
Difficulty Quotes

There are 7586 quotes

"It's one of the reasons I argue with people that golf is one of the hardest sports in the world."
"Either way it's going to be brutally difficult. Which difficult do you want to choose?"
"Elden Ring has beautiful, respectful difficulty."
"I'm getting too old to let a game's difficulty hold me back from playing something I really want to play, so I just decided a while back that I'm not going to be ashamed of setting a game to easy anymore."
"The living failures can seriously smack the shit out of you."
"This fight is where 75% of all attempts ended because if you ever lose a battle, you randomize everything and start a new game."
"I have to come to you and tell you this, and it's hard."
"Look, I could have added things to make it easier, but I think making it harder is probably going to be more enjoyable to watch and potentially to play."
"For those unaware, Lasso is short for Legendary All Skulls On, and beating it requires you to complete a Halo campaign on the highest difficulty with modifiers that make everything substantially harder."
"Internal growth is actually the most difficult thing. That's why self-actualization is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
"It's so good for zoning... it's so hard to do anything because it covers not only the ground but also the air."
"I always like when people's like, 'Man, that was the easiest championship.' I said, technically, that is the hardest championship."
"Entrepreneurship is way fucking harder than school."
"Learning technical things is hard, and self-learning is even harder."
"It seemed like it was harder to guard Shaq versus before 2004."
"The world building is absolutely beautiful, and this game is quite hard."
"Games like Bloodborne are way too hard for me, so it's seriously a treat to watch a speedrun of it."
"And here's the thing, this isn't like, easy. But it's definitely doable."
"Make sure you've got a solid, personal intention behind your change, or else it will just be simply too difficult."
"The list was so long that it took me around 10 minutes to get through them all, with each name, at least initially, harder to say than the last."
"Swamp is really difficult to traverse; however, many rare plants grow here."
"All things that are worth having in this world are hard."
"It's too hard? Good. The harder it is, the greater it will feel when you succeed. Keep going."
"We're gonna test out how the difficulty is so far."
"There seems to be an appetite for difficult things, which is really something."
"It's difficult to make predictions, especially when they are about the future."
"Everything that conspires to make the preciousness and sacredness of the present moment difficult to realize is what I hate."
"God never said it would be easy, but he did say it would be worth it."
"It took me like forever to whittle it down to 50, and believe me, it was hard."
"Sometimes the right decision is the hardest one to make."
"The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate whether the brain requires more energy as the game gets harder and faster."
"But as I progress, I begin to realize that this world is where the game's difficulty goes from occasionally frustrating to, 'I'm going to throw my phone into the sun.'"
"It makes me see life differently, that maybe I wish I didn't know, so that I could live a little bit easier."
"With iRacing, it's so much more difficult not to get into contact with other drivers because you just don't get a sense of what's gonna happen."
"Peace is hard, but we know that it is possible."
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
"We felt that certain optional areas in Hell difficulty often get ignored, so we decided to increase their monster levels to add more incentives with risk versus reward gameplay."
"Progress does happen, and... it's very difficult to achieve, but progress does happen."
"To unlock the seriously 5.0 achievement, you have to beat the campaign on insane difficulty, master all the horde and escape maps."
"It's incredibly important, but it's difficult. And I think just having a little understanding and compassion for yourself, that you're actually tackling among humankind's most difficult topics."
"Kindness requires genius...to be effectively kind is hard."
"The hardest championship to win is the first championship."
"It's so difficult to find any good, meaningful discourse around sex online."
"I have so much respect for these people... what we do is not easy."
"The harder it feels to learn something, the more likely that information is to stick. This is very counterintuitive because, despite all of the decades of research, most teachers still focus on trying to make the content as convenient as possible for their students."
"After scrambling for half our lives, we discovered that life is so difficult."
"Chess is a very difficult game, and there are small mistakes creeping in everywhere. That happens for everybody."
"Creating content that gets eyeballs consistently is very hard."
"It's only difficult things that are valuable."
"The Italian campaign was ranked with the toughest waged in the war."
"It's a choice no parent should have to make."
"The difficulty of this game is however much you want it to be."
"Anyone who's had to have a difficult conversation will know that this is the case, it actually gets tougher and tougher the longer you leave it."
"The truth is, not everybody finds it easy to get somewhere."
"The process of growing up remains a very difficult and painful one, which makes it rather hard to really be envious of youth."
"Sometimes, if you're not understanding, it's hard for you to even forgive yourself."
"You can't underestimate how difficult getting the rock to move in the first place is."
"It's very easy to be judgmental... but it's not actually easy to be forgiving."
"When designed well, difficulty in games is a strength that can inspire growth."
"Advanced AI tweaks... adds more difficulty by making NPCs behave more reasonably and resourcefully."
"English is probably one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn."
"Chess is hard, watching chess is hard, playing chess is hard, and learning chess is hard."
"Hardcore Minecraft does not forgive, and it does not forget."
"Between the crushing difficulty, the feeling of an open consistent world, true accomplishments and being devoid of direction, I find this kind of gameplay enjoyable, rewarding, and exploratory."
"Final Fantasy XI is very much a product of its time. The rigidness is abundant, and back in the day, yeah, it was rough. And we liked it that way."
"Whenever you're faced with a difficulty in life, what nyān yoga says is: Understand the nature of the thing."
"Just because you feel like your path is difficult right now does not mean it's the wrong path."
"Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
"It was very difficult...the mental part and emotional part was the hardest part that I had to deal with."
"You stop being able to construct a sentence that... flows well."
"Each major action and choice that a character makes should be tougher than the last."
"Endings are hard. He's been all this time dealing up this world and the characters in it, and now you got like 10 minutes to wrap it all up. Good luck, idiot."
"Life has an inalienable element of difficulty and travail and suffering."
"I believe in the truth the most of anyone; I just think it's very, very difficult to reach."
"It's really hard to build new things. It's so easy to tear things down."
"Love is not difficult for you. The first examples of nurturing and love that we were given or we're not given as children might of shown us that love is hard for us."
"Choose the hard right... the thing that's right, that's hard."
"Difficulty doesn't directly correlate with enjoyment, and I had a blast playing this game again."
"Predictions are hard, especially about the future."
"I think B site is the hardest plant to hardest sub one of the map to plants in any other map."
"Masochist. That's basically what tinkering around with radios can be sometimes."
"The ghost signal, in my opinion, is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, of all of the endgame crisis events."
"Chemistry is a hard thing to get, like catching lightning in a bottle."
"Games can be made with multiple difficulty options in mind or only one. It's up to the developer's intent."
"It's not that easy to make humor that everybody can enjoy."
"I've been on a camel in Dubai. They're quite hard to get on and off."
"The road ahead is going to be very difficult."
"It acknowledges how hard it is, how long it takes, and how you might never go back to how you were before."
"Doing the hardest content in the game... should logically have a higher reward than content you can AFK."
"Wherever there's difficulty, there's growth."
"We defeated the wither on Hard difficulty and why God was that resource consuming."
"At the end of your life, oh my god that was so hard it was worth it."
"Dolmen is inspired by 'souls-like,' so yes, you're going to die a lot."
"Change is hard, transformation is hard. And when you're dealing with money, you're dealing with a person in the mirror, which is really, really hard."
"Fellas, it's no secret that quitting a bad habit is hard, but it doesn't have to be."
"Every time of ease is followed by a time of difficulty, and vice versa."
"Every American has to make these changes, and I know they're really hard."
"He can see how not just difficult how impossible it is to actually be in this."
"It's easy to play video games. It's hard to actually be entertaining at the same time."
"Kindred may arguably be the most difficult jungler in the game to play."
"Trust, it was difficult and I thought it would be."
"Raising money is raising money; it's hard no matter the amount."
"Change of this nature could happen... it's not going to be easy but it is possible."
"Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - hailed as the most difficult entry yet."
"It was rough, not any more than like three speed items for any of you all day."
"Songwriting is so difficult and to have all of these things rolled into one..."
"The early difficult areas and the other spikes throughout the trip make the Mojave into a truly curious and eventful place."
"Besieging these impregnable fortresses was a difficult job."
"Healing is very possible, but it's not easy."
"The actual boss fight is lengthy for a Mario game, you have to fight three different forms of Bowser."
"Defining what is and what isn't fair use is higher than trying to hit the toilet bowl when you're half asleep."
"Courage is rare. That's why we look up to it. When something is very difficult to be an Olympic gymnast... we admire it."
"Calculus made harder: we have to make things harder, because that's our job."
"Confessing your feelings to someone can be difficult."
"Weight loss is actually easy compared to weight gain."
"It's hard because you can contend with it on every level. But ultimately, it's an emotional decision that people are making."
"I think I've chosen a path of integrity and it hasn't always been easy."
"Change is hard even if it seems like the best choice."
"It's hard to pass an amendment, but it's meant to be hard."
"Guys, this is one of the max level, it's one of the last puzzles, this might be impossible unless you're literally related to Isaac Newton."
"Guys, these are impossible difficulty! 99.999999 percent of people missed this one!"
"People don't understand how hard it is to win first place."
"It calls back what you learned from the first fight against the Asylum demon, but implements it in a more challenging fashion."
"I can't even explain how many times I had to retry this part here, it actually took me hours."
"Seriously, my dudes, this is the hardest part of the entire game."
"You are making it very hard for me to embroider."
"Frigid Outskirts... might actually be the worst level in any souls game ever made."
"The hard thing to do and the right thing to do are almost always the same thing."
"The strategies that are going to work right now are going to be more difficult."
"Acting good is hard, acting bad would be easy."
"I still believe we can act even when it's hard."
"No matter what you do, you must understand that it won't be easy, regardless of what you do."
"Jax's early lane is hard as hell. If you [ __ ] up your stun like that, you're not even a champ."
"Good satire is not nearly as easy as it looks."
"It's really hard every time I make a song to make a song and like the song might be like totally milquetoast and it was still really hard and that's like the funny thing about like actually creating anything."
"Starting over completely with no trace is very, very hard to pull off."
"Launch is hard, that goes double tonight as we're going to fly the most demanding mission profile for a Falcon rocket ever."
"This challenge is going to be a little bit instructional as well as really probably just by far the most challenging one of the course."
"It's not an easy road we are traveling to heaven."
"This is probably the toughest category for me to really lock in on a definitive favorite."
"Millennia embodies what I mentioned earlier that there undoubtedly exists good and bad difficulty."
"In Condemned, you're forced to get your hands dirty."
"This place is long, it's got multiple bosses, all of which are the toughest and most annoying in the game."
"If you die in this one you still lose lives and getting a game over is a real possibility."
"Fortunately this isn't as hard as it probably sounds."
"It's all the more embarrassing that we are having any losses when you remember that every run only goes to moms hard to begin with."
"Is this game hard? Yeah, for a little while. But that's just because things are a lot different than what you're used to."
"Overwatch is a far less forgiving game than Paladins."
"Cuphead: Seriously, it's almost impossible to beat."
"Personally, the hardest Pokémon game I've played in my adult life."
"Nothing worth doing is easy. Nothing not worth doing also easy."
"Their journey is going to be even more difficult than they may have originally imagined."
"It's hard. It's hard to lie. You have to remember what you said. Lying is work."
"Buckle up because it's going to be really hard."
"It's very easy to destroy something, to disrupt something, but it's very difficult to build something."
"We want to make this as an informed decision as possible as much as we can but I think the goal in creating a choice is for it to be a a difficult one ideally."
"He just moves too fast, man. Oh my, he just moves too fast."
"Sometimes things that we're meant to do are not easy but there's a sense of reward."
"Wowzers, we're level 34 now! What the heck? Damn, it's like they just made everything extremely difficult at level 30."
"To walk yourself back after a while is really really almost impossible."
"The hardest thing Max Payne could ever do... is change."
"It's not easy to win a war, you know. It's not easy."
"Please don't think that this is easy because it's really, really not."
"I find it difficult to have conversations with people who have different thoughts about politics."
"Quitting smoking is like the hardest thing you'll ever fucking do in your life."
"Honestly, I would rather do boot camp a hundred times over than quit smoking."
"The game has an incredible amount of depth. A newer player can enjoy the difficulty of the game and interaction of different armies together."
"The path to success are well known, it's not some undiscovered land, it's just really hard."
"Good community management is so difficult, you really need to have a dedicated person."
"Cuphead is regarded as one of the hardest games of recent years and the challenger will have only three lives to defeat the formidable frog bosses woody and crops."
"Without a guide, Maze Island is the absolute hardest minigame, sidequest, or thing I have ever experienced in a Zelda game."
"Every bite had become a struggle, every motion seemed forced."
"It's not like Dark Souls. Dark Souls is a very well-made game and it's a very hard game but it's fun hard."
"It's the invisible enemy that's always the toughest enemy."
"This might be the toughest challenge I've ever attempted."
"Ranger training is much more challenging than it seems."
"I'm trying to make it my easiest level yet, but it's still kind of hard."
"Notably, the bosses are harder and therefore infinitely more memorable."
"This is tedious, it's a case of memorizing split second timings."
"Rayman borders on sadistic on its level design."
"This challenge is so hard, bro. Oh my gosh, dude, I'm going to lose my mind."
"Sections that were tough as hell to pass on console were significantly easier to clear on PC."
"If you really want to be successful... you have to make things even harder."
"Turns out there's a right way to do this that has to be really hard."
"This thing is very difficult to contain. If it gets in your body, it does a lot of damage and it's proving to be a ridiculously sneaky foe."
"This person wants action, not just thoughts anymore."
"It's not just two or three swings and they're dead anymore."
"It's not a normal customer troubleshooting experience, it's like a saboteur experience."
"This is generally the mod that you want to go with if you're looking to do serious PvE content like legendary difficulty."
"Making predictions is hard, especially about the future."
"I was basically in a tar pit, like I was like in this place of just struggling."
"Making games is incredibly difficult and I respect the work talent and passion that these developers put into their craft."
"Funny's not easy man, funny is the hardest thing."
"Boys are playing life on hard mode from the second they are born."
"They really just pulled off that difficult victory."
"Prudence is never easy, it's by definition hard."
"Personality disorders tend to actually be kind of difficult on USMLE and COMLEX."
"Make the game harder... remove cheat deaths."
"Pulling something off in challenging content makes your success that much more satisfying."
"Magic Carpet: 'Very, very hard to deal with.'"