
Priorities Quotes

There are 19058 quotes

"You can never take your eye off the prize, and the prize is my eulogy going to be better than my resume."
"If you knew right now that this is the last month, what would matter to you?"
"I want to slow down and hang out with my friends more."
"You are sacrificing personal time to pursue something that is important to you."
"I value my time over my money. I'll put it that way."
"Your inbox is nothing but a convenient organizational system for other people's agenda for your life."
"The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing."
"I wanted to feel alive. So I decide that I'm going to stop chasing money and I'm going to chase that feeling."
"Health first, family second, business third."
"Make a habit out of putting yourself first and working on you."
"You should believe that the most important thing in your life is not your family, it's not your business, it's not your money, it's how fast are you evolving and growing."
"Being able to discern what actually matters is the ultimate optimizer."
"Spend as much time as possible with the people that you care about."
"If the kids are happy, then I'm happy, and that's what matters."
"If you want to succeed more than you want to watch TV, then you'll be successful."
"Don't sweat the small stuff, sometimes forget the chores for a day and just sit in your children's love and laughter."
"Your kids get the message that they really matter to you and that a phone or a device or computer is not more important to them."
"I truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids, like truly there is nothing I enjoy more."
"I would rather have less success and spend more time with them."
"The happiness of my citizens is more important than having money."
"The great stephen covey says, 'The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.'"
"If you chose to focus on anything other than relationship and family, that's your choice."
"Being broke isn't good... but you shouldn't lose your freedom for shiny objects."
"You have to put your own oxygen mask on first."
"For the first time, people became more important to me than Elfquest. If the movie never got made, I could live with that. But I'd never again be able to live without my friends."
"Put people before money, before accolades, before attention or status. Always put people first."
"It's not about settling at all; it's actually about having higher standards about the things that actually matter."
"You are going to be so fulfilled with love to where other things don't really bother you that much anymore."
"The relationship comes first, no matter what."
"There's nothing the world can do that's going to impact this... when your family, when your home is in order, you have everything."
"Prioritizing your career over family and relationships can hurt an athlete or artist in the long run."
"There's no way in the world I'm going to put a basketball as more valuable or more important or essential to my life as the people and my relationship with God."
"You can have money or fame or whatever but at the end of the day all that really matters is like the people you truly care about."
"I think near-death experiences can give us powerful lessons about what really matters in this life."
"A marriage is way more high stakes than business. All that's at stake in a business is money. What's at stake in a marriage is a shared life."
"You need to know what you care about in rank order, which I find people have a very hard time doing."
"Productivity is doing more of the things that matter to you."
"There is no level of success that is worth neglecting your family."
"I think it's a problem if you wake up and check your phone before you say good morning to somebody."
"There's no level of success that is worth neglecting your family."
"You deserve a break from time to time; you deserve to put yourself first."
"There's no point climbing up a ladder if the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall."
"Service to your country should come before personal benefit."
"I always cared about legacy. I always cared about being one of the greats. I care about the art more than I care about the money."
"I'm sorry, but if people in the world are dumb enough to believe that I'm going to miss my job to go watch someone else do theirs... that's not my problem."
"It's not about getting every decision right but getting the important decisions right."
"Let's not worry about money, let's just think about the science, damn it."
"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also."
"God doesn't care about what's in your hand if He doesn't have your heart."
"It can shape the way we view the world, where we dedicate our energy and determine who we trust and respect."
"We love ourselves more than other people, yet we care about their opinions more than our own."
"Suzune thinks they should prioritize escaping the forest if it's really as dangerous as he says."
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."
"Wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it."
"Focus on your priorities; where you put your focus is where you receive your outcome."
"Happiness is important, you know what I'm saying? But for me, I don't, if my kids are happy, then I don't care about happiness."
"When you say no to something, you're saying yes to something better."
"I think your priority should be to devote whatever attention necessary to condone and set boundaries."
"Your loved ones are always our first consideration, always."
"Choose your battles; choose where you're investing your energy because there are some things in your life that do not deserve that energy."
"A good sense of humor is much more important than a six-pack, besides, laughter is good for health like sports."
"Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better."
"The health of your community is more important than your goddamn feelings."
"If you really want something, you will find time; otherwise, you will find an excuse."
"They're restructuring their world right now and what matters to them."
"Your children's happiness is the number one priority."
"You're headed towards success but you need to get rid of these people and these commitments that are stealing from you."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that what you want is more important than your fear."
"I choose not to do that because it's going to take you away from really thinking about what you want to do."
"This little boy is what matters. Mr. Lord doesn't matter, you don't matter, dad doesn't matter, Mr. Shaw doesn't matter, I don't even matter."
"Focus on what makes you happy, not what makes you rich."
"If there's something they really care about, you can fit it in. You just need to organize your time in such a way that it does."
"You can accomplish anything, but you can't do everything."
"Your priorities are going to change, what excites you is going to change, what you want out of life is going to change, and there's nothing wrong with changing your career to reflect that."
"A lot of these sneakers need to go to better homes than I can give them right now."
"My life is my priority. Content comes second to that, views and money come a lot later."
"Give up what you want now for what you want more."
"I don't care about money... it's all about respect."
"What would it look like to start each season or each day and go, 'What matters most to me today? How am I doing?' where you check in with yourself."
"I'm doing well, you know. The reality is, as long as the 15 people I love the most in the world are healthy, I'm doing great."
"The fourth way to be a classic woman is to have your priorities straight, putting your faith and your family first."
"Figure out what actually matters to you...for some people that's money, others prestige, and for some others, it's their family and friends."
"If you don't have time, you don't have priorities."
"Make time for those things that are important to you. Your priorities should include you and the things you enjoy too."
"The key to effective use of time is correct priority."
"Preoccupation with priority preserves and protects life."
"Correct priority is the principle of progress."
"Priority means establishing the most important thing."
"Nate, should I finish your series or finish my homework? Well, my series will still be there tomorrow; your homework might get you a failing grade otherwise."
"More Americans are gonna watch cat videos today than they will the news."
"Playing with Jude is worth more than any money or luxury you can offer me, so my decision remains the same."
"If confirmed as DNI, one of my highest priorities will always be to make sure that the intelligence community is acting in accordance with the law."
"Instead of saying I don't have time for that, say I'm not prioritizing that and it will totally change your mindset."
"It's less about the money adding up and more about your decisions and your priorities adding up into something bigger."
"It's all based on priorities, and I just want you to know that if my family can do it, you guys can do it."
"You cannot choose joy; you can only choose your priorities, and your priorities control your joy."
"You can make more money, but you can't make more time."
"You can't do it all. God doesn't expect you to do it all. There are only a few things worth doing in the first place."
"I believe the country has five priorities. That's why I've made five promises today. Five very simple things that everyone can understand."
"Israel has placed its occupation and expansion above any other consideration."
"Football isn't that important in terms of what we're talking about; health is the most important thing, family is the most important thing."
"First your children, okay, second me... because I'm your mama. I was the first woman in your life."
"The key to success in life is aligning your priorities appropriately."
"It's imperative in such troubled times as these that we remember what is most important to us: family."
"Never, ever use the stars as a final guide to your decision. Literally everything else is more important."
"When you put God first, he blesses everything else."
"Expectations are infinite, time is finite. You are always choosing. Choose well."
"One quote that I like is 'Time is a created thing. To say I don't have time is to say, I don't want to.'"
"People don't predominantly think of themselves as members of a race; they think of themselves as individuals with actual priorities."
"Goosebumps don't prove the presence of God. What proves the presence of God in my life is when my priorities begin to align with his."
"You can have anything you want, but you can't have everything you want. You have to sacrifice most things in the medium term in order to facilitate progress toward one thing."
"I don't want to compromise my balance, so I don't compromise the time with my wife or family."
"I believe with all my heart that our first priority must be world peace."
"I'm not so necessarily cost driven in this respect."
"The planet's in terrible shape, and the first thing we need to do is to reduce our carbon footprint... Are you so sure that's the most important thing we could possibly embark upon?"
"For a billion dollars, you could save a million kids' lives every year. Why the hell is that not one of our top priorities?"
"Once you realize that your time is so important...you realize that your time is more valuable than the money."
"It's very important to work, it's very important to grind, it's very important to do that stuff, but just think of your life as like there's a bunch of different buckets that we got to kind of try to fill up."
"To change your life, you need to change your priorities."
"Verbs are important, you do not find time for important things, you make it."
"If you're not willing to sacrifice things for your goal, then your goal will become the sacrifice."
"I stopped wasting time. That helped a lot. I stopped drinking. I stopped going to bars."
"Focus on what makes you happy. Put yourself first."
"Take care of yourself first. Do things you like to do. Do self-care."
"Whatever costs you your peace is too expensive for you."
"It really is about quality of life, and it can't necessarily be about longevity alone."
"People just want to feel like their partner has their back, respects them, cares for them, prioritizes them."
"If I'm tending to people around me, what am I tending with if I don't keep my own tank full?"
"The unintended price we're paying of this amazing level of connectedness is this fundamental decoupling from what's really important."
"I won't let some digital objective dictate my real-life relationships."
"You get the opportunity, just like I had the opportunity, to choose what you want. What are your goals, your priorities?"
"If I got my peace, I can get more clothes; if I got my peace, I can find another place; if I got my peace, I can get another job; if I got my peace, I can walk through another door."
"We make time for the things that matter to us."
"Quality of life is very important and peace is very important."
"I'm really comfortable with who I am. I'm never dishonest. My family comes first."
"What you are tied to is more important than where."
"All you have is time, and so the way that you spend your days is the way that you're going to spend your life."
"Every time you say no to something, you're saying yes to something else."
"Wherever your treasure is, your heart follows that thing."
"God is not concerned with possessions; He's concerned with priority."
"Never follow money, focus on the master and mastery."
"Unity will be my number one priority, followed by security."
"Kaiba knows at the end of the day this is a card game and family comes first to him."
"It really annoys me when people say you can have it all because, quite frankly, you can't."
"The real needs of our society are not for more consumer electronics but for education, healthcare, scientific research, and so on."
"I would like Raspberry Pi to start prioritizing hobbyists and makers again."
"Let that be whatever else's problem. That's not your problem. You don't need to be concerned with that. You got more important matters like your dreams, and your hopes, and your goals, and your pursuits, and your purpose."
"My family is the most important thing to me, you know, as much as I love football."
"What god cares about most is that we love him and love other people."
"No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve God and money."
"It's not all about making money; it's about having the best quality of life that you can possibly achieve for yourself and your family."
"Relationships are more important than our notions of what men and women are supposed to be."
"The most valuable asset at this point is my time. That's what I care about."
"If you want to be successful, maybe spending time with your family is more important than money."
"If you can nail who you're spending time with, what you're working on, and taking care of your health, you're like 80 to 90 percent of the way there."
"Am I doing everything in my power to live the way I want to live? Because if it could be over in a moment, I got to shift my attention to things that really matter."
"A surprising amount of them seem to not care about that part (sex), but that the connection and having somebody was like the most important thing."
"My kids are my best friends, and who needs friends really when they've got all that many daughters."
"If there's one thing I can always make time for, it's ice cream."
"Any use of your time is valuable and worthwhile if that activity you're doing is something you're motivated to do, something you intend to do, and a priority in your life."
"If you want to sleep all morning and that's a priority for you, then that's fine, that's a valuable use of your time."
"No amount of money or success can take the place of time spent with your family."
"What's in the best interest of my kid? That's always the first thing."
"Being a little bit stringent with my to-do list, my tasks, and my priorities has allowed me to do so much more."
"This person really takes into account who is special, who is important, and those are the people that will get my love."
"The mind is like an attic; it gets full. Why would I fill it up with stuff I don't use?"
"At the end of the day, relationships are worth more than money."
"Focus on things that truly matter: your relationship with the Lord."
"If you say yes to everything, you're actually not saying yes to anything."
"You are the creative force of your own life."
"If you matter to them, they'll prioritize you."
"Collectivism focuses on societal interests. It prioritizes the greater good."
"I encourage everyone to go spend time with their family, do stuff that matters, eat good food. Everything that matters to me, I encourage you all to do on that day with your loved ones."
"At some point, you have to put your love for yourself first."
"It's not about these cultural issues. It's about safety for my family."
"The real solution is a realignment of human priorities to convince people to pursue discipline and progress and technology and understanding."
"I think the older you get, the less [__] you want to put up with."
"This tough time could make us realize what's important in life: loving each other, family, and helping each other."
"What matters to you will define what you do and don't cut costs."
"We are debating trivial issues passionately, but important ones not at all."
"There is no shortage of time, there is unclear priorities."
"To be happy, you need to make sure that you're paying attention to those things that are important to you."
"Peace of mind is the most precious invisible asset, but a lot of people trade it for money."
"I would rather have a friendship over the sex being great out the gate."
"The money's never going to be enough... but one thing you'll never be able to get back or buy back is family time."
"I care more about being a decent teacher than I do about saving lives as a doctor."
"I think a big thing... is getting to the point where you ask yourself what am I, what is worth trading my time for."
"Don't make someone a priority when all you are is an option to them."
"Spend time with your family; it's probably one of the most important habits to develop."
"Prioritize your relationships over your work, like your work is for your relationships, not the other way around."
"My focus of attention is what is best for me and best for my family."
"Life was too short to waste by being unhappy."
"The casual side is always way over the competitive side... that will always be their priority."
"If your own husband isn't going to put you in front of his friend on his own wedding day, then when can you expect him to ever put you first?"
"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
"Money wasn't the problem; it was the lifestyle."
"We are not a very intelligent species if we are spending two trillion dollars on military budgets every year worldwide instead of exploring space."
"It's not better on the top floor, it's better and safer in the basement."
"Let compassion and forgiveness be your top priority in this situation."
"I always have time for what's most important."