
Moral Judgment Quotes

There are 1017 quotes

"If you harvested [Little Sisters], then you're a complete scrub."
"Solid food is for mature people whose minds have been trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil."
"Governments have a conscience...I've seen governments in other parts of the world do things to humans that we in the Western world would be absolutely appalled by."
"After taking a look, I definitely believe that art is immoral and degenerate. However, the saving grace is that Vivy herself apologized. She took accountability, apologized, and hasn't drawn anything similar to this since."
"There is no purgatory for war criminals; they go straight to hell, Ambassador."
"Calling anyone who criticizes their position racist, transphobic, sexist, misogynists, etc., these morally charged terms are essentially calling someone evil or immoral."
"What he goes on to do next is completely unforgivable."
"We love what we shouldn't love or we love what we should but in the wrong way."
"Any world where something as disgusting as that can be normalized is a world I don't want to be participating in."
"I think being deplatformed is good... Tate's like a monstrously bad human being on almost every level."
"The Bible says, 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.' Well, we're there."
"We should judge him by the content of his character."
"You are what you do, not what you think because if we were judged by our thoughts, we would all be executed."
"Pimps are shamed, pimps are put in prison, but in our society, pimps receive millions and are applauded."
"Somebody comes up to me with a knife and they're about to stab me, and then I pull out a gun and I shoot them. We wouldn't say, 'Well, both of you engaged in the same behavior. You're going to be violent.'"
"Having a good personality doesn't mean they're a good person."
"The effect of what you did is a net positive, no matter how you look at it."
"Motives are much less important than behavior. We all know this. If someone has good intentions but treats people badly, those good intentions mean nothing."
"Something doesn't become good just because it's less bad."
"Evil is evil. Let's call it for what it is. It's evil and it costs the victims in a way that is hard to measure."
"If you're in law enforcement and you know that what you're doing is wrong, you're evil. You are the evil we are desperately fighting against."
"We can appreciate the good things people did while acknowledging the bad things they did."
"Feeling bad about yourself and sort of a moral judgment is not really a great way to change behavior."
"Trying to understand something isn't a way to make it right, and to not condemn something isn't a way to condone it."
"Likewise, if you're going to try to dishonestly twist my arguments... you're only showing your own morally degraded state."
"Bad ideas like the people who caused the problem should be in charge of solving them...and bad ideas like being rich is somehow some sort of moral compass that should give you the right to rule us."
"It's impossible to know what our society deprived itself of, what it sacrificed, aside from its soul."
"We're going to get judged upon our deeds. How we thought, how we spoke, how we acted... These are the things that are going to judge us."
"Can we separate artists from their art? The short answer is not really. We try, but what we do instead is just counsel you completely or we find a way to justify your actions enough that we can deal with it."
"The question should always be not is it modern or ancient, but is it right or wrong, is it good or bad."
"What is legal and what is right are not always the same thing."
"There is no justice in war. War is as morally bankrupt as a trial by battle."
"If you do not sign up for cash app using code thieves, not only do you hate money, but you hate sick children in hospitals and you should feel terrible about yourself."
"What happened there was wrong, and how he was able to transfer it to an attack on Democracy rather than himself."
"Celebrating the death of anyone, especially not in a jovial way, is sociopath stuff."
"The Firefly's inability to recognize that ultimately marks them as villains."
"While I may disapprove of Caesar's actions in his early career, I abhor his assassins."
"Clear cut examples of moral evils and moral goods."
"It's like saying a lull anyone can go and steal from other people right, although anyone can go shoot someone."
"Criticism always comes with a moral dimension."
"It was the good themselves that felt and established themselves as good."
"I suppose what we should be doing is looking into the future and imagining what will our descendants look back at our time and shudder with horror at what we did."
"There's something about cowardice which I think is the most disgusting attribute in a man."
"It's about doing what's right: slavery was wrong, Jim Crow segregation was wrong."
"I don't think that because a person might be a monster I don't think that that means that their artistic work is any less valuable."
"The French ban is unnecessary, self-defeating, and morally wrong."
"You want to be a good person here, Jennifer. Anybody else in your situation would have done the exact same thing."
"Jesus said, 'At the end of life, you will be judged based on how you treated the least of these.'"
"It's sick, it's downright demonic, and the vast majority of Americans know it."
"The evil of dictatorship always lies in the evil of the dictator."
"Actions should matter; remember we judge people by their actions."
"You're not a bad person, but you're making bad decisions."
"Sundowner's hypocrisy is revealed through his actions and justifications, a man willing to justify his cruelty."
"Justifying something legally doesn't necessarily make it good."
"Internment camps for Japanese in World War II were evil."
"It's not politics at all, this is good and evil... what he has done for the world."
"If you think the kingdom of god has been filled up with that kind of degenerate crap, you're out of your damn mind."
"Can we at least all find common ground that a dad who commits an act of violence against someone who sexually assaulted his child is not the same kind of a monster as the man who committed the grossest act of evil?"
"The rumbling was seen by nearly everyone as an act of evil."
"What a disgusting type of person you have to be to use pictures of an innocent little girl just born into the world to try and scam people for their hard-earned money for absolutely no reason."
"I've made that pretty clear... Google is pure evil."
"The Insidious nature and the absolute Shameless behavior that really makes even a scumbag like me just stand back with astonishment."
"Most people don't understand that... they're just not good people."
"If it's in your heart, you can achieve it. Until it comes to having multiple loves, all of a sudden, 'Don't do that.' Yeah, give a [__], if that's in your heart, don't achieve that, you're dirty, you're wrong, you're foul."
"This is the judgment that the light has come into the world and men loved the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil."
"Just because something can be legal doesn't make it ethical."
"You need to have that so that the people who are doing the bad thing say you know what maybe I shouldn't do this..."
"There is absolutely nothing more disgusting to me than somebody who abuses their power or authority."
"The ends don't justify the means because both the means and ends are garbage."
"The point here is that all of human history is replete with evil. When we pay tribute to people, what we are paying tribute to is the good that they did..."
"I think what you've done in this aspect is despicable, but you don't seem like a bad guy by any means. However, your response was reactionary, quick, and undereducated."
"There is a really warm place in hell for people that will drop their old dogs off at the shelter."
"I've noticed a huge uptick in people claiming to be conservatives siding with these insane pedophiles."
"If you're lying in child custody, you think that's evil that should be punished if you're doing something to destroy families."
"On what basis can anyone say this action is right or this action is wrong?"
"Anytime you take somebody's life intentionally [...] you should get life."
"A psychologically functional human being does not kill masses of other human beings because it seems like a good idea or because somebody told them to."
"If you have both sides of crazy people getting mad at you the odds are you're doing the right thing."
"There's probably something wrong with your moral compass if you don't love this guy." - Catholic Talk Show
"There is a special place in hell for people who fake their victimhood."
"No one wants anyone to be murdered, you were a lunatic."
"If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I don't believe that he's a bad person."
"Reveling in the suffering of others is probably as close to evil as anything that I can come up with."
"God forgives everything because it's conscious of everything."
"Showing empathy, we can go, okay, this person's actually a decent human who you're doing what you think is right, right? If you think you're saving babies."
"Just because it feels good doesn't mean it's right."
"People are more concerned with the moral piety of their individual leaders than with issues of social equity."
"That was crazy where I once would fear the cost of truth now I only ask what is the cost of lies."
"What penguin did was he basically chopped and screwed it, gave his own little commentary and made himself seem like he has the moral High ground."
"If you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you're really advocating for is evil. That's just true."
"That video will always be here to remind the American people." - That video will always be here to remind the American people of just how morally corrupt and bankrupt the Republican party is.
"Sexualization sells but it's morally bankrupt."
"How do you tell what's right and wrong? Look for the facts, the Nuggets of indisputable facts."
"For people who support Russia, they're just objectively evil."
"What is right is not always legal and what is wrong is not always illegal."
"Human ways are under the eyes of the Lord, and he examines all their paths."
"That's the feeling I have looking at this now, and maybe you have it too. Sinners!"
"Being nice doesn't mean anything if somebody is putting people in gas chambers."
"The moral binary is you are a good person if you listen to the government and you're a bad person if you do not listen to the government." - Ben Shapiro
"The only thing that makes a man holy is his deeds."
"The Holocaust is fucked up and wrong and obviously it happened."
"What stands out to me is how people of conscience at the time understood that this was not an easy decision."
"Only those who remain no part of the world will be viewed by Jesus as being sheep-like."
"These people in power are wicked evil people."
"There's an ethical consideration, and if you think ethics is a form of shaming, then you are what is known as a child."
"I never thought anybody could be mean enough to turn Christmas into a racket."
"When you have this like oversexualized effect, it makes you feel like a bad person."
"That's what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna kill it. That's an awful awful thing and you are awful awful people."
"I believe in your heart you know what's right."
"At best, these people have no idea what they're doing. At worst, they know exactly what they're doing, and they're evil."
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."
"Saying someone's dating preferences makes them a bad person is about as nonsense as someone being called a bad person because they like chocolate ice cream but not vanilla."
"I don't hate my enemies, I pity them because what they have done is so fundamentally evil."
"Gluttony is said to be one of the seven deadly sins... but this deadly sin in particular is just not fair."
"And finally Homelander has done some pretty heinous unforgivable things like brutally murdering Sonic Boom for one but one of his worst crimes has to be giving the Seven some amazing looking taco bowls and then instantly dismissing them."
"What they did was wrong at the end of the day."
"With moral situations, it's never a binary situation."
"It's always a moral failing. Just like just as an example right."
"Juries offer this unique ability to have moral sense implemented into the justice system."
"It's not about right and left, this is about right and wrong."
"I think it's very easy for people to hear this story and be like oh that [ ] nazi piece of [ ] blah blah blah these people as adults would choose self-preservation who would criticize what this kid did when he was 17."
"I care whether or not he's an authoritarian and a fascist or a good person with a good soul and a good heart who cares."
"Desecrating the altar of the church, don't think you're on the side of justice and right and light."
"Jesus is talking about the accuser's sin in that moment you who are without sin be the one to throw the first stone."
"In some weird way, I can make excuses for the other men that I've taken a look at. Corey, for example, crosses the line between idiotic and selfish to lacking humanity."
"He left us far too soon, but he also left us a treasure trove of entertaining and thought-provoking stories that we'll be able to enjoy for generations."
"The point being whether godlike actual gods or just people dressed up like Batman many of our characters feel like their fellow humans are inadequate to judge them." - Unknown
"I don't think that religion should define like what a good person is."
"Ultimately gives us the following final conclusion: Necromancy... is definitely an evil practice unless someone consents to being reanimated with just their own body and soul."
"It's always the most sanctimonious people who are the ones who are guilty of the thing that they claim to be so against."
"Problematic is an understatement in terms of what it displays in terms of giving some, I don't know, hope or boost to what is and should be illegal activity."
"You're not a good person, you know that, right?"
"There's something really wrong with that." - "There's something really wrong with that"
"We might not believe in God anymore, but we still feel a sentimental need to be nice to each other. I'm not nice to people because it's sentimental; I'm nice because I'm not a fucking cunt."
"There's a fine line between good intentions and bad intentions."
"There's a qualitative difference between being corrupt and being naive and weak."
"I don't know how twisted you have to be in order to believe that these are morally good arguments that these are morally Superior arguments and the people who wish to preserve human life are the baddies in this particular scenario."
"Even if you're genuinely wrong, I'm okay with it if your motives are right."
"It's wrong to judge, I mean it's wrong to pass judgment on fellow people just in your day-to-day but there are times when man is compelled to pass judgment on men in order to maintain order and balance in a society."
"There is not a redeeming quality in slavery."
"Feelings help us react to facts, to process facts, and yes, to ignore them when morality, duty, or just survival demand it."
"When you make a bad choice 5, 10, 20 times, you become a bad person, point blank period."
"It's like feeding it to you eat that slop eat eat all those insecurities people that would seem to have an aspect to it that is fairly evil like a computer cheating on his wife."
"Despite brutal suppression from the CCP, Chinese people can still tell good from bad."
"That's the Hitler Youth right there, yeah? That's evil."
"These guys said these things even if these guys aren't committing a crime what they're doing at least in my opinion is morally wrong."
"But Yahweh takes seriously the evil and the horror of what humans have been perpetually doing to each other."
"These are stupid people. Their objectives are evil, and they're going to lose. And that's a good thing."
"Anything that comes from hurt is always evil. And anything that comes from God is always good."
"The character of these people is absolutely disgusting."
"Apartheid was one of the greatest evil inventions in the history of mankind."
"Legal and right and wrong are two different things."
"Instead of being persecuted... he should be commended... looked at as an example to emulate."
"You're supposed to judge people on the content of their character not the color of their skin."
"This is like stealing someone's... It's demonic but in not like the worst way."
"We see the difference between right and wrong."
"The left is lying about people on the right being fascists because they are evil."
"Weed and psychedelics are the righteous drugs."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"Even in the depths of darkness, somebody can see this is wrong."
"You are either on God's side or you are a sinner."
"If you're a good person you've got everything."
"Sniffing someone in the service industry is always chaotic evil."
"Yet another example of women being lied to unfairly bro she's been murdering innocent girls for literal centuries even if they were of Royal Blood it would still they'll be murdering innocent girls they have nothing to do with what happened to her."
"What makes you a bad person is not acknowledging that what you did was wrong and refusing to change."
"People always think that we jump or I jump into something racially and it's really just about wrong is wrong and right is right."
"Anyone can believe whatever they want. I support any person that wants to follow any religion. Sure, I think that if you grow up in a place like this you don't have an excuse to promote genocide and then go after a victim of said genocide."
"I realized what I was doing was wrong, and I'm like, 'This is not something that's okay.' I need to think with my head and not with my downstairs."
"What they're doing is satanic and I'm never going to back away from that."
"There's no excuse for what happened and I find it appalling and tragic."
"It's people like him that betrayed the world."
"Donald Trump is a corrupt person. He is morally reprehensible. So, I don't know, it doesn't matter. He can say whatever he wants."
"If you wake up with so much money you could give every poor person in the country a thousand dollars... you're evil."
"Jonathan Edwards: those you idolize, eventually you demonize."
"When people decide that the goal is to destroy things for its own sake, what you're watching is not a political movement, it's evil."
"Beauty means you're a good person and ugly means you're bad. No, period."
"Evil is battery acid on everything good and decent."
"You're right, Thanos! Resources are limited! If only you weren't a genocidal asshole."
"The world was corrupt... you're going to be surprised at just how hypocritical and disgusting it is."
"We are being led by people who are absolute pure evil to their bones."
"Two wrongs don't make a right and two war crimes definitely don't make a right."
"When you drive a man to suicide, that's murder."
"Do you want people to look at you as a cold-blooded killer or somebody that just made a mistake?"
"She is anything but a hero, she is a monster."
"It's not money that's corrupt, it's what you do for money."
"There's nothing I will do here today that can come close to the damage you have already done to your own life."
"Sometimes a sin is just not doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"What they did was categorically wrong... murder is murder."
"What they did to so many people is just absolutely unforgivable and should never be forgotten."
"It's so clear now just how manipulative and truly evil she is."
"Who are you to judge let he without sin cast the first stone as jesus christ himself said."
"That's the talk of Satan, not the talk of a good father named Abba."
"Having no principles is considered worse than having bad ones."
"Aubry Key wrote this, you know, a little almost like country-fied."
"I think the essential element... is the idea that they decided... their lives were more important than his."
"He's ultimately the bad guy at the end of the day because of what his plans eventually mean for the world."
"That was such treachery and such a betrayal of anything that is decent."
"Her priorities seemed pretty messed up to me. I mean, even if she didn't give a [ __ ] about Rebecca's death, I'm really not sure she's fully thinking through the implications of this."
"These woke thugs are not people who have gone too far. This is evil, this is wickedness, this is deviant, this is child-destroying, career-destroying ness, and I will not compromise with them and nobody can."
"Judge a man... by the content of his character."