
Self-love Quotes

There are 21345 quotes

"I want to focus on how can I love my body more, and how can I finally, like, beat this once and for all?"
"Self-love should not be about accepting poor health habits that cause harm to oneself; it's about nurturing oneself with the right foods and activities to promote overall well-being."
"I don't think about my body in the best way. I love my body. I just feel so truly comfortable in my skin more than I ever have in my whole life."
"We can be harder on ourselves, but we need to balance that with more self-love."
"Self-love is doing things for your future self."
"No one's going to love you more than you love yourself. No one's going to take care of you more than you can take care of yourself."
"Embracing loneliness is a radical act of self-care. It is an act of reclaiming your own time, space, and thoughts. It is an act of self-love and self-compassion."
"You are beautiful. The swan always comes through to indicate elegance, beauty, self-love, and just feeling gorgeous."
"Self-efficacy... can help you succeed and improve how much you love yourself."
"Gratitude should always start from trying to find something about yourself that you're grateful for."
"If I can learn to love what I hate, oh my God. Imagine how free you would be."
"Say nice things to yourself because you're the only one listening."
"Start with knowing yourself. Second, start with loving yourself."
"To find love, love yourself and do what you love."
"I think you should at least try to love the things that make you unique."
"The only thing that can make you happy is your own cultivation of satisfaction within you, your own self-love, your own recognition of the beauty that is all around you."
"When you start to love yourself, you don't need that from someone else."
"Self-love is the most empowering thing to do."
"The most important relationship you're ever going to have is the relationship you have with yourself."
"What matters most is you love yourself. Can you make that deal for me?"
"Self-love is our capacity to feed our spirit, to fill our love cup, to find our inner peace. We just need to tap into it."
"I'm a big advocate for self-care. It's not all pedicures and treat yourself... Those are not actually forms of self-love."
"My younger self-sacrificed for me. How could I not be so excited, how could I not have so much self-love?"
"I love everything about me, but I know I have things I need to work on."
"Whatever is going on in your life that you're not satisfied with...remember to stop for a moment...and just remember that you need to give yourself more love and acceptance and compassion rather than browbeating yourself."
"You are loved and worthy and enough, as you are. That's beautiful."
"Every time you use Reiki on yourself, you raise your self-esteem and self-love."
"Love yourself. You can achieve anything you set your mind to achieve. And be a go-giver as much as you are a go-getter."
"Solitude is the beginning of love because in solitude you learn to love yourself."
"It's okay to do nice things for yourself. It's okay, and you deserve it."
"I know that I am loved, and when you really know that in your fiber and on a cellular level, then what people think about you is secondary."
"Learning how to find that grounded loving space within myself, not attached to anyone else's opinions or ideas, has been my journey."
"If you love yourself, you will love everybody else around you at the degree to which you cultivate love internally."
"Love yourself, love your height, be you to the fullest and love you while being you."
"Embracing and loving your body is such a beautiful journey. Freedom is our birthright."
"Love people. Let people figure things out. Be patient. Call out bigots when you need to. Love yourself."
"Self-love is not as easy as social media tells you. There is something deeply skewed within Kat, something she can feel but can't fix."
"There is a way to lose weight in a way that shows love to your body and shows compassion to your body."
"You're worthy of self-love, and I hope that you can love yourself."
"You can't really be fully happy if you don't love yourself."
"Somebody else cannot love you until you love yourself."
"Loving yourself isn't just about physical appearance, it's about the person that you are."
"You are beautiful no matter what you are, no matter who you are. You are a human being and you are beautiful for merely existing."
"I preach self-love, but that takes time and patience."
"Loving yourself also includes taking care of your body."
"I believe that body positivity is for everyone."
"You deserve to extend that love to yourself, and even though that's very, very hard, the more you just allow yourself to be you, the easier it will be."
"The way she loves herself and her body and doesn't care what anyone says about it. And she inspires me, she motivates me."
"The best way to win the war against fat is to give up the fight."
"You have to learn to separate the two because there comes a time where if you don't understand what you are, you can never have self-love."
"It's time to take back your life. It's time to love yourself in a healthy way."
"To love yourself is to hopefully finally... be okay with where you are right now. If you're not okay with where you are right now, it's very difficult to then love yourself."
"My definition of self-love is how I feel about myself when I'm by myself."
"Love yourself, love others; you are lovable, you are loved, and you are worthy of that love."
"When people love themselves, they tend to take care of themselves better, physically and mentally."
"Body positivity is not about giving up on yourself; it is about valuing yourself and loving yourself as you are."
"You are the award. We are so special. We are such a beautiful people."
"We all came out of the womb woke and knowing and understanding and being perfect and loving ourselves. You know, it’s the world that kind of takes that away from us."
"Love yourself, appreciate yourself, get to know yourself, your wants, your desires, and then really, you know, push that out there into the world, and bring that love in that you actually want."
"Love yourself first, and then you can show true love to somebody else."
"It's okay to lose weight in your own time. The right person will find you regardless."
"When you love yourself, you pave the way for all you want and need to come to you at the right time in the perfect way."
"It is entirely possible to love yourself but to still want better for yourself. Believe it or not, these things are not mutually exclusive."
"You are worthy of love and you are worthy of self-love at any body type."
"Self-love has to be intertwined with a weight loss journey and just a general health journey as well."
"I love me. You remind me, and I'm beautiful. I'm strong."
"Optimism and a kind of future-oriented utopian vision is much more effective and positive on the ground."
"Don't abandon yourself because someone else abandoned you."
"The more you work on your self-love, the more that your creative talents are going to come back."
"In the right timing, you will accurately intuit the real answer. This is about loving you, and if your focus is there, you can anticipate good results."
"You're already a very bright light, compassionate, loving person."
"When you work on your self-love, when you work on you and focus on you and what it is you need to do and healing yourself, this is when you're really going to see the success that you deserve from all of your hard work."
"Learning to love myself a little bit...means more to me than you guys are ever going to know."
"Shame is only going to corrupt our ability to love ourselves."
"Body positivity is about valuing yourself and loving yourself as you are, not waiting to do things until you're a certain size."
"Believe in yourself, love yourself, and you could do everything you want in this world with God, hard work, and your mindset."
"You're stepping out of the chapter of self-sabotage and you're stepping into the chapter of self-love."
"Accepting that you deserve love, despite the fact that your life may not amount to anything, is so much harder."
"Your self-love journey is something that will happen from birth till death; it's something that is ongoing constantly."
"If you want to change yourself, you have to love who you are first."
"Looking at yourself in the mirror every day and complimenting yourself, 'You are beautiful, you are loved.'"
"You are loved infinitely and I want you to love yourself in the same way that the universe loves you."
"The only way to let go of an appearance insecurity is just to accept it."
"It sounds so easy, just accept who you are, but sometimes it's a lot easier said than done."
"Self-love is less of a feeling and more of a way of life that is evidenced in your relationships, your boundaries, your self-care."
"Being happy and feeling good about yourself is your birthright. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of happiness."
"You're not going to be what everybody loves but you have to love yourself."
"Making the decision to love yourself is something you can actually do."
"Happy Valentine's Day if you don't have that other person, you have yourself, and that is the most important person you're ever going to get to know or spend time with."
"Don't forget to love the other things about yourself that aren't tied to the hours you put in working on something."
"Love yourself first so you don't settle for anything less than what you deserve."
"Giving yourself that self-love and being like, 'You know it's gonna be okay. It is gonna be okay. I can fully put myself fully into this.'"
"Build ourselves up, we need to tell ourselves that we are worthy of love."
"You will love again the stranger who was yourself."
"Give back your heart to yourself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you have ignored for another."
"Love yourself first. Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive."
"Mindfulness meditation in health...it really has to do I think with a deep deep longing, a deep deep - as Derek Walcott says, the love again the stranger who was yourself."
"Learning to love ourselves in our moments of mistakes and failures is a really beautiful and difficult human feat to achieve."
"We oftentimes forget or just simply don't even consider loving ourselves unconditionally the way we love people that we love."
"Practice self-care, self-love, and body positivity... as your self-love increases, all those other insecurities start to diminish."
"When you practice self-care, you practice self-love, and body positivity."
"Love is not something you are waiting to donk you on the head; love is something you get to create from inside."
"My love for you is your love for yourself. And so when you finally reach this point of this ultimate realization of love, that's when you and I will connect."
"Only you can give away your freedom, only you can deny love for yourself, only you can deny that you are worthy of that which you most desire to create in your experience."
"Celebrate yourself; you deserve it...there's going to be a big celebration in the near future."
"I will clap for myself because I am the intention of God."
"Beauty is about loving yourself, not caring about what anybody else thinks. Just be yourself; that's all that matters."
"Start celebrating yourself. Look in the mirror and say, 'I am that girl. I am the main character.'"
"Self-love will lead you to the freedom land. It just is so much better if you could just love yourself."
"The secret is to love where you are in the moment and not compare yourself to where you think you should be."
"I had been on a very inner journey over the course of the past year, really learning to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love."
"Genuine self-love is the only thing that will allow you to rise out of that place."
"The key to attracting a relationship or anything to do with relationships is the degree to which you feel self-love within yourself."
"The key to all self-healing is self-love. It is connecting to our heart center."
"We attract the best version, the best person that can compliment us when we are in self-love and we are doing what we love."
"The way people respond to us depends upon how much self-love we feel for ourselves."
"The essence of self-love and how we can come to embrace it every single day as fully as possible, not only internally but externally, not only in the mind but in the material world as well."
"We love ourselves because we are all things. We are love itself."
"Practicing self-love and self-care will attract more loving people and healthy relationships into your life. Find peace and balance within."
"Focusing on love in March might be a good thing. Focusing on the good things, on the good people. Being loving to yourself and others."
"To really love ourselves, to truly awaken into self-love, we can't take ourselves seriously all the time. In fact, I dare say we shouldn't take ourselves seriously at all."
"I think you need to love yourself before you love someone else and all those things will lead to a happier relationship the next time you're in one."
"Self-love is doing all the hard stuff you don't want to do. That's like the real self-love."
"The only way you can create healthy love in your life starts with you."
"People are starting to treat you in a way that you deserve because you're loving yourself."
"It's not enough just to love yourself. You have to love yourself and then be willing to treat yourself with the way you act, the way you decide, the way you think with love and respect."
"We can't love ourselves if we're not being ourselves. And to be ourselves, we have to conduct ourselves and make the decisions in our life that are consistent and congruent with who we say we are and where we're going."
"Self-love... is the ultimate lesson of the universe, not just for humans."
"Self-love is the ultimate strength and the ultimate power."
"Self-love is your touchstone in life. It's your compass; it's the thing you return to when you're lost."
"Learning self-love is the point of human life. If you love yourself completely, you would have no more problems left in your life."
"I love my body, I love my face, I love my spirit."
"Self-love is going to save you every single time."
"Self-love is always going to be my biggest priority."
"I am my own best friend, and living life with myself is amazing."
"If you cannot love yourself, you cannot share happiness or love because if you don't have it, you cannot share it."
"The importance of self-love, love, and compassion cannot be overstated."
"Loving yourself first is crucial because you cannot help others or share anything of value if you are depleted."
"Allowing yourself to love and be compassionate towards yourself is the key to overcoming negativity and embracing joy."
"It's never too late to start loving yourself and to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing."
"Loving your past is accepting yourself even for your past, forgiving yourself for your past, loving the energy that's in you, loving the innocence that you have, but also growing into more maturity."
"Being selfish in moderation is a form of self-love."
"Self-love and nurturing your inner world is single-handedly the most powerful form of medicine for Earth at this time."
"Start to romanticize your life... start to enjoy yourself... start to love yourself."
"Let's just love ourselves and love who we are and just be who you are."
"You deserve love. You deserve to give yourself love, feel love, enjoy things, and that way your love life is going to move to the next level."
"Our way of loving ourselves is the way our parents love. Or let go."
"Self-love is not instant; it's a slow burn of a battle that you'll need to get used to over a very, very long time."
"When you get to understand what self-love looks like, I dial up myself very nicely."
"And now that I love myself, when you say something mean, I can go, 'Oh, I'm not going to let that in.'"
"I'm worthy of love. I'm worthy of a phenomenal relationship. I'm worthy of success."
"The way you talk to yourself, the way you dialogue with you, is the big key to self-love."
"So the way you talk to yourself, the way you dialogue with you, is the big key to self-love."
"Learn to love yourself. It's easier said than done. It's really easy to pick on yourself in life."
"Everybody's not going to be happy when you survive. For many people in your life, you got to tell them, either love me or leave me alone."
"We love ourselves more than other people, yet we care about their opinions more than our own."
"Your soul wants you to love yourself; you are such a beautiful light."
"Self-love is not selfish. I feel like the biggest challenge people have in life is this fear that they're not enough."
"Make sure you dedicate time every single day to self-care, and really spend the time to not only know yourself but give yourself permission to really be yourself."
"You have to fall in love again with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing."
"This is a self-love journey for you guys in the next three months."
"Learn how to love yourself enough so that you feel right to shine and take up space."
"Kindness towards others, beginning with myself, buys us a shot at a warm and generous heart, the greatest prize of all."
"If you truly have a lot of self-love, you won't be able to feel bad about yourself."
"You cannot start to love someone else if you don't love yourself."
"I exist and that's enough and that alone is worthy of love."
"You cannot be loved by someone else truly until you learn to love yourself."
"I know that this whole self-love thing is so difficult to understand... but it's actually something that can take a long, long, long time to work on and to practice."
"Embrace yourself fully. All of us have flaws...Accept yourself for exactly who you are."
"The most important relationship you'll ever have in your entire life is with yourself."
"I am in the process of becoming my own best friend, the person I am the most happy to be with."
"What if the only resolution you made was to love yourself more?"
"Selfless love does not require you to sacrifice your sense of safety, your sense of autonomy, your sense of self-love."
"Lots of healing and self-love happens in community. It's very helpful to have people who love you when you're on your self-esteem journey."
"Learning to validate yourself will maximize your independence and allow you to grow your self-love."
"Taking the time to build a safe, supportive, validating, and loving home within yourself is crucial."
"You can do all the downward dogs you want, but if you don't really love yourself and if you're kind of cut off from your sexuality, it doesn't do much."
"Self-love starts with self and ends with self-love. And in the end, self-love is love for all that is because the self is all that there is."
"Love yourself, accept yourself, and then offer that to others as a form of love."
"If you can't love yourself, how the heck is someone else gonna love you?"
"If you don't love yourself, it's going to be hard to pull people into your life that do."
"The more you accept and love and give kindness to the parts of yourself that you normally reject, the more they start to change into a feeling of like you're... it's like wealth, spiritual wealth within yourself."
"It has to start with us... it needs to start with us like we're not gonna be accepting, we're not people aren't gonna accept us and we're not going to like have that loving relationship if we're not going to start and be able to give that to ourselves."
"You're such a special person. You should 100% love yourself."
"Writing the vision and making it plain is a good way to practically begin to become someone who loves who they are and is able to accept their identity."
"Self-love: putting all that time and effort and energy into loving and caring for yourself, being kind and compassionate to yourself just as much as you have been with other people."
"The price of someone loving you should not be you not loving yourself."
"The moment you raise your hand to high-five yourself, you can't high-five yourself in the mirror and go 'I hate my face.' Your brain won't allow you to."
"You deserve love, you're worthy of love, you have a lot to give."
"I did it for myself. I need to learn how to love myself more instead of trying to build a relationship with somebody and I'm not loving myself. I'm loving you more than I'm loving me; that's not right."
"You don't depend on anyone or any external factor to give you love, to give you approval."
"When you keep giving love to yourself, then people give love to yourself also."
"Practice self-love and self-care to attract more loving people and healthy relationships into your life."
"Say yes to yourself; you deserve love, you deserve happiness, you deserve peace."
"You have to be able to say, 'I love you, but I'm sorry, this does not work for me anymore.'"
"Relax and take it easy on yourself and practice self-love. Stop pushing yourself to the very limit because you deserve it. You are precious."
"I deserve to enjoy myself; I deserve to give myself love and I deserve to receive love."
"I am worthy of my own love. I don't have to earn love any more than I have to earn the right to breathe."
"If you are at this level where you are beautiful and healthy, where you are able to love yourself, then you easily manifest somebody who is at the same level as you."
"Kylie is also teaching Stormi about the importance of body acceptance and self-love."