
Habit Change Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Neuroplasticity, that's the brain's ability to change to manage all of this... you can change habits."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"You start to fall in love with discipline...because you no longer have those urges."
"The secret to self-improvements, the real self-improvement... is to genuinely cut out all bad habits."
"Caloric deficit is... simple, but habit change is difficult."
"Changing the habit is actually much harder but accessible to everyone, doesn't require any money, doesn't require any special software."
"The fastest way to change your habits is to change your environment."
"The key to changing habits is to understand how they work. If you can diagnose the habit, you can change it in any way you like."
"Absolutely any habit can be changed. It doesn't matter how old you are or how ingrained the behavior is."
"If you engage in this mindfulness in your life...you have the ability to change any habit in your life."
"I definitely can't go back to old habits because I don't want to disappoint anybody."
"A bad habit is better replaced than avoided."
"Taking back your power from that habit loop and begin to make more conscious choices as opposed to unconscious choices."
"Recognize that you have the power to change, that you can learn new things, that you can change your old habits. It's all in believing that you can do it in the first place."
"Small changes to our habits can produce large results."
"You're finally going to take your life back and give that up, whether it's a habit or a person."
"Visualize your goals—it's easier to change habits with a long-term goal in mind."
"You can't break a habit that you are still doing."
"If God can get your heart, He can change your habits."
"The older you are like the harder it is to change habits."
"You literally have to be ruthless as far as cutting out bad habits are concerned."
"Meditation gives us that clarity of mind... it helps us change our habits because we are now becoming more sensitive to our own impulses."
"It's easier to change habits of thought behavior if you access the subconscious mind."
"The secret to transformation is not to try harder, it's to replace bad habits with the habits of excellence."
"Deleting and reinstalling social media daily can vastly reduce use."
"The easiest way to stop a bad habit is to switch to a positive one."
"Replace any negative habit with a positive one."
"Change from habituated training is the most likely to stimulate more adaptation."
"Break bad habits, replace them with positive habits."
"This is a chance for you to be unshackled, to let go of old habits, to create better ones."
"If we just work at getting rid of our bad habits... replace a bad habit with something that's essentially the opposite, and you take a double jump ahead."
"It's possible to change bad habits for good."
"Sometimes if you have a bad habit, the easiest thing to do is replace it with a better one."
"You can't just nix a bad habit; you have to replace it with something."
"For those of you who are struggling with this right now understand that systems and habits they're not like gonna magically happen and it also takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to break bad habits too."
"Adversity is a tool... It breaks the old habits that led to this failure and wipes the slate clean to start new habits."
"You have to recognize and change some of the habits that you’re currently in right now."
"Imagine if we could reduce or even reverse asthma, anxiety, psoriasis, and much more... all by changing a single habit."
"Curiosity itself is kind of like this superpower that goes with awareness. It can actually help us break a bunch of different habits."
"The new has come; let this be the year that you break old habits and addictions."
"Putting less butter on things became the norm, but we got used to it."
"Basically, it's just a way of saying we change our habits, you know? He just gave us good advice and we become new people in a way as we are transformed by it."
"Recovery isn't fast and unlearning terrible eating habits doesn't happen in a day."
"Something needs to shift in terms of your habits in relationships."
"One of the fastest ways to change your habits and your physique is to change your environment. This is why creating your own space."
"Jumping to the next level that you want to get to is nothing more than just tweaking your habits a little bit."
"What I managed to accomplish by changing my habits every single day has been mind-blowing."
"Changing habits does take time... It takes consistent effort to realize when you're slipping into old patterns."
"It's time to let go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve you."
"It's time that we all reform our habit patterns, make new conscious choices from moment to moment, and really start to understand who we are and what we want most of the time."
"It doesn't take that long to change habits and I can help you change."
"Time away alone for me is a time to shake up the old habits and routines that I've unintentionally fallen into."
"Self-improvement is the way to go, learn one new skill, drop one Vice, and behold as your life improves."
"This isn't just about changing one thing instantly it's about educating people about a new way of eating about new way of selecting Foods changing their old habits slowly."
"When you act like the person you want to become it's the most powerful way to change a habit."
"Breaking Bad Habits cold turkey? I mean cold turkey might taste great I love my some cold cuts but there's actually a better way to break bad habits."
"If you want some different results, see what changes you could make to your patterns and your habits and your visionary might just be very excited."
"Do you have a rational reason to change any of these habits in your life? Create one."
"Many people begin the process of changing their habits by focusing on what they want to achieve."
"There's no reason that can't be you. Join fume and accelerating Humanity's breakup from destructive Habits."
"I'm probably going to stay the same way that I am there's gonna be some things added but nothing's really going to change I'm 30 I'm set in my ways already and I was shocked putting this list together to see just how much of my habits have changed since moving to Australia."
"It's not necessarily about the food. It's about the purposeful habit change. It's about being conscious of what you're doing and doing something on purpose that's different because we want different outcomes."
"If you want to change your life, you need to change the things you do on a day-to-day basis."
"At any moment you can choose to say no to a nonuseful habit, at any moment you can connect with your breath and choose to free your neck and let your head move forward and up leading your spine into length."
"Every time you want to smoke, go for a walk."
"I'm trying to cut back on eating out every day."
"Quitting smoking is even easier to become second nature because being a non-smoker is your true nature."
"Change a bad habit: Kill a bad habit—drinking, overeating, or anything else not serving you."
"Perhaps this is the time to start changing those habits, to start going more into ourselves."
"You will never change your life until you change something that you do daily."
"Despite what you're going to learn today, you still will have to put in the time and effort to overcome your bad habits."
"The only way to break the habit is to change your thinking."
"Now it's almost second nature to ignore the urges."
"Change behavior and develop better money habits."
"Replace bad habits with good habits."
"You do have the time, you're just not used to it. It's about rearranging something and finding an hour, 30 minutes, even two hours out of your day."
"I used to not eat breakfast in the morning, but I started actually eating breakfast and it's really changed my life."
"The way to change a bad habit is to put a good habit in its place."
"It's productivity poison, so once we recognize that, it can really change a lot of habits."
"Let it marinate, and I promise you're not going to want to go back to your old morning routine."
"If you give them the tools to be able to do it themselves, now they're not going to fall back into old habits."
"It's about getting an answer, what's out of balance, put it back in balance, and change your habits."
"The most rewarding part of my work is helping people to overcome personal habits such as fingernail biting, fear of flying, temporary laryngitis, weight control, as well as assorted apprehensions and imaginary aches and pains."
"It's not that hard to change habits."
"It's not sustainable long-term, but for one month it retrains your habits."
"What is a no buy year? In short, it is a period of time where you curb your spending to either get out of debt or to save for something or just to learn or unlearn bad money habits."
"We can actually rewire our thinking and habits by deliberately practicing a different behavior pattern."
"I swear to God, I'm never ever going to take a break to smoke."
"I'm not usually a morning person, but I've been getting up early lately."
"By letting the past negative habits go and replacing them with new positive habits and beliefs, you can easily reach your ideal healthy weight and maintain it for good."
"It doesn't take much to change a habit."
"You can change your habits by changing your perceptions."
"It wasn't like, 'Oh, I'm gonna lose this weight for the next eight weeks.' It was more like, 'You know, it was little habits, because that's what it is, it's bad habits.'"
"If we want to change something about ourselves or our lives, we have to change our habits."
"Breaking habits can be as tough as a long ride, but switching to fume is easy, enjoyable, and even fun."
"Change old habits and behaviors by observing them."
"You have to change your habits to create that consistency."
"If you can remain objective and just approach this as you're trying to work on something... you are much more likely to have success with changing your bad habits."
"You want to reduce the friction between you and the habit change you want to make."
"As you cultivate mindfulness, your mind comes back and stays in the present moment... the bad habits start to fade away and the good habits start to arise."
"Replace a bad habit with another habit."
"The best time to quit a bad habit is 10 years ago. The next best time is today."
"If it gets you to change your habits, it could be a really good thing."
"If you build a strong identity of who you are as a person, when those Band-Aids fall off, you won't succumb to your old habits, to your old ways."
"When you've been doing something wrong for so long, it's hard because all you know is the wrong."
"When we move with speed, we tend to fall back into our ruts, our old grooves. If we really want to change the way something moves, we have to slow down and become more conscious of it until it becomes second nature."
"That is deep healing, that is very deep transformation, when you can change your own habit."
"Do you have unwanted habits that you would like to break? Well, this is the show for you."
"Replace your cravings, bad cravings for good ones."
"This is so good, you know what, I might just come by my iced coffee here from now on because this is not good, this is delicious."
"You have to be committed. If you want to stop any habit, you can stop anything you want to stop in life."
"I haven't had dessert in a bit, which I used to have at least two desserts a day."
"We can learn how, through trial and error, to change our habits."
"Old habits... well, you're right, you start getting some exercise."
"Breaking laziness has to do with just changing your habits."
"If we change our habits just a little, we could protect the planet a little better."
"It's easier to stop a habit than it is to break it."
"I am not gonna let this become a habit again because that is me taking control."
"We're not making this commitment like we're never gonna fall back into these habits again, we're simply saying for 30 days let me try this."
"Just because you've practiced it and you're so good at it doesn't mean you have to keep doing it."
"You won't be successful adding this challenge into your life and completing the goal if you don't change your life and your habits."
"New theories of consumption need to be developed to know how consumer habits change."
"One is never too old to unlearn bad habits."
"A new situation makes it easier to change habits."
"Don't say eat healthier; say bring lunch to work every day, don't buy fast food."
"The most important step in changing a habit is to know yourself."
"I changed some of my habits... I went outside and looked around and looked up."
"Great time to change your habits for the better."
"You have to retrain your body, you have to retrain your brain."
"Eventually, he finally changed his alarm pattern so he'd only have one alarm."
"I'm trying hard to change my habits."
"Rehab is for quitters. You have to replace negative habits with positive habits."
"You're completely changing your life because you're letting go of a negative habit."
"I changed my routine, and it changed my whole life."
"Cold turkey might be great on sandwiches, but there's a better way to break your habits."
"Getting rid of a bad habit with a habit that doesn't have to be so bad."
"Your eating habits didn't happen overnight, so the change in your eating habits should not be expected to happen overnight."
"Once you go change your habit towards goodness, badness will go away."
"Criticism is my habit; let me start working on appreciation."
"I can change any habit; changing a habit is natural and simple for me."
"If you do these things, I promise to you the phone addiction will not be a problem for you."
"Once I switched over into moderation and allowed myself to have a little bit of that every day, it took about two months before those cravings stopped."
"Changing habits takes time, and to expect to just do it all on one day can lead to a lot of disappointment."
"We can unlearn those bad habits and we can learn to like healthier foods instead."
"Changing a habit is the easiest thing to do."
"If you don't start challenging your thoughts, you're gonna keep doing the same things."
"Not checking social media 30 minutes after waking has seriously changed my life in such a good way."
"I'm already getting results and I'm changing my habits."
"Each of these challenges is a habit that can be changed."
"I am a work in progress; I release all habits and create new trails each day."
"I am a night owl, and for the past month, I have forced myself to wake up every single day at 5:00 a.m."
"After a week or so, I didn't feel like, 'Oh, I have to have a cookie or a piece of chocolate.'"
"Counter-programming your normal habits on the internet, I think, is a good idea."
"Anything that can eliminate the single-use things that you're throwing away every single day, those are the things to start getting used to using."
"By counting backwards, you are interrupting what are called habit loops that get encoded in the central part of your brain, and you are starting up the prefrontal cortex."
"If you were to adopt one radical thing today other than the five-second rule, try putting your phone outside your bedroom."
"Use the five second rule to leverage all the research that will help you end the habit of procrastinating once and for all."
"The less junk you eat, the less junk you'll crave."
"You're breaking free from old habits and patterns."
"Affirmations for growth: I am a work in progress. I release old habits and create new trails each day."
"I've been reading before bed instead of going on my phone."
"We are Curse Breakers, changing our habits, behavioral patterns."
"Choose one habit that's bad for you and add one that's good for you."
"You can walk away from whatever financial limitations or financial stresses that you may find yourself in by changing your habits."
"When you're wanting to change a little something, be a little bit healthier in whatever way that means to you, just know it starts with a little bit of a daily, or sometimes a weekly, habit."
"If you change your habits, God will change the money."
"2020 has showed us that it's not that hard to change your habits when it's about seeing what's important."
"I do not crave sugar anymore after cutting it out for 30 days and then reintroducing it."