
Self-belief Quotes

There are 16128 quotes

"I refuse to believe that if I'm a good person and that if I'm working hard, I refuse to believe that this doesn't work out."
"You are so much more amazing and powerful than you believe you are."
"The more faith you have and the more belief in yourself you have, the more success you're going to create here on earth."
"What you believe about yourself is the only thing that matters at the end of the day."
"Exercise is the king of all keystone habits. It literally changes who you are, allowing you to shed a lot of the negative beliefs you have about yourself."
"If a little kid from West Virginia who got a C in composition in college can go on and become a best-selling author, anybody in this area here can do anything as well."
"If you believe in yourself and really put your heart into everything, I feel like you're going to get a good return on that."
"Believe in yourself because the blessing this week was the power of your beliefs."
"Every time you keep a promise to yourself, you raise that self-conviction, that self-belief."
"Believe in your mind that it is totally okay, acceptable, and even encouraged for you to go and make new friends, no matter what month it is."
"Believe in yourself. Confidence is the key to your success."
"Society has set the bar so low about what's possible and what's not."
"Self-efficacy is your belief in yourself to accomplish a given task."
"You're smarter than you think you are, you're more capable than you think you are."
"To any women who want to succeed in entrepreneurship, you have everything in you already to be successful at whatever it is that you want to do."
"You are actually so much more capable of accomplishing these things than you realize."
"Now is the time to believe in yourself. You are going to be victorious."
"Will be successful, you have to know these things: that deep belief in yourself."
"He is the embodiment of perseverance and hard work and believing in self."
"What you believe about yourself has the power to create massive outcomes."
"Improving anything in your life starts with believing you have some sort of power or influence on it."
"Once you know who you are as a person, nobody can take that away from you. When you believe in yourself and you know you're that girl or that dude, nobody can say [__] to you."
"If you don't believe in yourself, who else is going to believe in what you're doing?"
"At the end of the day, I think we all need someone who believes in us as much or more than we believe in ourselves."
"It's about failing and going again, and failing and going again, never giving up."
"Believe in yourself, love yourself, and you could do everything you want in this world with God, hard work, and your mindset."
"Believe in your power and believe in the fact that you deserve the love that you desire."
"You are stronger than anything that you have ever faced before and you need to act like it."
"You are a fighter, you're a winner, you are resilient, you're strong."
"You've got what it takes, you're braver than you think."
"Don't underestimate yourself, you are here to do big, big things."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in what you're trying to create."
"Believe in yourself and you need to believe that you're worth it."
"You're stronger than you believe. You have greater powers than you know."
"There's something in each of us, some little voice in us that knows, 'I can do that. I don't know how to do it yet, but I can figure it out.'"
"Spirit is saying the only thing that's stopping you is you. You have all the tools necessary, and if you believe in yourself and your art truly, the world will mirror that back to you."
"You are limitless. You can do anything you choose."
"I expected to be here. I didn't know it was going to take this long, but I knew I had a purpose."
"You believe in yourself; you can do it, just make it up as you go."
"The longer you stay somewhere that you know you don't belong, the more you begin to believe you don't belong anywhere."
"The power of authenticity is much bigger than you might expect, and if you believe in yourself and in the power of authenticity, you will, in the end, succeed."
"I believe that I'm the head and not the tail; I believe I'm above and not beneath; I believe that I'm more than a conqueror through Him that loved me."
"You might feel small right now, but your highest self wants you to know that you're actually creating some of the biggest shifts in your life right now."
"The truth is we've grossly underestimated our own potential and capabilities."
"I'm prepared for this. I've always felt I could do it, but I just needed somebody to give me the opportunity."
"Always believe in yourself and know that you can achieve."
"You keep on creating, you keep believing in yourself, and don't listen to what others think because you're awesome."
"I think the most important thing really is believing in yourself and believing that the universe has your best interests at heart."
"You are greater than you think, more powerful than you know, more unlimited than you can ever dream."
"Self-belief is not that everyone will like me, but self-belief is I'll be okay if they don't."
"You know you're smart. You have to believe in yourself. And when you want something, you can get it."
"This is the moment of truth for you to understand that within you, there are great possibilities."
"Regardless of what people think of you, if you believe in your self-worth, then you will be invincible."
"Leap of faith: Believe in yourself, listen to your heart, do what gives you joy."
"Believe in yourself. Get away from that person who ain't got no respect for you."
"Believe in yourself and all will be well. You are always divinely supported and guided in whatever decision you make."
"Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you."
"This is powerful, and it is a result of your own powerful decision in yourself."
"It meant so much not that the Reebok was wrong or the check was wrong but the freedom and confidence and belief in yourself to do that."
"Believe in yourself, trust yourself more, and there is love up ahead for you."
"Boldness, strength, the ability to really believe in yourself."
"Take the time to do the homework, take the time to believe in yourself."
"You guys are amazing; you're not even underdogs."
"Believe in yourself and your abilities; we believe in you."
"Believe you are incredible. Actually believe it. Why waste one second in a small narrow perception anymore?"
"As long as I believe in myself and keep working, I'll fix my life eventually."
"Let your prevailing thought be 'I can and I will.' Think 'I can and I will.' Dream 'I can and I will.' Say 'I can and I will.' And act 'I can and I will.'"
"Achievement lies chiefly in this: belief in themselves and in their inherent power, in their faculty to concentrate on the work in hand when they are working, and in their ability to prevent leaks of power when they are not working."
"Your angels asked you to have faith in your own abilities and capabilities."
"It's important to be motivated by the challenges you face. It is nothing to be frightened of if you believe in yourself and your senses."
"Despite the odds, if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can overcome anything."
"I don't let someone else place their limits on me. My limit is the limit I set, and I believe I'm limitless."
"My life's story should be an example of what's possible when you just fully believe in yourself without any fear."
"A coach understands... 'I can't teach these children if they first of all don't believe in themselves.'"
"Universal energy now guides me into ultimate healing of my body, mind, and soul."
"I allow myself to believe that I deserve to heal."
"Don't let anyone or the perception of something hold you back."
"Self-belief doesn't grow on trees; self-belief comes when you start doing, when you're committed."
"Self-trust is knowing it’s believing, it’s knowing yourself, it’s believing in yourself."
"You're only out the game when you count yourself out."
"If you make good content and believe in yourself, you should have some place people can find you."
"If you believe you can't do anything, you won't do anything."
"Believe in yourself, but if you can't, then turn to me because I believe in you."
"Self-respect...do you believe that you have value inherently as a human being as you are right now?"
"Self-esteem is nothing external; it has everything to do with the internals: your mindset, who you think you are, your beliefs, your self-image, your subconscious mind."
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."
"It was a moment that I realized that I needed to stop listening to everybody else... and truly believed in what I could do."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in the magic inside you."
"Don't ever think that you can't make it happen for yourself."
"I have never felt more confident than I have this year. It just feels like there's this deep reservoir of self-belief in who I am and what I'm doing and what I'm after."
"My mom raised me to believe in myself and that my exterior had nothing to do with my worth."
"Nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself."
"The secret to being confident is to believe that you have things to say that other people want to hear and simultaneously to recognize that sometimes, if or when people don't want to hear it, that's fine."
"We think they empower us when in fact they limit us. We believe that we will be nothing without our beliefs when in fact the opposite is true."
"I was quite shy and quiet, but I'd always have some sort of anger or self-belief to try to prove my worth and prove people wrong."
"Believe, because if you don't believe in yourself, then who's going to believe in you?"
"Believing in yourself is the first secret to success."
"Believe in yourself, because if you don't believe first that who you are, this being that you are, your life here on this planet is of value."
"Act as if there's no limit to your abilities."
"If the world we live in is a simulation, self-belief is the cheat code."
"Success is always found in quality of life, which ultimately is happiness, fulfillment, self-belief, confidence."
"If you believe that you are enough, that's when you take action; that's when you go out and try something new."
"There's always somebody who doesn't believe in your vision; they don't matter. All that matters is what you believe, what you think of yourself."
"When you believe in yourself anything is possible."
"Self-belief is Conor's greatest attribute. No matter the situation or the circumstances, he has always held the strong belief that he can achieve his dreams."
"You're the only one that's sitting there in your room saying that one day I'm going to be a multi-millionaire. It doesn't matter if other people believe it; you believe it in your heart."
"You can't succeed unless you believe you can succeed."
"Shame corrodes the part of us that believes we can change."
"I still do believe I'm a force for good in the world."
"It's about its self-belief and it's about these things that anyone can apply to their life and succeed."
"I believe in you, I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever your one word is."
"All the power of the universe is with you. Feel it, know it, and then act as though it were true."
"Stop limiting yourself. You can make your dream into a reality, but it will only take one person to believe that it's possible. That person is you."
"Dream big and never let small minds convince you that your goal is out of reach."
"Gays can do anything if you put your mind to it. You don't need a degree, you just fucking wing it."
"If you truly believe in this stuff, you have to believe in yourself; and if you believe in yourself, you've got to believe in possibility."
"Believe in yourself. These delays don't reflect your talent or your abilities."
"The only person who really needs to believe in you is you. And if you really believe in you, you can honestly do anything."
"Trust and believe in yourself because you are the highest authority on you."
"All of us are extraordinary; we just have to come to believe it."
"Believe in yourself and expect powerful change."
"Everybody's mentality should be like you're the best."
"You believe in God. Believe in yourself as the physical instrument through which God operates."
"I am what I make myself, and I'm going to prove this entire world just that."
"Our biggest battles with ourselves are our ability to succeed or fail in this world is based on how much we truly believe in our ability to succeed."
"Rather than being victims which we have believed all the way up to now, we are the masters."
"You are capable of more than you ever thought you could be."
"The act of making time to be a creative creator in your life means you must believe that you're a creator in your life."
"Have faith in yourself. It is the greatest lesson you have learned."
"If you don't believe in possibilities, then you don't believe in yourself, and if you don't believe in yourself, you don't believe in possibilities."
"I am unbreakable. I believe that I can achieve anything."
"Our life is a direct reflection of our identity, which is the thoughts, concepts, beliefs, values, and worth we hold true to be about ourselves."
"You are stronger than you think, smarter than you think, more capable than you think."
"Your achievement will never rise higher than your self-faith."
"Never allow anybody or any misfortune to shake your belief in yourself."
"You watch these videos because you know you've got something more inside you. You've got Michael Jordan level genius at something."
"If you do not believe in yourself, it is as debilitating as if you did not believe in God."
"I possess all. Affirm this and patiently wait for the manifestation."
"Despite all of these things...why is it that you can't believe this about yourself?"
"I came to a realization of something. I no longer want to follow Arnold or any other bodybuilder. I want to follow myself. I want to actually believe in myself."
"Believe in yourself... Stand strong, focus on your purpose, release the fear of persecution, and speak your truth."
"Being positive and believing in yourself a little bit more might help you."
"I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to."
"I've never lost a fight. Think you ever will? I don't think I'll ever lose a fight, no."
"I think we're greater than we think, more powerful than we know, more unlimited than we could ever dream."
"Believe in yourself, your abilities, and capabilities."
"You're already manifesting; it's about being more aggressive and one, believing in yourself."
"All these things in life are a matter of reinforcement that 'I can do it, you can do it.'"
"Confidence breeds success; success breeds confidence."
"Your circumstances don't define you. Just believe in yourself, and you can get very far."
"You have the ability to do more than you can ever begin to imagine."
"I am kind. All my dreams and desires are materializing."
"I am capable of blossoming into my full potential."
"Greatness made you; therefore, greatness is in you."
"I always believe in myself... I believe in the work that I put in order to have what I want."
"No one will believe in you until you believe in you."
"I wanted to become class president because I wanted people to believe in me, but the only reason I won was because I believed in myself."
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
"Trust turns into confidence, turns into empowerment. You believe you deserve abundance, great relationships, better health when you follow through."
"Believe in yourself, and you will be successful."
"The world is full of abundance... There is nothing that I cannot be, there is nothing that I cannot have."
"It is so important to never give up on ourselves. We are capable of overcoming any obstacle if we have the courage to keep moving forward."
"Words have so much power. If you're not going to speak that you're going to be the best player ever, you're not going to be the best player."
"Any negative voice that ever entered into your space that said you couldn't was lying. The truth is, they didn't want you to."
"You've got to change what you believe about yourself."
"Build your resume of self-trust. The key to this new year and reaching all your goals is to believe in yourself."
"Believe in yourself because you have the magic to really overcome anything that tries to stand in your way."
"You already possess everything necessary to become great."
"Cultivating core confidence is about believing you have value inherently."
"Have faith in your dreams...whatever it is that you imagined for yourself, which is in your highest good, is here on the cards for you."
"What's important is that you believe in yourself. If you can't do that, no matter how much talent you possess, you will never be confident in yourself."
"Believe in yourself. It's the first step to becoming capable."
"Believing in yourself more than ever is a huge transformation."
"Sometimes you need people to believe in you for you to believe in yourself again."
"I just start going like crazy viral...and it's like my dream come true. I always knew I had magic, and now I'm hearing things like 'you're a legend' and 'you helped me out so much.'"
"I believe in you, so you should definitely believe in yourself."
"When the voice and the vision on the inside become more profound, more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you've mastered your life."
"Believe in yourself and don't be afraid to follow your passions, your creativity."
"No one's sure about anything, you just gotta be sure and like believe in yourself most importantly."
"Believe in yourself and grab your dreams by the balls, and also believe in the people that care about you because no matter how you feel, people do care about you. You are not alone."
"We have convinced ourselves that we don't have the power that we actually have."
"If I could do that, then what the hell can stop me from becoming what it is I want to become? And the answer is nothing."
"What you can accomplish... is absolutely limitless."
"I think your belief about yourself and what you're capable of influences your accomplishments more than you can imagine."
"We are more powerful than we've ever believed."
"Always follow your dreams. I never believed in myself, but my friends believed in me."
"Our greatest fear is not that we're inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."
"Don't give up, stay persistent, be patient with yourself, be patient with the universe. Have faith in yourself."
"You have to believe yourself first and it's so much easier to convince other people once you believe yourself."
"You've got to begin to believe in your potential."
"When the rest of the world says no to you, you say yes to yourself."
"Are you gonna believe in yourself or you gonna believe everybody else's judgment on you?"
"All of us are much more capable than we believe we are."
"We're all capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe."
"You have unlimited potential, and you can tap into that."
"Believe in yourself. I believe you have Michael Jordan level talent at something."
"The biggest problem in the world is a lack of belief. People don't believe in themselves enough."
"The most important mentality to have is one where you truly believe that you will be okay no matter what."
"If you can just divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth of your unlimited capacity, then the whole game changes."
"Follow what makes you happy, follow your passion and believe in yourself."