
Self-motivation Quotes

There are 1388 quotes

"It's a constant mental exercise. I have to kind of like force myself and pull this positivity out of me."
"If you master self-motivation, any feasible dream you have becomes an objective that is separated from you only by time."
"People don't change for other people; they change for themselves."
"Discipline requires you to do your best when no one is watching."
"I'm on a mission to get every human being in the world to add one simple thing to their morning routine...the high five habit."
"The world works for those who work for themselves."
"Be stronger than your weakest excuse and get done."
"You can do it for yourself, not for anybody else."
"If you knew the divine lived within you, you wouldn't quit. You would be like, 'I'm here, and I'm going to go a little deeper, a little further.'"
"It's more about proving to yourself that despite everything, you're still going to rise."
"The issue is how. How do you make yourself take actions when you're afraid, when you're scared, when you're overwhelmed?"
"When you high-five yourself, you flip the switch and give yourself a little bit of that vitality that's coursing through you to help you move into your day."
"Our thoughts are our biggest killers of our dreams. They're the biggest killers or our biggest cheerleaders."
"I slapped myself in the thigh, and this is a little trick that I use to spike my central nervous system."
"It's hard to keep going when no one is clapping for you, and that is exactly why you have to become your own biggest fan."
"If you're going to do something and you don't do it, then that should sting inside yourself, inside your own mind."
"People need to be a lot more internally driven... we have a really hard time in society with people facing and overcoming any type of adversity."
"Avoid the resistance, avoid the voice in your head that's telling you that oh maybe if I do it tomorrow or like the next day, later today, it'll be better. Get it done."
"The only limitation is your own drive for knowledge."
"Finding your meaning will give you the mental strength to motivate yourself to make a difference."
"Decide to push yourself rather than waiting for life to push you."
"No one's coming. No one. No one's coming to push you. No one's coming to tell you to turn the TV off. No one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise."
"If you do the work, you work hard enough, dreams come true... But what you get from tonight is the understanding that those times when you don't feel like working, you're too tired, you don't want to push yourself, but you do it anyway, that is actually the dream."
"I am going to get my ass up and work because this is not going to be my life. I am not going to create the same patterns that I've seen in my parents."
"The only person that can motivate you is yourself."
"It's up to you to decide whether you're going to use your situation to motivate and fuel you or to dwell in your story."
"It's such a long day that something's bound to go wrong, and somewhere in those rough patches, you have to, as I say, get ugly but you have to find something inside of you, some kind of resolve to get through that."
"Write to yourself, yeah. Dear [Name], congratulations on building your business. You set a goal, and you accomplished it."
"Instead of judging yourself, being like, 'Who am I to think about doing this? Am I even worthy of this?' it's more like capturing that inner confidence, that inner curiosity, and saying, 'You know what? I think I can.'"
"Successful people are highly self-motivated! Intrinsically motivated versus extrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation means that you're fueled from the inside."
"The hardest thing about being on selection is self-motivation. You've got to want to do it."
"It only makes sense because someone with the self-motivation and the fortitude to teach themselves an entirely new skill, like an entire new language, even, is going to have a great work ethic."
"Dust yourself off, keep moving, and prove to myself, not so much to you, that I have what it takes."
"Do what you're doing now for yourself, not for approval."
"I felt like a ronin, like a samurai with no master... Money didn't drive me. It wasn't about how much power, influence, or money that I made."
"It's the things that I can't not pursue... if it is something that you just cannot not do then go for it."
"I'll give it my best shot in gathering my hopes and dreams."
"I am the motivating force in my life, always pushing myself to succeed."
"I stood in front of a mirror and preached to myself for 45 minutes, spit flying, gave an altar call, and answered it. Praise God."
"Did I slip up? [Expletive] yeah, I did. Did I give up? [Expletive] no."
"The performance standards are set by themselves, they work on their dreams with focus, and are prepared to take calculated risks and do not get deterred by failures as they move towards their dreams."
"You just have to always keep pushing yourself to become a better person, and to be the person that you always aspire to and to learn the lessons from the mistakes that you make whenever possible."
"I'm just not giving up on myself, you know? Another week, I'm not giving up on myself."
"The story here in my opinion is one of the best of the series."
"I'm just the only one that was dumb enough to go, I guess I'll keep going."
"Failure keeps me going. You know, yesterday was a bad day, but tomorrow gonna be better. And keep that positive attitude and speak it."
"It's more about personal drive than natural intellect."
"You're writing love letters to your future self."
"You may have moments of failure, you may go to bed not feeling so well when night but you wake up in the morning and say okay how do I get this done."
"If I was going to give up so easily, I'd have already done it by now."
"Show up each and every day for yourself and be like, 'I got this.'"
"I make these simple products to try to lure people to just like make a really delicious salad and at the same time I'm trying to like sneak these like incredibly medicinal plants back into people's lives."
"I don't do it for the world; I do it for myself first."
"Nobody could stop you. You need be charged." - A bold declaration of determination.
"Don't give up on yourself; it's time to rise up again and become the star."
"You gotta motivate yourself sometimes, be the one responsible."
"If you're working on something, there are going to be times where it feels like it's not going as well as you want it to, but if you keep pushing through and you're still doing it, at least you can say you're doing it for yourself."
"Motivation by self-challenge... allows you to find solutions that allow you to do the work without killing yourself."
"Are you ready and willing to do the work? You're like a star rising."
"If you're not going to do it for the manager, do it for yourself at least."
"You are the only one who's responsible for making that dream a reality."
"You can do it, it's just a matter of am I gonna show up or not."
"Go for it not for anybody else but for yourself."
"If you don't have your own goals, you're going to work for somebody that does."
"You have to cheerlead yourself, nobody's gonna be able to do it for you."
"Kindle that bonfire within yourself and go forward to have some jolly cooperation with your fellow man."
"Encourage yourself. Sometimes you just gotta encourage yourself."
"I gotta be my own hero today. I gotta do whatever it takes for me to get motivated."
"I'm finally finding different ways to inspire myself and motivate myself to keep going."
"I choose to live by choice and not by chance... I choose to finish what I started."
"Stop relying on outside sources... Put your goddamn head down."
"The show must indeed go on, I can't sit in self-pity for too long as much as that is a hobby of mine."
"I thought, why not me? Why can't I be one of these people?"
"You're not doing it because someone's shaking a stick at you."
"I hate with such a passion the feeling of me giving up. I hate that so much more than I ever hated playing any single game of League of Legends."
"If you're bored of it, go and do what makes you not bored."
"There is no reason for me to just feel sorry for myself and do nothing."
"I was sort of just imprisoned in here to heat the pipes in the boiler, so I go... yeah, let's go."
"Keep it moving, keep it stepping, you're your own worst critic."
"When I was younger I always had the thoughts of, you've got to go out there and make it happen for yourself."
"It was easy when I realized there's something I can do on my own that I followed it up with passion and intensity."
"All the energy and fuel You Need Is Right In Yourself. I found it right there. I'm on insecurities. I found Drive in my own insecurities."
"I always tell myself good job, that's how I know I did well."
"Even if it's just 1% better than what you were yesterday, that's what you're looking for."
"So whether it's musicians or comedians or filmmakers. If that's the only thing that we have in terms of our our careers, our artistic careers, we have to train ourselves to go, 'In spite of it. I'm going to do the next one.'"
"Don't let someone take that away from you if you have this burning desire inside of you."
"You really want to use this time to go after what you want."
"Fuel yourself up to be productive during your workday."
"The best thing that you ever did for yourself was telling yourself that the limit does not exist."
"The level of self competition, that's what it's all about."
"Embrace the self-starter in you and initiate your dream projects."
"Your joy should be on self-start, not push start."
"Every single day just do a little bit more, push yourself"
"It's better for me to take action and venture off into something new than to continue to stay stagnant."
"Your story is your story your goal is your goal."
"When you're totally exhausted, sometimes the thought, the sentence that you say to yourself has to be very, very, very simple like two words: keep going."
"Be prepared, be aware, be careful, and be safe out there because we love you too much to lose anyone."
"The only person stopping you from going out and doing good is yourself."
"You've got the power to actually get on with it."
"You're ready to take action towards your goals."
"Why not me? Those are the three most motivating words in the English language for me."
"If you want to learn something, you can do it; it's all on you, your drive, your passion."
"It's high-fiving yourself every morning in the mirror as part of your morning routine. That's it."
"I don't believe in a limit, and that's why I say I'll be running my own race."
"No one's gonna make you want to change, you have to do it for you."
"We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves."
"You have drive and determination that cannot be extinguished by anyone but you."
"I'm gonna go work out for real because if I don't do it now it ain't never gonna happen."
"I've always been a very driven person, you know."
"You should be your own biggest cheerleader, your own biggest supporter, your own biggest motivator."
"I'm just a true winner, so every day I'm excited about being alive."
"It's all about you. I'm doing this for you. Do it for yourself."
"Something that is really important to me is always finding purpose in anything that I do."
"Every morning you're giving yourself that physical gesture that means it."
"I do these procedures because I want to do them not because I feel like I have to do them."
"I would still work out if everyone was blind. Of course, because I would still like to go on runs because I like listening to music and going."
"It wasn't nothing that happened or anybody that influenced me. It was for me."
"So my invitation for you is to figure out how to get connected inside with that motivation that says, you know what, this is my life and I'm going to make this happen."
"Just give us something please... what I do is I just tell myself how much I love life and then I'm like god I love life."
"Stop worrying about what somebody else ain't doing. You get your ass up and do it."
"You will not make it unless you care more about something you are doing than you care about what gets done to you."
"Keep going, remember you're doing it for you."
"The point I'm trying to make is long story short, it's about what I'm willing to do."
"Nobody really knows what they're doing, so you just have to do it."
"You've got to get out of bed. No one's going to be making it the clock. So you got to do it."
"It's an asset-based perspective... people already kind of want to do well, they want to impress others, they want to be meaningful, they want to contribute."
"You have to believe in something bigger than yourself."
"Don't compare yourself or your success to anybody else."
"Move towards whatever your inner calling is... make those dreams a reality."
"I'm really competitive so I push myself at the limit all the time."
"I need to be the hero. I need to step up. I need to be the hero."
"You've got to find your own motivation in life."
"You just have to make it happen for yourself."
"Standing up to yourself... you've got to stand up inside yourself sometimes and say shut up, you've got to do this."
"You have to get to the point where you don't need anyone or anything to push you. Your dreams should push you."
"I see some, I'm still running my race, you know what I mean. I don't pride myself on the things I've achieved, yeah, right? I ridicule myself on the things that I'm trying to get to, and that's how I push myself."
"I let out a deep sigh to bring myself up the rest of the way."
"If you gotta talk yourself into it, you're talking yourself out of your next level."
"I think my mindset has changed... I want to do it for me."
"Constantly inspire myself; be open and receptive to what you got going on."
"You have the power to do it, I want to do it, why am I not doing it?"
"He still finds a way to have a chip on his shoulder."
"Motivation comes from within; tap into your inner drive."
"Hop yourself around, hop yourself about. That's way better."
"I just wanted to do more than anything, I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it."
"You gotta want to do it for yourself, and once you really want that for yourself, you are going to be unstoppable."
"Don't do it for her, do it for you. That's the most important thing."
"So push yourself, stop waiting and commit today."
"It's always time to mature, it's always room for growth. You know what I mean? It just depends on what time. Some might mature at a younger age, some might develop at a... But you gotta have to want it."
"It's gonna be a good year I'm gonna keep saying it until I believe it."
"You gotta see yourself succeeding and kicking ass out there sometimes because it don't matter when you do something every day, you need some type of extra kick in the butt."
"If you're disappointed still keep going because that's the only two options you have either you're going to quit on yourself or you're going to fight for yourself."
"You have the power to create change, just look at your direction and think, am I engaged with the right people and am I on the most effective path? If not, do a little course correction and get into that star energy and know that you can do it."
"Your biggest hero, cheerleader, and motivator is yourself."
"Do your best to trust all the rays of light. Everybody wants the best for you but you gotta want it for yourself."
"You're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"Running is like that sh*t's so mentally like, bro, you're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"Katra isn't changing so she can be with Adora. Katra is changing because she wants to."
"Respect your knowledge of self-motivation and build on it."
"Definitely planned work is the path to self motivation."
"What am I excited about today or could I create to be excited about today?"
"People can't stop you from believing in your own dreams."
"Is it safe to say Trump wasn't that bad after seeing a year of Joe Biden?"
"Whenever I feel like quitting, whenever I feel like it's not working, whenever I feel like it's impossible, whenever I feel like I can't possibly go on any longer, I go. I know this feeling. I've dealt with this before."
"You and you alone have to feel the call on your heart to grow and pursue a life that's better than the one you already have."
"I'm just resilient, I just don't like quitting."
"Your goals, your goals that you set for yourself, that's your power. Your ambition is your power."
"Nobody forces you to learn, and you will never go anywhere unless you force yourself."
"You're making this happen for you, for your happiness."
"That's it, man. What else am I going to do? Sit on the couch?"
"You can't wait around for it man, you can't."
"You just keep persevering and you're just kind of swimming in your own little thing, being your little magical, naive kind of self."
"Your purpose provides an inner drive that once you tap into it can give your life immense fulfillment."
"If you want to get something done, get it done."
"You're not letting other people's opinions, thoughts, have an effect on what you're trying to accomplish. You are solely motivated on your path."
"Winning, of course. You wake up every day like, 'I'm gonna win.' That's the mentality. Like, win."
"You have all the control in the world in your hand; believe that you can push yourself that extra rep."
"Starting off by answering two questions that feel really relevant: How do you find inner peace when you're fighting mental health issues? And the other one was, how can you motivate yourself to stay consistent with daily practices?"
"I'm driven, passionate about life. I got goals, got a plan. Cool dude."
"If you're saying to yourself that you need extra motivation, then you probably just need to decide yourself are you going to revise or not."
"Education and learning are what we need, not motivation and inspiration."
"You gotta just be about that hustle, bro. You can't teach that."
"Always have a personal project that you are working on for yourself." - Sean Andrew Murray
"The workload is challenging, tough but not unbearable, and it teaches you a lot about motivating yourself and being determined and hard-working."
"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But now that you know the truth, this should serve as motivation when you feel that it's impossible for week three and you haven't seen any changes."
"It'll light that fire under you to not put up with the shenanigans anymore."
"Why the timing's now, why you feel it now couldn't say I don't know that's your particular judgment but I like how you're literally picking up that ball and running with it."
"I don't know, I think it's just something inside me that just makes me want to do something truly spectacular, and I think what I just did there was very spectacular."
"Anybody out there aspiring to be anything or do anything, you gotta do things for yourself just as much as you do them for other people, even if not more."
"You're not gonna let anybody stop you or hold you back from what you want to do."
"You gotta trick yourself into believing you're doing what you're supposed to do."
"Spiritual growth can't be forced upon you; you have to come to it yourself."
"For every hit you miss, the next one does more damage, at least that's what I tell myself."
"The only person that can get you to the gym is you, so do it for me right now, get up and go if you're not feeling it. Trust me, you will feel great afterwards. You're not gonna regret it."
"It was a weight lifted off my shoulders because like I'm doing this for me."
"I can't lose to this, you know, and I had to pick myself up and tell myself that I am going to beat it, which is what I'm going to do."
"Change only happens when the person chooses to change for themselves."
"As long as I have that will to compete I'm going to be doing my thing."
"Altair knows that they have to Buck Up and pull themselves together if they want to be of any help in this battle."