
Existential Quotes

There are 1885 quotes

"I still felt really empty in that way. And yeah, I think man's search for purpose is a natural thing."
"We all wanna believe that we were here for something more and something better."
"Creativity is something that's coming to you from somewhere else, and you are not the commander of but you are in a relationship with."
"Rather than deliberate living, most people simply accepted that life was a series of waking up, working, going to bed, and repeating."
"If you have no meaning and purpose in your life, what's the point of being here?"
"The greatest self-deception is that you are real, important, and must survive."
"What makes life meaningful is the fact that we're alive and there's only this amount of time that we have to live."
"The realization here is terrifying and exciting: those who exist there are trapped within this moment of the past."
"You have a purpose just as much as anybody else on this planet does."
"You're made of the sea and the stars, and one day you're going to find yourself again."
"Everything is temporary. Truly, it's easy to feel that our current state and reality will be permanent, but if we look around us in nature, plants, ourselves, anything, right? Like, nothing is permanent, and everything truly is temporary."
"What if we only live in the reality where the world doesn't end?"
"In the end, what does the end of the world mean when you have no hope, no desires, where dreams will go unfulfilled?"
"What we're talking about is something that's not technical, it's personal. This is about what it means to be a human being."
"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, from what I know of hate, I think that ice is also great and would suffice."
"Literally anything can happen at literally any moment to literally any person."
"What am I supposed to be here? Am I supposed to be here?"
"God is... He's being itself... I am Who I am, my manner of being is being itself."
"It feels like my life is one big day, it just gets dark sometimes."
"The threats to our democracy are of an existential nature."
"No mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry suffering."
"Real life is just real life. You've been living in real life your whole life."
"You've got one life. You've got this one precious opportunity. It's a miracle that you're even alive."
"One of the greatest tragedies in life is to live and not know why you're living."
"If you don't believe that you're here for a reason, your life will seriously hurt."
"We are actually spiritual beings in a physical journey, not physical beings on a spiritual journey."
"Your life on this planet is like a pop-up on the computer screen; you just pop up and pop out. In the meantime, will you rise and shine is the only question."
"We are all stars. The matter that always existed in the universe flows through all of us. We are the same."
"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
"The reason I am interested in religion is not because of the bizarre cultural artifacts... but because it's dealing with the fundamental 'you were born, you're gonna die'."
"Who among us can be sure of who we really are?"
"Existence is a miraculous, magical occurrence. You've been gifted with this life, and you don't even appreciate what this life is and what it has to offer you."
"Now I'm imagining going to a place with no imagination. Oh, how lonely this must be."
"Welcome to my limited life, where we have 24 hours to live. Scary, right?"
"Life... that's the Supreme game, that's the big game that we're playing."
"There's only about three things in life that you really need to know: How'd you get here, why are you here, where are you going."
"We all need to take responsibility for our own existence and existence of the future generations."
"Death is something we all face eventually, and the fact is most of us brush up against its consequences long before we deal with it ourselves."
"One of the most withering lines from Seneca, he says, 'You're afraid of dying, but how is the way that you're living any different from being dead?'"
"I fear not being alive... The fact of not being here, to me, is should be the greatest fear people have."
"It shows you again that nobody is there for you truly except the one who created you."
"The absurd ever drama of just trying to be okay."
"Either we are alone in the universe or we are not, and both answers are equally disturbing."
"Leave nothing unburned because nothing can burn what is true, only what is untrue."
"Tell me one thing that is not affected by time here, except me."
"Yesterday's just a memory away, does tomorrow really come?"
"At the end of the day, we're all just exposed chicken nuggets."
"This is all about being humans at the end of the day, my friends."
"This life, as we have it, no matter what your religious view, is not a dress rehearsal."
"Our worthiness is not based on an external condition. Our worthiness is intrinsic to being a human being on this planet."
"We aren't supposed to know those things. It's part of our journey having a life experience to not know the answers to those things."
"It doesn't matter how much you invest into all this other stuff but if you don't have a good reason as to why you're living, what's your bigger purpose."
"The dead know only one thing. It is better to be alive."
"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."
"Life is so small... it is but a breath in the larger picture of eternity."
"You've only got one life, and I beg you, make the most of it."
"99.99999% of all human beings on the earth die without ever discovering who they actually are."
"He faded in a foggy haze as if he were slowly getting erased from existence."
"What is solid ground? You were born and you're going to die. That's pretty solid."
"It's very easy to get lost. What is solid ground? You were born, and you're going to die. That's pretty solid."
"The time between your birth and your death is a precious thing that is more precious than everything."
"With the world burning behind them, he asks her, 'Who are you?'"
"At the end of the day, all that matters is that we are alive."
"There's so much more life to live for all of us."
"You started as dust, and to dust, you will return."
"God created you for a reason. He didn't create you just to pay bills and die."
"The idea of life...is a reclassification of what life is. Is it surviving or is it living?"
"Complacency is way worse than death because complacency is death while you're alive."
"If you're not afraid of dying, you're not afraid of anything."
"Your life is not a game. You do not get two lives or another opportunity. You only have one life, and it is happening right now, right before your eyes."
"Some people add years to their life but don't add life to their years."
"Self means who? What is that self? It's ever free, ever beyond name and form."
"To be born at all is a miracle so what are you going to do with this life now that you have it."
"There's no neutral ground when it comes to the direction our lives are moving in."
"The universe doesn't give a damn what we want."
"What to do with the time that's been given to him."
"What really matters in the grand scheme of things is fighting for survival."
"Life is an eternal cycle of death and rebirth, you know, that kind of thing."
"Birth is not a beginning, and death is not an end."
"You are like the cosmos in a physical body. You are the summation of the whole universe."
"If we're not real, doesn't that mean that nothing you do matters?"
"I'm more concerned about this world than the next."
"How about not that? How about that there's something to us?"
"We're all struggling. We don't know what the [ __ ] we're doing in life. We're just winging it."
"You get what everybody gets. You get a life."
"Live life and love life because it indeed is fleeting."
"Imagine if you were a world in which everything you exposed to is fake, a world in which you are nothing more than a puppet on a string, a world in which the reality you perceive as a mirage, nothing more than an intricate multi-dimensional facade."
"The only thing that matters is surviving the next moment."
"The moment between moments, the perfect moment."
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not; both are equally terrifying."
"It is possible now to live in this world as we will live in heaven."
"It was such a strange thing to be afraid of nothing."
"Everyone who's ever lived is confronted with their own mortality."
"The minute that journey stops you stop being a human being."
"Life is so short and like let's be intentional about the time that we do have."
"If nothing we do matters, then everything that matters is what we do."
"Life is fragile. Do you understand how fragile we are?"
"Nothing will satisfy the desires of the sons and the daughters of Adam except the dust of the grave."
"The number one killer is time. It destroys us all."
"We are here to distract you from the anxiety of being alive in a dying world."
"Live every day like it's your last because one day it that'll be true that is your last day."
"Every single second on this Earth is precious and time is fleeting and it's the one constant that we're all working against."
"Life is short. It's the only thing that we're promised."
"Everything in the universe is a function of purpose."
"It's the living versus the dead. I'm not scared."
"The wisdom is eternal. It's been here before you and it will be here after you're gone."
"I would rather have questions which can't be answered and answers which can't be questioned."
"Life is a choice. What's the choice though? Life or death."
"Would you change anything if you could see the future?"
"What dreams, talents, abilities, gifts, ideas would die with you unless you ask questions?"
"If that's the way our life is, like as the Lakota used to say, Hoka Hey, today is a good day to die."
"We are the conscious expression of the universe being conscious of itself."
"When you locate yourself in the core of all that surrounds you, you realize it's all you."
"It's such a trippy thing to really think about the fact that we're just clinging to the surface of this giant rock flying through space at thousands of miles per hour rotating and yeah we're just like everything's just stand still for us."
"Everyone and everything will die at some point."
"The elements that unify us as Catholics are so powerful, existential, and so real."
"Appreciate being alive and using it to its fullest."
"What's a life without love, loss, freedom, and adventure? Who are we to deny agency and ignore the passions of a unique and hopeful creature? Are we villains or are we gods? Is there even a difference?"
"The world without his brother was pointless."
"No group has a monopoly on hate and on fear. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"For whom does the bell toll? The bell tolls for you."
"It's human, it's our nature as humans to think life is precious."
"If you're not changing, you're not living, you're just existing."
"What lies at the end? Will it be truth or madness?"
"Eventually there's a time limit on everything."
"The universe has no obligation to make sense to us, and that's what makes sci-fi such an interesting genre."
"You may feel sometimes like you're standing on the edge of everything, observing that you're not really taking part, but that's not true. Your energy is intrinsic to your world."
"Pull yourself out of doing to get into being."
"Are you most alive right before you think you're gonna die? Is that probably true? Is there anything to that? It kind of makes you appreciate it."
"If you're not growing, you're dying. That's just a fact of life in the entertainment business."
"Remember that life is finite and death comes no matter what."
"I think the entire record is me searching for God and not being able to find God." - Lingua Ignota
"When you think about your death, it puts everything else into perspective."
"Nobody knows what will the future hold, nobody knows."
"Life is short, false, it's the longest thing you will ever do."
"Our life is but a vapor, only lasts one second and then it's over."
"Living tomorrow and living forever, they're identical."
"Life definitely places philosophical demands on you."
"On Callisto, why do people die for fondness? That's your protocol."
"I don't bloody well know how it is that you should be in the world."
"A character who doesn't take action is not only aimless there aren't even really existing in their own plot or in their own life."
"Everything changes, everything we get born, everything dies."
"How do you make sense of a world where each time the world gets a little bit harder?"
"Honestly, it wouldn't have made a difference if he saved them or not."
"Nothing I can tell you can help you. Nothing anyone can tell you can help you." - SCP-4730-3
"Life outside of modern day is very cruel, uncaring, and at some point it may even appear to just be taking us out on purpose."
"Ultimately, you're on your own... nobody's coming."
"If there is a truth that's out there that threatens my ability to function, I personally would rather know the truth than to believe a lie or to base my life on a lie, right?"
"Life is finite, make it count, make your life count, make this moment count."
"The big bang is always in the now... the origin is always in the now."
"It is no longer a choice between violence and non-violence. It is either non-violence or non-existence."
"It's the saddest thing to see a person who exists but doesn't really live."
"So, if we can't escape our lot on earth, at least, we can remember as much as we can, to look up."
"We're all going to die," Jennifer's a rock, but Tobias begins to stir.
"There's nothing in there and there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there."
"Do you realize how important every single day is?"
"Maybe we look into mirrors not merely to seek beauty regardless how elusive but to make sure despite the facts that we are still there."
"Just a copy of you continues your existence."
"Women are God logically because they make life."
"I actually wake up in the morning and I want to be alive."
"Sometimes people feel alone. One moment they're here and the next they're not."
"Everything was everything... it really did contain everything."
"Who was I without my body size or the clothes I owned?"
"Life is short, and it is gone in an instant."
"The only belief you can't question is that you are having an experience right now."
"Our mode of being is creativity in the face of the unknown."
"Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids."
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
"Literally, this place isn't falling apart, it's ceasing to exist."
"Hell is what we make for ourselves here on earth."
"A story older than time, older than us, and older than the world."
"He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause wondering and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead. His eyes are closed." - Einstein
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"I was just thinking about how small we are in relation to the whole universe, and we worry about the stupidest littlest things."
"You cannot be conscious without her; she's the absolute role in your consciousness."
"How much can be taken away before we lose our human identity?"
"If people don't even care for more than a few weeks that we died, why do we ascribe so much value to how they want us to live?"
"What if you had the ability to reach into our universe and rearrange the various cogs and wheels of existence?"
"The incident of death is not the end for man, whether Christian or not."
"I came into this universe screaming and I can't get out." - Ash
"If reality doesn't change your life, what does that say about your life?"
"Life is so fragile, it's so easy to die, it's also kind of hard."
"We create the world all the time; it's part of creation."
"Once you remove purpose from life, you remove life from people."
"I personally believe the most spiritual thing we'll ever do is life."
"God is shaking us up, trying to wake us up so that we will look up, folks. Believers are aliens in a foreign land. This world is not our home."
"Learn to live the life that you have, because tomorrow you can get hit by a truck."
"You don't realize how short and how fast life goes by."
"If you ever feel like your city doesn't give you a choice, you either burn alive in it or you never existed at all."
"Life is a precious thing and you're definitely here for a very short time."
"You're either suffering or you're not suffering. Those are the two states. There's no other states to be in. You're either suffering or you're not suffering."
"One life, one shot. As far as we know it, this is all we have got. So why waste it?"
"The most expensive thing on this earth is time."
"We've come to the beginning of humanity's final journey. Prepare for departure."
"Life is precious. We're very lucky to experience it."
"What if you're in a just perfectly crafted dream right now?"
"Life as we know it, as the lost souls will have nowhere to go."
"It feels like everything we did, none of it mattered."
"Our desire to live is stronger than our desire to die."
"There's nothing to save you because that which could have saved you, you rejected it."