
Body Awareness Quotes

There are 1122 quotes

"The temperature of your hands is just the tip of the iceberg because the true benefits lie in the fact that once you work on this... it starts affecting all kinds of things."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"It's not only understanding your skin, it's understanding your body. We live in this magnificent human body that heals itself, regenerates, repairs itself, fights cancer, bacteria, and viruses. It does amazing things."
"When you actually start paying attention to your body, your body starts talking to you."
"If you put a product on your skin and it burns or is irritating, back off. It's about becoming in tune with your body and understanding what it needs."
"We should just have more awe and encourage more of an understanding of the links between our bodies and health."
"It really comes down to listening to your body and honoring what it needs without needing to do like a math calculation in your head to determine the ratio of vegetables or chocolate that you're allowed to eat that day."
"Your body knows how to keep you well. Your body knows how to keep you in order."
"The feeling of the body, the mapping and the regulation of the body, is a basic substrate, a kind of trampoline for the mind."
"Your body doesn't lie; your body tells the truth."
"Let's be curious about our reactions. Let's really experience our bodies. If you feel this tension in your chest, don't distract yourself; actually pay attention to it and be curious about it."
"Listen to your body, pay attention to it; it's crucial for understanding your health needs."
"Feel where it feels good for the body, and once you've found that position, breathe through it."
"Building that intimacy with each other's bodies... it's a big thing in terms of intimacy."
"Find out why you have this response. Intelligent body response shouldn't be suppressed with drugs."
"I trust that my body knows exactly what it's doing."
"Listen to your body... if we paid attention and listened and learned how to be in tune with our bodies, we're going to actually be a lot healthier."
"When you're on a dance floor and you can feel your body doing exactly what you wanted it to do... it is wonderful for your body confidence."
"The best athletes... listen to their body and they don't ignore those signals."
"If I can actually feel my body expressing, I can't spread and distribute the load towards that other side, think about how much more strength that's going to apply to your overall amount."
"The things that we put into our body can affect our body."
"The human body is a community of approximately 50 trillion cells."
"Learning about your body and accurate perception, trying to be as objective as possible of how you feel, goes a long way to having better health-related outcomes."
"This is how we honor and recognize the body as a tool for storytelling as an actor, as a performer but also in any aspect of your life where you're getting up in front of people and you're communicating."
"We're going to take some time here for ourselves to check in with the body, find what feels good so that we don't really worry about the goal or the pose, but just focus on the process or the experience."
"Cool. Now you're ready for your run! Mix and max these together, listen to your body, and let me know how your run goes."
"Listen to your body. The body is the subconscious mind."
"The smartest doctor in the room is your own body if you listen to it."
"Notice how your body's starting to let go, so as the body lets go, push a little more, not forcing, letting go."
"I do what feels good to my body because I'm a true yogi."
"You're starting to see how your body is like an extension of your soul and you're experiencing life more spiritually, which is really awesome and is adding a layer of depth to your life that you didn't have before."
"The older you get, the better you learn how to take care of your body and the better you learn how to listen to your body."
"Becoming aware of what's alive for you in your body, what's alive for you in your mind."
"Your feet work the same way as hands; you can identify things with touch... My feet are constantly sending messages to my brain."
"Intuitive eating is basically about listening to your body."
"Your body instinctively knows how to run itself. It's a smart system, and sometimes when we just get out of the way, our bodies can balance themselves."
"Trust the body and start respecting the potential toxicity that we're facing."
"The body has the answers. The body's telling you every day what it needs, what it wants, how it's doing."
"Be more patient than you think, use easier regressions, listen to your body. If you're feeling a bit tentative in the pec or the bicep, you have to have that awareness to call it a day, move on."
"Practice balancing, practice stretching, and as you're doing those things, focus and feel your muscles moving through space."
"Think about decreasing your viscosity... and you change the way your body feels."
"If there was a pain in your body I want you to begin to move that part of your body."
"The more we drop into our body, the more we learn how to reconnect with our heart and attune to its messages." - Nicole
"This has taught me so much. I feel like I'm even more in tune with my body now than I was a week ago."
"My body honestly has not felt this good since college."
"Listen to your skin, it do be the biggest organ and it knows what it wants."
"It encourages that behavior of listening to your body."
"Nobody knows your body like you know your own body."
"Intuitive eating is such an awesome thing, you know if you're listening to your body's cues."
"Pain is unpleasant. But we do actually feel it for a reason. It's to protect our bodies."
"Verily, there is an organ in the body, if that one organ is healthy and sound then the whole body will be sound, and if that one organ is unhealthy or diseased then the whole body will be diseased."
"Listen to your body because it will tell you."
"Your body will tell you what it needs and what it doesn't need."
"Your body's looking out for you, it wants to heal."
"If you feel this way often, doing a full body shake, whoo, when we start to feel it build, can give our nervous system the release that it so desperately needs."
"Sickness is about congestion in the body. When you get sick, it's your body asking you to cleanse itself."
"The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, it's not like you need a tiny Roomba in there getting all those hard-to-reach corners."
"Your body and nervous system are actually on your side."
"You're not a floating head, you can ask your body and it will show you."
"Somatic work is often most transformative when you're really listening to your body's needs, honoring the pace that it's setting, and building that trust again."
"Listen to yourself and if there's anything that isn't feeling right in your body."
"The more you know about your body and how it works, the more confident you’ll feel to make your own choices moving forward."
"Listen to your body. If you're hungry, please eat."
"Your neck muscles are relaxing now, as you move up, your facial muscles are also relaxing."
"Don't neglect your body when it's tired or hungry or stressed. Listen and be kind to it, feel your feelings, acknowledge the way you're speaking about yourself even if it's not very nice, and choose not to believe it."
"I really realized that... my version of health is when my organs feel like they're working... when my digestion feels great."
"Inhale to cow pose, exhale to cat back, round your spine, tuck your chin."
"Trust that if you practice within that range of sensation your body will respond in overtime you will grow."
"Find the range of sensation that you can still breathe into, you still have a level of control over how relaxed you are."
"Our bodies are trying to talk to us... the more we listen... the better we feel."
"There is nobody on this Earth who knows your body more than you."
"Your body is always working in your best interest, even if you are not."
"For you to take time out of your days to study how your body works, I'm so appreciative because it honors that life force inside of you."
"Intuitive eating is characterized by having a strong connection with and eating in accordance to physiological hunger and satiety cues."
"Yoga is like opening chambers throughout the body."
"If you're eating a lot of food... your body's aware that you're in a state of abundance."
"I realized my body was saying yes, this is who you are, this is part of who you're meant to be."
"If you're hungry, eat, follow your body, learn how to follow your body."
"I can trust the data. Anytime I get, I can feel that my body is fighting something."
"I know my body better than just about anything."
"Trust that appetite... you kind of have no choice but to listen to that."
"Our bodies are wise... it's a primal survival instinct that makes so much sense."
"Your body reflects all the things that you have gone through."
"Allow your body to sink all the way down now, you're concentrate the muscles, you sighs concentrating muscles."
"Learn to love adaptation. It is a reminder that your body is working for you."
"If you're already lean, these incremental shifts... might be potentially harmful."
"Our bodies can be our best teachers. To me, having to surrender, having to...stop trying to think my way through all of that."
"I also started eating more intuitively without food rules, listening to my body's natural hunger and fullness signals."
"Some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary."
"Come back to the breath, come back to that intention, come back to the body."
"Empowering people to understand their own bodies and to make decisions for themselves."
"What your fingers worth...they don't grow back."
"There's no such thing as the right diet. You can have three different diets in the same day if you listen to your body."
"Your body is a MIRROR that perfectly reflects your mind and spirit."
"That's your muscles figuring it out and if any of these poses are new to your body, the more often you practice them the stronger the brain-body connection becomes."
"Feel it in the body and make sure it feels good."
"It really is not that simple but it does definitely get easier."
"Anything that can invite us more into our bodies is generally good."
"Spread the fingertips, spread the toes, have a moment of gratitude."
"Movement done with awareness is medicine for the body."
"Listen to what your body fancies... needs but also like."
"Listen to your body when it says no, even if your brain is craving it."
"Trust your body because if it's making you feel that good, it can't be that bad."
"That part of our soul that animates the body, it's our vital body right, and we have to trust that."
"We have to be confident and brave enough to listen to our bodies and to trust that."
"It's time for us to start thinking about our bodies and our self-care."
"Your brain doesn't escalate the stuff going on in your body. Your brain's not worried. Makes sense."
"For a great six-pack, understand body fat levels and body composition. It's not just about being lean."
"Your body is trying to tell you not to eat as much when you're sick."
"Listen to your body honestly that is the best thing you could ever do."
"When your body starts shaking... this is your astral body trying to get up out of your real body."
"Going with the flow, listening to how your body feels... letting things come organically."
"Your body doesn't want to work any harder than it needs to."
"Clinically sound info about your body can help you make the decision that's right for you."
"The only time I know that it's good to sit still is when my body says so."
"Self-expression through your body is really important."
"You can actually see what this thing's doing to your body, and you also have the contrast because you've now eliminated all these poisons out of your body."
"If you don't listen to your body when it whispers, you'll hear it scream."
"Listen to your breath, it's like the movement of the body."
"Your body is made up of everything you put into it."
"The body knows how to fix itself. The body wants to fix itself."
"I think our skin is amazing. It's a communication tool to us that something isn't going right."
"I think it's so important to listen to your body."
"In A Room Without Sound People Heard The Internals Of Their Body Working."
"Your body should have that quality like it's melting or getting heavier into the yoga mat."
"Think about how many muscles you're working."
"The whole basis of science: understanding how your body works."
"You just had to listen to your body every day. Every day that you knew that you felt good, then do something. Do something."
"When we feel something in our body and when we learn to externalize, we catastrophize the impact of this."
"It's opened my eyes up to just what my body actually needs."
"Listen to your body, you know? I really listen to your body."
"Every single one of us has imbalances everywhere."
"Nothing in our body stays the way it is for very long."
"It's not about driving yourself into the ground, it is about moving your body and realizing all that your body is capable of."
"The body has an innate ability to heal itself as long as you act like a detective."
"Acknowledge and appreciate the magnificent work that your body is doing."
"Our bodies are our space suits, and we're on a journeying through eternity."
"Your body is literally like the most magical instrument you'll ever own in your entire life."
"Gary Trent Jr. is a 23 year old 18 point per game scorer who is shredding defenses from all over the court with his jumper."
"When you understand your body, you can dress your body in a much more flattering way."
"It's about leaving physical lifestyle, respecting the body that you're leaving, constantly addressing it, being aware of it."
"Your body is like, 'Well, gosh, I need energy.'"
"Your body feels fear and remembers fear way before your mind does."
"You've received an instant healing. Your body knows how to retain this healing."
"If you have a lot of shit in your intestines, if it's not fertile, if you don't have energy that can circulate well, you cannot accumulate energy."
"It's all about, you know, this muscle-mind connection training."
"Most of us really need to pay attention to what it means to have a human body and to take care of it."
"Sometimes our bodies are telling us what we need or what's good for us, what's bad for us."
"Go slower than you want to go, inhale the right knee toward the chest."
"So really slowing down and getting curious about how your body feels and what your experience of the thing actually is can help you consume less."
"Believe yourself, listen to your body. Nobody knows your body better than you."
"If anything I've learned from pregnancy is just like how to listen to my body really well and if you need a nap, I just nap and you recharge."
"When your heart is calm, your body should move on its own."
"I modify a lot of workouts... Listen to your body."
"Understanding how your body moves... become confident in your movements."
"Getting in the habit of moving around with your hands down."
"Another 12% is earth. If you make that sweet, 84%, very good percentage, isn't it?"
"Listen to your body. How did that make you feel?"
"Moving onto the mat now, let's work through the spine with pelvic tilts."
"Fully relax the body, especially the toes, feet, and arms. Let everything be heavy, relaxed, and enjoy surrender."
"Your body is smart, it's smarter than we think it is, it knows what you're doing when you're doing it and for how long."
"Respecting the way the body is, this is for healthy bladder function it's also just for healthy function."
"Relax the body, relax the torso, relax the head."
"Breathe into chest and shoulders, torso and hips. Engage the abdominals, legs back through to Center."
"You ever just ache in every single body part you have? Like, just ache."
"Become a student of how your body works, it is truly remarkable."
"Your anatomy is a blueprint. You are an architect beneath your skin like the plans for your fastest, strongest, most powerful self."
"Listen to your body, honor your body, listen to the signs and the cues that is telling you."
"Your body will do that on its own. You really just have to fill up your stomach to a point where you feel satiated and full."
"Your body will tell you what modifications that you need. Your center of gravity is going to be altered and so you have a little bit different balance."
"Get out of your head, into your body, feel those subtle messages."
"So today is one of those days honey where it's like you just gotta listen to your body and just kind of go with the flow."
"Any exercise you do think of that, just think how could I be an inch taller or an inch longer."
"Our body is a self-healing organism that hopefully hopefully we all understand that."
"Our bodies carry the fat we're meant to burn, let's teach the body to get back to that."
"It's so empowering it's so amazing to know what your body can do."
"Knowing your proportions is key to creating your ideal look."
"You think your stomach growling means you're hungry? No, negro, you need to go to the bathroom."
"Every body is so different and can be so extremely different, so you need to make it work for your body."
"Feel the energy bubbling up in your body, filling each and every cell, synapse, neuron."
"Your neck is also a sensitive area and it's actually important to take care of your neck area as well."
"The body can be an utterly disgusting flesh machine." - "Let's face it, the body can be an utterly disgusting flesh machine: farting, shitting, sweating..."
"Get off carbohydrates. Get off the rest of the plants too. Listen to your hunger signals."
"You know when your leg is so far asleep that you are scared it is no longer a part of your body? It is a ghost appendage."
"This belongs, there's intelligence to the nervous system feeling alarmed."
"Understanding the five causes of hip dips can help you find solutions."
"Bring awareness to your body as a whole system."
"I don't like to eat necessarily according to a time schedule. I feel like that throws off your body signals."
"The skin is your external organ, right? It's a little bit more important for your body."
"Your body is an amazing being. It knows how to take care of itself."
"Intuitive eating is basically just saying that your body knows what it wants it knows it's just trying to tell us."
"Forget the scale for now... focus on how your pants feel."
"I feel like my body is having muscle memory."
"Hold it, squeeze, hold, hold, shift the body weight onto the left side."
"When you ask me why I'm on a mission, I'm like, because our bodies are brilliant."
"If your body's sick sometimes it shows you here's a symptom I'm not showing you this because I hate you I'm showing you this because I love you and you need to know something's wrong with you."
"Listen to your body: hair changes can signal underlying health issues."
"Stability comes in the standing leg, it runs up to the inner thigh, the pelvic floor, and goes into the core."
"Listening to your body is one of the most important parts of cultivating a yoga practice."
"I encourage you to listen to your body, honoring its unique needs and limitations."
"Find what feels good in your body and just breathe through that point."