
Success Factors Quotes

There are 1009 quotes

"Mindset, motivation, and methods are the keys to becoming limitless."
"Success in business and in life is primarily the result, not of smarts, not even of super hard work, but of personality."
"PlayStation's success is really rooted at the core of what they do best, which is content."
"What I've come to realize is that it boils down to four things: preparation, adaptation, communication, and mindset."
"The key to success in life is people. We're a social animal... how we interact with people will determine how far we get."
"The best predictors of success are the ability to learn and conscientiousness."
"Personality, morals, and a sense of vulnerability... these are what make you successful."
"Emotional intelligence is the number one factor for success, not IQ. It's your ability to work with emotions that is what's critical."
"That's how magic happens: you spend an unreasonable amount of time on something that other people wouldn't."
"Were we successful 'cause we had a great idea? Or are we successful because we had each other?"
"Success comes down to your mindset, your willpower, and your ability to master new skills."
"What do you think is the difference between successful and unsuccessful people? Broadly speaking... there are some patterns or some useful things that you can kind of keep in mind."
"Jose plays pragmatic football built on defense. Look at everybody that's successful now; it's built on a press, on possession, on chance creation."
"Your success, or lack thereof, is for the most part determined by you. There are things that are beyond your control, but you have far more within your control than you are even aware of right now."
"Many of the most successful consoles of all time also have backwards compatibility, like the DS and the PlayStation 2."
"But the things that have helped have there's a common ingredient for me."
"Business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics."
"Filmmaking takes an enormous amount of work. People underestimate that. It's extremely complicated to have something be successful because it has so many elements of luck involved and reception and so forth."
"People don't rise from nothing. It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeeds and who doesn't."
"Luck plays a big role, timing plays a big role, and effort plays a big role."
"You have families that are sticking together, people are taught to work hard in school not get into trouble. I think that translates to why Asians on average are successful."
"It's not the business; it's the entrepreneur. The right entrepreneur can make any business successful because it boils down to a set of core fundamentals."
"It's not enough to ask what successful people are like. It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind those who succeed and those who don't."
"To actually understand what makes people successful, we have to look at things like hours put in, environments people grew up in, mentors, and even circumstances of where their family was located or birthdays."
"You need three things to have any hope of success in fighting a war: the skill, the capacity, and motivation."
"The single most important factor that determines whether young adults fail or succeed is the amount of financial support and guidance they get from parents."
"Athletes do not win championships and medals in the moment that they technically win them; they win championships and medals in the disciplined lifestyle leading up to that key moment."
"The ultimate killer app is growth with momentum."
"One big mistake parents do, I wish they would understand that the fact that she was so outgoing and a great networker, it actually led to her big success later in life."
"Your ability to focus on the basics all the time is what makes the difference."
"Success is principally a matter of character."
"A really big bias is... survivorship bias. You put a hundred people into a shitty environment, two of them come out successful... ignoring that they might have had some advantages conferred to them they weren't aware of."
"We got the model of innovation right, and we got the model of collaboration right. That is more important than anything else."
"There is a silent fourth reason, and I don't know if everyone's gonna agree with me on this, but I feel like BuzzFeed really needs to thank all of the college students between the years of like 2015 to 2018 for a lot of their success."
"The core of success is the grass, the balls, the coaching, the players, the improvement, the analyzing, preparing, and then doing that whole process."
"It takes talent and the temperament to perform under pressure."
"So much of what determines whether armies succeed or fail in their missions has to do with what's in their head."
"The keys to your success are your entertaining jokes and sarcasm, not shying away from controversy, and the fact that you're just better at chess than 99% of your viewers."
"It's not necessarily what we do that makes us successful... but the mindset that leads them to be able to take the actions required for their personal success."
"The main reason as to why the strategy was so successful in battles one was because of the stalling aspect to this strategy."
"Success is 80% consistency and 10% luck and 10% skill."
"I think talent is 20%, yes it's true, but eighty percent is work."
"Once you have the people, you're going to be successful."
"The more time and energy you put into improving the skills required, the less luck will be involved in growing."
"A lot of the success of this place I think depends on the social skills and the communication and the visioning together."
"Emotional control is absolutely essential to be a successful trader."
"Whenever you see an extreme outlier, it's always the combination of great skill plus great luck."
"Luck is where preparation meets opportunity."
"Being motivated and driven is the most critical part of succeeding at something."
"If there was an actual catfish behind my account or accounts then they wouldn't have made it successful and high-profile smart enough to that no catfish would have made it this far under constant speculation."
"Continuous learning to me is one of the greatest predictors of entrepreneurial success."
"Balancing internal and external perspectives is crucial for project success."
"It's not as important how hard you row, but what boat you are in."
"Mentality first and foremost, then quality, physicality, pace, skills - you need the full package."
"Nothing is going to take the place of actually putting in the work, putting in the man hours, having a skill set, being that dude."
"Trolling does not equal success, power, and popularity. Authenticity, good music, success."
"What makes a policy successful heavily depends on the policy and the type of policy it is, I think."
"Behind anyone's level of success, there was an audacious endeavor at the beginning."
"Success looks like drive and determination. You gotta put in the time."
"Purpose, service, routine... all successful people have purpose."
"The main difference between successful rich people and poor people is their mindset."
"Thankfully just a combination of hard work and just the right timing led to only successes."
"Patience, persistence, preparation: keys to success in any endeavor."
"Player agency was very important to this game's success."
"Consistent hard work is one of the biggest factors that determines someone's success."
"The sooner that you get in, the better you build your foundations, the likelihood of you being able to succeed in the space is tremendous."
"Quitting guarantees the failure. Once you quit, it rules out any chance of succeeding."
"The obstacle, the problems are the way they are part of you succeeding."
"It is the core of prosperity consciousness that in order to be as wealthy as you want to be, you need just three things: a clear vision of what you want, the belief that you will get it, and practical skills to put that belief into action."
"Content that provides practical value was one of the key factors to success."
"Feel confident...the team that exudes confidence is often the team that prevails."
"The law of attraction is the most important thing that, and being grateful, are the two ingredients for me that equal success."
"Sometimes her way is the reason why she's at the top of her game."
"If you want to build a successful business, whether it's making a hundred thousand dollars a year or 10 million dollars a year, you have to have these two things: a product and customers."
"Compatibility is a prerequisite to being successful."
"It’s actually just a matter of being persistent and consistent at the same time."
"Balancing your positions to put the odds of success in your favor."
"Discipline and gratitude and purpose will bring you happiness."
"I genuinely do think that I got lucky... 50% luck, 50% extremely hard work."
"Success in rehab comes from a holistic approach addressing triggers, emotional work, coping skills, and environment."
"The most success that I've seen in addiction recovery is when we create a personalized approach."
"I've gone on to found multi-billion dollar companies and then people tell me, 'Oh that's because you had privilege.'" - Vivek Ramaswamy
"The thing that makes people successful is knowing what they want and actually just working towards it, knowing what they want and working towards it and adjusting course along the way."
"Content is the gateway drug to success in our society."
"Every effective bodybuilder must have a genetic predisposition."
"The differentiating factor of people who win and who lose in life is the people who decide that they're not gonna be losers."
"Scientifically all that matters is perseverance."
"The teams that talk the most and the most really and are most practical about what's happening usually achieve the most success."
"If you're confident, your brain is in the positive attitude and it will give you much better results compared to if you're feeling scared or underconfident."
"Every business is one step away from massive success as well as one step away from failure."
"I think the thing that's made me succeed is the ability to make a decision."
"Without self-belief, I wouldn't have been where I am in the first place."
"It's how you deal with adversity that determines your ultimate success."
"Success is often about doing the right thing but also doing that thing for a long period of time."
"YouTube is a very fickle thing... it takes lots of hard work to get anywhere and become successful..."
"If you had one element that could help you really succeed here...I would say it's fearlessness."
"Risk and reward: the key defining factors between someone who can become good and someone who can become great or even exceptional."
"There is not one golden thread for determinants of success but if I was to hang my hat on something I'd say grit is really important."
"Hanging in there for a long time is the most important factor to success in the stock market."
"The Toyota Production System was paving the way for the company's success."
"I think the care wouldn't be there to make work that you really think is incredible and then the success wouldn't be there so that pressure ultimately creates the success."
"Talent can help you achieve success, but character will help you sustain success."
"You can't predict success in writing, but you can control your dedication and effort."
"They have a very good overall unit to have the success that they've had for so long."
"You have to have the discipline, the desire, the drive."
"Jupiter's placement in the birth chart can indicate the areas of life where a person is most likely to experience growth and success."
"Success doesn't happen overnight... it really takes... hard work, talent, the right business skills, and luck."
"Success has to do most importantly with how you handle what you don't know rather than what you do know."
"It's not luck bro, it's just pure hard work."
"Faith, determination, and hunger for success is what drives me."
"It's always 80 percent hard work, 20 percent luck."
"Consistency's more important than intensity or anything else."
"It has absolutely captured the very essence of what makes reality TV shows successful."
"Three things needed to take place: proper funding, a fan base, an industry."
"Confidence is one of the very few attributes every rich person has!"
"That kind of drive is what's going to separate you from other things."
"It's culture ultimately that makes the difference between those groups that succeed and those that lag behind others."
"I'm scratching my head is why it hasn't happened I think they should I think it has potential to be a success I think it has potential to be good at any rate so we'll just have to see what happens."
"According to Corley's book, 79% of the wealthiest participants dedicated around five hours or more per month to networking, and even attributed meaningful connections with like-minded people as the major stepping stones to their success."
"You have to understand what keeps you in the successful sphere and capitalize on that."
"Ultimately, even if you do something that's totally different from what other people are doing, it's a crapshoot if you will ever get seen by anybody."
"Perseverance is the one attribute some people who are not that smart but never stopped working ended up building something."
"Success comes from hard work and drive passion and there's a combination of other things you know your abilities there you need some natural talent but for the most part I think hard work can bring perseverance bring success"
"Success is doing the same things day in and day out, and then continuing to do them even once you find success."
"I knew I was going to be successful because I trained hard."
"Brazil has a fascinating history, in large part because its success looked unlikely from the very start."
"Ultimately the guys who do the best, they have both right? They have genetics and they work hard."
"The party that can occupy it first is going to win big."
"If you can do those three things, you can be successful."
"What makes some adaptations successful while others fail?"
"Every man that succeeds in life has self-control."
"The teams that win, they're doing all the right things."
"80% of success is your psychology and mindset."
"One of the main morals of Toby Fox's work is that determination alone will carry you far but friendship is what you need to reach true success."
"You actually need all three: talent, hard work, or luck."
"Success begets success. The more search traffic you get, the bigger your channel becomes, the easier it is to grow your channel even bigger."
"If you're not passionate about it, it's not gonna work."
"There's a lot of luck involved but also a lot of hard work and preparation."
"When I just kind of gave in and really started doing what I authentically... that's what started blowing up."
"You gotta have ASD. You gotta have brains. And um, you gotta have fun along the way."
"What we can already learn from Patreon’s story is that while every entrepreneur has a different backstory, many develop these common traits over time: self-reliance, perseverance, and versatility."
"Formation and tactics are the fundamental keys to success in FIFA."
"Strikers score your goals, goals win your games."
"What separates successful people in life from everyone else? It's not their age, but their ability to hit a roadblock and rather than let them stop them or freak them out, to find an answer."
"He's so confident, self-aware, and I think that's a big part of his success."
"Willpower is the most important factor in becoming successful in anything especially squatting especially lifting."
"Those closest to you determine your level of success."
"The second aspect would be understanding that mindset. It's really what's gonna push you to the next level."
"One common thread is sacrifice, and it's not easy. That many times separates the winner from the rest of the group."
"You have to have the songs to get to the elite thing you have to have this, the hit song the Decades of hit songs and you have to be that thing that people want to paint pictures of."
"This game, no matter what, people aren't counting on it. If you have dating and confidants, you can date and do it, then, you know what, it's going to be a success."
"That culture is the thing that made you win."
"All those books where they're trying to tell you, 'Here's the easy way to making money,' they don't tell you all the luck they had."
"Success due to talent and being a good person to work with."
"People always ask about the secret to your success and they always expect some big Grand answer and I'm just like no because the fact that my family was supportive once they realized uh this talent that I had."
"As long as there's a real spirit of generosity amongst us then I think the community can continue to succeed."
"If you work hard, have a good attitude, and create a lane for yourself, especially in team sports, that gives you a chance to make it."
"90% of the success is just putting yourself in the right spot at the right time."
"90/10: putting yourself in the right spot based on conditions."
"Most people don't make it as successful artists because they have the art skills but they have nothing else."
"The number one thing that will impact your success rates more than anything else here is find some inspiration."
"When you have a reason why you do something, that's when you can become very successful."
"Postponed gratification is the single biggest predictor of success or failure."
"Communication equals truth, which equals clarity, which could equal success."
"Success often comes from years of hard work, not overnight."
"Everybody that I know, absolutely everybody that is successful in a well-balanced way does hard things."
"Life is talent and work ethic. Nothing else."
"Success is about mastering yourself; it's about discipline, focus, and determination."
"Consistency is actually what gets you to the target."
"There's a very thin dividing line between success and failure."
"The single greatest known predictor of success in life is not socioeconomic status, it's not education, it's not race... it's written goal setting with a pen and paper."
"The number one thing that has made us successful by far is obsessive compulsive focus on the customer."
"You cannot win a title without good defenders."
"If you're smart, hardworking, and don't have behaviors that sabotage yourself, you will be successful in this industry..."
"Hard work beats any and everything, apparently."
"The single biggest factor we think that can create success or failure is psychology."
"You have to have good systems and good combat. If you do those two things, you succeed as an MMO."
"Soft skills attribute a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of the success to almost every part of the success."
"Winners will win in a big way but losers will unwind."
"Success is about skill set, mindset, and opportunity."
"Luck is a multiplied on your efforts. I don't believe it should be the thing that makes or breaks your success."
"Half of my success was finding out what it took to be successful, the other half was not making mistakes."
"Consistency is partially the key to why many are successful."
"You cannot underestimate a positive outlook. It really can determine success or failure in any obstacle that we face."
"What do we need to win? Everybody to be consistently at their best."
"Attitude is more important than facts, education, money, circumstances, failures, success, appearance, giftedness, or skill."
"Execution is what fundamentally separates these two types of people."
"But there's one thing that can ensure success, and that's getting up every single time you fall down."
"Complacency and entitlement are not a recipe for success."
"Your success is based on relationships with others, not on doing it all by yourself."
"The key to success with dropshipping is having a great winning product to start with."
"At the end of the day, there's got to be passion between both the creators and on behalf of the fans to make something successful."
"A child raised in a two-parent family household will have a far greater chance of success."
"Your game's success can be baked straight into your game design document."
"Patience passion and perseverance equals success."
"You know, it's not about who was most talented, it was about finding that person."
"There's always luck in success, but luck is the outcome of resilience and dedication."
"The only thing you can control that influences success in life is how hard you work, how honest you are, and how well you deal with others."
"Curiosity and your intuition lead to success."