
Moral Obligation Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"The nature of empathy and obligation to other conscious selves becomes something we can start to tackle in a really interesting way."
"People have a powerful drive for reciprocity. If you offer something to someone for free, it doesn't allow people to discharge their moral burden."
"The circle of altruism has broadened from the family and tribe to the nation and race, and we are beginning to recognize that our obligations extend to all human beings."
"There is an objective categorical reason not to behave this way that you are irrational to disregard."
"I am in a situation where I have the opportunity to minimize unnecessary suffering in such a way that there is practically no skin off my back. To me, that is almost the definition of a moral obligation."
"I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men."
"We each have a moral obligation to exercise good judgment and model the behavior we hope they will emulate."
"For some, the promise of 'never again' for all peoples is a slogan; for Israel, it is the highest moral obligation."
"Freedom of speech is the paramount right and also the paramount moral obligation."
"We have a very strong moral obligation to welcome those Afghans who have risked their lives, their families' lives, their livelihoods to help our troops, our diplomats, and our intelligence professionals."
"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required."
"We have a moral obligation to provide support and compensation to these heroes and their families."
"We have a moral obligation, we have a geopolitical obligation to the safety security of the world to intervene if necessary."
"I believe that the United States has a moral obligation to help Laos heal."
"It's a luxury to pursue what makes you happy; it's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful."
"The law that fulfills our moral obligation here in America: health care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few."
"If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought morally to do it."
"Sound of Freedom is not a movie you'll want to see at all; it's a movie you have to see."
"He knew it was his duty, his obligation to put an end to this horrible place."
"With great power, becomes a great responsibility."
"We have to act now. It's not just to meet the moral obligation to treat our fellow Americans with the dignity and respect they deserve."
"If you're going to send our kids off... there's a moral requirement to make sure they're safe."
"God commands me to speak up against such things."
"We have a moral responsibility to act and act boldly and to do that yes it is going to be expensive."
"Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another."
"Don't withhold, don't hold back from doing good when you have the opportunity to do it."
"Gratitude is an understanding that you owe something to the past."
"It's the right thing to do to tell the truth."
"We have an absolute obligation to crush that evil where we see it."
"We are now at an end of abundance, and it's your moral obligation to embrace this end of abundance."
"If you are required to get vaccinated then you are morally required to do it."
"I genuinely believe in the views that I hold and therefore I feel morally obligated to find ways to bring them into action to make them actually successful."
"You have a moral obligation to act happy even if you don't feel happy."
"Reparations are not just a demand but a moral obligation, an acknowledgement of the unpaid historical debt."
"The real question, Eleanor… is what do we owe to each other."
"Our obligations, it's not just to win this war but survive."
"I just believe that we owe each other a little bit more than that..."
"You can only owe me a righteous, perfect, sinless being to stand and sacrifice."
"If you can help them if it's within your power then you should."
"To whom much is given, much will be required."
"You don't owe people nothing but love, they say that in the Bible."
"Now's the time to finally meet our moral obligations to provide every child a world-class education."
"Everybody always heard this is now morally responsible for doing something about this."
"If it's within your power to act and you withhold it..."
"Truthfulness is not just a professional obligation but a moral duty."
"We all as human beings have a moral obligation to seek the truth."
"We have no choice as moral human beings but to address the planetary crisis of climate change. It's not a choice."
"Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty."
"It would be a sin to fail to manifest your full potential."
"Here's my question: If it's within our power to prevent mass extinction, are we morally obligated to intervene?"
"As legislators, we have a moral obligation to act... to end the epidemic of gun violence in our country."
"He has power, and with great power there must also come great responsibility."
"We owe the people of Afghanistan everything we can do."
"You have power and with great power there must also come great responsibility."
"Trying is not just an option, it is an absolute obligation."
"The oppressor still has obligations to the oppressed."
"Whatever you do to the least among me there thus you also do to me."
"Pay all of them their dues... honor to whom honor is due."
"If you have the ability, you have the responsibility; if you can, then you must."
"What the 'he shouldn't have been there' folks are saying is that your moral obligation is to sit there and take it."
"Our moral responsibility to Ukrainians and to our own people and of course the economic imperatives make that essential."
"Everybody deserves a defense, and the people who've done the most egregious things absolutely need that defense." - Rob
"Slavery reparation becomes not only essential but a moral obligation."
"All of us are given a life. And with this life, regardless of your religious beliefs or whatever, there's a responsibility that you're given."
"That servant goes out, he finds his brother, who owes him a small debt, and that debt was three days' wage."
"There has to be a transcendent code to which we are all obligated."
"As long as the thing that you're doing has the potential to benefit at least one person, then there's almost a moral obligation on you to put it out there."
"I think that we have a responsibility to act and behave like humans."
"My silence at such a time would be criminal."
"With great power, there must also be great responsibility."
"I felt like sharing this with you is simply a moral obligation."
"When you deprive somebody of something, you make it right by paying what you owe."
"And in the church barely makes a peep, you understand? We barely defend what God has created. The world then because of the lack of us showing up to the fight, the world has carte blanche to redefine things."
"We are morally obligated to ensure the brave Ukrainian Fighters and the Ukrainian people have the security and economic aid that they need."
"Until he does come back, you're supposed to do the right thing."
"We need to be right, we need to do what's right, we need to do the will of God."
"These people want to create unjust laws and I agree with Jefferson if a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it he is obligated to do so."
"Just because it's not easy doesn't mean that it's not our responsibility to do something about it."
"If you can spare one person that much agony, you have to go back."
"Let us remember that since we have received much, much will be demanded of us."
"Genocide binds all of us and all of us should be compelled to stop it."
"Great power means great responsibility, guys."
"Andrew is running as a parent and as a patriot on values that are so dear to us as a family and so urgently important for our country."
"One person dying without health care shouldn't even happen in this country."
"David Wilkie had considered Fisher his closest friend but to David Lee Fisher money was more important than friendship or even life itself."
"Come out to my Mass, it's a little sin not to."
"I couldn't in good conscience leave him like that."
"These are responsibilities that you're abdicating, but no one else will pick up."
"These are opportunities that you are morally obligated to take, that you are denying because you don't want to have an uncomfortable conversation."
"We all have compassion and love in us... we have an obligation to aspire to the better parts of our nature."
"A vow to live up to Ben's words: great power and great responsibility."
"Whoever your higher power is, we all got to answer to that person."
"Does the fact that humans are directly responsible for accelerating the thawing of the permafrost give us a responsibility to reduce the damage?"
"We all can and should care, and I think we all have an obligation to do what we can to solve all the tough problems out there that we're dealing with."
"I just feel like when you know better we got to do better."
"I think they have to act both morally and for the sake of our Constitution."
"Reparations is not philanthropy, it's not you showing goodwill, white America, it's you paying your bill."
"This is not a conundrum. You don't leave that dog to suffer."
"Monotheism, the need for piety, and fear of the Last Judgment."
"There's no excuse for not knowing certain aspects of the natural law."
"Be loving, be careful, be compassionate, act as if their whole soul depends upon them understanding this."
"For us to not accept the invitation or for us to not dress for the occasion of the invitation is a slap in the face to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"It would be our duty to show firmness and serene resistance to such abuse."
"Each man is owed the effort of understanding how he has become what he is."
"If you have the ability to help right now, you have to help."
"I have an obligation to speak about things that might be uncomfortable."
"Charity is not an option, it's an obligation." - Paul Stanley
"The Ten Commandments are as binding today as ever."
"The one thing that we won't submit to has been here the whole time: keep God's commandments and live."
"I believe we're tasked to be the conscious managers of his creation, to be good shepherds, and so far as we fail to recognize this mandate, darkness and chaos is the inevitable result."
"We have an obligation to protect our children."
"Even if we don't get to live in the better world that we hope for, we're still obligated to fight for it."
"Those who helped us are not going to be left behind."
"In this one, you are not obliged to keep that to yourself morally or legally, but especially morally. He was incredibly immoral in this situation."
"Just clear their head blasting the last thing that's going to help that is some blaring music."
"Doing so is not just an option, it's our absolute obligation."
"If that's your homie and you know this man and he rode for you, you owe him that."
"As a human being, as an American, as a liberal, I had no choice but to object."
"Real love can't operate if there's fear. You owe everybody to love them, period."
"We must stand with Ukraine; it's not a choice, it's a moral duty."
"Our soul will be troubled as long as systemic racism is allowed to persist."
"There is no moral obligation to obey the law simply because it is the law."
"If I offend you I need to take care of it as soon as possible. If I offend the Lord I need to take care of it as soon as possible and have a clear conscience before God and others."
"Every single person has... a moral responsibility as Canadians because this is a battle for the soul of our nation."
"You gotta do the right thing. When you know they're on your ass, Vlad, you gotta do the right thing."
"Reparations is the moral equivalent of what we're doing."
"Christians are mandated to do the right thing."
"We're called to do the right thing, even when wronged."
"God does love everyone... and requires that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves."
"With great things come great responsibility."
"Individualism without any sort of teaching in your moral debt owed to others ends with hedonism and it ends with narcissism and it ends with societal collapse and anarchy."
"If someone's weak and suffering, there's no way you can just leave them."
"Charity is one of the virtues that you must put on."
"If we cannot protect our children, then we are failing as a society."
"If you have these kids you better and do right by them."
"Martin Luther King said we have a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws." - Neil Oliver
"I haven't been able to be silent... there are times when you have to stand, you have to... it calls you, something calls you." - Jasmine Birtles
"I think patriots should advocate for that debt to be paid and for this healing process to start."
"Your natural inclination never exempts you from obedience."
"Liberty as well as honor man ought to preserve at the hazard of his life for without it life is insupportable, the people are the only sure Reliance for the preservation of our Liberty. Liberty means responsibility." - Humble tracker
"When the truth presents itself, you have an obligation to boldly go after it, pursue it."
"If you accept great privileges, you should be ready to accept great responsibilities." - Jesse Duplantis
"If you've caused harm to people, then you must make up for it ten times over, a hundred times over by saving others."
"You cannot play with God, you have got to live right and do the right thing."
"You have a moral obligation to report things that you think are wrong."
"If you're able to help someone at any point before they're in dire need, you have a moral obligation to do so."
"If somebody comes with my crib and seeks to harm my family, I feel like I have a moral obligation to protect them at all costs."
"I don't really give a [ __ ] how painful it is because it is a very specific ethical and moral obligation that I have to give back to the community."
"...being happy is a moral obligation."
"Your father lived by a philosophy he believed that if you could do good things for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things. Responsibility."
"The key question is whether we are bound by a spirit of fraternity, that in the end we're all human beings. This is the only planet which is our home. It is a moral question."
"We have a moral obligation, a moral mandate to get this good news spread."
"Self-discipline is an internal force that morally obligates all Marines to do what they know is right."
"Even if just one person says, 'you know what, let me change', I feel like we've done our moral obligation."
"Forgiveness is not an elective; it's a requirement."
"I believe that everybody once or twice in his life is called upon to stand up for truth and decency."
"I just genuinely am concerned that I am morally obliged to tell her because personally I would have wanted someone to tell me if my boyfriend was cheating and if the situation was reversed and she had known, I would have wanted her to let me know."
"When do we say something? All these years, 16 years we never like we're not gonna say nothing. Nah, we gotta say something."
"Remember that always, it's a quote from Zig Ziglar and it's that if you have a product that is way more worth it to people than their money and it truly solves the problem and it's of true value then you have a moral obligation to go out there and sell it."
"But Negroes, like other people, act upon motives. Why should they do anything for us if we will do nothing for them? If they stake their lives for us, they must be prompted by the strongest motive, even the promise of freedom. And the promise being made must be kept."
"The only thing that we're bound by is the moral law."
"...Markuse would say that we have a moral obligation to constantly scrutinize these cultural norms or else we run the risk of living in a much more repressive society than we need to be"
"You had more therefore you must help those who had less."
"He saved your sister's lives, man. Don't you owe that at least?"
"If today we were presented with a situation in a country like Rwanda where a million people face slaughter, there would be a moral duty to inter."
"We have a moral obligation to provide constructive feedback to others."
"We laughed at the moral obligation comment."
"The only way, in my view, to effectively discharge that moral obligation is to embed it within a broader humanistic vision for the society as a whole."
"Israel has obligations, it has responsibilities that are moral, that are strategic, and that are legal to do everything it can to protect civilians and to get assistance to the many who need it."
"There is no debate among Christians that we are obligated among all people to help widows and orphans in their distress."
"Justice is giving back what is owed."
"You are absolutely obligated by every sense of self-interest, personal, sensual, spiritual, you are incentivized to do the right thing."
"Our highest moral obligation has to be to deliver the capacity to live a complete, fulfilling human life to as many people as we can."
"To whom much is given, of him shall much be required."
"Forgiveness is the obligation of being forgiven."
"Let no debt remain except for the outstanding debt to love one another."
"We have another reason to be involved since 1948: our nation has recognized and accepted a moral obligation to assure the continued existence of Israel as a nation."
"Human persons are obligated to behave morally, not as Stalin behaved."
"Your moral responsibility is proportional to your ability to comprehend."
"We cannot fail to do what is right and what we know is possible."
"Duty is that thing that if you do not do it, you will feel a profound sense of self-betrayal."
"It starts with this presupposition which is we owe things to each other."
"He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
"We all have a duty to provide universal hospitality to each and all."
"...if you see your brother sister in need and do not have pity on them, the love of God is not in you."
"At the point of which you believe that adding autonomy reduces injury and death, you have a moral obligation to deploy it."
"Morally there's an obligation to do it."
"The reason workers take on the risks is that they also feel a sense of obligation, a sense of moral commitment to their fellow workers."
"For whom much is given, much is required."
"We don't owe any man anything except to love one another."
"It's not good, then it's shameful, because this rich country, this great country, can afford to take care of the least of these."
"The suffering of the child is bad, and that you are morally obligated to try to douse the flames."
"We owe it to them, we humans, to give them a decent life."
"To him that knows to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
"Happiness is not frivolous; it's a moral obligation because of how you impact other people."
"You are a journalist. Do you believe that journalists have some moral obligation? Yes or no?"
"People have obligations towards poor people, people have obligations towards helpless orphans."
"I feel I have an obligation, a moral obligation, to help these people who have put their life on the line."
"He has an obligation to do right by the world and the people in it."