
Personal Transformation Quotes

There are 2836 quotes

"Breath work, I find incredibly interesting. It changed my life through meditation. Just shifting my breathing to diaphragmatic breathing was no joke. It changed my life."
"Eventually, though, if you play enough, you may start to get bored of that and branch out into playing other people, and this can be a very subtle but transformative experience."
"You become the alchemist of your own chemistry."
"Exercise is the king of all keystone habits. It literally changes who you are, allowing you to shed a lot of the negative beliefs you have about yourself."
"Step out of your history and into the new story you are willing to create."
"Self-improvement is not just a 20% improvement, or like a 50% improvement, but like a five thousand percent, twenty thousand percent, life altering, radically changing how you feel about life."
"Christmas Day 1981, I was given a gift certificate to the local gym... I literally went running down the street with this piece of paper to the gym."
"I've implemented everything you teach. My whole life has changed. I'm seeing progress in my YouTube channel and I've lost 34 pounds."
"Reiki is not just a tool for healing, it also brings protection, prevention, and personal transformation on all levels."
"Positivity is the single thing that has changed my life and made me so much happier."
"I lost about 30 lbs right now. It's the obvious ones where you go like, 'I haven't been drinking, and I've been eating keto, and I've been working out, and I'm on testosterone.' That's a big game changer."
"If you feel stuck, unhappy, or miserable, this show may help you break free." - Oprah Winfrey
"I really feel like you're ending a pattern of being stressed about life and having anxiety about life to entering a phase of enjoying life."
"If you really want to be transformed, you have to live an intentional life."
"Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are."
"It's like a cosmic gateway, it's like a new beginning for this person."
"Words have power and they can actually change your beliefs and they can actually change you at the cellular level."
"I get super excited in other people's transformations because yo, it just motivates and inspires you."
"We are raising the fucking dead. This is magic. You are summoning yourself back into being."
"This is the message that changed my life personally, just walking through fear and anxiety and walking through that with the truth of God's word."
"You guys are going through a great transformation and this transformation is naturally going to bring changes in your career and your everyday life."
"You guys are no longer the person you used to be, and you're at this transitionary stage where you're not that old person you were but haven't fully stepped into the new person you're becoming."
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
"You are weaving a brand new story; you are cutting ties with something old and through that, you're going to begin weaving something new."
"Manifestation is not about wanting something so much that it exhausts you, but instead becoming it."
"All therapy is conversion therapy in the sense that it's about transformation towards a more ideal state of being."
"Transforming yourself by finding your own unique self-expression."
"The dog father was a rebirth of me. I'm not going to glorify any of this negativity that Death Row wanted me to do."
"The goal of your apprenticeship is to literally transform yourself."
"It transformed my life. It changed the way I see God because it changed the way I see myself."
"God showed me a vision... that I had to change my life."
"I am such a different person now than I was then, and I literally owe it to just being dedicated to making a change for myself."
"These experiences change it dramatically, change it for the better and clearly change the brain itself as well."
"To change your personal reality, you literally have to become someone else."
"Becoming supernatural: how common people are doing the uncommon."
"I was saved during quarantine, been on fire ever since."
"I transform my life by transforming the space in which I live and work."
"No person changes until they change their energy. And when you change your energy, you change your life."
"You have a gift of transforming yourself to the next level."
"I was 360 pounds, my waistline was 46 inches; now I'm 220 pounds and still losing. My waistline is 37 inches."
"Using this simple principle called the mirror principle, I changed my attitude towards money and inevitably manifested a seven-figure business."
"Transforming our body starts with transforming our minds."
"I quit drinking 6 months ago and I feel like just this last month, for the first time, I'm like, oh my gosh, like I feel like my old physique is starting to come back."
"When Jesus Christ is Lord over your life, there is a change that should happen; there is a change that does happen."
"I learned how to manifest and attract differently, how to transmute energies and transform my life, and rewrite my destiny."
"The key to personal transformation is creating heart and mind coherence, allowing the emotional and intellectual aspects of our being to align harmoniously."
"Your life is going to be wildly different...it is going to be unrecognizable from where you are right now."
"She was a woman who had taken on cancer, who had won, and then made a promise to herself to become fit and healthy."
"A new me, new chapter is totally awakening here."
"This is transformation for me. I just need you to understand it's happening. Like you ever seen a butterfly come out of a cocoon? This is what's happening right now for me."
"Your transformation is really something else."
"Once you do these things, it becomes a very significant day of your life because today you're shedding your skin of the old you and now it's new you."
"If you can just divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth of your unlimited capacity, then the whole game changes."
"The Firefly is literally a spotlight. He's also a symbol of magic, too. So, this is a time where magic is going to be surrounding you."
"The goal of the individual Magus is the overcoming of all taboos, oppositions, and dualities."
"You are shifting an old paradigm, and it is going to be amazing. It is going to set you free."
"When you change what's within you, your beliefs, your knowingness, and change to be that person that is going to be good and kind and loving, and recognize and be in gratitude of the beauty of this world, then you're going to have that returned, and that vibration is going to come back to you."
"I wasn't a Beyonce fan until I saw her perform live."
"It just really goes to show you that if you have the proper motivation, the consistency, and the knowledge, you can achieve anything, even if you're the small guy, or the skinny guy, or the overweight guy. It doesn't mean that's who you'll always be."
"I used to weigh 300 pounds. And I couldn't really see my feet, much less touch them."
"It literally weighed me down. Now I have wings."
"I completely wanted to change who I was to find who I am."
"Having a kid changes you... it has literally transformed me and made me just a completely better person."
"Your magic is being awakened as you begin to let go of the old."
"Practice yoga and change your world. Namaste."
"Your ability to transcend your limiting beliefs and transform yourself into who you know you can be is admirable."
"You don't know what you did for me, you don't know what bringing the pain did for me."
"You're born looking like your dad; you die looking like your decisions."
"You're transforming how you think about yourself, how you perceive yourself."
"It makes me the person I am today... I actually want to become a psychiatrist."
"For every moment you are praying, you are changing, for every moment you are praying, you are growing."
"Romans 12 verse 2 tells us, 'Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.'"
"His passion is, he says anything God has given him, God has already given you, and his passion is to see you operate in miracles, but not for the miracles!"
"And that's where my life really started to be transformed, in an absolute, beautiful, incredible way."
"It's the psychological component of suffering... their relationship to their suffering that's been made to change."
"Move from the small self into the big self, from a body of fear into a body where all things are possible."
"What the world needs today is a spiritual revival of the heart."
"You've been you long enough. It's time to be who God has called you to be."
"In order to defeat darkness, one must become dark."
"People are actually talking about your transformation and they're secretly talking about you in a positive way."
"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ."
"The whole positive that I have taken from the entire situation is that the cocaine lifestyle I was living...that bubble was burst."
"This person has undergone a physical and emotional transformation. The Eighth House tells me that this person is purging parts of themselves that they used to be and embracing a new side to themselves."
"A man by one supreme effort of the will may change his whole career and almost accomplish miracles. You may be that man. You can be if you will to be, for will can find a way or make one."
"I empower people to transform their lives and maximize their potential so that then they can achieve what they want."
"You must change on the inside in order to see change on the outside."
"Over the course of the last 30 plus years of competing, I had to gain and lose, albeit intentionally, in terms of getting as big as I could to compete in powerlifting and then as ripped as I could to compete in bodybuilding."
"Death doesn't actually mean death, it just means that whatever path we're on, whoever we thought we were, is coming to an end."
"My world actually... my life has turned right side up."
"Jesus is the ultimate pattern... the heat and the light of God becomes part of you."
"The reason we tell stories is to actually understand ourselves better and that insight is a transformation for us."
"When you come into a right relationship with Jesus Christ, your life is no longer about you."
"Ordinary people saw not what was but what could be. Ordinary people made themselves extraordinary."
"By doing this, I am systematically becoming a new self...you constantly have to shed the identity that you've created in order to become a new you based on what life requires of you."
"Once I'd felt the health benefits and started really feeling like my full self, I was like, 'Oh my God, this is the best.'"
"I didn't believe in soulmates but then you kind of made me believe in soulmates."
"She's like, 'I'm Donna, I'm just a small town lady whose husband just died, and like I'm looking to start life all over again.'"
"People change the direction and the trajectory of their lives when they finally have an 'I've had it' moment."
"My values changed and my morality changed and my character changed and my priorities and my relationships and my worldview and my philosophy and my parenting and our marriage. All these things over time began to change for the good."
"Andy's introduced Sarah to a whole outdoor world of hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and backpacking that she'd never known."
"If you change your mind, your conditions must change also."
"This never ends into a magical world, and I promise you, if you allow yourself to be dedicated to a higher vibration, you will discover that this is an amazing, amazing game of joy and possibility."
"By changing how you think, how you feel, and how you act, your whole entire life will begin to change."
"By changing your own vibration, you can also change your form."
"You could be a dramatically different person by the end of the year."
"What you think, you become. If you focus on the positive, it will come."
"The heart's prayer of a Christian is to take my life and make me over."
"You're going to be a whole new person five years from now."
"I feel like a damn superhuman and I'll be damned if I go back to eating in a shitty ass way."
"He discovered something so powerful that it allowed him to change everything."
"People can change; you can be whatever you want to be. There are formulas and processes and things you must do to become the person that you want to be in this life."
"You are about to go through a major shift in how you feel and your mentality. Your emotional and mental state is about to completely transform."
"Over two decades later, much of that muscle is gone, and Dorian lives a life filled with yoga, pilates, herbal brews, and marijuana."
"To become intellectually autonomous and sovereign, to become original, innovative, and creative with your thinking process, is how you transform your whole life."
"It wasn't until I read this book that I had revelation after revelation after revelation and I was able to lose all of my 80 pounds and keep them off."
"Whatever's in your life that shouldn't be, get it out. Whatever is not in your life that's God's calling, get it in. Start today, start now."
"You're greatly amazed in yourself at who you have become because you were led by the Spirit of God."
"It went from, 'Oh my god, life's overwhelming, it's too much,' to 'Ah, I can breathe, I can see, I can feel fantastic. I feel clear-headed again.'"
"A single moment of repentance can bring you all the way home."
"It has completely healed this wound for me. I don't get triggered, I don't feel it, I don't carry it within me."
"I read that Bible all night... I like fell head over heels in love with Jesus. I was like, 'Oh my God, you were here this whole time.'"
"It's not so much about what we do for Him, as what He has offered to do in and through us... after we give Him our hearts and as we keep our eyes on Him."
"Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction."
"It's like God was extending his love, his mercy, his grace over me and said, 'Daughter, I hear you. I've been trying to get your attention, but you haven't listened to me. Now, are you ready? I am real.' And I said, 'God, yes, I'm ready. I'm ready. Help me.'"
"I want to talk about going from a mess to a miracle."
"Pressure makes diamonds, and you're under a lot of pressure in some sort of way in your life right now, but you need to let that transform you into a diamond."
"You have to be willing to suffer to get to the other side. The other side of suffering is a whole other world that people have no idea even exists."
"You're becoming braver. A lot of you guys have went through an extreme transformation of self."
"MMA truly changed my life. It dragged me out of a bad path, and now I'm able to become world champion."
"The mind's life is a life of want. But this is falling in love with the self now, and everything you do, the background of everything, is the self."
"Our goal is to get a hundred for you guys in here to teach you, to transform your life and your business, and the people that you take care of."
"After his father went to prison, Fryer became a troubled teenager, then he discovered academics and turned his life around."
"Be okay with allowing the process to transform who you are so you can become more attractive for who you want."
"To live your entire life in a haze of gray and to walk outside and for the first time be able to see blue sky and sunshine, it was amazing."
"There is a blessed change that is about to happen for you."
"God, help me to be the kind of person who looks like Jesus, so that I do not take on the character of my trauma."
"Change the meaning, you change your life because you change your state of being, and that changes everything."
"Grief changes everything in your life. It changes your relationship with friends and people, it changes your relationship with yourself."
"I'm god's mess and he is the same god who turns a mess into a masterpiece."
"Something happened that day, I can't describe it... I couldn't go back and be the same gang-banging little kid that I wanted to be."
"Assume the identity of the person you want to become."
"Boxing saved my life, I would probably be dead or in jail."
"Jigsaw's goal is ultimately to help people turn their lives around, which mirrors his own journey."
"Our wasted years are transformed into foundational years, essential chapters in the beautiful story that He is writing."
"As soon as I sat down, the Holy Spirit flooded my body, mind, and soul."
"I knew in that moment that homosexual behavior was a sin. It was no longer a part of my life."
"Big shifts, big changes coming from the heart, opening the heart consciousness, everything shifting forward to come to everything from a place of love."
"This connection is going to trigger a transformation in the both of you."
"Greg, Greg, don't leave me. Are you making sure there's no werewolves around? I respect that. Well, it's a nasty, I would never want to be one, that's why I changed myself for you."
"You're going through a major transformation."
"Like a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, you are rising above."
"You can change the world and change your lot in life and be really [__] rich."
"Hex has changed my life. I never have to sell women's shoes again."
"Trauma is an opportunity to change and to reorganize the elements that made up your life."
"I can't help but imagine how onesimus must have felt hearing that a servant who at once was despised and rejected by the people, now is called a faithful and beloved brother."
"When I went on a six-day silent meditation retreat and I turned this thing off, when I came back, you can see the videos I did. I was filled with light and love."
"Every so often you just need a break from social media, a little bit of sunshine, and everything just seems to go back into position in the world."
"I am Erza planeswalker, I have become my best self."
"I wasn't always a rich successful Fitness celebrity with multiple businesses and best-selling books and millions of fans no no no this may be hard for you to believe I used to be straight-up bitch oh yeah it's true."
"Marina's grades are up. She's now an A student, and she has transformed with Haru."
"I didn't notice it until I went through the entire three and a half years and then I had that spiritual moment and it was literally like being reborn."
"You can't legislate a person's heart. You can't. So change also involves transformation. It not only involves reformation, but it involves transformation."
"Your crowns have been blown open as a result of these interactions."
"To be born again means to change from a negative to a positive self-image."
"Porn trained him to no longer care about the mystery of a woman or her body."
"He became a character and that character operated in a completely different way."
"The person that you used to be is dead, and now you have a new identity, a new heart, a new purpose."
"When you're the vibrational match between your energy and some potential, now you are going to begin to collapse time and space."
"We move from victims in our lives to creators of our lives."
"One revelation of Truth can turn anyone around."
"It basically changed the course of my life, took me out of that one-bedroom apartment in the hood, put me on a college campus and started my career as a journalist."
"I really admire how you've turned your grief into a superpower."
"Crime and Punishment is the book that essentially made me a Christian. I mean that's the book that changed my life."
"High school chemistry teacher turns to cooking and selling."
"I was 540 pounds and was 5'6 but now I'm 260 pounds and 5 foot 10. Not a big difference in height but the weight is noticeable."
"This is you forming this new version of yourself, this new iteration is coming out of the chrysalis period and you are so ready to emerge."
"God is love, quit resisting his love, just accept him and your life will be changed."
"The first step in any facet of transformation is remembering that you have control."
"It's up to you to turn your damage into strength."
"I made a bunch of changes and within 30 days I had lost 35 pounds."
"Suddenly he had a purpose in life, I think that's the best way to describe it."
"We want you to come out after... feeling like a draenger yourself."
"You are birthing a new self, with results beyond expectations."
"The key to unlocking this transformation is to give love to yourself. That opens the receiving channel for you."
"Transform yourself, shedding old skins for new beginnings."
"Gratitude is a profound practice that has the power to transform our lives in remarkable ways, serving as a powerful Catalyst for inviting abundance and blessings into our lives."
"You've changed your family tree in so many ways."
"It's actually insane watching this unfold and and you're finally watching the little guy win you're watching someone who sold their soul actually get their soul back like it's the craziest Redemption story."
"Maybe the lighter side of Danny will be inspired by Jon."
"I was not the same man that walked into the hut as the one that walked out."
"I found incredibly powerful healing through the word of God becoming part of me."
"She came out with her hair down, and she took some risks." - Rachelle
"It's important to remember that in the astrology wheel... there's a complete burning off of all of that toxic and sad scorpionic energy."
"I feel like a completely different person once I have brows on, okay?"
"I'm no longer a slave, I'm a son now, a son of God, I'm free through Christ."
"Transform your life. When you refuse to take things personally, you avoid many upsets in your life."
"When you're born again of God... you operate from his love in all things."
"You're turning heads because you're a different person, you've got that confidence, you are nourishing yourself, you're brimming with that potential."
"It's time for the old you to be released, put a tombstone on the old you, the old way of being."
"Your past is behind you, from today onward, your life, your family, your future shall be blessed."