
Possibilities Quotes

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"It's really exciting to think about all of the possibilities that are available."
Alie Astrocyte
"Life is all about the possibility of having experiences with one another, and whenever you don't take the chance to live those possibilities, then you're just wasting time."
"When you go through these major transitions... this is when you open up the quantum field to an unlimited amount of possibility."
"You can do anything you want in your life, not everything, but you can do anything."
"You are working with a universe of infinite possibilities and infinite resources."
"I don't know, it feels like now I have opened up the world for me to go in a million different directions."
"We are a qualia matrix, a continuum of probability clouds in a transcendent field of pure possibilities that manifests as luminous Stardust with self-awareness."
"Representation matters in terms of, if you're a young girl and you see yourself in a position of power or strength or leadership, you can believe that that is possible."
"I was a Power Ranger when I was a kid... you can be anyone you want."
"Your advice is that things are going to start moving forward, but your mind needs to be open to new possibilities."
"Don't assume what you expect. You've got to think about what's possible."
"Mars offers real possibilities for hosting humans."
"According to the Drake equation, the sky could be completely silent, or absolutely teeming with alien life."
"We live in the realm of infinite possibilities."
"I've always just wanted that of course I want to travel and everything but people make it seem like you can't travel with kids."
"America's comeback is building a future of American possibilities."
"The possibilities for what might lie beyond our comprehension are endless."
"Keep your mind open because there's a better outcome than what you're currently going after."
"We are all one, and when you begin to identify with everyone and you shed the definitions and constructs of who you are, it opens you to greater possibilities."
"I'm so excited. I could get literally anything."
"In an alternate universe, do you think like, I think there's endless possibilities."
"The possibilities feel endless and exciting right now, which is what excites me."
"So many minds, so many possibilities; I can see them all."
"In the pursuit of excellence, we discover not just our potential but the limitless possibilities within us."
"The world is full of magic energies and so many possibilities."
"The possibilities are endless, all you need is to believe."
"There's a sense of possibilities and a sense of freedom here because of the constant mobility."
"Animation has all the possibilities of life, without any of its limitations."
"When we are inexperienced with something, our mind is going to fill it in with possibilities. And because the mind fills it in with possibilities and has no experience, it has no way of assigning probability to the possibility."
"All things are possible to God because God is man's imagination."
"The future, although prepared in every detail in advance, has several outcomes at any moment of our lives."
"You are soaring to new heights. Experiment, play, allow your spirit the freedom to explore new and exciting possibilities for your life."
"Imagination is the source of and where we can select from all possibilities on how we choose to live."
"If you don't believe in possibilities, then you don't believe in yourself, and if you don't believe in yourself, you don't believe in possibilities."
"If air traffic control can be fun, my friends, anything can be fun."
"Magic can open gateways to just about anywhere on our planet and beyond."
"Never allow yourself to say the words 'I'm out of moves.' You're never out of moves, you're never out of options."
"Broaden your horizons as far as you possibly can within the framework of your possibilities."
"It's a world of possibilities on full display."
"Reality is infinite, so what you want already exists in a new reality."
"You could go to Disneyland and get 5,040 different experiences."
"Visualization is rooted in the concept of eternity, suggesting that time is not linear but an infinite and boundless field of possibilities."
"Fasting is an activity that brings you into the economy of spiritual possibilities."
"There's a lot of good things that can happen."
"We are in a unique moment with the unknown and the possibilities of what could happen seem only to grow by the day."
"Don't put artificial limitations on God's universe because all kinds of things are possible."
"Faith brings you into the realm of God and the realm of God is the realm of unlimited possibilities and potentiality."
"Ideally, that's really what I want to do: to just to show them the whole spectrum of what's possible in existence."
"Based on the minds we have, there is a range of possible experience."
"It's exciting to think about really, because there are so many directions they could take."
"It's really encouraging you to come back to that belief... believe in magic, believe in balance, believe that anything is possible."
"Inside of certainty is the prison of our own thoughts, and outside of that certainty is uncertainty, where infinite possibilities are."
"I've always believed you can define America in one word: Possibilities. To define and feature America, everything is possible. That in America, everyone, and I mean everyone, should be given an opportunity to go as far as their dreams and God-given ability will take them."
"Once you let go of your current definition of yourself and you realize that you have limitless possibilities and you have magic, then you get to redefine yourself."
"When we believe in ourselves, we believe in possibilities, and when we believe in possibilities, we have to believe in ourselves."
"This person came into your life to remind you that you're not as stuck as you think you are and that there is more out there."
"The possibilities after prison, the possibilities after hardship, the possibilities after let down, hurt, trauma, what could we be? And I'm gonna live it and I'm gonna show people that you got a shot if you don't give up on you, you don't give up on God."
"Infinite Craft is a game where you combine two words to create literally anything and everything. The possibilities are endless."
"Let your imagination create the possibilities for you."
"I have unlimited potential, and my possibilities are endless."
"Life could get very, very strange and very, very wonderful."
"We'd like all of our kids to just go in with that more broad possibility, and then the ability to also control your destiny."
"String theory gives rise to an enormous diversity of different possibilities."
"Physics also tells us what is possible and it opens our minds to new possibilities. It's not quite how we think of physics, that it tells us something about quite spiritual ideas, something about our own existence."
"There's an infinite number of ways of perceiving anything."
"Don't let me ever, ever hear anyone say that you have run out of things to do in Minecraft, because you've got enough. You've got 20 billion, in fact, more than that."
"When you believe in yourself, you believe in possibilities."
"America is the only nation in the world that can be defined by a single word: possibilities."
"There's so much possibility in front of us now."
"We are compelled to wonder, could we bend these rules? Are they really immutable truths or merely flexible guidelines?"
"Your life is not impossible; the promises of God are not impossible."
"And we still care about it because we care about possibilities - we’re compelled by mysteries that could still be solved."
"The new open world felt vast and expansive, the possibilities truly endless."
"In some other dimension, there are other versions of you who are living completely different lives."
"Imagine you discovered the ability to travel back in time."
"The combination of being able to use stablecoins to connect to that legacy infrastructure, and that being that kind of money API that arises, plus all of this innovation on Ethereum where you can kind of do whatever you want and there's no constraints-- it's going to allow for new business models, new types of experiences for end users that we can't even contemplate right now."
"Anything is possible in a lucid dream, right? Kind of incredible."
"There's so much that could happen; it's... I feel like we're pretty lucky to be alive in this time where we can explore it."
"When we dare to dream, we create a world of possibilities."
"Be open to the possibilities, look at all the different possibilities that there are."
"Fire allows for thousands of possibilities; it provides warmth, scares away predators, and is a step in hominid culture."
"The simulation argument doesn't try to show that we are living in a simulation. Instead, it tries to show that one of three possibilities is true."
"I have a feeling that if you ever truly let yourself go, you might fly."
"The simulation argument tries to show that one of three propositions is true."
"The possibility of all the fun we can have is endless."
"Time travel may be possible given the laws of physics... but the question is can you create those conditions of energy or do the laws of nature forbid you from creating those conditions of energy."
"You can literally change anything... the possibilities are endless."
"Countless possibilities converging at a single point in time. Yet there is only one truth, a cause, effect."
"The version of you doing exactly what you want to be doing already exists because there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist."
"I feel that what I have is a kind of deep optimism that we can create different worlds."
"This is just mind-blowing and adds so many numerous different possibilities."
"Memory means a boundary. What I know is always a boundary. What I do not know is a limitless possibility."
"I don't necessarily think all avenues for change and for progressive change are closed off."
"Age is not much you're too young to do, there's not much you're too old to do; in any case, why not try?"
"Death is so final, whereas life... life is full of possibilities."
"The sky is not the limit anymore but a gateway to space exploration."
"We need to consider the rational possibilities here."
"Merging with artificial intelligence, all the exciting possibilities around that."
"The satisfaction of 'I made this' is unparalleled."
"In the world of DIY, possibilities are endless."
"The world just opens up to these couples. They're just like, 'Oh, so I can do that. Oh, that now we have this new thing, we have all these other options.'"
"The possibilities are endless. This is my favorite part."
"Maybe there's a backlash to the backlash that's quite possible."
"Envision a new reality. Give yourself permission to dream. Believe in unlimited possibilities."
"The future everyone has created for us should have more possibilities than that."
"Possibilities. The United States of America is the only nation in the world that's thought anything is possible if we set our mind to it, do it together."
"While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last, because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities."
"In the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness, a solution for every problem."
"The possibilities are really just limited to your imagination."
"A new season then, a clean slate where anything could happen."
"It's not impossible to go back. That's the main story about Christopher Robin: You can go back again."
"You easily perceive various ways in which events could develop."
"Barbie taught me that I could grow up to do whatever I wanted with my life. I didn't have to just be someone's mom."
"What do you want to create next? What does that look like? You can have this blank canvas and paint a beautiful picture."
"Logically speaking, with infinite stars, infinite planets, infinite universes, you will also have infinite possibilities."
"I don't have a lot of the the weights and the barriers of things are not possible because of color your skin or where you lived it so I always knew everything was possible."
"Focus on possibilities, expansive thoughts, and looking at the future."
"Can we do both? Can we take the best of both?"
"When you have trust between people, all kinds of things are possible."
"Fundamentally a digital life is one decoupled from classic time... You can live a thousand-thousand lifetimes, all in different places, or maybe far, far more."
"We can take that software and combine it with our attraction hardware, and the possibilities are endless."
"I love these little blanks because I feel like the possibilities are endless."
"There's unlimited possibilities for gaming and in certain types of events that can be run."
"I think this summer is going to be really interesting."
"Never before in history has all of that not only been happening but been possible to happen."
"Kevin McCarthy could still become speaker he could be the only speaker to be removed from office and then voted back in like on the same day or the same week whatever it ends up being."
"Do sit down with your husband and say, 'What if?'"
"There's obviously something that man's done, man could have."
"Once you see how the story is made to go the way it goes, you also see how it could have gone differently."
"This leaves us with an open opportunity for anything to happen."
"Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness sets up some really cool possibilities for the future."
"You are both beautiful souls, through love and forgiveness, a world of infinite possibility and contentment awaits you."
"The choices would be endless if I could do anything."
"We can do whatever we set our minds to if we do it together."
"I'm just so excited because now I can, the sky is the limit"
"Time travel to the past has not been ruled out. It's a real possibility."
"It's never too late, there's always something you can do."
"These choices are great, there is truly no right answer."
"Ground yourself in your purpose, ground yourself in your power, and then open up to the possibilities."
"This woman has billions of dollars to do literally anything she wants."
"The possibility space is really opening. It's hard to think of things that aren't possible."
"The more we push ourselves into discomfort, the more we open ourselves up to a world of possibility."
"Intuitives are also looking forward, they're looking at the future and all the possibilities."
"Imagination can take you anywhere, even all the way up to the Moon."
"You have more options than you think you do."
"What a wonderful set of choices lie before us."
"Realize that nothing is set in stone. You can have more options and possibilities than you think."
"Alternate realities could be kind of a thing."
"Crysis: Where every encounter is a sandbox of possibilities."
"I still think she could have saved Chloe even if she saved the town. Like, she could have just literally attacked Nathan, like, just jumped on him, like, ripped the gun out of his hand and saved her."
"Let's take a fresh look at these rankings to narrow down some possibilities."
"There are plenty of things that sound too good to be true in the world we live in now thanks to the internet that are very real."
"Don't ever think that you can't do something. You can definitely wholesale, you can be an agent, you can be an investor, you know you can be a millionaire."
"Isn't it also a place where a different point of view could make anything possible?"
"A multiverse of infinite diversity and innumerable outcomes."
"Our lives and our choices each encounter suggest a new potential direction."
"Forming meaningful relationships online is possible."
"Make some movies where like an older established star teams up with a younger one... Anything Could Happen."
"There's no law of physics that prevents life from arising somewhere else."
"Miracles happen, and at that point where everything seems impossible, there's an atom of possibility."
"Optimal is something else. And this is possible."
"Just imagine for a moment that it would be okay if things worked out optimally for you in the best possible way."
"It just opens up this whole world of what could we do different."
"Whatever you think is impossible, there are solutions that are either here or coming in the near future."
"Set some really cool intentions for yourself; you'll be surprised at what could happen."
"There's unlimited possibilities and unlimited beautiful things happening all around you."
"Can you imagine a universe where we doubted Shroomish?"
"Wouldn't it be something to look forward to?"
"So many interesting possibilities, so many still to explore."
"People should have more opportunities to see different possibilities and choose for themselves."
"What about side-by-side with a friend? I could do that."
"This is the craziest year, anything can happen, so nothing is a sure thing."
"New possibilities unfold with elements of magic."
"The possibilities are endless and isn't that awesome?"
"Did you know that you're going to be able to be like plug it in, put whatever you know, download bucket list, go for it?"
"Aliens are hope; if they're here, the odds that the Einsteinian theory is merely an effective theory shoot way up."
"It feels risky but wow look what could come."
"There's so much out there that you can do, you're not limited."
"The possibilities are so unbelievable it's literally crazy."
"Afrofuturism is a tangible, visual representation of all the infinite possibilities that could be."
"I have redeemed you, I've called you by name, you are mine."
"There's a lot of things that you could do with Keanu Reeves in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Could it be something other than it is? What else would it be?"
"Don't live in fear, live in the possibility."
"We live in a realm of infinite possibilities."
"All my dreams don’t just live in my head. Hey! You can do it, you can do anything."
"There's so many things that can now be done."
"Robbing herself has a thought of like wait a second I can actually have what I want I didn't even know that was a possibility but I guess it I guess it is so I guess if I can have what I want I want to live."
"Even if magic were humbug, he'd lose nothing by believing. I'll buy into it because it puts me into a headspace that anything's possible."
"Success is not complicated, it's hard work and there are no shortcuts, but the possibilities are endless."
"If you want to manifest anything, it's possible."
"Technically yes, you can have an all-robot Starship crew."
"Be open to new possibilities, welcome new beginnings."
"If whatever this thing is that's inhabiting Janet can bark, then maybe it can talk."
"Have faith in God, nothing is impossible to those that believe."
"When you let go, you create space... this space is that of potential, of possibilities."
"The horizon walker considers the broader horizons beyond the planes themselves."
"There might be this possibility, this possibility, this possibility because they don't want people thinking."
"I never discount anything... I'll say that's interesting."
"You can do anything you want, you can commit to anything you want, you can build anything you want."