
Financial Growth Quotes

There are 1742 quotes

"Making money work for you is the first step towards financial independence."
"The effects of meditation on health are important, and that's why tens of thousands of doctors recommend you do your meditation."
"The fifth secret to never being broke again is now you got to put your money to work."
"The key to abundance is accept who you are, and like about yourself more, and eventually, hopefully, if you love yourself more, that grows your money container."
"What you appreciate appreciates. If you appreciate money, money will appreciate you back."
"Dividend stocks are an amazing investment asset that can grow your money and grow your income for life."
"In 30 years, this $150 that I spent on my jacket would have become more than $1,100."
"The secret to building wealth is not by pinching pennies; it's by using your money strategically to buy things, assets, which are going to make you more money."
"If you can find a sector where you're positive on the commodity outlook and you couple in exploration success with new discoveries, that's how you can make 30 to 50 100 times your money in some stocks."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world because now your money is working hard to earn you more money, and every time your money does that, you're going to have more money that you can send out to work hard and earn you more money."
"You got to have patience, because building a business, building a side hustle, getting the raises, doing all you got to do to earn more money does take time."
"For the people who actually catch on to this, and for the people who actually go out and learn how to create their own bank, we're talking about an addition of extra millions in their portfolio over the next few years."
"It's still remarkable how powerful your dollars can be even if you're not at the very beginning of your financial journey."
"Those who learn the skill sets of attracting this and retaining it and growing it, that's what I want to talk about here with you today."
"Your money is gonna grow, Sagittarius, really grow over the course of 2020... it's like a steady increase to your abundance."
"The only investments you should make are the ones that earn you money."
"Just over a year ago, I deposited $20,000 into my first crypto account. As of today, it's now worth $1.7 million."
"To double your income and impact, triple your investment in personal transformation and professional learning."
"Every dollar that you can invest has the potential to turn into 88 by the time that you turn 65."
"Thankfully, my first investment was Apple. When you do something like that, it very suddenly opens up your eyes to what the potential is."
"The market tends to return about 7% to 8%...What that means is that your money will essentially double every 10 years if you do nothing."
"The only way that you'll continuously grow your account is if you can keep your losses smaller than your profits."
"Imagine only having two dollars and 26 cents in your bank account. Now, fast forward five years, and now you're a millionaire. Does that really happen?"
"The real trades that are life-changing are the ones that you hold for a long period of time."
"If you invest it and don't touch it, it'll double every seven years."
"Investing is all about sending your money out that way your money can attract you more money."
"Invest in yourself. Okay, yes, I believe in investing in stocks and we're gonna get to that, but if you think about your paycheck and cut it into slivers and reinvest 10% of that paycheck into a project that you know that you can make more money with, at the end of a few months, you're gonna have seed investments for your own idea."
"This is your year of learning how to grow your money, how to save it, and invest it."
"Investing is much more about that regular amount you invest and just watching it grow over 10 or 20 years."
"What is important here is that you get started investing. You start building that habit of putting money in stocks each and every month, no matter what."
"You want to be investing as much money as possible and you want to be constantly adding more money into your brokerage account every single month, every single year so that you are taking advantage of that compound growth in the stock market and building your wealth exponentially."
"The power of compounding your money is realizing the power of putting your money into the right assets."
"The idea stays the same, that you need to compound your money. The whole idea behind that is anytime you make money, you want to reinvest at least some of it. That way, your money is growing and the money your money made is growing."
"The only way to do that is by investing that money into something that will make us compound interest."
"The attraction of stock market investing is that you can make your money into more money."
"The point of investing is for your money to be able to make more money."
"The philosophy behind investing is that you buy something now, and that something makes you more money over time."
"The difference between making money and creating wealth is crucial. Making money is about earning, but wealth creation is about making your money work for you, even when you're not working."
"Six Flags' revenues rose from nearly 25 million in 1994 to nearly 1.5 billion in 2019."
"We're doing this together; we're growing our wealth together."
"A rebirth, new beginnings in finances and in home."
"I'm a big fan of investing and having your money work for you; you don't just want it sitting there, you want it to at least beat inflation and make you more on top of that."
"Invest in self-education... Do you back yourself? Because I believe when it comes to investing in yourself and investing in education, the simple fact of the matter is, do you believe that you are the certain person that could get this information and make more money from it?"
"As investors, we're looking for asymmetric opportunities—more upside than downside."
"This investment plan would have left an investor with a fortune of about 13 million dollars by 2021."
"Most people just want their money to grow; they want it to be relatively safe."
"I saw a 178% increase from month one to month two, and a 737% increase from month two to month three. And that right there is what told me that it was possible to earn passive income."
"Do not ask for money... ask to be put into the position to make money."
"Nothing is more powerful than when your money makes more money."
"Rich people are focused on buying assets. An asset is basically something that consistently puts money back into your pocket."
"Once a penny joins your army, that penny's new job is to go and find other pennies to recruit into your bank account."
"The beautiful thing about passive income... is as it grows, it starts to snowball and gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"I realized that the power of compounding your money, I realized the power of putting your money into the right assets."
"If you've got 10 pounds or 10,000 pounds, there is an opportunity for absolutely everyone to invest and make a return."
"Compound interest is a beautiful way of making money work without you having to do anything. It's working itself, it's building the muscles."
"It's the fact that years ago I said I make millionaires, now I've reached the level where I make billionaires."
"World-class AI driving a 10x market cap improvement in terms of the potential."
"You guys, financial health, literally your abundance, your resources is growing, baby."
"Scientology's membership has been suffering since the early '90s... but their bank accounts have continued to grow."
"The Schwab Dividend Equity ETF...won't make you rich like some of these other stocks might, but it will give you both dividends and returns for as long as you hold it."
"Educate yourself in this space, your net worth goes up."
"Bitcoin... it's up 250 percent annualized for the last 10 years. Why would you ever trade it?"
"You don't expect to make a million dollars in the next week or in the next two weeks or in the next year. You start bit by bit, and then you start to scale."
"Taxes are a major headwind in financial growth, so avoiding or minimizing the impact of taxes is extremely important."
"BYD's stock is up over 1,400% since Buffett first invested."
"The creator economy is currently valued at $20 billion, with estimations that it could grow to $104.2 billion this year."
"My first commission from Amazon was only $2.12, but now it's up to $970 a day."
"Portfolio went from 11k down to 4k and now up to 32k from AMC."
"I want a deal that has great appreciation upside and great cash flow."
"You can't imagine how to get to 20 million. See, I wish somebody told me this...how do you make money, how do you keep money, how do you multiply money?"
"Your money is going to be... unexpected boom in money."
"You have to be patiently aggressive because you want your money to double now, exactly. It might take 10 years, yeah, but if you are willing to do the 10 years, it may double 40 times."
"A thousand dollars is nine doubles away from a million."
"It's unbelievable how fast equity and that net worth builds. It's like, wow."
"You're literally learning how to put $1 into a money machine and take out $3 or $4."
"If you can take one dollar and turn it into two dollars, you can take $10,000 and turn it into $20,000."
"When I first left, in the first three months, I made more in those first three months than I made in 15 years."
"When you see the compounding of your money, even in the early days, it's a motivation to continue along those lines."
"Get over your fear of investing...hoarding your cash in a bank account is a losing proposition because inflation will slowly but surely destroy the purchasing power of your cash."
"With the Royals' value skyrocketing over the last few years, Mahomes' 1% stake... could be worth over a $100 million."
"When I was 25, I bought a commercial property... and then, like, you rent the shops out to businesses to make money back on the investment. It's a pretty good investment, you know."
"If you're getting smarter faster than the market is getting harder, then you're going to make life-changing money."
"Normally speaking, you should be able to double your money roughly every seven to ten years in the market."
"If you understand... the power of true compounding... you can grow your assets at 15% a year, that means you'll double your assets every five years."
"You are going to be surrounded by a lot of people who are going to help you build your finances."
"The beautiful thing about this is I believe this will provide me with more dividend income long-term because those high yielding dividend stocks wouldn't be growing their dividends, but Louis Vuitton will do a great job of growing those dividend payouts moving forward."
"I believe in investing long-term and so investments that I make, I invest in businesses and stocks that long-term are gonna have a positive return, a positive yield."
"Investing is how you make your money work for you to create wealth."
"Stop thinking about money, focus on your purpose... As your purpose grows, more money will come in."
"Your money is going to increase or business things paying off or increasing."
"Business and Career Success coming to you and money."
"When the Federal Reserve starts cutting rates again and asset values explode, guess who's going to win the most? People who went out of the way to acquire more assets."
"You gotta start growing the pie, you gotta start earning more money."
"It's easier to get from a million to a billion than it is to get from a hundred to a million."
"Their sales are growing and also their net income is growing, those are both beautiful metrics."
"charlie's worth has been growing almost daily"
"Compound interest means that you earn money on the money you've already earned."
"The entire crypto asset ecosystem hit somewhere between 2.9 and 3 trillion dollars."
"Master trend and structure, and your ability to accurately make market predictions will increase by 10."
"I think an expectation of seeing a 10x move from the prior peak in 2017 seems like the most accurate prediction."
"Dividend investing is a magical, magical thing. It's a way you can compound money so your money makes you more and more money."
"That emergence, it's happening. It's in emerging markets."
"Telus allows you to take advantage of DRIPs with only a small investment while still increasing dividends every year."
"The investor who put two hundred dollars into the market consistently every single month regardless of where it was at turned that ninety six thousand dollars into one million three hundred and eighty six thousand."
"Risk to reward ratio is very important, you have a greater chance to grow your account."
"Transparency is a huge net benefit... I plan on continuing to share my portfolio, my investments, sharing my progress through trying to build wealth."
"Don't give up if money is slow for you right now. You have what it takes to make more, but you also have it in flow coming."
"Some of you may be starting your own business or making more money using your creativity. Entrepreneurship could be calling your name."
"It's about increasing your money, your coins, your holdings, and then putting it to work and earning more money with that."
"I want to be in gold, I want to be in crypto, and those things are going to start to go off, you know, and go up like rockets."
"Real estate is where most people make their Millions... it's like having a large bank account that's gonna eventually pay you in dividends over years."
"Invest your money so then your money will invest into your own future."
"Your money gets to grow completely tax-free."
"Increasing the earnings per share and the free cash flow per share and returning money directly back to me."
"If we start understanding that as a group is the people like i my first forex account i took it was a 200 account in the two and a half weeks i grew it at 3 000."
"Roosters will excel in leadership, networking, and financial growth during 2024."
"Investing in Cardano because we think it's going to be worth more by the end of this year than when you're putting money in."
"Price to value: There's no ceiling to your income."
"I do see huge growth here and it is a stock I wanted to diversify that's not 100% crypto-related."
"Literally every single person in my circle who has been in crypto since 2017 or before are now millionaires."
"XRP breakout between July and December forecasts 31x surge to $15."
"It's never been cheaper to invest with zero dollar trades and fees."
"Creators typically double their earnings over the course of their first year on the platform."
"Stocks you can buy now for the next decade and make multiples on your money."
"By 1990, Apple's sales surged to 5.6 billion dollars."
"Bitcoin offers both with an average annual return of 300 since 2011."
"The exponential run-up and life-changing wealth is happening in this space in a few years and decades."
"Best case scenario, if Polka Dot hits 200-300, is it unrealistic that the bridge underneath could hit 750 million?"
"Clearly, you want to identify companies whose share price will grow in value in the future. That is the point of investing."
"Dogecoin: Started as a joke, now making millionaires."
"AMC is the baby squeeze, it takes the next millionaire baby."
"I think if you hold this kind of portfolio for the next 20 weeks you're going to make some life-changing money."
"There's huge upside for some of these coins."
"Proper risk management will help you protect what you work for while still giving you the proper opportunity to grow the accounts quickly."
"I see a lot of you having a side hustle that eventually becomes your main squeeze when it comes to making money."
"We have done it by having 250 investors... who participated in four consecutive capital raises."
"Guys, our park value's getting up there. Our park value is getting up there."
"When you're outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall." - Rick Rule
"These numbers are Big Numbers we're going to be getting into the point the further we go on quarter after quarter, in this to really begin to feel that debt drag on economic growth."
"The move was completed in 1975. The next year, revenues grew 13% and profit, 97%."
"The money that you're making is easy and quick in increasing quantities."
"Father Lord, please remove anything that is hindering the growth of my finances. In Jesus' name, grant me clever ideas to run my business in order to grow my finances."
"Compound interest: turn every dollar into $1.56."
"We have backing from C Fund, Alameda Research, Double Peak."
"Wealth is not static but dynamic, a resource that flows, changes, and evolves."
"Set yourself on the right pathway to growing your account."
"No, I said it turned from a hundred thousand to a million, yeah. So you said it five x. No, I said it ten x."
"Just keep your investments rolling, even Cardano because I see it going to $350, $400."
"This is a reminder: You are early. It's not too late. Over time, you make money in crypto, no question about it."
"You need outsized returns to break through to the next level of financial freedom."
"Even if Bitcoin only goes up 30% a year for the next nine or ten years, that still takes it to way over a million dollars."
"Saturn is helping you make more money and make your dreams come true."
"Yeah, but my point was just that just, because you've been bad with money in the past doesn't mean that you cannot learn, and ended up really good with money."
"Some of you going be making way more money in December."
"Speed up people's learning curves and their wealth curves."
"Investing now gives your money more time to grow and allows for a better retirement."
"Hiding under a rock and never investing has never resulted in financial success."
"No limit is a university and now he his own boss making millions and millions and soon to be billions of dollars."
"Trading is a skill that can compound you an infinite amount of money... the byproduct of successful trading."
"China's financial institutions are already surpassing global counterparts in lending to the developing world."
"Civilize the mind, make savage the body, build the bank account."
"Appreciate the magic of compounding... results are absolutely insane."
"This is going to be one of the most certain 10-20-50X investments anyone could get into."
"The buying pressure mounted, stocks were rising by two, three, even four times their previous value in a single day."
"There's a narrative there and that's why things get so bullish, these tip of the spear projects can really multiply."
"Fortunately, the abundance cycle bears fruit for us."
"It's easier to get a great rate of return when you're working with smaller amounts of money."
"How can you take this little bit of money that you're making and scale it into something a whole lot bigger?"
"Work smarter, not harder—invest in skills that pay off and fund your dreams."
"Negotiating higher commissions with affiliate programs - it works!"
"Bitcoin is mathematically programmed to go up, it can't go anywhere else, and we're so early in adoption."
"It's almost impossible to fail and to not make money with some of these things."
"Invest your money to make your money work for you."
"Money is flowing naturally into cryptocurrency."
"Passive income through affiliate marketing - a journey from $32 to over $3,000 a month. Believe in the process."
"This could hit a 5 billion market cap this year well certainly in the next 12 months and that would make it a 98 times gainer."
"This is a emerging multi trillion dollar asset class that's going to come into fruition over the next coming cycles which is going to be over a matter of at least a decade before this becomes well known mainstream and owned by a lot of people."
"Here's how to scale your agency from six to seven figures."
"I turned 40 thousand into 290 mm in one month. I'm showing you that it's possible to turn a small account into a big account in one month."
"I want you to become an investor and I want you to win."
"If your goal is to grow your money, you can do that through the stock market... You own a piece of these companies and as these companies grow, so do you."
"Started with no money and here I am 50 million dollars late in real estate."
"The future is year one I project 82,000. Second year is 1.2 million and the third year is 2.8 million."
"Bitcoin is outperforming everything in two, four, six, eight, and ten years."
"D5 can be 100 times larger than today in just five years."
"I want you to find a way to have a healthy relationship with your money and with your wealth where you can say okay three years ago I was here I started from the bottom now I'm here right."
"Index funds over the last 60 years have increased 8% on average."
"If this is a quality project, it could have a 100x potential."
"Crypto gaming could take this industry into the trillions."
"If you just left it invested over that 40-year period that ten thousand dollars could turn into over a million dollars."
"The money just freakin rolls in. It's kinda crazy."
"Cryptocurrency all coins I think have huge potential for huge profits in the long term."
"There shall be increase, a mantle of wealth."
"People will be more accepting of other cultures and more forgiving as Jupiter makes us kinder."
"Expect financial opportunities and growth, stability, and improved self-worth."
"Bowser's Fury combines every form of 3D Mario and still makes it unique."
"Compound interest is reinvesting earned interest back into the principle of an investment resulting in exponential growth over time."
"If you put a million dollars 35 years ago in the stock market, it's worth $26 million today. In private Equity, it's $39 million."
"You're changing your finances. It's gonna be good no matter what."
"Investing as early as you can... that one year difference will literally double your initial investment."