
Brain Development Quotes

There are 354 quotes

"Every decision that you make reshapes your brain. The more powerful you are in making decision after decision, the more powerful your brain becomes."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change in response to experience."
"Neurogenesis is one of these pretty rare actual game changers in neuroscience. It's really upending many of the conventional views of how we thought about the brain, brain growth, brain development, aging."
"The discovery that the brain is not fixed, it's not like a hardwired machine but the way it works is by changing its wiring."
"Neuroplasticity...means that the brain changes in response to experience and training."
"The most important job of the schools is not to cram the kids full of information but to help them develop healthy brains."
"So until recently we thought, 'You can't change the brain. You can't change the anatomy. You can't change the functioning or the linking of circuitry.' Well, in fact, we're finding more and more that you can."
"Never stop learning. Every time you learn, you make a new connection in your brain, which becomes the raw material for new experiences."
"The brain is continually learning. It's not something we said, 'Oh, we can add that later.' That's something that was upfront, had to be there from the start."
"The scientific research shows quite clearly that it was the advent of cooking, particularly carbohydrates, which fueled early brain growth hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"Neuroplasticity says the brain has the ability to be reprogrammed the way that you want your brain to be reprogrammed."
"It's not even about school or college...it's about creativity, it's about this incredible potential of the brain being brought to its full fruition."
"Every time they do a really hard task and stick to it, the neurons in their brain form new connections and they can get smarter."
"Every time they pushed out of their comfort zone to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in their brains form new connections, and over time they could get smarter."
"The interactions of genes and experiences literally shape the circuitry of the developing brain and are critically influenced by the mutual responsiveness of adult-child relationships, particularly in the early childhood years."
"The most important quality that affects the circuitry of the child's brain is the quality of parent-child relationships, especially in the early years."
"Schools need to ask themselves: In what conditions do children need for healthy brain development, and how can we provide them?"
"I love to value what's hard in maths instead of being afraid of it. We know that when you struggle, that's actually a really good time for your brain."
"Attention changes the brain. It changes it in seconds, not just in months or weeks or days or hours."
"Learning is making new synaptic connections."
"Learning is making new connections. Get some instruction, get your body involved, you're going to have an experience. Experience enriches the brain."
"The genome does not contain the information that describes the brain; it contains the information to grow a brain."
"Iodine deficiency is recognized as the most common cause of preventable brain damage in the world."
"Our behavior actually changes our brain. The connections between neurons that are stimulated by our actions increase with more use and decrease with less use."
"Social media shapes their brains and reflects their mentality. They grow up in a world where attention span is very truncated."
"We have to stimulate ourselves so that neuroplasticity, the ability to constantly learn and grow, is constantly active."
"Eating cooked food means less calories have to go toward our digestive tracts and more calories can go toward our brain."
"Every time you learn, you make new connections in your brain, and learning is making those connections."
"Harry apparently had a change of heart in the last 20 years, and said that had he known in 1999 what he knew in 2017 on brain development, he never would've sought a first degree murder conviction."
"ADHD can... generally speaking, a small percentage of people... grow out of it. The executive function comes from the frontal lobes and the frontal lobes develop until you're about 30 or 32."
"Meat is more energy-dense than plants and is high in B12, zinc, and iron, which are all crucial for brain development."
"Every one of us is shaped by culture and as culture evolves, the individual brain is evolving."
"The energy that the brain takes as you move from birth up through five years of age... is one of the most energy-expensive periods of brain growth in childhood."
"I think that brains can develop in different ways, and that is maybe related to one's sex in certain ways."
"The principles of neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections."
"Adaptive rewiring of the brain is the goal, right?"
"Neurogenesis is not really the dominant mode of changing neural circuitry in adult humans."
"The world that we lived in is not the world in which our brains were developed. Our brains evolved for a particular kind of lifestyle."
"Video games change your brain and change your sense of identity."
"Our brain seems to never grow up; it seems to experience continuous integration even into adulthood."
"It stands to reason that a youthful offender such as Mr. Ridge cannot carry the same culpability as an adult with a fully matured brain."
"You can sort of see the brain develop, which is what an AI neural net is trying to simulate."
"We have brain plasticity showing that you can form more neurons corresponding to different activities and abilities."
"Studies have shown that you can actually build new gray matter through meditation and can increase connectivity throughout your brain."
"The prefrontal cortex of the brain doesn't fully develop until the age of about 25."
"During brain development, there are steps there that you may never get a chance to correct."
"Building up the creative pathway in my brain is the area that I'm really focusing on at the moment."
"Our brains got so much bigger because we started eating animals."
"Decreasing brain size without any evidence of a declining cognitive ability does suggest that there is perhaps some pressure towards efficiency for our brains."
"Our brains have shrunk, which is an extremely curious and fascinating example of modern, recent evolution."
"Our brains don't stop developing until we're in our early to mid 20s even though we can reproduce about a decade prior to that."
"Social-emotional learning changes the brain."
"If you deprive animals of REM sleep, you stunt the developmental growth of the brain." - Dr. Matthew Walker
"Learning Chinese characters develops your right brain."
"The brain can and does change throughout our lives; it is adaptable like plastic."
"Your brain is not even done fully developing until you are 25 years old, baby."
"Playing on a regular basis can directly affect and impact the regions of your brain that are responsible for fine motor skills, information organization, memory, and spatial awareness."
"The human brain flourishes when it keeps on growing, expanding consciousness until we die."
"Meat played an integral role in the evolution of the human brain."
"Neuroplasticity means that you can alter your brain circuitry."
"Women's brains developed in some slightly different ways."
"Let's try to develop and encourage brain development, leadership, and accountability."
"Your brain never stops evolving. Your brain is plastic."
"The brain does not finish developing until about age 24."
"I'm glad you said that uh I'm gonna get serious for a minute and just for a brief minute to say so listen um the the human brain and this is all the medical and data and scientific research that there is on Earth the human brain does not develop."
"Meditation increases the thickness of the parts of the brain related to focus and self-awareness."
"The brain is changing all the time, with everything we think, with everything we experience."
"Every single thing we've learned as time has gone on about plasticity of the brain is that it's way more plastic through our later life than we initially thought."
"After about age 25... the only person that can change their brain for the better is the actual person."
"The brain an amazing thing and at birth its contains about a hundred billion neurons."
"You did what? You took developing brains with their delicate sensitive wobbly brain chemistry and you basically ran a sledgehammer through the center of that cortex. That was dumb."
"Biologically your brain is not fully violated until a certain age."
"These interactions play a prominent role in brain development and lifelong brain modulation."
"Brains are born pre-wired to learn without supervision."
"Cross lateral motions balance the brain hemispheres... dyslexic kids can't access the left side."
"Humans became the dominant species on the planet because for some reason in evolution our brains took a giant leap forward."
"Our mouths are way too crowded; in the process of evolution, the human brain grew dramatically, and our jaw had to become wider and shorter to make room for it."
"Even at the moment of death you are creating new brain cells and new connections at any age."
"The schools think they're in the business of giving people skills and facts. No, they're not. That's not their proper business. Their proper business is the promotion of healthy brain development."
"Those who are in education consider that throughout adolescence, beginning in preschool or nursery school, what we're really dealing with here is the development of human brains."
"Teenagers... their decision-making part of their brain is not fully developed."
"Learning a new language also improves memory, in fact, it makes certain brain areas increase in size."
"With just 5 years of language learning, you can transform your brain forever."
"You will not develop your neurons, your brain cells, your brain to a proper degree unless you get carnitine."
"Our brains are in a sponge mode for the first several years of our life."
"Each person is actually quite unique in terms of the causes that have led to differences in brain development with autistic features."
"Trauma impacts on the neurodevelopment of the brain."
"Adolescents from about puberty to the early 20s are in this period of unmatched brain plasticity."
"My frontal lobe is developed, I'm close to being fully developed."
"Humans require a whole development of the brain that goes through many stages of development and takes decades of experience to have an adult brain."
"There's a definite interplay there between behavior, social conditions, and the way the brain develops."
"Reading is fundamental and will develop your brain."
"Omega-3 intake is important for brain and eye development and function."
"...when people are exposed to trauma or substances at an early age before the brain is finished forming..."
"It's critical for brain development."
"Like yeah it definitely seems that way because the brain is not developed at 25. I might even tell all the other I think what other."
"Learning to read music helped to develop our brain and to increase our mental capacity."
"You have to have a reason behind your brain you have to have a purpose behind your brain when you grow your brain and go and go bigger you see that it's more about just the impact that you believe on other people."
"The circuits in the brain need the right stimulation to develop."
"And as a consequence, if you are chronically under sleeping a teenager, you're effectively stunting brain development, and no one would wish that for that child."
"The issue I have with this is that the last part of the brain to develop is the part that analyzes risk and reward."
"Brain development is a dynamic event, new structures build on earlier ones, and the development of new structures requires an interaction between intrinsic factors, that is the genes, and extrinsic factors, that is the environment."
"That's when it actually develops, that's the part so although your prefrontal cortex is there from the very beginning when it starts to really function and sort of to use the computer term come-on line is right during the time of late adolescence."
"For the brain to develop properly, you need the right environment. The human brain develops from conception into adulthood."
"Cursive writing is good for the brain. It adds another circuit which has to do with recognizing the gestures of writing and it helps children learn to read."
"That’s nine months of time during which the brain is actually practicing."
"The findings suggest our ancestors had adapted to eating lots of starch by at least six hundred thousand years ago, about the same time as they needed more sugars to fuel a big expansion of their brains."
"...you're taking drugs at 18, 19, like your brain isn't even fully formed yet, right?"
"I think that porn in the availability of porn is a real detriment to the developing brain especially to the developing brain."
"Our brains developed with genetics providing some kind of framework."
"It's all the interactions that we have from the moment of birth onwards that actually determine how our brain structure forms."
"They must have meat fat, their brains have to have meat fat to have developed like that."
"The sex hormones that we're usually subjected to in adolescence really encourage our brains to develop."
"The brain has not been fully formed until you are in your late 20s."
"Every second in the first year of life, millions of brain connections are being made."
"Multigenerational trauma and stress being passed on... affecting brain development."
"The mutant leader's brain is far more developed than that of an average human but they can't communicate due to language barriers."
"We've evolved eating meat, the food and fat that enabled us to develop the brains we have."
"Your brain is plastic, especially during certain years."
"...The human brain develops by an ongoing process that begins before birth and continues into adulthood... the most important quality that affects the circuitry of the child's brain... is the quality of parent-child relationships."
"Play-based learning 'builds better brains' that are more capable of handling whatever challenges lay awaiting them in their future."
"The brain is a computer, and during this imprinting period, it's especially receptive. The things that occur during this period are permanent."
"There is no safe dose of alcohol because alcohol affects the development of synapses of the brain."
"The brain is much more plastic at very young ages, there's a lot of brain development that goes on and it is entirely plausible that intensive interventions at that age could make a permanent difference."
"Understanding that you've got these unbelievable talents that developed because other parts of your brain developed yeah that is a superpower for sure"
"Our brains expanded because they needed to acquire store and organize a growing body of cultural information."
"Studies have shown that kids exposed long time to the stimulants kids who have ADHD at the end of adolescence or early adulthood have brains that look more normal after long-term exposure to stimulant medication."
"You gotta realize, your logical part of your brain isn't fully developed till you're 25."
"A baby's brain is busy making all kinds of nerve connections."
"We're very interested in seeing if education can develop parts of the brain that develop early on called the prefrontal areas."
"When we developed the middle prefrontal areas we actually can not only pause but we can think of the larger social good and enact a behavior that's better for everyone."
"We like to believe that the brain is all set at a very early point but the new science shows that the brain actually is developing greatly in the earliest years from 0 to 3."
"When kids' brains are developing, we want to know how much of the structure of their brain basically which part gets assigned to which job, how much of that comes from the genes and how much comes from the experience they have of the world around them."
"The brain can change, but it doesn't change in a minute, it can take time for the neurophysiology to rearrange itself and new neuronal connections to be established."
"The brain is constantly changing and growing based on its experience."
"The emotional and social circuitry of the brain continues to develop and mature in the mid-20s."
"Abnormal brain development regardless of its origin can lead to a spectrum of intellectual disability that is often accompanied by specific identifiable disorders: language disorders, learning delays, emotional control difficulties, etc."
"Brain plasticity isn't just for people that have big problems. Brain plasticity is actually for everyone."
"Continual practice of gradually increasing difficulty is necessary to drive positive plastic changes in the brain."
"There is something called neuroplasticity, and that is the ability of the brain to create new pathways, to generate new neurons."
"Skateboarding helped stretch the brain to possibility."
"The Adolescent brain is made to learn."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections."
"It enhances neuroplasticity, the ability of your brain to change and grow rather than decreasing your plasticity."
"Your frontal lobe, your dome of your brain has developed, no. It's when you're twenty-five, that's when you start making sense."
"Perhaps the biggest way in which the control of fire changed us is it reduced the difficulty of making a large brain."
"It's one of the reasons that we're so adaptive in many ways because we are capable of learning, and when you learn something, you're changing the structure of your brain."
"I think your brain is constantly forging new connections and stuff, so I think it's malleable."
"Learning is forging new synaptic connections, physical evidence as a result of your interaction in the environment."
"The act of closing your eyes and rehearsing what you're going to do begins to install the neurological hardware in your brain."
"Ketosis is what allows you to build the brain."
"The modern human brain is actually smaller than Neanderthal brains, but reorganized; they're different in quality as well as quantity."
"Learning anything requires your brain to physically change."
"The ability that neurons have to create more arms and strengthen those arms with experience is what's called neuroplasticity."
"The frontal lobe is really developing a lot more where the kids are gaining more control over their limbic system, which is basically our feelings center."
"Our brains don't stop growing when we physically stop growing around the age of 18."
"Our brain works a lot like a muscle, which means it needs struggle to grow."
"The vast majority of brain development takes place in the first few years of life."
"The brain continues to develop right throughout adolescence and into the 20s and 30s."
"The environment, including teaching, can and does shape the developing adolescent brain."
"What's sometimes seen as the problem with adolescence... actually reflects changes in the brain that provide an excellent opportunity for education and social development."
"The first thousand days of life lay down the architecture of the brain."
"Use it or lose it when we think about brain development."
"The area of the brain that helps to regulate and control these emotional experiences... does not come online until at least the 20s."
"How do our individual experiences affect the development of this connectome?"
"The brain can develop new circuits even later on in life if we only work at it."
"Autism is when your brain forms differently than other people's brains."
"By studying other intelligent species and what made them that way, scientists have gained a better understanding of the brain and its development."
"If the frontal cortex is the last part of the brain to fully mature, by definition it's the part of the brain that is least constrained by genes and most shaped by experience."
"The gray matter undergoes very rapid tangential expansion on top of the white matter and that forces it to fold on itself."
"Imitation is something that seems to be fundamental to our brain development and cognitive development."
"Adolescence is a time of tremendous growth, in fact, it's the second largest brain growth period after that first zero to three period."
"The brain doesn't fully develop until about the age of 25."
"It is in my life the single greatest example of neuroplasticity that I have ever witnessed."
"British anthropologist Robin Dunbar proposes that the brain grew so large to keep up with the complex social demands put on the brain."
"This is what enabled our brains to grow because we have quite big brains."
"Integrated relationships lead to an integrated brain which leads to optimal regulation."
"Our brains have not evolved quickly enough to accommodate this technology world."
"Big brains are not the natural end state of evolution; big brains are big drains on nutrition."
"When you focus your attention on something constructive, you will activate and hold in place new brain circuitry."
"Having an imaginary friend is a natural part of brain development."
"The brain is not wired to read naturally; we need to train it to learn to read."
"An early trauma can cause actual structural changes in the developing brain."
"It actually does a lot for brain development that helps you in all sorts of other ways down the road for learning, reading, things like that."
"We can rewire the brain even in a struggling reader no matter what their age to get the left side of the brain to light up."
"Education changes the brain and that process is called neuro recycling."
"I think where we're seeing the largest evolution amongst the human species is in the brain."
"What would our brain be like if we hadn't learned to read?"
"During reading acquisition, we specialized a left area of ventral visual cortex tightly interconnected with the language system."
"The brain then is the sign and measure of consciousness, for it is continually perfecting itself with time."
"If you can change your brain, let's change our brains."
"The adult brain can change in response to experience."
"Neuroplasticity is the concept that the brain will continually change or grow."
"The brain is able to grow new neural connections throughout the lifespan."
"The more complex your languages, the more developed your brain becomes."
"We have to be their prefrontal cortex, so parents need to learn what that looks like, what that means, how do I support them."
"Humans possess one of the highest brain to body mass ratios of not just the great apes but nearly all large-brained mammals."
"Neural stem cells give rise to all the different types of neurons and other brain cells."
"Sleep is the one time in which there is plasticity and learning."
"The brain develops in a use-dependent way."