
Future-thinking Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"When you adjust people's dopamine levels to healthy levels, they start becoming more forward-thinking and more present."
"Consciousness enables us to think beyond the present and thus to act in very different ways."
"People who think about the future are people you want around you."
"The thing that drives me is that I want to be able to think about the future and feel good about that, so that we're doing what we can to have the future be as good as possible."
"The very act of planting a tree is a belief in tomorrow."
"You plant a tree whose shade you know you shall never sit beneath."
"Musk is not just giving a warning or telling a story, he's inviting us to join him in thinking about the past and the future."
"You are in a future that is so far down the road it may never show up."
"Intuitives are also looking forward, they're looking at the future and all the possibilities."
"Civilizational risks - that's what I care about, extending Consciousness into the future."
"A concept artist is somebody who thinks about the future, who imagines how things are constructed, and then tries to communicate that through visuals."
"The future started yesterday. We are already late. So, we should see that as the past becomes so painful historic moments, that pain should become the strength that draws us from our weakness and make today the present become a gift."
"Imagine your life in five years if this was something that no longer bothered you."
"If you think truly about that and strip yourself with a natural illusion, it makes sense kind of to think you should connect your own identity with posterity in a new way."
"The more you think about your desired future, the more your body shifts."
"If you're truly a future thinker, you should be able to do these interventions in real time."
"I think those are areas that if I were a future thinker and I was wondering like you know what's on Q's brain or like you know what are some of the the concepts that you think are or big things are gonna arise from those are those areas."
"Living in the future with my mind a lot because I don't know what's gonna happen."
"Try to keep this in your mind especially going into the future as you compare Tesla to how other companies are approaching solving FSD."
"I see the possibilities, the future vision, the potential."
"He's not thinking of right now, he's thinking of the future."
"In 10 years you're gonna wish you would have done what we're suggesting."
"We have to think long term, and that's something only younger people have the courage and unique position to do."
"It's very important to set up some sort of plan and some sort of goal for your legacy when you're no longer here."
"We shouldn't just think about now... We need to think about the future."
"Just try to think of a future that actually is incredibly hopeful incredibly optimistic."
"I'm not really dealing with reality when it comes to working towards the future. I'm a dreamer."
"Think how the contemporary time you live in will be remembered in the future."
"Consider the future of the game, not just the past or present."
"Anxiety only can occur because we have the ability to think about the future."
"How can we train our brain to start thinking about the future and start moving towards goals?"
"Accept new things. You cannot carry the disappointments from the past or even human nature itself into the future because everything is starting to change."
"The role of a critic or an artist is to resist the role of submitting to a popular movement and to liberate the future from its deformation in the present by an act of cognition."
"Science needs to think forward, not just react."
"When I'm having a hard time, I think of the future."
"Let's look at our future in a much more constructive and strategic way."
"Having a baby has maybe really changed the way I think about the future."
"Sight is for people who live in the present. We have vision."
"Thinking ahead of the curve, he wants technology to improve the way we live for generations to come."
"Thinking about the long term is the way to go."
"Do you think we will phase out humans with AI help? Nah, don't think so." - Alex Sentea
"Kanye is like so advanced, like he's always thinking the next step that people won't get until later."
"Stop apologizing for a future that isn't even here yet."
"What makes you unique? It's our ability to think about the future."
"Make yourself something the night before and you're taking care of your future self."
"History is so much better at helping you think about the future than those models that predictably get it wrong."
"We can think about the future, contemplate it, plan, imagine different possible futures."
"We have to start taking care of the planet and thinking more carefully about these effects."
"...think as your future self and not just as your current self."
"I'm a future thinker, I'm a forward thinker, and I'm super tech-savvy."
"If you do not curate to the point where you're getting high quality, high fidelity information into your head and you're consuming the mental equivalent of junk food, well, how are you going to think differently than that in the future?"
"What if you don't do anything about this problem, and your situation gets even worse?"
"A political system should represent not just the interests of voters who are affected by the policies of government but also non-voters like future generations."
"You always got to be looking out into the future to create a better present mind."
"The problem of anxiety is when we think of Tomorrow."
"We're living for the future, not just for the minute."
"I hope this gives you a lot of food for thought that you guys can think about your own financial futures."
"As a conservator, it's not only my responsibility to deal with the problems that we see right now, it's also my responsibility to think about the painting's future and to think about the problems that it will encounter."
"I think about the future often, especially with regards to the sake of our environment, our wildlife, and with the boys in mind."
"We can just think about all the possibilities."
"I actually started thinking about the future of work ten years ago."
"It's all about what you need, but most people consider only what they need now without considering what they need in the future."
"All of us can spend a bit of time to think about the state of the world and the direction of travel that will suit ourselves, but also our children and our grandchildren."
"It's exciting to think about the future to me."
"We should all be thinking long term into the future, how can we leave the world, how can we leave the thing that we love in a better condition than when we first found it."
"Holden really didn't mind; he was already thinking way beyond high school."
"You're always going to think long term."
"If we want to think of a different ecological society, we have to think of what we do with our surplus."
"I'm laughing in the face of casualties and sorrow. For the first time, I'm thinking past tomorrow."
"When I think about the future, how do we design our vault society so our children have that better future?"
"The average person spends 30 to 50% of their time thinking about the future."
"This is a type of thinking that we can actually start design new policies based on what we're experiencing today."
"The future of us humans and indeed the future of the Earth system doesn't sit with scientists like myself; it sits with a really deep analysis of who we are, what's important to us, and how we can go forward in the future."
"We have to do a complete rethink of our future on this planet."
"It takes a different kind of thinking to innovate about the future."
"I'm going to be a provocator, a storyteller, and a futurist."
"When you face a decision, ask yourself: Who benefits? Is it just me, or a group? Is it just my group, or everyone? Is it just for the present, or is it for the future?"
"That's the kind of innovation we need to think about."
"The ENTP... it's an intellectual. So I'm always future thinking, for example, it's a starter type, visionary, informative, initiating movement as we just said, focused all about progress."
"We need to also think about how innovation can solve the problem."
"To really think about the future, you have to think about what innovation means, what technology means for us as a society, as a humanity."
"This is thinking about the future, not just focusing on what is going to bring me pleasure today."
"Don't just think of now, think of forever."
"There needs to be a radical rethink in terms of what we're doing in terms of Education."
"We need now to think about what the future may bring, especially the next 10 years, because I think they're going to be revolutionary."
"Now they are living less in the past and more in the present, sometimes they think of the future."
"We gotta start seriously thinking about Mars in a different light."
"We're thinking about the future, of course."
"You won't ever regret that. You'll regret in 20 years not doing it."
"Fermenting things is, causes you to think into the future quite far, which maybe I don't usually do."
"How do I want to live this life today? Am I going to set things up better for the person who's going to inherit tomorrow?"
"To be a good leader, you must be futuristic, you must think ahead, you must think decades, centuries ahead of the people that you lead."
"We have to learn what I've been saying about integration with all of the other personae of ourselves if we are going to save the planet for future humans to inhabit."
"I'm not being selfish here; I'm thinking for my children."
"They have a true belief and desire to create a better future not for themselves but for the next generation."
"Thinking about something in the future is just a form of suffering."
"I think I want to have kids, I think I do."
"I'm thinking for everyone, for the future."
"Like always, think for the future, enjoy your present, and don't focus too much on the past."
"I'm always optimistic; I'm a long-term investor, thinking five years out."
"You have to love and build, you have to love and experiment, and you have to think beyond today."
"The bottom line is if we can lead from the future, knowing where we want to go and why it's important, then it can inform us to make better choices."
"The main goal of scenario planning is to stretch the thinking about the future."
"Imagining the future, it is always helpful to look back."
"One of the things I've learned is that I have a tendency to think too much about the future instead of focusing on what's right in front of me."
"We always gotta be thinking towards the future."
"I'm always thinking into the future."
"I want to leave a better review because I think in the future...karma, karma for sure."
"I'm not indestructible and this life can end in a second... I need to think about the future and not about right now."
"The Day Designer really has spreads that make you think about your future in different ways."
"Think about your future, not just how you feel in the present moment or what you've been experiencing."
"You're going to feel very strong, very powerful, and suddenly you're going to be thinking about your future."