
Habit Quotes

There are 2568 quotes

"It's not about what we do once in a blue moon; it's about what becomes a pattern in our life."
Dr. Stig Ekberg
"Diets never work long term because until they become a habit, it's just a temporary fix."
"The genius of this habit is you can be on your lowest morning... and still find a moment of uplift."
"The fastest and easiest and most science-backed way to quickly start to change how you see yourself is by adopting a simple habit of high-fiving your reflection in the mirror every single morning."
"Every time you open your eyes in the morning, you need to just by habit say, 'God, I thank you.'"
"Meditation is the single most important self-improvement habit you can have."
"So that I begin my day on my knees. I want that to become a habit, a part of my routine, so that when I wake up, I put God first."
"If you keep doing what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten."
"It's about consistency...if you start doing it consistently, it becomes easier."
"Knowledge is fantastic, but getting into the habit of working every day on your music production is the most important thing you can do."
"What you can do with books and the impact that just a simple habit of reading books on a weekly basis can do for you is enormous."
"Arielle seems to have a habit of spreading misinformation."
"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation."
"Make gratitude an unbreakable habit." - Paul M. Brunette
"I started waking up super early, like 5:00 in the morning, every day."
"Read, read, read. One of the most effective ways to improve yourself is by turning reading into a sacred habit."
"Even when he's tired, it's just muscle memory."
"Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle
"Success is the habit of going the extra mile."
"Cosmic habit force binds every living thing... but man can rise above these fixed patterns... and establish his own pattern."
"Your diet needs to be a day-to-day habit that you can maintain indefinitely."
"It's really just about opening the book every single day."
"You've got to practice to turn something into a base instinct. And it doesn't matter how hard it is right now. If you practice it enough and you do it enough times over a long enough period of time, it will become a habit."
"Did I mention you should be saving all the time? Control S, yes I did."
"If you do the same things I'm teaching you over time, it's built into your understanding and it's ingrained."
"He's absent mindedly tapped away on that exact same spot so many times that he's worn the paint off his truck."
"Gratitude is a great habit to implement in your day-to-day life."
"When you're doing it consistent, your body remembers."
"Eventually practice overrides the instincts."
"When I talk to God, it's usually when I feel attacked or when I feel like it's been a while since I've prayed. It's not an everyday thing for me."
"We are what we repeatedly do. That excellence then is not an act, but it's a habit."
"Marge changed one habit and she literally changed her life."
"Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going."
"I started a sketchbook journal and I drew every day in it."
"We repeat that which makes us most comfortable."
"If you do what you always did, you're going to get what you always got."
"I'm a creature of habit. I can't help it when I fall in love with something."
"I'm physically incapable of not pointing out all the details."
"So I just got me really used to being high on stage."
"Staying organized is mindfulness and being in the habit of doing this daily."
"Everything should be a choice, not something done automatically out of habit."
"I'm very interested in comparing things, comparing pairs all the time."
"A powerful positive attitude is not only a habit, it is a strategy."
"You never outgrow the need to open the Bible every day."
"It's not that they haven't heard that cigarettes are bad for you, it's that they can't break the habit because the pattern is familiar."
"Once a day for a week, once a week for a month, once a month for a year, and then once a year after that."
"Excellence is a habit, you know. It's all about consistency."
"Grail before bed is like a tradition, what do you want from me?"
"Motivation gets you started but habit keeps you going."
"It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you got to do it every day; that's the hard part."
"The reason why they continued with the habit was not because of weight, it was because of how they felt."
"Meditate on the word because what you meditate on becomes part of you, it becomes a reflex."
"The habit of being a continuous learning machine is really important."
"You seriously have a smoking problem."
"The habit of self-discipline guarantees your success."
"Self-love is really an addiction."
"Habit means you are functioning unconsciously, that's a bad thing because the whole thing about being human is we are capable of doing things consciously."
"Dedicating just 3% of your income to personal development is a very good habit."
"Observation with me is second nature."
"The more regularly that you go, the more regularly that you know the community, it will get easier."
"It's such an easy way to substitute checking Instagram first thing in the morning to actually learning something."
"It's about building that healthy habit that's going to keep you there."
"I tend to sit there when I am reading."
"Everything is about training; we have to learn if I do this, I feel good."
"Favorite summertime smoothie, I drink this every day during summer."
"When you do something the same every single night, your body kind of knows, okay, we're like getting ready for sleep time."
"They're very good at consistency, doing something again and again and again."
"All it is is habit, you just get into a habit and you get into a routine, and then it just becomes a part of your life."
"It's a good habit to have normal sensing on the controls."
"Making your bed first thing in the morning is so good for you; it makes you feel accomplished even though you've done nothing for the day."
"Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."
"I always wake up so early... I sleep with the blinds out because I like looking at the view."
"I have successfully habit stacked stretching on top of workouts."
"Try it every day, just for a few minutes, I think you'll actually find out how enjoyable it is."
"Mental change is achieved through repetition."
"I stopped smoking cigarettes when I was about 17."
"Successful people make their beds every single day."
"Wow, great, doing that every day will change your life."
"It's really important to get in the habit of checking StreetEasy for new listings literally every single hour."
"Honestly, I don't actually think about that show; I just got so accustomed to saying that."
"...having a clean sink in the bathroom is a good habit to get into..."
"Journaling was that one consistent thing for me that just kept me going."
"I will rewatch my favorite show over and over and over again. I'm just a creature of habit."
"The most important tiny habit is when you go through your day, just ask yourself, is this good for my brain or bad for it?"
"I used to start taking them towards the end of the week more."
"It's a pretty bad start for the day, isn't it? And it's a habit I've kept with me my whole life because of it."
"I like to leave the house like pretty much every single day."
"Organization and declutter are not one-time things, they are regular maintenance that just sort of needs to be happening."
"It's kind of become my little tradition."
"It's quite important to establish that routine from the offset."
"Change cannot happen in a vacuum; it's about implementation, it's about creating a ritual and new habit."
"If you make your bed right when you wake up in the morning, every day, it makes you feel so productive and start your day off on the right foot."
"I've been doing this five-minute thing."
"Keep up the sketchbook habit going because it's been really fun."
"I'm not like back when I was drinking a bunch. I would stay at the Comedy Store until it closed every time, which is way too late."
"If you can't do it every day, don't do it for a day."
"I make our bed every day and that brings me a lot of joy."
"I think people are just so used to this binge culture."
"Peanut butter and jelly I had that every day for breakfast for like four straight years."
"The last simple habit that you can do to be happier and more productive... is daily consistency."
"Building a habit for someone with ADHD is like digging a well for water; the first 9 ft you dig is effort with no reward, the 10th foot and you suddenly have a ton of water."
"Anywhere I've ever lived, I have always fixed the nail holes."
"Habit is very easy to form but it's hard to break."
"The mind is a creature of habit, it responds to training, it responds to rhythm."
"You can create new habit patterns of thought and action through repetition."
"Routine is good too though, you gotta agree with that."
"Discipline is about mastering self-control... start small and create a habit."
"Just trying to settle into that rhythm."
"We don't do any of that, we literally make our black coffee every day at home."
"Sometimes I catch myself like, if I do it, I'll try and do it again, you know?"
"Motivation is what gets you started. A habit is what keeps you going."
"May prayer become a habit, a routine, a lifestyle."
"The habit is when you've done something so many times, the body has become the mind. So for most people, their body is dragging them into a predictable future, and they're on autopilot based on what they've done in the past."
"Successful people go from one success to another because it's a habit with them."
"That's right, Bailey's nighttime routine."
"Choose happiness. Happiness is a habit."
"Excellence therefore, is not an act but a habit."
"Whether or not you're using the color features, all that matters is reading. What matters most is having a daily reading habit."
"The secret to reading for me is to at least try and read a chapter every night before bed."
"Morning sets off your day. So when I wake up in the morning, I make sure I wake up early."
"It's like a habit I've built just to protect myself."
"Don't wait for motivation to strike you. Just build a habit."
"Journaling is the last and probably the most important tip I can give you."
"Food routine, though. I didn't realize that was a thing. It's a thing."
"As an act, you reap a habit. As a habit, you reap a character. So a character, and you reap a destiny."
"I don't necessarily think that I'm unfit. I think it's my breathing. I hold my breath. I have a really bad habit of holding my breath."
"Read The Wall Street Journal every single day. Three articles. No exceptions."
"It's actions if you wanna transcend whatever loop you're in, you start behaving in contrast or whatever that narrative is until your nervous system kind of cottons onto that and it becomes more habitual."
"It'll engrains more if you write it. So, I would write the same thing in that spiral notebook every single day until I changed my focus."
"I started using it with Naomi from the point that she was 3 months old."
"Even in your mocks, even in your tests in class, start double checking. Build up the habit now."
"I'm going to go take my makeup off now, I'm trying to get into the habit of doing it after dinner."
"Courage is a habit that is developed by practicing it whenever necessary."
"It's one of those things, you know, a lot of new traders tend to get stuck in the habit of trying to look for exactly the same thing on a day-in and day-out basis."
"I'm hoping that by waking up at 5:00 a.m. not pushing snooze at all it'll kind of help me to really realize that it's good to get up without pressing snooze and that you can do it."
"We want to make it a habit to look for good in life."
"Choosing peace in your daily life is like the most powerful healthy habit you can have."
"I already had my own little routine, wake up in the morning and I want me my little coffee, you know?"
"I really wanted to tell people I've been using this every single day I have been."
"It's way more rewarding to change a habit than to build a new one."
"Try to create a routine that works for you."
"It's just a way of life, it really was."
"I was always that person that said 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'"
"I will literally wait until I have no makeup products to repurchase my makeup."
"Make decluttering a habit. It's important to constantly, once a month, once every couple months, go through and declutter stuff in your house."
"The wrestling fan is a creature of habit."
"You've established a brand new routine."
"My mind is telling me, 'Don't put that stuff away, you use it all the time.'"
"I mean, I can't finish a meal without something sweet. It's just not in my DNA."
"Just sort of, like, I do a little bit and all of a sudden it's like 3 days later. It happens, you know?"
"Chewing ice, I know that's terrible for your teeth, but I very much enjoy it."
"This is just something that he does."
"The sooner you achieve a goal, the more likely it is you'll develop the habit of succeeding at achieving goals because you're constantly getting the reinforcement feedback loop."
"Once you watch one, it's hard to stop. They just keep getting recommended, and you end up learning some really valuable skills."
"Excellence is not a singular act; it's a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."
"Making your bed when you wake up will change your mindset for the entire day."
"Moisturizing your hands is a good habit to get into."
"You need to give him a game he can lose, like Tetris."
"Even if there's nobody behind you, still hit the turn signal because it's all about forming those good habits."
"Excellence is not a singular Act. It is a habit you are what you do repeatedly."
"Merles would wear the same t-shirt in Vegas for four days straight."
"Make your bed in the morning. It really sets you off on the right foot."
"If you made your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day."
"If you do nothing else in a day, just making your bed makes such a huge difference. I find that I feel a lot more productive and a lot more put together once my bed is made."
"Motivation gets you started, habit gets you there."
"You are what you do repeatedly, you are what you think repeatedly."
"Making your bed seems simple but the impact is really massive."
"I don't know why people be walking through the house at night in the dark"
"Best thing in the world to get addicted to, a good walking program."
"I can sleep at night, all that sort of things, you know."
"Committing to doing the dishes every single day will transform your kitchen."
"Waking up early is going to be something that you crave to do."
"The more you allow these loops to progress, the more deeply entrenched they become."
"The best way to break habits like these is recognizing that it's an issue and not making excuses for it."
"I always have plants with every meal."
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out the window by any man but coaxed down the stairs one step at a time."
"You can go from someone who had these habits to someone who's living at a very different level."
"Create for yourself the habit of enthusiasm about everything."
"I've never had merch, so I'm gonna wear this every day."
"It's something I never started doing and now it feels a bit of a superpower that I don't have one."
"We really overused the word sorry. We just can't help it. I find myself apologizing for apologizing too much."
"And I hope that as you set up your bullet Journal that you'll focus on starting simple on building momentum and establishing a practice and a habit that's going to serve you for the rest of your life."
"I really think that reflecting has been one of the best habits that bullet journaling has instilled in me in the past couple years"
"I've been getting up earlier these days and I'm really proud of myself."
"...I hate it when my pages are bent. Well, that's not true, I usually do bend my pages."
"I just been doing it since I was a little girl. It's just a habit."
"Turn off the television when you leave the room."
"...life-changing for any ritual or habit that you want to add into your life you simply take something you do every single day like brushing your teeth and stack another habit with that..."
"When I find something that works, I tend to stick with it."
"Prayer can become a habit empowered by the spirit of Grace and supplication."
"They're perfect. I tend to buy cheap sunglasses because I lose them."
"If you keep thinking the same thoughts, making the same choices, doing the same things, creating the same experiences, feeling the same emotions, it would become more automatic."
"The ability to reflect, the ability to build it into my life every day."
"We got to make a tradition of this."
"My beverage of choice is always gonna be the hot water."
"That's my biggest pet peeve. Her and her sisters do this [ __ ] where they want to watch the scariest movie but then at night I st yorando or like turning."
"Self-discipline is just a natural habit to you."
"I always loved smoking cigarettes since I was pretty young. It makes me feel calm, you know? It just feels good."
"Make your 30-day test. Then repeat it. Then repeat it again. Each time it will become more a part of you until you'll wonder how you could ever have lived any other way."
"You would think I would stop using the board, right? No."