
Comedy Quotes

There are 8449 quotes

"He wasn't just a comedian; he was a master of his craft, bringing joy and laughter to millions during a time when the world needed it most."
"His comedic style, characterized by physicality and an innate sense of timing, influenced generations of comedians and entertainers."
"Comedy is just easier when you don't rule out making fun of everything."
"I have a very particular style of comedian that I like a lot, and most of them are dead."
"Comedians aren't that good at making movies, it seems like, unless they're Jordan Peele."
"I chose the comedy camp because, give it up for stand-up comedy, truly saving lives and building them at the same time."
"Horror movies with friends are comedy movies."
"It's become almost cliché to declare that comedians are the new philosophers."
"Comedians regularly remind us their job is to push boundaries and offend our sensibilities."
"Why do we want our comedians to be philosophers? Is this asking way too much of them?"
"When philosophy or comedy are done at the highest level, they both involve a serious element of risk."
"You cannot be satirical unless you are willing to acknowledge reality. Your comedy will not be funny if you ignore facts."
"The big picture of what you got to do to become funny is you have to start to change the entire lens through which you see the world."
"All comedy is critical. If you start saying, 'We mustn't criticize or offend them,' then humor's gone. With humor, there is a sense of proportion."
"No matter how repetitive the environment and loot tinkering get, Shadow Warrior 2 stays a rewarding slapstick comedy thanks to its thrilling open-ended combat."
"I'm going to keep doing stand-up for the rest of my life, or at least try to."
"Adult humor is supposed to be clever; it's supposed to require a little bit of brainpower, a little bit of thinking to understand the joke."
"Comedy is not about upholding any value except comedy, and what comedy is, is supposed to poke holes in the status quo and make people uncomfortable."
"We're just trying to heal, basically. That's what comedy is supposed to be doing."
"Comedy is more than just jokes; it's a reflection of our society, our pains, and our joys."
"All I do is like, I try to make people laugh; that's my job."
"Respected by everybody in comedy, no matter what type of comedian you were or what you believed politically, everybody loved Norm MacDonald."
"It makes me truly laugh out loud every single time I see it."
"Comedy is a form of communication and confidence is expressed through communication... Comedy is a great way of testing what you can feel confident about."
"Hades is a comedic miracle of animation... James Woods as Hades was about as perfect a comedic performance as you could get."
"The best comedians, in my opinion, drag you into their minds to the point where you forget what you're watching, and you just cannot stop laughing."
"Adam Sandler's routine in 1985 would be going to a comedy club on Monday, absolutely bomb, come back to the dorms and revise his material with Tim and Frank, and by Friday have figured out a way to make it better."
"Comedy is capable of doing so much; comedy is capable of educating, comedy is capable of creating empathy, comedy is capable of helping you deal with tragedy and trauma."
"Comedic license is ultimately a way to access different territories of consciousness."
"Comedians can be at the forefront of societal talk on certain issues."
"Comedy exposes hypocrisy, builds bridges, tells the truth like no other, speaks the unmentionable, punctures vanity, challenges falsehoods, and skewers prejudices."
"This little anime serves us with a pure heartwarming romance and a little bit of comedy."
"I like witty, sarcastic comedy. That's my type of movies."
"Comedy is an art form; it's a way of communicating whether it's to ourselves or to the audience."
"When I was your age, I dreamed of doing comedy, but it wasn't until I was about 25, 26, until I started pursuing that passion."
"The truly comic figure is a kind of monomaniac, unaware that he is comic."
"I truly think you are one of the greatest comedians of all time."
"Phil Hartman, really funny guy, right? R.I.P. Phil Hartman."
"Trust me, it's a good trigger. You can kind of tell it's gonna be sad, but you can also see how they do a really good job of mixing comedy."
"You need to know that there's another option, and that's why I introduced them to comedy."
"Comedy is the hardest form of entertainment, which gets no respect, barely wins awards."
"The job of the comedian is to push the envelope."
"Comedy, at its highest form, is educating and entertaining."
"You'll never forget that because if you never see anybody fully commit, that's why you never see great comics ever."
"You guys are the bad boys of Comedy... we're cutting edge avant-garde."
"When any of our laws start making comedians nervous, they're the ultimate canary in the coal mine."
"Comedy is almost always truth, almost always. That comedian says something funny and it's true in a way that people didn't expect and they know it."
"He's an incredible genius, and to be pulled off his show after giving people incredible amounts of joy and children laughter, and adults laughter, I think that's disrespectful of his talents."
"The voice acting and the comedic timing... is very solid."
"Sometimes as a comedian, a line will come to you that is so beautiful, so perfect, that you think, 'I did not create this line; this line belongs to all of us.'"
"Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a brilliantly scripted manga that reinvents or elevates almost every clichéd joke in the rom-com genre."
"The secret to being a better comic is to write better jokes, and the secret to writing better jokes is to write every day."
"You have to make your intent super clear, and that's what I'm saying with comedy."
"A comedian's job is to say what others think. People think about stuff but they never say it, a comedian's job has always been to say those things."
"I'm a comedian. I don't need comedy to be important; the less importance you put on it, the better."
"Improvisation is when two people or more go up on stage and just make up everything on the spot, and then it's funny."
"Comedy is the most relatable format because it's based on the idea of 'I've got a gripe and I'm going to tell you about it'."
"I'm pointing at things that are obviously bad and talking about why they're bad. But I do think that, you know, the commentary comedy adds value."
"His directorial prowess truly propelled him to comedic stardom."
"Now at the age of 95, Mel Brooks continues to be an unrivaled comedic force."
"You can joke about anything; just make it funny."
"I predict we are going to enter another era of goofy, silly comedy and entertainment."
"Great comedy is the art of confession. Tell me something I didn't know about you."
"To me, great comedy is the art of confession and risk."
"What the comedian, the satirist, the humorist is supposed to be doing is poking holes in the popular narrative, not promoting it."
"Political satire is a very dangerous enterprise for any comedian, anywhere."
"I have never laughed harder at any stage production than at that original cast of Mel Brooks' 'The Producers' in 2004."
"Comedy could be a weapon and one of Brooks's favorite targets happened to be history's greatest monster heckler on high."
"Comedy lives between public and private discourse... Comedians are in the middle, trying to make sense of it all."
"When making a short list of 'really funny things,' chronic despair and unrelenting anxiety probably don’t make the cut. So why are so many comedians these days talking about their mental health? And more importantly, why is it still so freaking funny?"
"It's about this big monkey that has to steal a banana from a bank."
"Comedy is kind of important, non-offensive, just funny things, it relieves tension."
"That is a Netflix special waiting to happen."
"Thank you for three decades of incredible comedy. It might have all been made up, but it certainly did matter."
"Dave Chappelle is one of the greatest comedians of all time."
"It always works that way, so if you write something that is funny with just sound, you better believe that adding a visual is only gonna make it funnier."
"Comedy that I'm happy to say is actually kind of funny."
"What I personally find most entertaining about his comedic style is that he commits to each and every bit fully."
"Let's make this film a triumph of love and comedy."
"Horror and comedy are just the juxtaposition; they take a situation and push it to absurdity."
"That's the power of comedy: it gets racists actually mad."
"Intention is what differentiates comedy that satirizes and laughs with people from the kind that intends to harm."
"I like My Cousin Vinny, though. That’s a good movie."
"The actors and actresses were all comedians, naturals at delivering their lines despite the fact that they weren’t really allowed to improvise scenes."
"The value of the work is that is the laugh. We harvest laughter; we're laugh farmers."
"Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks, one of the best comedies ever made."
"What we do in the shadows from Taika Waititi, hilarious vampire mockumentary comedy."
"That's why comedy is so important. They go like, 'Oh, maybe I'm the ball.' You know, if they're protesting. So, it's disarmed."
"I've just started going into comedy, so I just did a tour around the UK."
"They're likeable, uh, comedy duo. They're like a classic comedy duo."
"John Stewart is an excellent comedian, excellent. He understands comedy, he understands delivery, he understands character."
"Seth MacFarlane is one of the greatest comedy minds of ever in history."
"The only thing in the show that I would actually call bad is the comedy."
"It's great to see a comedy show that didn't have either a punching bag character or a cynical character."
"Be consistently funny...Once you have that confidence, then you'll be able to break it and start talking about all your truths."
"What I try to express in a lot of comedy...comedy speaks to feeling; it doesn't speak to what is right or wrong."
"When I see generations of people at one of my shows, when I see a father and his son both laughing together, like one, I get emotional almost because I'm like, 'Oh, I love those moments with my dad.'"
"Comedy to further corruption and make you comfortable with it."
"Comedy is supposed to be dangerous. There's supposed to be an element of that."
"I've always been a fan of stand-up comedy... not only do you laugh but you also learn something."
"The moment that you're seeking applause rather than laughter, that's the moment you've lost. You're not a comedian anymore."
"Comedy is not dying, you're murdering comedy by being just unfunny."
"My favorite part of comedy is when people laugh; they're not laughing at me, they're laughing with me."
"Comedy can also teach people the personal lived experiences of marginalized communities."
"Comedy is my true ideology, my true religion."
"I would want to do something with writing, you know, growing up I wanted to be a sketch comedian, or a short story writer, or a screenwriter, or anything like that."
"Ricky Gervais isn't like that. Rick Gervais is just common sense comedy and very funny."
"Comedy, so they're always making people laugh, and I love that. I like going to set and not having to be like, 'Oh, today's gonna be dull.'"
"The issue with Chappelle is Chappelle is the living goat, in my opinion."
"The greatest comic ever is Patrice O'Neal, but alive, I think I'd say Chappelle."
"My issue with Chappelle is Chappelle is the living GOAT, in my opinion. He is the living greatest comic alive."
"Comedy you have to have chops, which is like, everybody can write a joke and tell a joke, but you got to be able to be quick on your feet."
"YouTube was kind of a joke because your dad can fart and put it on YouTube, you know? Anybody can be on there. So, you wanted HBO, you wanted Comedy Central... You wanted Netflix. But now, YouTube is like a real spot for comedy."
"When Soap first aired, there had never been anything like it: a half-hour comedy with a continuing weekly story about the world's most dramatic family."
"In its wild irreverence and unabashedly dark humor, it paved the way for their mature work: Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!"
"So, how did two comedians who don't even tell jokes worm their way into the mainstream?"
"Most comedic TV exists to make us feel comfortable and safe."
"They take existing cultural norms and either ignore them or subvert them beyond recognition."
"The great comedian Ricky Gervais has claimed that comedy is now dead because of cancel culture."
"Comedy is really, really hard to do because the audience is daring you to make them laugh. They're looking at you like, 'Oh yeah? You think you're funny? Yeah, make me laugh. Go do it. Try it right now.'"
"This might have been the line that changed my life, changed my thinking about comedy."
"A lot of this movie's charm relies on the physical comedy with the dwarves working, and holy moly, it doesn't just work, it soars."
"A pinch of comedic romance with its fair share of Palace politics."
"I think comedy brings people together a lot more than it drives them apart."
"Saying something's not a subject for comedy is like saying it's not a subject for fiction."
"Comedy is a double-edged sword that can both unite and divide us, and it's more important than ever to take it seriously."
"The nature of comedy is to talk about the stuff you're not supposed to."
"Comedy is one of like they'll let you know like what I did that Lil Wayne joke I knew how well it did you guys let me know so you know and you."
"Pete is very humble in his stand-up comedy sets."
"Progressive comedy is not as delicate as you can get; it's hilarious."
"Comedy should make you think, not just clap in agreement."
"Madden BS is some of the best unintentional comedy."
"Progressive comedy isn't about being politically correct or safe; it's often about exposing oppressive systems."
"As a comedian, it is as fun to make fun of the left as it is to the right."
"I do think comedy can bring people together in a certain way and that's why we keep doing it."
"The legendary comedy series Chappelle Show premiered 20 years ago."
"Comedy comes from a feeling of spontaneity and joy and ease."
"Comedy allows the film to say what it wants to say."
"Our intent has always been to make people laugh, period."
"I just love the dynamic of the dumb idiot and the really smart, no-nonsense girl."
"Zombieland is a great comedy. It makes me laugh every single time I watch it."
"It's a tight movie, well-paced and well-choreographed, just everything works together and the jokes all just land."
"The goal of a comedian is to try to make you laugh, okay? And in that pursuit, they can say things that they don't even personally believe in."
"Jokes about people are funny if you actually have experiences with them and you humanize them instead of being like haha LOL, look at Down syndrome people, aren't they weird, okay? That's the whole point, that's what good comedians do."
"Preserving the Integrity of black comedians should be a shared commitment transcending racial boundaries."
"Comedy is a great way to get you attached to a character."
"It's just saying something offensive and waiting for audience laughter."
"To reduce my views to a handful of jokes that didn't land is not a true reflection of my character nor my evolution as a comedian."
"Do you think of yourself as silly? If you don't have silly, you don't have comedy, bro."
"Comedy should be free and a critique of our society."
"Comedy was this great outlet of like, 'Oh, I can go say whatever I want and see how people react to it.'"
"Improv is more about making connections and comedic timing."
"I made the funny voices and did the impressions not just to make people laugh, but to soothe myself. And I had anxieties as a kid from the world, and I would try to be funny to make myself laugh."
"Superbad became one of the best Coming of Age comedies of all time."
"Despite being treated like crap, all of the stakes of this Mission are riding on McLovin."
"What 'Hercules' wanted to be was what 'The Emperor's New Groove' actually succeeded in doing, a comedic take on a mythologized history."
"The comedy was also far more consistent this time around, and for me, most of it worked."
"Top Secret finds the team of the Zuckers and Abrams sending up everything from spy movies to Elvis musicals with reckless loony abandon."
"Stand-up is still the last bastion of free speech."
"For those who defend the right of comedy and Free Speech, I will advocate for you."
"Comedy is like, it takes a while for most, not the superstars, but I think Patrice would have finally got his real just due."
"A kid with a coffee mug is pure comedy - there's something hilarious about it."
"As long as the audience is [expletive] laughing, you got time to make 'em think."
"I can't under emphasize how important comedy's been to my life and how important certain opportunities that came along to my life."
"I feel like it's becoming less and less about jokes, your material, and more about authenticity."
"Irony and comedy... they can be ways of kind of testing out things that you're not completely comfortable with yet."
"Leo was a great movie. It was wholesome and funny."
"Comedy the whole point of Comedy is to say something true and make you laugh."
"A lifetime of creating comedy that gave us over a half century of laughter."
"It was a book on which you would spend 17 years working at a universal comedy he had first heard as a boy."
"Dave Chappelle: the only serious actor among comedians."
"Ricky Gervais is the kind of guy who understands the power of going out on top."
"Comedy is very largely about people failing to live up to expectations. So, it's men trying to do something and then being really bad at it, and that's really funny."
"Ed Wood is a terrific Showbiz comedy with tremendous Heart."
"Comedy and humor are one of the best antidotes."
"Comedy has a way of guiding you towards that. Just keep doing something."
"It's a good skit, it's a good skit, it's a good skit."
"I'm glad I never pursued a career in comedy because by this point I'd be like the stereotypical sad clown."
"The greatest comedians in the game are smart."
"Patrice O'Neal, he was the best that ever lived. He was the absolute [ __ ] best, man."
"Zoomed in your life is a tragedy zoomed out it's a comedy."
"Harley Quinn surprised me. I didn't think one of the strongest DC shows in years would be the one that doesn't focus on characters in action, but characters and comedy."
"Drama is about people changing; comedy is about how people never change."
"He's a comedian. Comedians do lots of stuff that walks right up to the edge and sometimes crosses over the edge."
"If you were a left-wing comedian and you said exactly the same words about Christians... everything would be totally fine."
"I'll never watch it again unless the baddest chick on the planet asks me to."
"Comedians must be allowed to say what they think without feeling like they're going to be destroyed after." - Dave Rubin
"It's bad comedy writing to make fun of people with Down syndrome." - Bobby Lee
"Comics also they don't take crap and they double down because to them comedy is the religion which means that i am constantly trying to walk that line."
"But he lightens up in the last third of the show."
"We've prided ourselves on being an entertainment platform... a show that you can turn on, forget about your problems, maybe learn something, but probably laugh a lot."
"I'm like Sam Kinison meets Richard Pryor with his afro on fire I'm a funny funny son of a shot stage I I intertwine a means think of the songs it's serious songs like fredbear and stranglehold which is the greatest love song ever"
"Comedy is pain, pain is comedy. There's no better way to make people laugh than to talk about the most painful thing you've ever been through."
"The hyper awareness is really the only thing that allows him to land the jokes in the way that he does."
"His job is important; he is saving the world literally with comedy."
"Funny people being put in funny situations will be funny."
"Comedy, like horror, is and always will be subjective."
"It's so bad that you are just left laughing at the incompetence of this movie."
"Werewolves within is the rare horror comedy that offers equal helpings of either genre."
"Comedy ultimately the best type of comedy is courageous it goes against the grain it shows a certain kind of bravery."