 'I'm sorry,' and listening to the other side."
"If you defeat her, you defeat yourself because now you're living with someone who's defeated and bitter."
"Don't internalize things personally...it's not about us. If we internalize it and we react to that, we will now make things worse."
"When these wars stop...that's when the really interesting stuff comes, that's where the complexity of geopolitics and economics comes in."
"What makes a relationship work is not the absence of conflict, but how we repair the disappointments."
"Never weaponize your partner's insecurities ever under any circumstance, even though you could win an argument by hitting them with that insecurity. You can't do it, not even once."
"We made it clear that we're never going to use divorce as a threat. We don't get to threaten each other with the 'divorce' word."
"I think the only way we're going to resolve the immigration issue is to have a president who's willing to sacrifice some popularity to try to force a resolution."
"Art will outlast fighting; you can't fight forever."
"The way that you avoid people fighting in the streets is to have them feel that their fights can be resolved by the courts."
"I think a combination of text communication and face-to-face communication can be a great way to get through conflict."
"In this arena, we don't just fight our opponents; we battle our limits."
"The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it."
"The best way to win an argument is to avoid it."
"Fair assumptions were made, and I understand why Brax thought everything led back to me; however, that doesn't change that my words and actions caused Brax's pain."
"This has to be resolved in a calm, responsible, and professional manner."
"Whenever there's a conflict in the street, it's always the market woman or the fish market woman who intervenes to break it up. She's reacting to her pity."
"It's better we know each other's names, even if we fight."
"I need to respect you more, and if we have like a problem, then I should sit down and talk to you about it instead of getting angry."
"The essence of the right of return is choice. Palestinians should be given the option to choose where they wish to settle, including return to their homes from which they were driven."
"So much of what we hear about in terms of friction points in relationships centers around it seems communication or lack of communication."
"The cycle of death, hatred, and trauma must be brought to an end."
"What makes politics dangerous is when you can't resolve conflict. That is where things become violent."
"The mere act of talking, even though most talks will fall apart, is a precursor to an eventual peace."
"Our priority now is a complete, comprehensive, permanent ceasefire."
"Lincoln said, 'Do we not defeat our enemies by making them our friends?'"
"I think that Serbia, like, I don't think it's responsible for a country to commit an ethnic cleansing and then you to stop them, you're like, 'Oh yeah, okay, so we'll stop, and then we'll do like a little vote on whether we get to keep the territory that we ethnically cleansed.'"
"You can't fight kindness. It's a conquering element of character to be kind when someone is very unkind to you."
"When things hit the fan, and you and your friend are arguing... we have no idea how to actually communicate effectively and work through problems in our friendships because we don't see them as relationships."
"We all should be willing to have a conversation; otherwise, what are we ultimately going to get? Conflict and fracture and the breakdown of cultural values."
"Avoid drama. Drama is a social conflict...the one through line that connects all possible drama sources at the table is that the reasons behind it are always social in nature."
"It's not whether or not you fight, it's whether or not you reconcile."
"It’s an amazing friendship because when they do have conflicts, they’re able to work through them and apologize meaningfully."
"Let's set this up as a problem to solve, how can we make the things we don't like less likely without necessarily having to find bad guys and punish them."
"No one really won, and everyone moved on with their life, or so you would think."
"Neither party is in the wrong. They both owned up to their mistakes and worked things out, which is very mature of them both."
"Noticing, and naming emotions is the first step to resolving them."
"If you don't make everything be you or if you choose conversation over conflict, you're a winner."
"What is lost by doing this? How can this not be helpful to sit across from somebody and talk to them instead of about them?"
"What we urgently need now is quiet diplomacy, not microphone diplomacy."
"It's only kill or be killed if it's something you can't talk about."
"You are going to fight with whoever you date, it is going to happen, you cannot avoid it... they have to be able to resolve conflicts and that only happens by them being capable of communicating."
"I'm willing to sit down with almost anybody that I've had problems with."
"As long as respect is still in play, as me personally, I feel like anything can be resolved."
"You want to make it clear to the Russians they won't win, and you want to do it as fast as possible."
"Choose your battles; not everything has to be a fight, and not everything should be a fight."
"If somebody says something mean to you, the proper response is not to call their mother a name. That's the first thing you learn when you're a kid."
"I realized the only way to get rid of this dude was to forgive him."
"It is better to negotiate for a hundred years than to wage war for a single day."
"A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger."
"Serbia and Kosovo have normalized their economic relations. This is a significant step forward for decades-long conflict."
"You cannot fight hate with hate; you need to fight hate with love."
"If you know you're gonna fight with someone, then just wait for them to come over to eat. Don't fight, you guys, it's the holiday. It's time to be merry and loving, no fighting."
"The best time to resolve any conflict with a female partner would be between days 10 to 15."
"This whole thing could go away right now if Hamas lays down its arms."
"I wish the wife would have been like, 'I'm not [__] leaving our house with our child. Like, we can go in separate rooms and you can take your space or you can leave.'"
"The left and the right get along perfectly well together as long as they can talk to each other. But as soon as they can't talk to each other, then the alternative is simple: one is slavery, the other is tyranny."
"Let me summarize: There are really three parts to making a relationship a successful relationship... quality of friendship, dealing with conflicts, and creating a shared meaning system together."
"The only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to a bully."
"Never start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, finish it."
"If you need time for conflict resolution, you should be able to say or have a discussion like, 'Listen, I love you, and I'll say it. I'll give you a hug, but you got to leave me the alone for 6 hours, then we can chat.'"
"Love covers a multitude of sin. If we stay in love, we can conquer all."
"Diplomacy requires engaging in good faith to de-escalate."
"Rather than avoid it, I want to see more people learn conflict resolution."
"You've been learning how not to react, you have been learning how to handle conflict super gracefully."
"The most permanent potential scenario is official conflict termination, a peace treaty, an official end to the war."
"It doesn't matter what you're actually fighting about because, at the end of the day, you know that you were coming out of that fight still together."
"At the end of every fight, you know that you are both in it forever or you know you're both in it a hundred and ten and no one's wavering on the commitment."
"I always say you should aim for peace, but if you can't aim for peace, aim between the eyes."
"A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger."
"Internal peace is a state of non conflict between all of these internal siamese twins."
"You'll never win your war by running from your battles."
"There has to be some reasonable off-ramp where we're not going to fight forever."
"Manage your own emotions. So if you are trying to create change in any kind of situation, you need to be calm, cool, and collected."
"Without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness, and fury."
"We've never gone to bed angry a single time. Whenever there's an issue, we talk about it instantly."
"We're always looking for enemies to fight...hate can't be combated, hate has to be met with light."
"Justice is the cornerstone of societal stability and the resolution of disputes within societies or nations."
"I'm not having a drink because I'm addicted to alcohol; I'm having a drink because I can't tolerate being in conflict with those two competing parts of me."
"The alternative to discourse is conflict, like physical outright physical conflict."
"Nobody ever built anything great by being fully agreeable. There's always respect and love behind our interactions."
"I don't respond well to angry tones...but when you can calmly explain to me what all the [__] going on, then I can get a better understanding."
"Diplomacy is the art of sitting down with people that you inherently disagree with and trying to find a compromise that avoids conflict."
"Beauty, harmony, and balance. Initiation. Any conflict you experience now serves your divine purpose."
"Show humility in victory and let fresh wounds heal. It's in your best interest that everyone accepts the outcome, comes to terms with it, and moves on."
"It's like repeatedly setting someone's house on fire and calling on some random abstract force to give them a bottle of water to deal with it."
"We just want peace. Why doesn't everyone want peace?"
"The next time someone frustrates, annoys, or is just being difficult, lean towards kindness and acceptance."
"Taking the right action at the right time in the right place can define the outcome of any conflict."
"War can only be accepted as an absolute last resort."
"I think this case boils down to, unfortunately, two things: one is forgiveness, and two is understanding."
"The only process that allows for negotiation in the absence of capitulation or conflict is speech."
"The fastest way to eliminate an enemy is to turn him into an ally."
"This is not an attack on you. I'm hoping that this creates more light than heat."
"I think it's much more productive to understand the root of that anger rather than simply get angry with them in return."
"The absolute worst time for anything like that. And this is why I say violence doesn't work."
"When somebody bumps into your boundaries, you cannot get mad."
"Engagement between the two sides...reflects that the way to solve the remaining problems is through engagement rather than starting a Cold War-like or confrontational relationship."
"Winning with grace is really important because it doesn't foster resentment from the other side."
"We can go ahead and beat each other up, but at the end of the day, we still brothers."
"Culture matters. When there is a conflict between culture and strategy, culture wins."
"Just stop being upset... How about we just be super duper cool best friends?"
"Rupture and repair: There will always be ruptures, and how you repair it together is the biggest predictor of whether a relationship is going to be successful."
"This is a two-front war, and it's a war we're going to win on both fronts."
"I realized that maybe response videos and back and forth wouldn't help... I wanted to see that, or in my opinion, I think that you and I probably agree on way more than we disagree on."
"The way to beat a bad idea is with a better idea."
"Hatred should not be a guiding factor and it should not be an element when you are reviewing anyone from both sides."
"A study called 'Gender Differences in Social Focus Among Friends' found that women take conflicts more personally while men may be more likely to overlook them."
"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between the two of you."
"Communications is something that ends a lot of relationships."
"We are very fluent in the language of critique and are bumbling in the language of repair."
"The idea of how do you get to a better place in the Middle East? First of all, if it were simple, we wouldn't be dealing with this kind of turmoil."
"It's only when you can control your own emotions that you're able to take a potentially negative situation or person and turn it into a win for everyone involved."
"The fastest way to end that conflict is to turn off the money and force these two men to the negotiating table to negotiate peace."
"Ukraine's territorial integrity is kept intact at the end of this war, including Crimea and those areas seized by Russia in the Donbass."
"To have those open exchanges is better than to have that bottled up and fester with some sort of deep, unhealthy, toxic frustration."
"Thoughtful disagreement if you work that through you raise your probabilities of getting at the best answer."
"I'm striving for a discussion, not for conflict. Let's share our thoughts respectfully."
"When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the supple moves of prayer."
"The only solution to this conflict is through dialogue and diplomacy."
"If there's a giant conflict going on, I want to hear both sides."
"Every effort of course must be made to de-escalate the conflict."
"We deplore the ongoing violence in Ukraine and reiterate the need for restraint, for a ceasefire, and a peaceful resolution of the conflict."
"If we refuse to treat our opposition with respect, what respect can we expect in return?"
"For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury."
"Stop avoiding conflict. Conflict is a growth tool."
"I'm a lover not a fighter bro, but today... today has to be better than last time."
"Through dialogue, there can be accommodation."
"Communication is a key element of resolving issues inside a marriage."
"Marriage isn't all rosy, but what do you do? You work it out, you communicate."
"Choosing your battles carefully is probably good advice as well."
"With the five of wands reversed, it's about focusing on what truly matters."
"Once you learn how to fight, you don't fight anymore because you have nothing to prove anymore."
"Fighting confrontation with confrontation is only going to cause more confrontation."
"Confrontation is not inherently bad, or mean, or aggressive. It's just seeing a situation and putting some pressure on others to make that situation more in line with what you want it to be."
"The Art of War is to win with the minimum Bloodshed and the minimum violence."
"We feel the best path forward is a diplomatic path."
"At first blush, always try to avoid violence."
"The purpose of indirect negotiation is to create a platform of mutual empathy between two people with opposing interests."
"It's always better to talk things out with your besties rather than fight or do anything immature."
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
"It only takes one rational party to end emotional blackmail."
"I'm done with both of you. You just lied and hurt Lindsay's feelings, and I'm not going to stand for it."
"If you're in a position to love your opponent out of their cult, do that."
"I've always noticed that when there's conflict, it's the confrontational one who is advised to walk away."
"The realist argument should be that you want to organize affairs in such a way that all geopolitical interests are accounted for to minimize conflict."
"Resist that temptation to go to the extremes, to go to hostility, to go to rage, to go to violence. It is not too late."
"Name-calling is always detrimental to any productive conversation."
"We're after the solution that causes both of us to feel relief."
"If two people love each other, they can deal with differences."
"I will never understand people like that. Like, lady, you parked too close to someone and they cannot get in their vehicle. Go do the right thing. I know it isn't convenient, but like, how on Earth do you think you are in the right?"
"We need to bring these giant container ships to a halt and then we need to slowly turn them and move away from the direction of War."
"I'm a grown man. If somebody apologizes and genuinely means it, then, you know, I can accept it and we can move on."
"You're coming into harmony, you're coming into balance, resolving conflict."
"If Russia withdraws the troops today, the war is over; if Ukraine stops fighting today, Ukraine is over."
"You can't be in agreement with people if you're in disagreement within yourself."
"It's not just about winning the war, and it is a war, this is also about winning the peace."
"Violence does not solve violence. Violence does not end the problem of violence."
"If your concern is for the hostages and your concern is for civilian populations on both side, that only leads to one place, which is the ceasefire."
"Violence should never be the first solution when approaching any situation."
"If you find yourself typing back and forth a lot and it's getting a little combative, see if you can hop to an audio call real quick."
"If you want to stay married, what you need to be doing is having regular sex and not physiologically overwhelming one another in arguments."
"Wars have been abolished in favour of a new tournament where space colonies duke it out by sending representative Gundam pilots to battle over who gets to control the colonies for the next four years."
"Be quick to apologize, be quick to admit your error."
"The secret to defeating them is not through combat...instead, what you want to do is create, make something."
"They can see spending their life with you because you are excellent at working things out and in talking things out."
"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
"If we're not dealing with the root cause of these issues, it can be very difficult to get over that impulse in the moment."
"The argument is not for the person who harmed you; it's for all the people around you who are watching."
"We fight about stuff just like anybody does, but I think the glue for us has been our faith."
"I love being able to reconcile differences and talk things out."
"If the Israelis announced we are disarming, no more army, no more weapons, what would happen the next day? And if the Palestinians said we are disarming, no more fighting, no more terror, no more rockets, nothing, what would happen the next day?"
"If you can figure out a way to convince them to stop doing that, then I think we'll have unity."
"I'm not going to handle my problems with violence. I think everyone loses."
"You two will stay together if you are willing to work through the arguments and drama."
"The only way we're gonna work through something is if we openly communicate about how you feel."
"Perhaps a conclusion could have been reached at the ballot box instead of at the tip of a bayonet."
"You have to be the bigger person just because they're doing wrong doesn't mean you have to engage."
"It's about positive reinforcement; you don't get anywhere when you just scream and shout."
"There's either a decision then to decide it's a mismatch or to decide it's still a match and it was an honest mistake. Neither of those involve ripping someone to shreds."
"Attacking people does not work. It has never worked."
"It's just like a marriage; if you want a divorce, if you want a civil war, then just keep dishonoring the other person, just keep focusing on everything that's wrong with them, and you'll get your divorce, you'll get your Civil War."
"It's always better to have lines of communication open between people, particularly adversaries."
"We've ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan, and as we close this period of relentless war, we're opening a new era of relentless diplomacy."
"What you want is to negotiate your way to a sustainable peace."