
Breath Work Quotes

There are 469 quotes

"Breath work, I find incredibly interesting. It changed my life through meditation. Just shifting my breathing to diaphragmatic breathing was no joke. It changed my life."
"Through breath work, you get to wipe that lens clean, redefine your relationship with your past, and reclaim your power."
"Reawaken your body and mind from within, focusing on the marriage of movement with breath."
"Breath is a really powerful tool, a really powerful spiritual tool, but also just for therapy and just for healing."
"The breath is integrally linked to the function of your mind and your body."
"Breathwork is really the bridge in my opinion between the mind and body connection and gives us choice in our emotional regulation."
"We actually did it. Wow. I didn't think we were gonna raise more than five thousand dollars."
"Breath work really realigns my mind and my body."
"The power to create worlds lives in one single complete breath."
"We live from our breath, the breath is powerful."
"Breath and Spirit are the same... when we focus our attention on our breath, we're looking at the movement of spirit."
"Just work with the breath, reach forward with your fingers and then over and out."
"May you open your heart and your mind to having a deeper connection with your breath after you step off the mat."
"Notice how breath is deeply interlinked to every human emotion. By navigating our breath, we can navigate our life."
"Your breath is so powerful in the healing aspect of your body, of your mind, and of your soul."
"Breath is the answer for so many different things."
"The deeper the breath, the more the life. The shorter the breath, the less the life."
"Breath work has helped me so much to reduce stress and anxiety."
"Confirm your intention with a big breath in."
"Work with your breath, welcome fresh oxygen into the body, and exhale all the toxins and all that no longer serves you. Let it go."
"Notice your breath flowing in and out through your heart."
"Feel the love energy in your field as you breathe in and out six seconds through your heart."
"Find that breath, and with each exhalation, allow yourself to let it go."
"Yoga isn't about flexibility; it's about marrying movement with breath."
"Practice breath work techniques like Nadi Shodhana or holotropic breath work to quiet your mind and enhance inner clarity."
"Linking our breath with our motion we'll go three times through inhaling up exhaling through connecting to our breath our body and the present moment"
"Allow the breath to guide you, to dance through your body."
"So deflated energy up, mood up, ready to tackle any problem. It's like the cold supercharges the breath work or maybe the other way around."
"Breathwork is a powerful tool to access buried emotions and expand self-love."
"Breathwork allows us to embody truth beyond intellectualization."
"Breath work has been something that's literally changed my life."
"...the breath work anchors my emotional stability at work and I can be present in whatever task I do very very well and so it becomes a superpower."
"Breathwork is a tool to access our subconscious mind, breathwork is a tool to access our emotional body, breathwork is a tool to move into a non-ordinary state of consciousness so we can start to do the work."
"The breath is certainly a powerful tool."
"Breath work seems to be a very useful one for dealing with lots of these issues."
"This practice of yoga can be so incredibly healing, but that's all rooted from focusing on the breath."
"As we start to slow things down, this is your opportunity to take longer, deeper breaths."
"We want to teach our bodies essentially how to breathe in this natural state."
"Unleash the Power of your breath with eagle fit, the Game Changer in optimizing your well-being."
"Breath is so underrated. Like, we barely begin to scratch the surface of the power of our breath."
"I will miss a flight to not miss a breath work session."
"We're gonna pair the breathwork with pelvic floor mobility And so we're gonna start by assessing the pelvic floor, making sure that we know how to isolate those muscles specifically."
"It just shows you the potential of what breathing can do... to heal us of some chronic issues but also to put us up that next rung of human potential."
"Breath work and meditation helps you to connect to that Deeper Self inside of you which is non-changing."
"Because if you find that that's true for you, make sure you get into a great yoga class, start taking some yoga, start doing some new breath work, learning how to use your breath to power your body and your mind is everything."
"Your deepest breaths of today's practice, really exaggerate them."
"...just having these moments to check in and to really connect to the breath."
"Breath is a tool that you can use off of the mat as well."
"Eventually finding ujai breath if that feels right in your body and is in your practice."
"When we slow the breath, we elongate the breath, we elongate our life."
"Breath work gets you out of your head instantly."
"Breathwork is a mirror and a doorway to our inner world."
"So, I have to attribute cutting my anxiety and stress in half all down to my mindset and my breath."
"Breath work is the key, just assimilate with foods with it."
"The breathing really, really makes a huge difference. So yes, keep going with that breath work. Really, really good for you."
"It's breathing, what have you got to lose?"
"Breathwork is great for managing dysautonomia, extremely good for your state of mind."
"It might sound crazy but there are real-life examples of breathing basically giving people superpowers."
"To me it's no coincidence that Wim Hof method, also known as tumo, has so many of the same benefits of sudarshan kriya..."
"Meditation and breath work has helped a lot."
"Find power in your breath, find energy in your breath, find focus in your breath."
"This is always available to you, this ability to set intentions, to breathe into them, to counter those movements with breath."
"Your inhales will invite in whatever it is that you do need, and your exhales will release whatever it is that's no longer necessary."
"So trying to kind of share that Flow isn't always a style of yoga, it's falling into this beautiful, loving, trusting, almost romantic relationship with your breath."
"This breath will anchor you to the present moment as well as allow you to link your breath to your movement."
"Using your breath, using your core, and feeling the fire start to build in the right leg, right quad, inner thigh, glute."
"Sending the breath racing up and down the spine and your entire body."
"Breathing in, stay for the breath out."
"Beautiful, deep breath in, deep breath out."
"Breathe in, roll the shoulders back, stay for the breath out."
"In our yoga practice, the breath is an incredibly powerful tool for helping us to find a kind of single point of focus."
"Steady with the breath, doesn't really matter if you're inhaling or exhaling as you rock forward, just making sure you're pairing your movement with your breath."
"Breathwork, you can completely change your own physiology and therefore your state of mind in three to five minutes."
"It's actually the breath that really helps us to release tension in the body. You'll notice as you exhale that sensation of releasing and relaxing. That's what we're going to try and replicate in the poses today."
"So every out breath, really try and let go, maybe you get to hang a little more heavy, you might notice a bit more space between the vertebrae."
"It's the breath that changes the way that it feels. So if you're tight in the body, more breath, the stronger the sensation, more breath."
"Great combination of stretching and at the same time a lot of breath work as well. Definitely coming back."
"A breath practice done correctly will enhance somebody's posture ability."
"...using breath work is another spectacular maybe like the best other than shaking way to cleanse your own energy..."
"Give yourself another breath or two to work into the edge of this moment in your own body."
"Breathing deep. Excellent, and then slow and with control unravel, uncoil the spine and come to a nice neutral position."
"Do the breath work and be there for you, make you first and bring that for people."
"All you really need is your breath; everything else is secondary."
"Everything in yoga is rooted from the breath."
"The mind is master of the senses; the breath is master of the mind."
"Imagine with every conscious breath you take, you are setting an intention to heal your body and upgrade your DNA."
"With every breath you take, your body is responding, cooperating, relaxing, and opening up even further."
"Listen to your body, and always use your breath as a means of openness."
"My energetic orgasm happens in the stillness of stopping everything and holding my breath."
"Our breath is our life force energy, it is our connection to the true essence of who we are, and it brings us to the now moment."
"We rarely stop and allow the body to listen to its own breath, to listen to every part of it."
"You've just awoken something additionally, I'm already obsessed with breath work, but I feel like I need to go further down the rabbit hole now."
"Breath and breathing techniques like this can actually really peel off the layers of the conditioning of who you have been conditioned to be."
"I discovered Holotropic Breathwork and Stanislav Grof, the psychiatrist who created this breathing method, and I felt completely in love with the method."
"Begin the process of being with your breath."
"Maintain that pattern of breath, breathing in and out through the nose, kind of like you're fogging a mirror."
"Every breath connected into the pelvic floor, mind is nice and calm, all is well."
"Coordinating each breath with a movement is the essence of the vinyasa method."
"With each exhalation, let your navel plug back to your spine and as you inhale visualize your whole back body spreading and opening up."
"Change your breath, your life will change. Transform your breath, your life will be transformed."
"Feel the nature of your breath as you settle in to stillness, feeling the sensations of the breath moving in and out through the nose."
"Allow your breath to bring you balance, to bring you life, and to bring happiness into each and every moment."
"Let the breath be like the waves of the ocean, coming and going softly, creating nourishment and opening in your body."
"Deep breath in, let the energy spread through your body with a big sigh, dissolving into chi."
"A really strong, powerful breath, get rid of anything you don't want to take with you."
"Inhale, drop the belly, lift the gaze, and as you exhale, round your spine, bringing chin to chest."
"It's extremely powerful and I think completely underrated and underestimated, the power of the breath."
"Take an inhale, lift the chest, shine the heart forwards."
"Stay connected to your ujjayi breath, smooth and steady breathing with sound."
"Stay connected to breath, stay connected to our awareness of how we're feeling physically, emotionally."
"Inhale lots of love in. And exhale to close, lots of love out."
"Keep focusing on length with your breath in, and that heaviness, that compression on the breath out."
"Connecting to breath is such a fast gateway to the connectivity of mind and body and presence in this moment."
"Let your breath guide you on the journey."
"Our breath is the foundation of our yoga practice."
"Notice if the mind travels to where we're going next or where we just were, if so, can you draw it back to your breath in this moment?"
"As we practice yoga today, we'll take one more breath here in through your nose, fill up your belly, long slow exhale through your nose."
"Take this moment to let the breath really rise up through the spine and just spread out gloriously through your whole body."
"More important than anything else in our yoga practice is the breath."
"Most of our day we don't think a lot about our breath, but in yoga, the breath is kind of the key."
"In our mindfulness movement practice, we want to connect first to the breath."
"Bring awareness to your breath, focusing on a deep inhale and a smooth exhale."
"Deepen your relationship with your breath."
"Stand up nice and tall here and on your next big breath in go ahead and reach the fingertips all the way up towards the sky."
"When you're connected to your breath, you're going to get maximum benefits out of your postures."
"Move with your breath and allow your body to flow gracefully with it."
"As the breath starts to flow in and out your body, feel a sense of steadiness, calmness, and ease."
"Not only are we training our muscles to get stronger and more flexible, but we're training our breath to lengthen as well."
"Allow the breath to start to move a little steadier, a little stronger."
"Really start to use the breath to pull you into the pose."
"You can choose to move kindly, honor any restrictions you feel, and you can always breathe a deeper breath."
"Inhale, shoulders lift; exhale, let it go."
"The breath is the foundation of yoga practice."
"Pause for a moment, feel your connection with the breath, feel your connection between breath, body, and mind."
"We have a quick sequence today so we're going to really commit to marrying the movement to the breath, the breath to the movement."
"Find your breath. Then connect to your core. Connect to your foundation as you slowly roll it up."
"Cleansing the breath, cleansing the posture."
"If we focus on our breath and learn breath control, we can actually help to quiet our mind and have more control over our emotions."
"Balance the breath, balance the energy flow by observing a steady, even breath."
"On an inhale, circle your arms to the sky, full breath as you sweep the fingertips high."
"Observe how the flow of the breath affects your body, your mind, the energetic flow in the body."
"I can put my awareness back on the rise and the fall of my breath and that's gonna prioritize my prana, my energy."
"Observe the quality of your inhales and exhales. How shallow or deep are your inhales and exhales? How long are you making any pauses between them?"
"Feel the space between each inhale and each exhale."
"This audible breath is Ujjayi breath, this is what we use in our Vinyasa flow yoga practice."
"Every breath allows you to relax a little bit deeper into the shape of this pose."
"Use the breath to control the movement."
"Connecting your movement to your breath."
"Sometimes the breath is a total surprise that unearths different things, things well hidden for many years."
"Wonderful place to practice dropping into the breath, staying present here."
"I've never connected with my breath... it opened up this moment of space and like gratitude."
"Allow this breath to be a marker, to be something of a guide that we want to try to maintain for the rest of the practice."
"Learning more about breath work is one of my intentions."
"Imagine you could send the breath into the area that needs some love, almost like the breath could heal or refresh or renew."
"We're easing into relaxation already, so try to close off your eyes, taking deep breaths."
"It's a really nice one to just find the rhythm of the breath with your movement."
"Allow the breath to become effortless, allow your body to melt into the ground."
"Noticing your breath and the quality of energy that you're experiencing right now."
"The more we can connect to this breath and movement synchronicity, the more we can be in tune with what's happening internally."
"Breath is really the key to controlling involuntary functions."
"Even just a few moments of breath awareness can really calm your nervous system and shift your physiological state."
"You inhale lots of love in, and exhale lots of love out."
"Breathing as a foundation, why the word pranayama exists: energy control."
"Having a breath practice is probably the most fundamental thing you can do for yourself."
"Your breath is your connection to the heavens."
"Breath work is the number one way to get in the parasympathetic."
"Your breathing drawing lifeforce energy into those areas, allowing them to open their blocks so that prana can help to heal."
"Stay present with your breath as you explore."
"Take a full round of breath in and out, starting to feel things awaken."
"Setting the intention with the breath is the most underrated thing when it comes to breathing practices."
"Mind is flowing freely with the breath, breath is flowing with the mind, and that is a great joy."
"Inhale, allow the breath to fill up the spaces of your back body, and exhale, emptying your body of breath and letting your body just relax down into the support of the ground."
"Breath work literally saved my life."
"Big inhale through the nose, and exhale it out through the mouth."
"Everything in yoga is rooted from the breath, from that stillness within."
"Use a deep breath in to reawaken."
"The breath is your best friend, your companion on the spiritual path."
"It's unreal what breath work can do to your brain and your body."
"Having control over our breath really allowed us to do some unique things."
"Breath holding is the other side of breathing, often overlooked, yet it holds a wealth of knowledge and a lifetime of benefits."
"Breath holding is so incredibly important in your breath training, in your breath practice."
"Feel the heart rise on every inhale, then feel the low abdomen drop downwards on every exhale."
"Feel the 360-degree capacity of your breath as you move it through your entire physical form."
"Using your breath as a tool to open up the spaces or contract the spaces and just explore motion is so important."
"Feel your connection to your breath and your body."
"Keep breathing into the sensations in your body, going deeper with each breath."
"Your breath is super powerful; not only can it help you get more out of your workouts, but it can get you out of a stressed-out state."
"Staying with the breath, coming into yourself, your inner world."
"Just place one hand on top of the heart, one over the other, nice big inhale, and let it go."
"Inhale energy and exhale relaxation, finding that perfect balance between energy and relaxation."
"Each inhale separates your ribs a little bit more, each exhale brings light, space, and life into your side."
"Let your breath move you; your breath will tell you how fast to go, how hard to push, or how easy to take it."
"Take a few breaths to set your intention for this practice today."
"Let there be a softness and a lightness to the breath as you begin to let the energy settle from the flow."
"Listen to your heart through your hands, feel your breath in your lungs."
"Breathe in upward-facing dog, breathe out downward facing dog."
"Breathe deeply out every exhale there to just signal to your nervous system to rest and digest."
"With every inhale, filling your lungs completely, fully, and with every exhale, finding a softening within the body and the mind."
"With each breath, the body becomes more open, more supple."
"Feel your shoulders dropping away from your ears and invite your breath to start to expand."