
Youth Quotes

There are 18687 quotes

"If you're under 25 and you're watching this video, please make the most of this time. Seriously, give yourself the best education you can because you're never going to learn things more easily than you are right now."
Justin Sandercoe
"I think the fate of empires rests in the education of youth."
"I want people to know that that person that they think I am isn't me. I'm not a bad person. I'm just a young girl trying to live my life."
"Can y'all please just let the kid be a kid and enjoy college basketball? The work and results will ultimately do the talking."
"Enjoy your youth. You are young as...be young. It is okay to be young."
"Don't be afraid to go crazy, especially when you're young."
"Being grounded had a young me doing the stupidest [__] ever."
"Despite being a bunch of kids, they were a sophisticated group."
"Innovation mainly comes from the marketplace, innovation comes from the grassroots, innovation comes from young people."
"Young people could literally turn out and destroy old people in the polls."
"Don't worry about it; you're still young and yet to reach your peak."
"Being young and already making that amount is insane. I'm still hustling so hard for the coin."
"We're just so excited that so many young people around the country and around the world have gotten engaged with this mission."
"Local governments are also going to open a lot of avenues for youth to engage in politics."
"According to the Surgeon General, recent national surveys of young people have shown alarming increases in the prevalence of certain mental health challenges."
"The younger generation... they're going to become heroes."
"When you're young and you're different in some way, we can all probably relate to being different in some way when we're younger."
"My heart goes out to them, they're just kids and life's been rough to them."
"We started seeing the highest levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness in young people since records were kept."
"We're here to unleash a new era, giving voice to a new generation with each revolution per minute."
"You hear a lot of big names, but nobody in our city, of his age or from his generation, still has the heart, the ears, and the minds of the youth."
"I'm a young entrepreneur, I'm 22 years old, and I'm looking to expand my brand."
"Young people, you all are so busy engaging in adult activities but you don't know adult laws and facts."
"I was young and I was stupid and I just wanted the best for you."
"David had a unique independence for someone his age."
"Kids today are actually overwhelmed by all the opportunities and programs and expectations."
"There are thousands of young people outside that window that never get the chance."
"You want a good blend, you want some veteran experience within a locker room, but you also want youth and excitement."
"A generation is waiting. A generation is calling. Answer that call with us."
"I'm 17 years old... I promised myself I would stay focused and reach my goals."
"I can't help but get lost in the psychological impacts that this is going to have on our youth."
"I hope that we have systems in place to prepare them for the things that we're exposing them to so young."
"You've got to remember what it's like to be 13 and 14 and how huge those things are."
"We 20-somethings are groomed to believe that there is a particular path to success."
"I think it shaped me a lot, you know, I think that not having a lot at a young age is a very big advantage."
"We always forget the silent victims of this, and students and young people have been the silent victims."
"Most young people don't realize how rich they are. Money can't buy everything."
"You assume that the things that you have when you're young are going to be around forever... but if you're young, appreciate how wealthy you are."
"The springtime of youth isn't about approaching a fight with the demeanor that you're stronger simply based off your hard work; the springtime of youth is a lesson to every single viewer."
"What Instagram does to young girls and to young women, I don't think we're going to see the full consequences for a while. We're going to see an absolute slew of girls who have a variety of body dysmorphia, anorexia, etc."
"We are all but especially young people are really tied to our emotional states."
"Always stay young and innocent and have wonder about the world and then do your best to make humanity the best it can be."
"He had his whole life ahead of him and he was so young when he was taken from this world."
"The obsession with youth requires a third tenant to be added to that list because we are dealing with the disneyfication of human beings."
"Kids love athletes because they follow their dreams."
"Maybe the fountain of youth is actually within us."
"Young people are undefeated when it comes to predicting culture."
"Making nine thousand dollars a month as a high school student, I was making more money than my parents, more money than all my friends."
"General life advice for young adults: You're not as smart as you think you are."
"Merely being young is a crime in the police state of Hong Kong."
"It's a very important time where your young players that you are counting on to get the experience now, to get it in real-time."
"Shu Fong, a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, believes that the record high youth unemployment rate is affecting marriage rates."
"You're never too young to go after your dreams."
"Young people are sicker and unhappier than they have ever been. Suicide rates are skyrocketing."
"The education of the youth is a foundation of a country."
"Being able to leverage my youth and my naïveté really allowed me to take risks early on."
"We need to get back to the idealism of our youth...we are genuinely working for the benefit of all human beings."
"The United States dropped from the 15th happiest nation on Earth to the 23rd, and based on the data we can see that that decline is largely due to a significant drop in reported happiness among Americans under the age of 30."
"I've seen so many young men be like, 'Well, I met this woman that I'm crazy about, but I've only had like five sexual partners and that doesn't seem like it's enough. I should have more than that before I settle down with somebody.' So they get rid of this really great relationship that makes them happy to pursue meaningless encounters, thinking it's a rational decision. From the other side of it, I can tell you it's not."
"The kids are just being stuck in this like study regime."
"Take more risk, especially when you're young and you don't have things to lose."
"There's been a massive rise in suicidal behavior among American youths."
"I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth."
"The pursuit of happiness via emulating influencers and the concept of reclaiming one's own sexuality and promiscuity on the internet as a form of liberation at a young age contributes to the diminishing gap between childhood and adulthood."
"Young girls are seeing the Kardashians, the Bad Babies, and Malu Travajos of the world, all of whom rack up hundreds of thousands to millions of likes, and they see that as what's desired on social media."
"It's so cool to see young people who are passionate about making a positive change in the world."
"Every young person wants to change the world. There are talks about making a difference in millions of lives."
"We need to listen to our children because they totally get it."
"It's incredible how you're seeing these young engineers, future engineers, they're going to their first interview saying they have a satellite in space."
"Jordan Peterson is a guru for..., I'm gonna try to be polite, young men who are having real troubles relating to young women. Who really want to, but don't really know how to and are very frustrated and very lonely and feel bad about all of this and he tells them it's not their fault."
"Young people are embedded in a story and a narrative they wake up every day in; we should be very thankful we get to be a part of this story."
"I am at the very ripe age of 21, and this year, 2023, I was like, 'I want to get into the dating world.'"
"The $100 you put in each month when you're 18, 19, or 20 are ultimately gonna be a lot more valuable than maybe $1,000 you put in every month when you're 60, thanks to the power of compound interest."
"It teaches you how to invest at a young age and later on you're much more likely to become an entrepreneur."
"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."
"Taking center stage at the Children's Circus Festival at only 13 years old."
"I think it's important for young people to go out and have as many experiences as possible before they make a certain particular choice about how they want to live their life."
"Pay attention to what your young brothers, your sisters, your cousins, your nieces, your nephews, your children are watching."
"The best way that you can help these young people that really enjoy him is to get them to think critically and to make their own decisions about what they choose to find entertaining."
"Defending those who have been scorned isn't easy, especially for young people. It's scary to stand up to bullies, as any Harry Potter reader knows."
"Lots of young people have never thought about who it is that they could be if they started to be the person they could be."
"For me, I left at 16. I still had my whole life ahead of me."
"I was horrified by the disrespectful nature of the commentary, especially considering the victim is 15."
"Young people are...Hungry For A Cause, hungry for direction and purpose."
"In your twenties, a little bit goes a long way... don't blow your shot."
"I want to invite you, my young friends, to walk a higher road of excellence."
"You get one shot to be a 20-year-old or in your 20s to build these assets. Don't blow it."
"The proper message for young people is to say, 'You want to take on responsibility.'"
"We thought we could change the world. I guess I know sounds daft, but we were young."
"On TikTok, also known as BookTok, tons of young people have rekindled their love for reading."
"The reason I want your children reading books like PowerNomics at an early age is to prepare them for economic warfare."
"You're never going to be as young as you are at this exact moment."
"If we don't call it out now, it will continue to infect the minds of young people."
"I'm here to inspire the kids; I'm here to inspire you."
"Don't try and grow up too fast. You've still got a long way to go."
"These kids have been confused, and is it a surprise that 40% of them feel this way when they get to be 30 years old?"
"Youth is a state of mind, but your mind is a byproduct of your body. Your mind, your body is one."
"I went to rehab three times by the time I turned 15."
"The mindset to have during your 20s is really so take risks and don't be afraid to fail."
"Young people will always look up and reach for the highest branch they see as possible. It's not their fault what branches they see because they'll always reach for the highest branch. When you change what someone believes is possible, you change what becomes possible."
"I'm young, I want to see the world and take people with me."
"It's a joke, he is just such a leader at his age."
"You're young, you're 16, you're 17. You don't have to be doomed... You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"Through the Rare Impact Fund, we aim to expand mental health resources for young people."
"It just makes a lot of sense to explore the world and do cool stuff that I wouldn't necessarily get to do when I'm older."
"It's just kids having fun on the internet and sharing the joy of something that they love."
"You have this opportunity to perform good, to do good. While you're here, my young friend, there is no accountability."
"Young people today are some of the best kids out there; they just need the right guidance."
"We need more things to do... For kids to get them out the streets, let them come in and see things and be inspired."
"Take the biggest risks when you're young... the youngest you'll ever be is right now."
"Some young people have quit their jobs to seek spiritual growth and redefine their lives."
"Languages are invented by the young. And languages are greatly shaped, and changed, and modified by the young as well."
"There is a sense in which men, particularly young men, probably men our age haven't necessarily experienced it, but younger men, 20-year-olds, there's an enormous problem."
"In my experience, transitioning young has been vital for me."
"This generation isn't just thinking about their own country; it's a global thing."
"Young people need... ideals and challenges, personal tasks, and, to begin with, in the first place, examples, personal examples."
"What gives you the discipline to save your money is hard because when you're young... you want to shine."
"There are like pivotal moments in your young life that change, that shift."
"Be intentional in your 20s... be intentional with experimentation and travel and live your 20s in such a way that you're not going to regret the things on your mind which you wish you tried."
"Qatar wants to restore Manchester United to former glories with an emphasis on youth and infrastructure."
"The power of music: to get into the minds of the young, to mobilize, to decentralize, to place it wherever you need it to be."
"These videos need to be ripped from YouTube because it's just alarming that kids and young teens mainly are being encouraged to literally not recover through this community."
"In our culture, it seems that there's this notion that the younger you are when you achieve something, the more impressive and worthy of praise you and/or that accomplishment is."
"Obsession with youth also reflects and perpetuates a widespread societal fear of aging."
"Youth is seen as inherently virtuous, especially in the entertainment industry, rather than just being the number of years you've orbited the sun."
"Putting youth achievement on a pedestal takes a mental toll on everyone, from older generations to young people who feel like we haven't done enough."
"The allure of youth has culturally shifted from being about innocence to being about achievement."
"Riddi Mahajan is a bright, articulate teen who radiates positivity wherever she goes."
"Becoming a YouTuber is now one of the most popular career choices for children. 75 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 say that they want to become YouTubers."
"At a relatively young age, I was able to achieve financial freedom. By age 24, I officially became a millionaire, and by age 25, a multi-millionaire."
"If you're young and you have a long time before you need the money, you're getting the market on sale. You should get excited."
"If only young people would just focus on their mental health and get help with a therapist rather than going down this self-harm route."
"No one can stop the aspiration of young people who believe freedom and democracy are worth dying for."
"I wanted to introduce skateboarding to kids that would have never otherwise picked it up."
"The biggest issue is that a Chinese controlled company is manipulating the youth of the United States."
"It's important to remember that many of them were young people attending a rock concert."
"Kids are really impressionable. We can't sit here and just say, oh well, all they did was listen to all these different rappers and all these different negative influences, and then when we have shows that can actually help them, we want to cancel them. No, let's just change the conversation."
"The main reason influencers get popular...is because they have a young audience of people who feel alone and feel maybe misunderstood and feel isolated, and they find friendship and solace in their favorite creators."
"You young guys, young people have next. You're very talented, and we just got to lift you all up."
"I understand feeling as a young person who is getting involved, wanting to be engaged, feeling very motivated and strong in your convictions, and wanting to find some idea of justice."
"Teen girls are experiencing record levels of sadness and self-deletion risk, says the CDC."
"Promoting gambling to a younger audience is even more detrimental."
"The biggest pain of the modern world is loneliness. Modern society is unbearably lonely for most young people."
"Americans have a love affair with change, they have a love affair with youth."
"Our kids are the heroes, and we are their guides."
"Every dollar when you're 20 years of age has potential to turn into 88."
"Her pictures are going to fade, just like everything else. She'll be forever 19."
"First Nations have the largest proportion of young people in this country, and the future of those communities are also about the future of our country."
"If you're 19 years old and you're feeling like you've fallen behind...that's actually totally fine."
"Okay, picture this: you're sixteen years old, you've just gotten your license, and you've saved up all of your paychecks from working at the car mic cinema."
"America strong tonight, one teen's big idea for saving lives."
"Athletes are role models...a lot of these kids are raised listening to their favorite rappers, looking at their favorite entertainers."
"The privilege of youth, the absence of responsibility, the free-spirited nature of song and dance, all fleeting." - Logan Paul
"To look younger on the outside, you really have to be younger on the inside."
"Worry about building your character and not so much about building your status in your 20s."
"The idea of relevancy is sort of everything. And kids are very much aware of that."
"Young people have a natural affinity for the questions of justice."
"We are trying to make content that inspires young people to work hard and to be the best that they can be."
"Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world. Mandela said, 'Young people are capable, when aroused, of bringing down the towers of oppression and raising the banners of freedom.'"
"Life is so short, you're never going to be younger than you are now."
"When you have experiences when you're younger, you get to hold on to those experiences your whole life."
"All the evidence shows that classrooms are the best places for our young people to be."
"The church's restoration by young people is inevitable."
"In a way that does great service because it allows us to deal with some of these problems that young people have and thereby eliminate false understandings of religion."
"Smart guy talking about the Bible is turning on these young people; that's a sign of hope."
"Discipline and purpose and motivation are what a lot of young people are searching for."
"Even when I was getting 100, 200 views, there were young people that really needed to hear what I had to say."
"That's the thing about these young players: they're very good positionally, but they're also very aggressive."
"Whilst I know that anger exists, whilst I know that rage is righteous in these situations, we also have to remember that these are children."
"Even young players have these special abilities to be the leader, even at a young age."
"This program features young people and poetry, which means it's going to be fun, and it's going to be interesting."
"That's our hopeful message to end the stream today: The kids are all right."
"Positive feedback for young people with their art is really important."
"Work to learn, not to make money when you're young."
"I think at a young age, I had to see reality for what it was, not a clouded picture."
"Trans youth are vulnerable and they suffer significant harassment and bullying."
"Throughout my youth, I was told that faith is a virtue."
"Together we'll hold back the sun in this moment, forever young, against the stream of time will run."
"We owe it to our youth, bro. We owe it to the young boys out there who are going to lose lives over some [__]."
"When I was 20 years old, I didn't give a damn about anything. The only thing in my mind was fighting. I didn't care about anything else."
"A lot of young people aspire to the idea that actually when you're young and you've got nothing to lose, you can afford to make more mistakes."
"Professional players like programmed... Liverpool's youngsters came on with absolutely no fear."
"Let's make Baltimore better for our kids. Isn't that the point? That's my vision for Baltimore."
"You don't really see many young people tuning into traditional or legacy forms of media... most people who tune into those channels are those above the age of 65."
"Being a woman is just a war forever, especially being a young woman in the public eye. It's really unfair."
"Being romantically competent at a young age is associated with greater, more adaptive relationship functioning and greater individual well-being."
"We need to teach people, especially young people, how to have healthy relationships."
"Live while we're young, huge track, godly track."
"I'm massively influential over the youth, and I understand that."
"Any 30-year-old guy listening to you saying 'my life is over' and you're like 21 years old... bro, you don't even have stepped into the world yet. How could you already be giving up?"
"I have a lot of faith in the Next Generation. They have aggressive minds. They are pushy and they want to know stuff."
"Homophobia is an issue in society today, and I think especially with the push with the kids, a lot of that is being fueled by homophobia."
"What's killing our kids are lack of purpose, lack of community, and loneliness."
"I have faith in this generation. We are going to make this world a better place by the time it's all said and done."
"Estimates are that one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes sometime in their lifetime."
"I want these young people to be happy and to be safe."
"I want these kids to be safe, happy, I want them to be better."
"What's important is that we treat each other with as much patience as possible, especially those who are young and impressionable."
"The World By Us dolls focus on three girls living in the modern day tackling modern political issues like climate change, immigration, and racism."
"It is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities."