
Retention Quotes

There are 969 quotes

"If you want to learn faster, you want to retain that information, you are in for an absolute treat."
"Your method of handling conflict could be a reason why people quit or stick around long term with you."
"Keep the viewers' attention and make sure they watch all the way to the end."
"The harder it feels to learn something, the more likely that information is to stick. This is very counterintuitive because, despite all of the decades of research, most teachers still focus on trying to make the content as convenient as possible for their students."
"It's not about how much you scored; it's about understanding something and retaining it."
"Reading text twice as fast as someone else isn't often very helpful if, after you're done, you don't understand or retain most of what you read."
"The more relevant the vocabulary, the more likely you are to retain it."
"The issue is more of a retention thing. So, if you're talking about creating a more diverse workforce but yet you're seeing people leave, then that's the issue."
"If companies don't invest in their employees, they're not going to have employees."
"If you don't invest in your employees, you know what they do? They leave."
"Retention is the single most important thing for growth."
"You can't build a successful team if you're going to lose things that you've already got that are good."
"We want to do this based on creating Everlasting relationships that make you want to come back."
"It's those human connections that get people to stay in a place."
"I am able to learn and retain important information. I enjoy learning new things every day."
"I think it might be more useful to keep this because I think we could all learn a lot from this."
"Girl game is being able to keep the guy. Your job is to keep the guy."
"It's about knowing what you want, getting what you want, and keeping what you want."
"If you drop it in the dark it's gone, so I want the ability to be able to retain that light."
"Retention is bad... until you nail the main focus of the business, nothing else matters."
"Pay is not the most important thing. You keep people because you treat them well, with respect and dignity."
"The point of YouTube is to keep people on their platform."
"Retention and storytelling to an extent is the same word, that's what I love about like how you see videos and stuff."
"Higher engagement with a streaming service is correlated with lower cancellation fees."
"They will be so ingrained in your school that you will be able to reel off facts like a madwoman."
"The battle pass & the mastery system... meant to direct players... and drive retention."
"I like videos like that... you can remember and find out more than you actually did in school."
"Blurting method... not only does it help in retention but it also boosts my confidence."
"The Feynman technique... it's easy, it helps in retention, and it's overall great."
"The modified Pomodoro Technique... a reward every thirty minutes... ideal learning for retention."
"Wonderful so you're able to retain that information a long-term short-term memory."
"I want to make sure the customers come back."
"If it's less than 30 seconds, it needs to have over 100% retention or else it's not going to take off." - Jenny Hoyos
"The traditional manner of distributing Holy Communion must be retained." - Pope Paul VI
"It's always good to get new visitors, but you do have to put an effort to have the old visitors coming back to your site again and again."
"The goal is ultimately for your student or students to retain the information you’re trying to pass on."
"Learning based on context will help it stick in your mind; the key is learning phrasal verbs in context."
"The music is what I said I'm probably Gonna Keep."
"Quest is by far now our most retentive hardware, it's doing extremely well for that and that's pretty exciting."
"Written notes are actually better for knowledge retention."
"The hardest part is actually keeping the money."
"Work conditions cause high turnover, which means a new set of unknowing workers, whereas higher retention means seasoned workers can gather their thoughts on the matter."
"Thanks for watching... if you're still here you're one of the 42 percent that haven't left."
"Treat your employees well, give them what they want within reason, don't keep them in positions they don't like, then you'll keep them longer."
"Invest in your team right now because if you don't invest in them, they're going to leave you."
"Attention is important, retention, yeah, it's very important."
"We wanted to make players want to come back and keep playing the game."
"Reflecting on what you learn is a way to sustain learning; otherwise, you're going to lose it."
"The more effortful the learning is, the more the connections are likely to be strengthened."
"Give them a reason to stick around."
"Adding a secondary camera that's mobile... can increase retention. We're looking to increase retention, retention, retention."
"Object versioning retains a non-current object version when the live object version gets replaced or deleted."
"I love all of these, so these are all gonna stay."
"If you can make somebody feel, they're going to come back."
"Once someone's on Adobe, they typically don't get off."
"Once you've said something a few times in real conversation, having studied it before or read it before, you're much more likely to then remember it for the long term."
"Once they're confident, they're definitely willing to come back time and time again."
"I pay for the data ingested, so I pay for the ingestion and then I pay for the retention."
"You can gain something, but gaining it and keeping it are two different things."
"If you've got great employees that are really making a contribution, they're going to quit unless they share in the success."
"Understanding concepts before you attempt to memorize greatly improves retention."
"Retention is the only thing that matters to growth."
"Understanding before you memorize greatly improves retention."
"Loop the video to get over 100% view duration."
"Good branding drives customer loyalty."
"Stick around for the end of the video to learn more."
"Bad managers make people quit, people don't generally quit a job, they quit a manager."
"98% of companies that use ShipStation for a year keep using it for as long as they're in business."
"If someone doesn't log in like in the first week or the first month or the first three months bro they're they're they're at they're gone."
"Engagement is what keeps them coming back every month."
"Retention is crazy today, I appreciate you guys."
"So when people start using Snapchat, they love it and they keep coming back."
"You're going to sell once, you're never going to sell a client again."
"These two are definitely staying, these were the liquid lipsticks from the Odin's Eye and Anela Kikfist Halloween collection."
"You have to satisfy your customers so they'll keep coming back month after month after month."
"I appreciate you guys helping me out. I learned a lot of things that I hope to retain."
"...if you're regularly immersing enough then immersion alone is going to be enough to maintain memories for all the words which you regularly come across..."
"You don't want to be in the selling business you want to be in the reorder business."
"Many in mainstream Society believe as modern technology continues to advance that more members of the plain Community would leave but that doesn't appear to be the case with retention rates remaining extremely high."
"Plant that in the back of your head for something that we're going to be spending a lot of time on."
"We remember what the topic is about."
"Understanding concepts before you try to memorize them greatly improves your retention."
"If you're gonna be successful, you've got to bring back some percentage of the audience that's left."
"Successful businesses balance customer acquisition with retention."
"This is a better way to learn because you're not just copying what I do; you're thinking on your own and that makes the info stick."
"Repetition deepens the impression and repetition is the mother of retention."
"Glossier Cloud paints I'm just keeping them because they're Classics, keeping them for Old Times Sake, keeping them because I never thought I would declutter them. I'm not keeping them because I use them."
"You need to maintain the favor, retain it, and stay inside the vine, led by the Spirit of the Lord."
"A five percent improvement in retention is equivalent to a ninety-five percent improvement in profit for most companies."
"Your mind will retain and remember the information being received here today."
"He's able to retain the TNA World Championship in successful fashion."
"When you're annotating a book, it is a lot easier to recall information, so not only does it help with the retention of what I am reading, but it also helps me to extract all of that information."
"It's all about the hook, once you've got them watching, it's a lot easier to keep them there."
"I definitely don't want to get rid of this."
"You can always acquire a customer for 5, 10 bucks and never have them come back. But when you have an LTV of a customer...it's so much more powerful."
"I do not want to forget the events of last night."
"No matter how many marble legends I get rid of I think I'll always keep those spider men."
"Focus on your existing customers just as much or even more than new customer acquisition."
"Why get rid of something if it's good?"
"When you niche down you don't want the come and go audience, you want the come and stay audience."
"Keep watching the videos keep listening to these stories will keep you sharp."
"There needs to be this combination of the two things you need to be growing hair from your scalp and you need to be retaining length, and that is how you get long hair."
"Customer retention starts with awesome service."
"As you go through our lessons on the pathway, you'll likely come across words and phrases you want to remember."
"If you solve someone's problem well and they start using it, they really have no reason to ever stop."
"Why would I give you a new revelation if you've forgotten all of the old?"
"The more you take time and explore, the more it stays with you."
"I feel like there should be some kind of Men in Black eraser that once you get this knowledge you know you can't take it with you, but I'm taking it [__] with me."
"If they just treated people like 10 percent better, they'd probably never lose anybody."
"I'm definitely not getting rid of this one."
"They remember everything, even all the insults."
"I never forget. Remember that. I've never forgotten anything."
"You show me something once and it just sticks."
"More often than not a summary is going to give you a better result of something that you might want to come back to."
"Driver recruiting is important, but taking care of the drivers they got is more important."
"People don't quit because of bad jobs, they quit because of bad management."
"...keeping that experience there too."
"I love paying good employees, I love retaining them."
"success is not how many people come success is how many people stay"
"...get everything that you're learning into your long-term memory."
"Retention for us as Hunters gets zero attention and all of it gets put on the recruitment which effectively makes us the retained Hunters less interested or less engaged cuz our experience is worse."
"Active reading is a must if you want to retain the information that you're reading."
"They hold on to it, it's not like they just learn quickly and then poof it's gone."
"...it's really hard to do that and then keep your fans and make new fans without losing a big chunk of your fan base."
"Recruitment is easy, retention is hard."
"Start with Unit Nine. Learn something for 5 to 10 minutes, then force yourself to recall it by writing it out or answering a practice question."
"...and it retains this feature the whole time during the project."
"FSRS is very, very good at predicting that retrievability and getting you the retention that you said that you want to get."
"FSRS is individualized, and you can choose the desired retention."
"One of the most important metrics for all startups is retention."
"Writing that stuff down internalizes it."
"That's what every other very successful website focuses on: they all focus on trying to keep users trapped on the site."
"I got good grades. I passed. Did I retain any of that information? Clearly not."
"We're going to keep it in here 'cause what does that mean?"
"One in three customers will leave a brand that they love after just one bad interaction."
"You could name a niche, like let's just say golf, and I know how a golf retention curve looks. I know what moments in playing golf, people start to fall off really heavily."
"Attention means nothing without retention."
"Active learning means instead of you reading the information, you try to remember it."
"The retention report will show you data that helps you understand how frequently and for how long users engage with your website or mobile app after their first visit."
"This is going to be worth it. We're going to want to keep listening and that's the goal."
"Marketing existing clients is much cheaper than acquiring new ones."
"It's not about casual fans or getting new people in, it's about taking the people you have and making them happy."
"Remarketing allows you to identify previous customers or visitors to your website and serve them paid ads on other sites and social media platforms."
"Remarketing encourages those people to come back by reminding them why they clicked on your ad in the first place."
"The more times that you expose yourself to the information, it's going to stick inside your head."
"I loved taking my paper notes, I loved writing out as much as I could. It helped me retain my information."
"Your abandoned cart emails can help to solve those problems."
"There is no better way than teaching others about what you've learned to make sure it sticks in your brain."
"Your memory storage is not so easily wiped."
"You don't need to memorize what we're telling you, you just need to know the general idea."
"And if the users get hurt and don't get what they want, they will leave."
"So, what happens if you don't do anything about this and your employee engagement score stays the same and you keep losing top employees to XYZ competitor? What are the ramifications for you at that point?"
"Because there's a bit of charisma, they wouldn't want to get rid of me, if that makes sense."
"This is another staple, definitely holding on to this one."
"The single greatest reported increase of testosterone ever is semen retention while having sex."
"If you were trying to move a retention-style metric, rarely should you go right to the source and send them more email or push notification."
"One of the biggest successes in increasing retention comes from inflecting the early user experience."
"If the job was awesome and everybody was treated like a human being, then you'd have people wanting to join rather than people wanting to leave."
"Focus more on email marketing and SMS. The best way to bring visitors back is to grab their email or their phone number."
"When people are laughing they're retaining information better."
"Take good notes, add this to your notes."
"If I feel that the engineer is a flight risk and I do want to retain the engineer, I would definitely find out what is causing the engineer to look for a new role."
"Come for the guidance, stay for the knowledge."
"I'm going to keep it because it's very interesting."
"If I can get somebody to hear, read, write, and say something six times, I'm going to gain 62% of their retention."
"Listen if we stuff enough mofos in there, some of them are going to leave and the ones that leave, they were never coming back again anyway."
"But I like the fact that it's not losing anything because that's usually the trade-off that we associate with a cam swap."
"It's very easy to get someone to buy something once the real skill is to get them to want to buy it again and come back."
"Retention will give you insights into how to deal with pain, how to live with pain and become stronger."
"Understanding a subject before you memorize greatly improves your retention."
"Once you learn a skill, if you do not practice it, you're going to lose it."
"Visual aids like videos, presentations, and infographics can enhance comprehension and retention, especially for visual learners."
"Teaching others involves deep processing and makes it more likely that you'll retain information."
"The hardest part is keeping your money. It's not hard to make money in a given day. It's hard to keep it over a long run."
"Athena is ready to retain the Ring of Honor women's title at Battle of the belt."
"You need a hook that's going to peak someone's curiosity for them to keep watching."
"A strong outro is going to have someone continue watching the other videos on your channel."
"If your people are not willing to stay, it is going to be so expensive for you to keep bringing people in and training them."
"I hope you subscribe and hopefully I can keep you around for a long time."
"Why do people forget things and what can we do to remember them better?"
"The two key characteristics to remembering better are integration and distinctiveness."
"Make sure that first experience they have in your store is worthwhile because they'll never come back if it's not worthwhile."
"I kept the lagoon not just because I like the way it adds some sort of kinetic energy to Tomorrowland."
"It's worth committing these to memory."
"It's like riding a bike. You never forget."
"Repetition, repetition, repetition. This will protect that which you have memorized from slipping away from you."
"People come to my channel because they want to learn like a native, rather than just get a bunch of vocabulary and forget it."
"Learning is a habit and essentially it's just repeating things until they stick in your head."
"Adjust the interval modifier to maximize your retention rate."
"The only thing that's interesting when you're building a meaningful business is what's your retention."
"Always be on the lookout for a hook - something that captures your viewers' attention and makes them want to keep watching."
"Information without emotion is barely retained. Information with a lot of emotion is massively retained."
"Information with a lot of emotion is massively retained."
"...memory researchers...made a big point out of the fact...your chances of remembering something are greatly enhanced if there's an emotional context to the event."
"Our mind is built for having thoughts, not holding thoughts."
"You will not retain what you do not appreciate."
"Your business is not built on new clients, it is built on loyal clients."
"So, if you learn something and you don't use it, then you're only going to retain it for a little while. But if you teach the stuff you learn, you retain a much greater percentage of that."
"Putting knowledge in the SRS is like putting your money into the bank. It's gonna be safe, no matter what happens."
"If your viewer isn't being engaged entertained informed or gaining anything from your video they're probably not going to continue to watch your videos."