
Body Positivity Quotes

There are 4550 quotes

"I want to focus on how can I love my body more, and how can I finally, like, beat this once and for all?"
"I don't think about my body in the best way. I love my body. I just feel so truly comfortable in my skin more than I ever have in my whole life."
"Embracing and loving your body is such a beautiful journey. Freedom is our birthright."
"All bodies are good bodies exactly as they are."
"The body positivity movement is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of shape, size, and physical ability."
"Respect somebody for being a human being, no matter what their body type is."
"When I started making videos last year, showing my belly rolls, being honest about my insecurities, and embracing my body as she is, I never thought I would end up becoming a role model for young people in the body-positive sphere."
"Body positivity is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of shape, size, age, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities."
"You can absolutely be plus size and still experience fulfillment in your life!"
"Fat and ugly are not synonymous, after all, 'cause beauty comes in many forms!"
"Promoting obesity or unhealthy living is not what body positivity or body acceptance movements are about."
"Body positivity is about challenging societal norms of shame against fatness."
"I believe that body positivity is for everyone."
"We all need to work together to change the system that insists that we change our body regardless of its starting size."
"We all need to be part of the conversation and movement if we want to see the societal pressures around bodies ultimately change."
"The way she loves herself and her body and doesn't care what anyone says about it. And she inspires me, she motivates me."
"Your weight is not the problem, food is not the problem, diet culture is the problem."
"Fat people have to live in a world that openly hates them."
"The best way to win the war against fat is to give up the fight."
"Don't worry if you don't get all of the macros... if you're full, follow your body's lead and just go with it. That is perfectly okay."
"I wish I could gift everyone what it's like to not wake up super fat."
"The goal of spreading the word of how you're worthy of love, at its core, body positivity isn't only about allowing people to accept themselves and their bodies."
"Body positivity is about saying, regardless of the size of your body, you're still worthy of acceptance and love."
"Body positivity doesn't mean that you no longer care about your body. It means that you care so much about your body that you're gonna do the things that are good for you, mind, body, and spirit."
"Every single person has a different explanation of where body positivity started, but what matters now is where it is now."
"It's so strange that a movement that is called body positivity is so quick to discredit other people and not let them join."
"In case you needed a reminder, all bellies fold over. You are normal, you are beautiful, you're enough."
"Eating to make my body feel good, not look a certain way."
"Having a better relationship with food has allowed me to care less about those things and live from inside out rather than outside in."
"Health is extremely important. I want all of my followers, subscribers, even the people that hate me, to be as healthy as possible and also be very comfortable in their own skin, accepting all of their flaws."
"You do not need to downplay the very real risks of obesity to champion the idea that everyone can take steps to live a healthier lifestyle regardless of their body size."
"Body positivity is not about giving up on yourself; it is about valuing yourself and loving yourself as you are."
"My body is my home and I will treat it with kindness."
"Being fat doesn't make you any less attractive than the next person."
"You're beautiful the way you are. Do not lose weight for anybody but yourself. Who gives a [] because back when I was fat, these [] would have never known that I was insecure."
"My mere existence is a form of activism, especially in the body positivity community."
"People should naturally be body positive, and body positivity should be something that is built in our culture."
"The marginalized bodies for whom the body positivity movement was originally intended for do not have that same privilege."
"You should feel grateful for your body because of all the things it can do for you."
"You want your body to be the least interesting thing about you."
"Weight should never be a factor when it comes to your happiness and self-worth."
"The body positivity movement should, by definition, promote behaviors, lifestyles, habits that have a positive effect on your body."
"Seeing an inclusion of different body shapes and sizes at healthy body fats, that would be body positivity to me."
"You are worthy of love and you are worthy of self-love at any body type."
"I discovered body positivity very publicly online... and I've slowly been like accepting myself and loving myself."
"I think that true body positivity comes in all shapes and sizes... there shouldn't be rules of what is body positive and what's not."
"Wow, I love the body positivity movement, but I think people who are in the body positivity movement should have the right to change if they want to."
"I've stopped using body positivity and started focusing more on fat liberation and fat positivity."
"As an overweight person, fat acceptance and body positivity are not the same. Fat acceptance is toxic. Body positivity is loving your body and choosing the healthier alternative."
"Try complimenting a fat woman on something other than her hair, her skin, pretty face, bravery, or her inner beauty."
"I'm here to spread positivity and be a role model for people who are exactly like me, who look like me, talk like me, sound like me, helping them be confident in their own body."
"Fat women do not have to settle for any man and have plenty of amazing options."
"Body positivity has always been about including everyone in the conversation and letting everyone feel like there is nothing wrong with them."
"Body positivity has always been about inclusivity, right? Making people feel like they can be included."
"All I really want is a world where people of all shapes and sizes can be free to be themselves without shame, make whatever choices they think is best for their body, and live free from discrimination."
"Body positivity is about valuing yourself and loving yourself as you are, not waiting to do things until you're a certain size."
"There's no weight limit on respect. All people, regardless of what they look like or what size they are, are worthy of respect."
"I felt sexy and strong and like my opinion really mattered."
"Everyone is beautiful no matter their size, and we should accept and celebrate all body types."
"Practice self-care, self-love, and body positivity... as your self-love increases, all those other insecurities start to diminish."
"When you practice self-care, you practice self-love, and body positivity."
"I'm about body positivity; be confident, do what makes you feel good."
"I love my body, I love my face, I love my spirit."
"Your body's not degenerative, it's regenerative."
"You don't have to be a size 2 to be healthy, but health is very important."
"Others' bodies are not ours to police or talk about."
"I think when we all realize that others' bodies are not ours to police or talk about, then maybe we can actually be an enlightened culture."
"Remember, you don't have to be a size 2, abs are great, but not needed to be healthy. Health is very important mentally and physically."
"You can sell these people McDonald's, you can allow them to eat five chickens in one sitting, but you won't sell them clothes to fit them? You make them this way, why not sell clothes to fit them?"
"Imagine that you never learned that butter was wrong. Imagine you learned that all bodies were equally deserving of affection."
"Women are not dolls; they are not one size fits all. They never will be."
"It is the best thing I've ever done. I think it's opened my life up, it's opened my eyes to see people for what they are, to see the human body for what it isn't, to see how our clothes society restricts so much in the everyday life."
"Kylie is also teaching Stormi about the importance of body acceptance and self-love."
"It felt nice to get out and wear different skin for a while, my own skin, be comfortable in my own skin."
"You cannot hate your way into a better body. You cannot hate your way into health."
"Your body loves you and your body also needs your love back."
"With the rise of body positivity and accepting your body and the rise of women empowerment and making womenly choices to do what you want with your body, you would think that people would stop lying about certain procedures."
"I said to my body softly, 'I want to be your friend.' It took a long breath and replied, 'I have been waiting my whole life for this.'"
"People in larger bodies are mistreated and denied access to things like reproductive medicine... it can be really hard to love your body, but if you can find a way to respect your body... those are things that we know in research that helps lower cortisol, helps to lower inflammation."
"You are allowed to have room to breathe with your relationship with your body and with food."
"My whole image of my body changed when I popped out two children. Then it changes because then you realize, holy crap, what's just happened? How amazing your body is."
"Fitness has taught me to love my body from the inside out."
"How proud you are of yourself is not based on what size you wear, it's based on how healthy you are."
"Your body's like, 'I help you lift things, I feed you', and you're over here hating on this, this, and this."
"On their website, they described themselves as a body positive swimwear line with the desire to reshape the fashion industry and help improve the world along the way."
"Because I'm healthy, I have a great relationship with food, and I know I can make myself look good, so clearly there are no reasons I have to change myself or how I look to fit into society’s standard of what a normal body should look like."
"A healthy and active body is a beautiful body."
"Your body is part of what has taken you through life, and that is something to love."
"I don't care what y'all say, and y'all can miss me with that body positivity mess. Don't nobody want to be fat."
"Body hair is not something you should ever feel like you have to remove or hide."
"We've become a lot more accepting and celebratory of all kinds of sizes and shapes and body types."
"Everybody, no matter what size you are or what shape you're in, is worthy of love."
"Body positivity is the idea that I'm going to live and own my own truth with my own body."
"I finally started to get a hang on how to dress for my body."
"Let's assess that human bodies are beautiful and we don't have to sexualize them."
"I'm trying to learn how to love my body in every form and shape it evolves into."
"He recalls that he was also hesitant about the law, but after a while, he accepted that bodies come in different shapes and forms, and there’s nothing wrong with that."
"I release the need to judge myself and my body."
"Your body has and always will do more for you than anybody's opinion."
"Not everyone can be skinny, but everyone can be strong."
"Your body, my love, is a temple. So take care of it as you would a temple. It is sacred."
"Fitness can be more about listening to your body and moving in a way that's pressure-free, that's positive, and fun."
"You're beautiful regardless of what size you are."
"I don't have a goal weight. When I get the body that I want, that'll be my goal weight."
"Body positivity is saying I should strive to be healthy, but the way I look is the way I look."
"We're just trying to make a family. If you want to wear a bikini at whatever size, you can wear a bikini at whatever size."
"Everybody's got cellulite. Everybody's got rolls. Whatever your body looks like, it's sexy."
"I'm just happy to have a healthy body that moves and does what I need to do, and I'm just grateful."
"An active lifestyle and the confidence that you can have an active lifestyle, even if you are living in a body that is overweight, is a very important thing."
"Bodies are flexible like accordions, they are beautiful and able to stretch and be unstretched and be pierced and tattooed."
"Everyone has a body that they feel good about, and that's just what we should accept."
"A slow metabolism is not a broken metabolism; it's not a sign that something is inherently wrong with your body."
"A man who has a really positive and confident relationship with his own body... is absolutely universally attractive to women."
"It's important to realize that it's normal if you have hip dips or cellulite; focus on eating healthy foods and exercising regularly."
"Everyone's body's beautiful. Your body is beautiful. The most beautiful thing is being healthy."
"We should never hide our femininity, we should never be ashamed of the curve of our body, we should never be ashamed of our desire to dress up, we should never be ashamed of our desire to do our hair and makeup."
"Any man worth anything is never gonna be that angry if you don't have the perfect butt if your stomach isn't perfectly flat."
"Just make peace with your body and make peace with your plate."
"This video is really just making for people to be able to feel more comfortable if they decide to grow out their body hair, more comfortable going out into public environments, and just living their best life with body hair."
"Don't feel shame about having hair on your body. Okay, it's normal."
"I'm a beautiful natural hairy queen and as long as I believe that about me, nobody else's opinions matter."
"I love making people laugh and smile and forget about all their troubles. I love helping people feel comfortable in their bodies and always preach that there's nothing ever wrong with being you."
"The truth is, you have to love your body through your actions, not just through words."
"I think it's amazing when we can accept our bodies and love them and rock them and feel confident."
"Body type does not matter... It's just having confidence in what you're wearing."
"There is nothing wrong with your body. Your body is beautiful! If for no other reason than because it is the mechanism that allows you to exist in the world!"
"I wanted to talk about how the body positivity and the health at any size movements caused me to allow myself to stay in poor health and endanger my life."
"I'm gonna want to rock like a hairy pit at the beach in a swimsuit and be like, yeah, women have armpit hair. This is normal."
"I'm about to be the flyest size 12 anybody has ever seen."
"We need to teach our girls... you tell yourself you're beautiful and you're worth it and you are perfect just the way you are."
"My definition of body positivity is pretty simple: it's self-acceptance, radical self-acceptance, regardless of whether you're as healthy as you'd like to be or whether you love how you look or maybe sometimes you don't."
"You just have to learn to try to love your body and not focus so much on aesthetics, but think about what your body can do and how you feel and your health, rather than the way you look."
"It's important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them and use exercise as a celebration of what your body can do."
"Crop tops reigned supreme over the majority of the 2010s, largely thanks to the revitalization of the high-rise silhouette and an increase in body positivity."
"The war on obesity has taken its toll. Health at Every Size is the new peace movement."
"I would really like to see more plus-sized characters not designed like this and not made to look so goofy, you know."
"Other people's bodies don't exist for us to have opinions on, but for the people in them to live their lives while we live ours."
"But hopefully as we can start to unpack some of these fat phobic notions that are seen as completely acceptable for some reason, maybe we can start moving in the right direction over time."
"Clothes are made to fit you. You're not made to fit clothes."
"We need to take a look at ourselves without comparison... our progress and our looks should never be compared to anyone else's."
"I realized that there's so much more to me than my body."
"I'm finally coming around to that and accepting that there are strong, plus-sized women like Ashley Graham and Lizzo that are so healthy."
"So just take a second to look down at your feet, and you might hate your feet you might be one of those people that's just like, 'Ah, I can't look,' and just look down at your sweet feet and give them some love and some good energy."
"Respect your body, love yourself no matter your size."
"Entering recovery was scary, but it was when I was the most in love with my body I have ever felt."
"Regardless of your body shape, there is a man out there who's going to find that attractive, and you don't want to change yourself to try to attract men."
"As long as you're happy with your body, you're confident, you're living your life, you're wearing what you want to wear, and you feel beautiful, whatever that is to you, that's all that matters."
"People with larger thighs and hips live longer, study suggests. Science said thick thighs save lives."
"Weight gain can be a positive thing or a neutral thing."
"I want to be happy with my body. A lot of pursuits can be selfish. It doesn't have to be for something else. It's just like, I want to look good and be happy with what I have."
"Everybody's body is different, and that's totally fine as long as you're healthy."
"You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful, you know. I'm doing it to be healthy and healthy is being fit."
"If you don't fit society's standard of the 'bona body', as long as you have your confidence, it doesn't matter."
"Feminine elegance is about not being ashamed of yourself or ashamed of your body."
"All bodies are entitled to experience the pleasure that they are capable of."
"I'm gonna be talking about body confidence and body positivity, how to accept yourself."
"Every single body is beautiful... it upsets me that people from whatever body type will feel ashamed to look the way they do."
"There is not a perfect summer bikini body. Everybody's body is bikini ready."
"Lizzo is not trying to change her body; she's trying to scroll social media without seeing disparaging comments about it."
"Different body types exist and they should be represented."
"It's not about being skinny and smaller...it's about getting stronger, getting louder, and getting in tune with your convictions."
"A huge part of my acceptance is using the word 'fat' and really owning it."
"As a plus-size girl, I weigh almost 600 pounds. It's hard to find style, and I'm finally able to have style."
"Yes to body positivity and being beautiful no matter what size you are, but please don't romanticize obesity."
"All bodies are good bodies and all bodies deserve respect and care."
"Trust this body of yours, it's just like this beautiful honest thing that walks around the world with you."
"I used to be fat. I kind of get to say that. I can say that and you can't really take that away from me."
"I walk around the house butt naked and I stop at every mirror just to stare at my own posterior."
"Favorite subject: body positivity and body acceptance."
"The idea that in order to stop being bullied and finally be happy with yourself all you have to do is lose weight is not only blatantly incorrect, But it's also pretty harmful to young people struggling with their body image."
"Your butt looks good, you are valuable, and your feelings are valid."
"Top surgery is for anybody. There's no template for what you must look like after top surgery. What makes life so beautiful is the diversity in it."
"Be confident, be kind to your body, and I'll see you next time."
"I also think another important thing to note that's very different about TikTok versus YouTube is really the rise in body positivity on TikTok."
"Love your curves and you're beautiful, no matter how you look."
"There's a way to do this. If anything, Savage X Fenty showed that you can still have gorgeous pieces on bigger bodies."
"I think for a lot of young men who are I should just say young men a lot of men that are overweight or out of shape and eating bad they want to be encouraged to feel good."
"Why does it matter so much what somebody's body looks like?"
"My legs are looking gorgeous, hairy, cute. I'm confident, I love them that way."
"We should teach people to love the bodies that they are in because they are all their bodies they're not separate their bodies."
"But I'm quite sure that many young overweight women look up to Tess. Actually, I'm sure of it, I can literally see them in her comments section."
"Body positivity can't just be 'I'm gonna do me, you do you, let's all just co-exist together.'"
"Losing weight was the most positive thing I've ever done for my body."
"I feel sexier and more confident in my own body than ever before."
"I'm kind of okay with being fat and I kind of came to this realization actually I make more than okay."
"All bodies are beautiful, I just needed to modify mine."
"Every time that you focus on thoughts that feel good around your body, you will attract that good feeling body."
"Self-love needs to be self-love in all your forms in all your shapes and all your sizes."
"I want everybody all bodies all types whatever you are or you identify as I just want everyone to show up as they are and embrace the beauty of who they are."
"I don't need the comments trust me I know I see myself naked I know what I got going on but that doesn't define me and I'm not worried about it so you shouldn't be worried about it."
"You need not be upset about it...your body is 100% on your side."
"Embrace a more active lifestyle, celebrate what your body can do."
"Women tear each other down... then say they're body positive."
"It doesn't matter what people think about your body; all that matters is what you feel about your body."
"What happens if I just get to be the shape of me? And that's okay?"
"Embrace and love our natural selves, no shame in that."
"Our bodies were made beautiful for a reason."
"Fuel your body don't starve it, strengthen your body don't destroy it, love your body don't hate it."
"Health is not exclusively measured by someone's weight."
"This is the holiest of asses, a nice round peachy buttocks sent down from God."