
Activism Quotes

There are 31424 quotes

"The world is not going to magically right itself without you doing something."
"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world."
"The sleeping giant of America is not just conservatives; it's really just everyday people like you and me."
"It's easier for every individual to be like 'I've got a YouTube channel that says every week listen, things are going to [__], we can fix it, we need to work together to reduce wealth inequality.'"
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
"I absolutely love JK Rowling...because she stands up for biological sex and she's taken on the woke mob."
"We've got to change this world from the bottom up."
"One thing that kind of motivates me is well I don't like seeing injustice. I have a phobia to injustice. When I see injustice, I feel like I have to do something about it. It's just innate."
"Our personal growth cannot stop at just us. We need to go beyond just a great yoga butt and instead use everything we are learning to go forth and fix the world."
"Never fall for the lie that going out to hold a placard and to protest against the slaughter of women, children, men in Gaza trapped in a cage is any kind of extremism."
"There has been progress in marginalizing racism."
"Body positivity is about challenging societal norms of shame against fatness."
"We all need to be part of the conversation and movement if we want to see the societal pressures around bodies ultimately change."
"My mere existence is a form of activism, especially in the body positivity community."
"We won't solve the climate crisis unless we solve the misinformation crisis."
"Black empowerment is just not sitting by not saying anything when we see a brother has been compromised."
"It is my obligation as a member of my generation to try to play some role, whatever role I can, in being an instrument in that change."
"T Rogers, a very well respected activist... he did a lot later in life to really intervene with a lot of the gang stuff."
"The urgency of the world right now should be entirely focused on ending this atrocity that unfortunately the world has become so complacent with."
"You can bring about the positive change you want to see in this world, because the revolution will not be televised."
"The revolution will not be televised. The first change that takes place is in your mind."
"He said: 'I’m not inclined to be a politician. My vocation is as a monk. But as a monk you have to have the courage to speak out against social injustice, the violation of human rights.'"
"The fight for a unified Ireland is not one that belongs only to the past."
"Every individual can make a difference. And that difference ripples out."
"Our rights are like muscles; if you don't use them, you will lose them."
"I am donating thousands of dollars a year to a resource so people affected by hysterical anti-trans laws can access hormone replacement therapy before the age of 18. I do not give a single [__] what you think. I am doing nothing wrong, nor will I ever back down."
"Groups like If Not Now and Jewish Voice for Peace... being out in the street showing that we see our safety as bound up in fighting for freedom and safety and justice for Palestinians, that actually helps fight anti-Semitism."
"The more people speak up, from all political persuasions, from all walks of life, the easier it is to move forward."
"Words are not enough. What we want to see is actual change in policy."
"We need a new system, we need a new society. We need to demand that which may have sounded impossible even a few weeks ago but is not only realizable but an imperative necessity."
"Many of us ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery, or Jim Crow, or apartheid? What would I do if any country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it right now."
"It's good for parents to see this, conservative parents. They need the shock value from this to get off their couch and go to City Hall and start talking to their elected officials to make a difference."
"You have the power to make a difference; you don't have the power to fix everything."
"Only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
"I unequivocally deplore, denounce, and reject white supremacy."
"Online abuse is really, really disgusting, and it is very important that people stand up to it."
"We're in a 1776 moment. I think we are in a war for the future of our country."
"I have attended protests and rallies in the past when I agreed with the goals, when I supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues."
"The fight for life and liberty is raging. I've never seen anything like it, frankly."
"Protecting all human rights, lives are on the line here."
"We cannot fight capitalism alone; we have to fight capitalism and systemic racism and other forms of bigotry together."
"Greetings, citizens of Earth. This is Anonymous. We have long been the defenders of truth and justice, exposing the lies that governments and organizations have hidden from the public eye."
"I know for a fact I'm changing hearts and minds because I see it face to face."
"Social progress is made on the backs of people who push against bigotry, not who capitulate to it."
"We're basically promoting positive body image on campus."
"Human rights are universal; no one should be attacked, imprisoned, or killed simply because of who they are or whom they love."
"The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail job – day in, day out."
"I'm not saying you don't have to worry about who wins the election. I'm saying you have to worry about every day before it and every day after it."
"Remember, freedom is not inherited; it's something we must actively fight for."
"We can make substantial change if we do not give up."
"Vote with your time, vote with your wallet. You can't just say you want betterment for [the game] and then do the exact opposite."
"I'm super passionate about human trafficking awareness, I'm currently in the process of starting a nonprofit."
"What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most."
"How do we change the world? Do we work within the system or try to dismantle it?"
"I'm fighting not only for my rights but for everyone's rights."
"This has to get out nationally. This is a fundamental attack on your rights."
"His journey is incredible... he's become a jagged little pill for that side because he's of them and he wants what we all want: a cleaner, safer, better planet."
"Somebody's got to fight for it. Somebody has got to fight for it."
"We don't agonize, we organize... the antidote to that is to organize, is to get involved."
"It's about making those in power uncomfortable because it is necessary, not just as a [__] the system, but to save lives, trans lives, marginalized lives, human lives."
"A is for activist, a counting on community, intersection allies. Oh, that's cute. We make room for all."
"The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable."
"The biggest work that I think should be being done is trying to get people further away from poverty."
"You drag the conversation in the Overton window to the left... when you fight and you stand for something, it pays dividends."
"This is not a time for cooling off... not a time for the tranquilizing drug of gradualism."
"Think of yourself as an information warrior."
"Imagine if a million of us are doing that every day, the kind of impact it can have."
"The whole point of having a platform is to use it to say what I think is true. That is the job."
"If you love this country, you fight for the people who make it work."
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."
"I'm a pro-black, non-racist; like, I really, really love black people, but I don't love them more than other people."
"We're going to have to work like our democracy is on the line, because it damn well is."
"To sit on the sidelines is to take a side, and all of us will be judged by history."
"Social justice and activism really starts in your own house. What are you saying to your children? What are you reading with your children? What kind of conversations are you having with your own children? How you're raising them? What are the core values in your house?"
"I will fight like hell for a more fair tax code."
"Noam Chomsky has made two international reputations in unrelated or apparently unrelated fields: the widest is as one of the national leaders of American resistance to the Vietnam War; the deepest is as a professor of linguistics who, before he was 40 years old, had transformed the nature of his subject."
"Anger is a motivator. It spurs activity, outrage, and compels us to demand answers."
"He is an activist who cares about our community, cares about black folks, cares about American citizens, speaks truth to power as best as he possibly can."
"We ought to be on fire; we ought to be deeply concerned."
"Hopium is hope with a plan. We don't just hope the election is going to turn out well; we actually go to work to make it so."
"We have to be warriors for truth and information, warriors for our democracy."
"I am standing for something. I am speaking for the people."
"I don't just want to win in 2024. I want to crush these criminal monsters who are taking our rights and backing Putin and targeting trans kids and minimizing black people down to their sneakers because we need to beat these people."
"We're fighting for people's human rights and we're fighting for people not going into concentration camps."
"The Black Lives Matter movement saying much the same about the horrible ongoing racial inequality and discrimination."
"When the causes that people are behind are more important to them than the system, the system is in jeopardy."
"Our job is to have a vision, rally the American people to reclaim our democracy, and to create a government that works for us, not just the 1% and wealthy campaign contributors."
"Activision Blizzard devs demand breastfeeding protections and other reforms."
"We are in a war for Freedom of Information right now."
"Think of the amount of good you could have done, all of the injustices you could have stopped if you had the right allies to help you."
"Use your voice. The most important and the strongest and most potent weapon we have is our voice."
"The world is voting... you vote with your feet and you vote with your pocket B and you vote with... hopefully against war."
"Greetings, guys, girls, non-binary pals, and welcome back to another video. I hope that you are well, and I hope that you are fighting because there is a lot to be fighting for."
"It's up to us as people; it's up to our own free will. We are in charge of our destiny, we're in charge of our world, if we only have eyes open enough to see it and courage to do something about it."
"If you find 'black lives matter'...controversial, you might be a racist."
"We cannot hope to end any form of exploitation without tackling systemic inequality and violence."
"We are Anonymous. We Are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."
"The internet is a powerful new medium where just a handful of people, in small groups, just by shifting data around in the right directions, can make big changes and big damage."
"We ought to use our purchasing power to drive these corporations... they're not gonna be held accountable otherwise."
"Anger can be channeled toward change. When you see injustice in the world or unfairness or inequality or someone who's hurting, it makes you mad or indignant... you can harness it and you can make change in the world."
"Activism is straight voltage, and organizing is directed energy."
"Anger can fuel movements but cannot sustain them. Hope does."
"I think it's important to call out fascist behavior, fascist actions."
"In 1969, the Stonewall riots forced gay rights into national consciousness."
"So even though she succeeded in her initial goal to repeal the non-discrimination ordinance, there is no question that in the long term, Anita Bryant was the loser."
"Because gay activists didn't need to persuade Anita Bryant, they needed to defeat her. And that's what they did."
"If you really wanted to stop abortion from happening, you would be out there rallying for open doors to women's reproductive healthcare access."
"I always find that when you're active in making the change, you actually carry the burden less."
"The activism means finding going right to the place where there is pain and hurt and suffering and doing something right at that direct connection."
"You want to solve a social problem, you need a social movement."
"Going vegan is not the most we can do; it's the least we can do."
"I'm going to university to be educated, not to become an activist."
"Activism is important; it can help educate and bring attention to important issues and can help unite people in the name of a shared cause."
"Thank you for amplifying our voices. That's what I'm here to try to do as best that I can, to help amplify the stories that should be heard."
"Black lives matter... it's an important thing to address."
"Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity."
"These are the inequities we have to fight, these are the values we must rethink, this is the justice that we deserve and we must demand."
"If we want the world to be more beautiful, kind and just, then our activism should be beautiful, kind and just, and often it's not."
"The world needs you now more than ever, and you've got no excuse not to get involved."
"Climate change isn't a case of just recycling water bottles or driving a hybrid car, we need big changes."
"I admire people who stand up and don't relent."
"The people who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war."
"Meghan Markle reveals a very influential woman begged her not to give up her activism when she married Prince Harry because it means so much to women and girls."
"Megan claimed that female activists are often dismissed by critics who want them to feel small and be quiet."
"I started to notice this almost default eye roll when someone would mention a woman fighting for a cause."
"Cop watching may make us uncomfortable and is clearly controversial, but its unpredictable and unorthodox tactics may be best suited for the task at hand."
"MLK was for racial equality, economic justice, and stood against the exploitation of the poor."
"Women have been the backbone of the whole Civil Rights Movement."
"If Martin Luther King were around today...he would be protesting because that's what an activist does."
"I am saying political correctness resist, fight if you have a point of view, fight it in the proper manner using democracy."
"The future is with activist artists grown naturally from their communities, using new technologies and platforms to draw attention to concerns and realities that no gatekeeping clique of professional managerial classes will ever understand or think to explore."
"You came here for action... for justice... for systemic change, not just in sport but in our culture."
"The only thing necessary for injustice to continue is for good people to do nothing."
"Social progress involves pissing powerful people off, by definition."
"We're fighting for our democracy each and every day."
"Injustice here within the skincare community is injustice everywhere and it's up to us to make a difference."
"100% of the AdSense revenue from this video will be donated to multiple black lives matter non-profit organizations."
"You have to do more than just not be racist; you have to be anti-racist."
"Police accountability is about the people of this country who care and want better for all of us."
"Whatever it is that you think needs adjustment in this world, you should be the one to change it, if not all of it, at least some of it."
"Labels don't make the world a better place; action does."
"This is a message to all racist police officers in every department in Mississippi and throughout the United States of America that beware, that justice will be coming your way."
"The death of George Floyd...ignited protests around the world. This for us to stand up in George's name and say, 'get your knee off our necks.'"
"Every single person's responsibility is to make this world a better place."
"Demonstrations are supposed to well demonstrate something, send a message, push for some specific end."
"We can't afford to wait this out, so I'm pushing for solutions today, even if it means taking on my own party."
"Do your part. There are so many issues in this world you can't possibly take on them all... Whatever you do, take your part, your portion... and work it to the best of your ability."
"We are unapologetically pro-democracy and we demand justice and accountability."
"You can't just wait on somebody else to do it... We're all somebody, and we have to stand up."
"Dr. King has this quote from the letter from Birmingham Jail that I say all the time... 'We will repent not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.'"
"Every activist organization out there needs to look at the very root of market capitalism and its predication on scarcity and its necessity for constant consumption if they want to resolve the ecological problems that are at hand right now."
"Activism has been the cornerstone of development, social development, experimentation, technological development."
"I want to do anything I can to elevate justice and righteousness in the world."
"I feel like we've left it in the hands of non-blacks for about 10, 15, 20 years; nothing's happened. So now, let's see some young Black people take a stab at it."
"I am nowhere near perfect, but I want to make this world a better place than I entered it."
"If you do buy it, you end up like Wilberforce, and you put yourself on the line, to what? To cost England a tremendous fortune over multiple decades to eradicate slavery around the world because of its moral inappropriateness because of the sacred nature of each individual."
"This could all be propaganda too, but you know what? I want to at least believe that we can win if we organize."
"It's time to be the change to create the change."
"Our Congress needs to act and this is about young people getting out the vote and voting for candidates that share your values."
"I am never going to be that person ever again that when I see something that is wrong, even if it's just me, I'm gonna stand up and I'm gonna do what's right."
"We need a Grassroots Movement. We need people to get passionate about this and help out."
"It's not the only thing you should do, never leave the power of your vote on the table."
"The definition of feminism that I work with is the fight for the equality of the sexes."
"Justice is a journey, and I encourage you to use each footstep to imprint your fierce will to fight back."
"The world needs shaking up all over the place, and individuals do."
"It is our right to have a general strike. Nothing can take that away from us."
"Saving democracy itself here in America is part of the unfinished work."
"One person's action can make a significant difference. You can't just sit back and ignore it."
"The real division is the powerful versus the powerless."
"Reach out to people, pay attention...find people who are speaking out against this, follow them, pay attention to who interacts with them, reach out to those people, and start making your own social network."
"There is safety in numbers. If more and more people start speaking up, then it's not as risky for any of us who are speaking up."
"Hey Mischief, we salute you. Thank you for fighting for free speech."
"We may be at an 1890 moment where if we don't get our act together and save this democracy, how many decades will we be in the darkness again, or will we ever get it back at all?"
"It is so obvious to me that these issues of racial, gender, economic, and climate justice are very intertwined."
"As I'm seeing this happening more and more every day... I just wanted to use my platform to try and push back against it from within the community."
"The fact that there is a movement within the community is amazing."
"We want to get involved in school board meetings."
"The people that are actually doing this within our community and pushing this agenda on kids, I believe that they're a very small minority within our community, but they're so loud."
"We can't let this happen to people. We've got to stand up and address these issues and get things under control."
"I respect every trans person's right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I'd march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans."
"We saw after George Floyd was murdered and then a global protest in this country, we saw 26 million Americans take to the streets... in the largest, most racially diverse, and geographically diverse, and ethically diverse demonstration in American history."
"We are unstoppable, another world is possible."
"I dig that, like I'm trying to make a difference in the world."
"I was an SJW for about 20 years, and I was one of the true believers. I really believed this was the way to make a better world."
"Social justice is reorganizing and acting upon the power that we have for making positive change."
"The left gave up agency; the message used to be, 'Hey, you can have agency in the things that you are directly involved in but root for systemic change.'"
"People don't actually care that deeply about how much real change happens. The feel-good stuff is enough for a lot of them."
"The entire messaging is always focused on the systemic stuff rather than the personal actionable stuff."
"If you don't like what's happening, you can change it, and a small group of people can change it using the tools that democracy gives to everybody."
"Imagine if we get a million people in the streets for Medicare for all."
"I think direct action is definitely necessary and it has to be direct action around specific issues."
"It's a coming together of players who want the same thing that all of us do: freedoms, equality, tolerance, understanding, and justice for those who have been unjustly treated, discriminated against."
"Stop analyzing and critiquing the victim, turn your critique to the problem."
"The worst thing you can do is squander people's rage because rage can be an incredibly effective tool if channeled correctly."
"Local politics is so important because it's about breaking down systemic problems into smaller, solvable issues."
"The culture of silence has got to be broken because the worst type of betrayal is silence."
"Do you want to make art for the interior design trade and sell art to people for them to put in their home as home decor, or do you want to make art that makes a statement that's going to change the world?"
"The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee...was a group that helped register blacks to vote [in] Mississippi."
"We want to completely revitalize the Democratic Party and make it a party of the people."
"Patriotism means being able to stand up and speak out on an issue... If I disagree with the president of the United States on an issue, that I can speak out about that, and I'll fight for that cause."