
Process Focus Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"It's critical to enjoy the process of learning and growing, making the process the prize, not the end result."
"Learning how to attach internal rewards to the process of whatever it is that you want to do is crucial."
"Success depends on our process. When we focus on process, we build the foundations for our success, and therefore we generate the momentum and the positive feedback loop that maintains the sustainable fire of motivation."
"Goals are useful for setting a sense of direction, but once you know what direction you're moving in, then I think it's best to put the goal on the shelf and focus on the system or focus on the process in the habits."
"When we focus on the process instead of the outcome, we make the outcome more likely."
"Focus on the process, focused on the journey rather than the destination."
"I firmly believe if you have the right learning process in place, the results will take care of themselves."
"Focusing on the goal will never be a long-term success strategy. Focusing on the process of getting there, the habits, the lifestyle... that's huge."
"The question is this, can you be committed to the process of what you do without being emotionally attached to the results of what you do?"
"Your life is about the joyous Journey not about the product."
"It's not the goal, it's the process to get there that we really need to focus on."
"Enjoy yourself more, try to be more present. I was worried about the results and not the process at that age."
"Focus on the process because the process is the prize."
"Process over outcome. Journey over destination."
"It's less about the goals to me and it's more about the process."
"We have to focus on the input rather than the outcome."
"It's not about this or that, it's about the process."
"So many people allow the negative result to derail the process."
"Being focused on the money has a lot of limitations... Focus on process."
"Life is all about the process, this conversation is as good as it gets."
"Focusing on the process is more important than fixating on outcomes. Put your best effort into the process to bring about positive and encouraging results."
"Focus on leveling up the skills and behaviors necessary to produce the desired outcome rather than the outcome itself, and you'll be surprised by the results."
"The joy of life is in the process, not just the outcome."
"If you get the process right, then the marks or the grades or the results at school are going to take care of themselves."
"The outcomes don't matter as much anymore, you have the goal but you're so you're enjoying the process so much."
"Don't stress out about attaining the goal, just do the work."
"Focus on the mistakes, focus on the process, focus on improving your skills, focus on having a fun relaxing time and finishing a quilt."
"Alpha males are focused on the process not on the outcome."
"There's a whole process, it's going to take time, and you know if you guys focus on the process, focus on the nitty-gritty of the trades, you guys will eventually get to that point."
"It's all about the process, it's all about the journey."
"Focus on your process rather than its reward."
"Focus on the inputs as opposed to the outputs."
"The dream is not the outcome, it's the process."
"It's not where you get to, it's how you get there."
"It's all about the journey rather than the end result."
"My goal was to execute my goal was to execute the inputs and let the outputs take care of themselves."
"When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don't have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy."
"I am detached from the results. I am 100% on the process."
"Keep yourself excited by enjoying the process itself."
"Become obsessed with the process, not the outcome."
"Let the outcome be a bonus of you adhering to the process."
"I had to break up with the outcome and get married to the process."
"I was caught up at the end goal and not the process."
"Art isn't just about the finished product, it's about the process that you take to get there."
"Don't crave the things that you're not ready to get instead crave the process, love yourself, have a romance with yourself and your process."
"Protect the journey, don't squeeze the outcome."
"Don't focus so much on the end result focus on the enjoyment and the process that you get from actually doing it."
"It's not a Sprint, it's a marathon. We're not doing it the quick way, we're doing it the right way."
"The process is the biggest part of your evolution."
"Switch from the finish line to the process to combat uncertainty."
"Enjoy the journey; it's about the process, not just the destination."
"Let the process… The main thing is don't give up."
"Concentrate on the process and what you're doing not the outcome."
"Reps to failure are usually not the best example... reward the process."
"Most people see the end result, very few consider the journey."
"Learn to take pride in the work, not the outcome, not the result, not the victory, but the work."
"Identify with the process, not just the results; it makes criticism easier to handle."
"It's not about the destination. It is about the process. It is about how do we get there."
"The creative process is best when you're just enjoying yourself."
"Don't worry about the outcome, worry about the process, getting better and loving that. Everything else will take care of itself."
"It's about the process, not just the results."
"Visualize the process of how every step you take is leading you to your goal."
"The results are an indicator that the right process is in place, but the only thing that's necessarily in your control right now is the action."
"I tend to be a little bit more process-oriented than results-oriented."
"If you start to focus on yourself and approach it as a process good things are to come."
"The process is the goal, so sometimes you have to separate from your outcome and do the work."
"If you care about the process, you will get the attention."
"Process-oriented training, rather than results-based training, is the quickest way to achieve meaningful and consistent results."
"Trust is not about content, trust is about process."
"Focus on process, not outcome: Happiness lies in the journey, not just the destination."
"The only way we can do this is with principles, without a cult of personality and with processes over people."
"Creativity is everywhere. Be process-oriented rather than results-oriented."
"Patience, you have to be patient when you're doing this."
"Don't focus so much on the outcome... focus on doing the foundational things."
"The ending doesn't always matter, sometimes it's about the journey."
"The goal should be to enjoy the day-to-day process and really learn to enjoy those things."
"Focus on what you enjoy about the process rather than impressing anyone."
"Think of trading in terms of a process, not in terms of the monetary value. Remove yourself from the trading environment, place your trades, turn your computer off, go away, let it do what it's going to do."
"Number one productivity tip: if you're trying to write something, don't go back to the beginning all the time."
"I'd rather see people focusing more on the process when they start versus the outcome."
"You have to love the journey. Marathon running isn't something you can do solely for the result."
"Remember with open-ended play, the focus is not on the product but on the process."
"With this journey, you need to stop focusing in on the outcome and what we need to start focusing on is the process."
"You can't control the end result... you can control what you do with the next step."
"If you love the process of training, nothing else matters."
"It's all about the work, it's all about the process, it's all about doing everything daily to push yourself to be where we need to be at the end of the ride."
"It's not just about the end result; it's about the journey and the little adjustments along the way."
"Focus on the process, not on the outcome."
"Don't get wrapped up, remember, it's okay to work through, it's about the daily process."
"The losses just don't matter; it's all about catching the winners, it's all about executing the process perfectly."
"Focus too much on the end result, you'll miss a lot of nuances."
"Stay in the journey here instead of that end result."
"It's all about the process, not the outcome."
"Lose the money making mindset and focus on the process."
"The process is so much more important than the profits; profits are a byproduct and they follow the process."
"Follow the process, not the plan."
"My focus, our focus as a program, is on the process and really we try to break things down as far as we can to make things controllable."
"Just exploring possibility, not worrying about any end goal."
"I think you shouldn't be result-oriented."
"Don't even pay attention necessarily to trying to hit a specific goal."
"Consistency, repetition, process-oriented."
"The moment that you start deriving your enjoyment from the process of work, you become impervious to outcomes."
"Getting into the process instead of the product helps you get into that flow."
"Organizations undergoing a loss of resources should focus on the processes rather than employee reactions based solely on their level of loss."
"Focus on the process and getting better."
"Be process oriented rather than results oriented."
"You know it's focused on the process, it's all the things we're taught mentally."
"The process is what's so important, and if you get too focused on the result, that's going to be detrimental."
"It's way more about the process for me than it is about the outcome."
"I care more about following the plan than the results."
"Everybody wants to focus on the result, but I think he's dialed into the process of it, knowing the result that he's looking for in the end."
"It has nothing to do with tactics, and it has everything to do with process."
"I don't let the clock or the calendar dictate anything, I let the process, I let the progress really dictate when he's active and when he's ready."
"Be patient with yourself, be patient with the project."
"If you can get this mentality of just locking your eyes on the process and just allowing the outcome to develop over time, you can really succeed in loads of areas."
"Work ethic, no matter what the results, is the process."
"The journey is where you spend most of the time."