
Repair Quotes

There are 2252 quotes

"Sleep is a very important period of time for the brain to do a lot of repair."
"Don't just leave the broken TV there, hoping it's going to fix itself one day. Take the blanket off, fix the TV, look into it."
"The repairment of the black family is the repairment of us as a people."
"Finally, all the Kinks worked out, exhaust leak plugged up, distributor in the only spot that works."
"It looks to be a really great restoration and repair candidate to share with you guys right here."
"How do we repair the loss of confidence in our institutions like the CDC and the FDA?"
"Superman's hand is kind of forced... he kind of repairs the Statue of Liberty as best he can, kind of presenting himself as a beacon of hope."
"When you damage our fundamental institutions, it's not easy to repair them."
"You leave something to ruin, it's very hard to repair 20 years later."
"Disappointment is part of a relationship; what matters is how you repair those disappointments."
"I happen to be one of those people who'd get shoes or any item of clothing repaired if I can rather than just throw it away."
"The right to repair, you know, let's not waste as much stuff. Sounds good to me."
"I certainly wish to see us endowed with a right to repair the things we own."
"We have worked on a few flooded cars and been able to salvage their engines."
"It's going to take a little bit of wizardry to try and get this thing to run nicely."
"We all have the ability to cause harm, but also to repair."
"Right to repair means you have the right to repair it. You can still go out and buy a new one, or you can have someone else exercise their right to repair it for you."
"The world might be broken but it can be repaired because we're all created with human dignity."
"The reason they did this is because the American government said we broke something and we're going to repair it."
"Some of us are gonna be over here trying to fix it."
"It's really, really fun to use embroidery as a repair method slash a way to disguise your repair."
"When I bought an extremely cheap car with a turbo engine for a daily driver... and it turned out the turbo just needed a small fix, holy [__] it works!"
"If a trust is broken, it cannot be repaired."
"There's nothing so broken but it cannot be fixed."
"I'd like to get rich off of fixing MacBooks."
"You have no idea how many mangled watches I have seen."
"Holy crap, I just fixed the hydraulic system."
"Right to repair is very important for all those things."
"People have to fight for their right to repair the things they buy."
"An alternative is to repair internally, keep the structures intact rather than demolishing the house."
"I was pretty pumped to get that thing back. I'm sorry that it cost you some money to fix your gear shift but totally worth it from my perspective."
"Third-party repair is essential and critical to the functioning of the United States healthcare system."
"The government broke it, now the government must fix it."
"Just fix the things that are broken and leave it alone."
"I can't fix everything myself. I can't keep everything functioning as it should, but you, Lord, are the one who is able to heal and mend every area of Brokenness in my life."
"Repairing ruptures in the relationship is crucial for maintaining emotional connection."
"Love watching them take time to repair the ship."
"Trust is the glue that holds a relationship together, and once that's broken, it really will take two willing partners to fix it."
"Now it's good as new, just took a little bit of rinsing."
"I tried to repair the damage to this foundation but couldn't figure out how, so I gave up and paddled over to the island."
"Right to repair is not an apple movement, it's not a laptop movement, it is a cultural movement."
"Anything can be fixed, but you gotta fix it."
"I need to fix this; I need to make this okay; I need to show up and repair the damage that I have done."
"It's easier to raise strong kids than to repair broken men."
"Repair what you already have instead of having to go and buy a whole nother whatever it is."
"I just believe that if we went back I think we could fix it cuz I'm gonna go on a limb."
"It's time to plant seeds of intention right now if something's broken... decide what's next."
"I can fix anything with elbow grease and duct tape."
"I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together... most of it was to mend the mess of my face because of boxing." - Mickey Rourke
"We built it solely with the intent of making a diverse fix-it mix."
"Something here is going to be fixed, an exciting event."
"I didn't mess up my walls, y'all did, y'all need to get it fixed and y'all need to do your [ __ ] job right."
"Now we should be able to start the vehicle up, bam we are back in business."
"Olaplex... specifically designed to mend broken hair bonds."
"Invisible mending. It becomes part of your DNA and is there for the rest of your life."
"Stories can break the dignity of the people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity."
"If it breaks, it's an inexpensive, easy repair in the future."
"I think what happened is this capacitor was squished up against the drive chassis and was shorting against the chassis."
"If I had a million dollars I would probably buy a house and then just buy a bunch of random stuff and kind of like a wreck my house but then I have money so I could just like fix it again."
"You're starting to get in your feelings about each other, and this person is wanting to fix something."
"What a waste! Many of these machines had little to nothing wrong with them."
"I believe in the beauty of fixing instead of replacing."
"People are gonna have to learn to fix things again."
"But their safety depends on you doing the repair properly."
"After so long, to fix stuff and have it work is a very odd feeling but I'm not complaining, I love it."
"Sometimes you can go back and fix something, it's a second chance."
"That being fixed is a big deal, it's a very big deal."
"These things had to be fixed and so fix them we will."
"This is a serum with powerful damage-repairing ability."
"It's just really nice. I really am hoping that this is something that's fixable."
"And even better, it's fixed up my head and I've still got it. Oh gonna love that marvelous."
"Repair broken pipes without digging them up."
"How do we repair this rupture that happened in worldwide?"
"If something breaks, you can just re-melt it and make it again, no big deal, easy peasy, right?"
"The breakdown is the easy part, it happens so fast. The waiting for the repair is the hardest part."
"The Hebrew word 'bana' means to build, literally and figuratively. To make, to repair, and also surely." - Emily Freeman
"Things in this game can be broken down and salvaged into base parts that you can use to repair your equipment."
"So there you go, now you know how to properly repair deep scratches using a simple touch-up pen."
"Good news everyone, he's fixed! He's finally fixed!"
"We fixed something, so we're knocking out two knocks with one fix."
"Starship will also be used to capture satellites already in orbit and repair them, including space junk cleanup."
"Certain things are fixable, and yes, part of it being fixable is the willingness from that person to fix it."
"This is the best way to diagnose something to find the culprit and then you can actually fix it."
"To fix it right, that'll buff, that'll buff."
"Support for the right to repair will ramp up enforcement actions against illegal repair restrictions."
"All I want to do is to try to undo some of this damage that's been done."
"Repair, don't replace: the mantra of plastic welding."
"From cracked lenses to broken tabs: plastic welding saves the day."
"Oh my gosh we managed to repair quite a bit here!"
"Now that we know that this car was at a body shop and had a good I put on it, I would tell you this is the sort of damage I like to see on a car to rebuild."
"This needs to be repaired. Now not only does this need to be repaired for safety reasons, but it also has to be repaired because we want to double the horsepower of this car with a turbo kit."
"We've got broken altars in our lives those that we made to guard him we never kept them but first of all you built the old altar, repaired it."
"Herbs have this incredible ability to simultaneously repair damaged tissues."
"Returning to a higher state of trust and commitment... repairing relationships is gonna be a big thing."
"If you can keep the original bit, you will be able to fix the boards if you do damage them."
"You get one life, and if you can repair it, then I would definitely say go for it."
"This clock has been broken for decades now, but if any clock's worthy of an exception to that rule, it would be this one."
"Life's much simpler when you're fixing things."
"Anything they can do to undermine right to repair, they absolutely will do."
"I better craft and replace them quick. Oh god, oh god, oh god!"
"Obsessed with Luna fixing Harry Potter's nose."
"I got the hermetic seal I need to repair my ship."
"I think there's a way to fix it and save it somehow."
"I did confirm that we had a condenser fan motor that was going bad."
"This is the time in history where we either come together and fix all this, or it stays broken for the rest of our lives."
"He will find a way to fix her no matter what."
"If you're willing to fix it and you're willing to stick around then you can make something beautiful."
"Genius way to fix a zipper okay you put it on the fork big brain play."
"I just love how well that cast matches and surface finish once we get some paint on that you're never going to know that was even patched."
"We are a right to repair company."
"EU's new right to repair rules could force companies to repair out of warranty devices."
"That which is broken can be repaired."
"Now that's how you fix that; it looks good, and it's fully wearable."
"Fixing it yourself is a life skill."
"My name's Chris, and I repair my own audio equipment, and I also show you how to repair yours."
"That way, we could fix these cars instead of junking them."
"I fixed it! We just needed some leverage."
"Sometimes when you find something good that's damaged, you have to go ahead and just put it back."
"We could reconnect them and repair their relationship and going forward he would be able to get back on track."
"All things worth fixing can and will be fixed."
"The actual reason is because I'm gonna try and fix them and see if I can make money on them."
"Can I fix a Commodore 64 with this mini oscilloscope? I'm going to say resoundingly yes."
"Learning how to repair with your child is going to be critical."
"True luxury can always be fixed; true luxury can always be repaired."
"On this show, we don't break tables, we fix them."
"I always prefer to get something like that fixed, I just hate throwing things away."
"You don't just throw it away; you fix it."
"After blood, sweat, tears, regret, and whatever this stuff is, we managed to get the front forks resealed."
"Instead of tempting people with new products, Jane wanted to persuade them to repair old ones."
"The good news is Tesla have actually issued a recall and will repair that for free now."
"When you go to sleep, your gut starts producing something called BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which goes in and repairs all the inflammatory damage that occurred to your brain that day."
"Looking for one all stripped down, needs a quarter panel, Fender looked rough."
"Duct tape... there's a thousand uses for duct tape."
"We're going to fix this truck and drive the heck out of it."
"We just fixed the throttle position sensor."
"Installing the solenoids here is very likely to bring back our missing gears."
"Fix it instead of throwing it away... not only do you get the solution to the problem you had, but you also gain valuable experience."
"With enough time and money, anything's repairable."
"You want to fix something that might have been potentially broken."
"I thought I was gonna have to pay for the repair, but they just exchanged it for me without even anything."
"We'll clean it up and we can pump it up and make sure it's nice and sealed."
"I'm going to swap the drain tube from this side of the wall mount air handler to this side."
"Nothing is lost; you can always repair. Then it will wax and wane again, only to be reborn. The story of our lives, the story of hope, of survival, of thriving even after loss."
"It's important to try and mend the things that you love rather than always automatically wanting to replace them."
"You're gonna screw up, you're gonna hurt your partner's feelings... you've got to apologize for it, you gotta repair it."
"It's never too late to repair your relationship."
"It only cost me just under 17,000 pounds to repair it."
"The truck is driving a lot better than it did before I attempted this intake manifold gasket job."
"Stand back, the pitching machine is the only plumber we'll need."
"I thought that was just a theory. No, it was. If I'm right, we can access the area of the brain that governs repair and chemically recode it."
"Olaplex claims to rebuild disulfide bonds."
"When you're faced with a big bill on your car, you gotta not look at what the bill is, look at the rest of the car."
"It just pisses me off when my aircraft gets shot up; parts are hard to come by, and I'd rather be flying fearless."
"Let's get her pushed in and take her back to the shop."
"I'm not restoring the car, I'm just trying to get it running."
"I'm going to need to salvage some of the hardware."
"There still is a short to ground somewhere in the motorcycle that I have to diagnose."
"Repair is really essential to that goal."
"Repair is a practice that builds up a whole bunch of really valuable skills: analytical thinking, problem-solving."
"A hair mask is thicker with bonds and proteins and additional ingredients that repair and penetrate the hair deeper."
"External obsolescence means outside the boundaries of your property, it's bad, and it can't be fixed."
"So, that's gone past the next value. The next value up actually is 470 ohms, so it's actually gone one complete value up plus. So, that resistor has to go, so I'll replace that one as well and get rid of that thing."
"The structural integrity of the roof is now a hundred percent good."
"It doesn't run, it doesn't drive, and today, I'm gonna show you guys how to fix it up so we could get it running and driving at home with common hand tools!"
"If you don't put these cams in exactly the same manner that they came out, you're going to bend all your valves as soon as you try and start the bike."
"We're going to bleed this oil pump, hook up some gas, tighten the spark plugs, give it some kicks, fire it up!"
"We're going to get it running so we can hear it for ourselves."
"I ain't real proud of it but I got the driver's seat fixed."
"I think this thing needs an alignment. Steering wheel is off and it kind of wanders a bit."
"Our repair bill was $0, you really can't ask for more than that."
"Well, the repair seems successful and now that it has new bearings, a new oil pump, I fixed the timing previously, I think this engine has quite a bit of life left in it."
"Get ready to revolutionize your ride with the Repair Rebel."
"You can't beat a bit of duct tape there we go, stick it all back together and away we go." - Commentator
"The plastic pipe repair kit offers a simple and cost-effective solution for repairing leaks."
"You're just better off spending $117 and getting a whole new carburetor."
"When you are ready to rebuild your very own tractor, you'll need some parts."
"Replace the failed power supply with a new unit: the best course of action to restore operation of a desktop computer."
"You should be satisfied with. It's a shop's responsibility at the very least to investigate and look at it, you know, try to determine the cause of the noise and then make a repair assessment."
"If I can clean this up, then the new fitting will go right on it and we'll be good to go."
"Old cars are serviceable, you can fix and tune them with simple tools in your own garage."
"It's much easier to create strong children than it is to repair broken men."
"...being able to find something that needs some mending, fix it up, and give it a whole new life."
"If you ever need to remove a broken stud, bust out the welder."
"There's nothing too broken to fix if you want it bad enough. Don't throw it away."
"Rupture and repair is a sign of a healthy relationship."
"Please investigate and let us know if you agree that this phone problem is not a battery issue and that the phone cannot be repaired."
"It's immensely important to find the short and then take the board apart and repair it."
"Sleep fixes people. Sleep is extraordinarily complicated. You're repairing every single organ in your body. That is extremely complicated."
"They want to start something with you again... something may have fallen apart they want to glue it back together."
"This thing's going to need a new camshaft."
"But after all my hard work like it was a lot of work and had I had to pay out of pocket for a lot of the repairs the half the engine that was covered or the hall I would be in the hole so it would have been a complete loss."
"They feel like they broke your heart and they want to basically repair it."
"A lot of people do the damage, and they don't want... and they do the damage for however long, and then they don't really think about how long it takes to repair the damage that they cause."
"That's legit radiator repair, that's actually beautiful right there."
"That has definitely done a good job of getting rid of most of the denting."
"You have a dead laptop, but actually, you know it's not dead."
"That would probably do it. Okay, so eight minutes is a little much for a 2200 4S. And yes, all I had to do was rinse the tail off. That is what I call a repair."
"It's not actually broken, that's nice."
"Happy with this repair, really not that bad."
"Logistics is how quickly can you put this back into action, how quickly can you repair it."