
Learning From Mistakes Quotes

There are 1066 quotes

"Financial independence is about making sacrifices and learning from your mistakes."
"I believe that a faster decision, even if it's a decision that you have to correct, is better than no decision."
"Mistakes I began to think of as puzzles that if I could solve the puzzle, I would get a gem."
"Everybody makes silly mistakes... you're not going to approach perfection by avoiding silly mistakes. The way to do it is to be able to systematically know when you've made them."
"You are learning how to forgive yourself and forgive yourself of past mistakes."
"Taking accountability and responsibility is important for parents so kids will know okay this isn't right. This is a mistake. So that when they are making the same mistakes, they don't leave their house thinking that this is just a way of being, but that these are things that we are growing."
"Stay true to yourself, move in faith, don't be so hard on yourself, mistakes are okay."
"Parents get mad because they want their child to have access to better opportunities in life and they don't want them to make the same messed up mistakes they did."
"Learn from your mistakes. If you mess up, take something positive from it."
"Never let anyone define you. Let your mistakes and experiences refine and redesign you."
"Unhappy situations must be alchemically transmuted into knowledge; they must become the basis of doing it better next time."
"The greatest Folly of all is to make the same mistake twice. If you make it once, it may be anyone's fault; if you make it twice, it's your own."
"When I make a mistake, I've got to correct myself publicly and then I've got to make sure I learn the right lesson from the mistake in and of itself."
"Mistakes are made, and you need to pay the consequences."
"If we don't do some sort of post-mortem...we will live to make these mistakes again."
"The best thing for a coach is making mistakes, having the team fail, and then coming back, changing your style, and learning how to be a good coach."
"We are meticulously watching back the footage, trying to catch as many of our mistakes as possible."
"You only get stuck there (in the past) if you don't learn from those mistakes while you're consistently moving forward."
"Learn from your mistakes, teach other people from them, and that way, somebody benefits from what you lost."
"I've never looked at it that way actually... as much as it shouldn't have happened, I can learn from it and I can take so much experience from it that I can use to help people."
"Success is the result of good judgment, good judgment comes from experience, and experience often comes from bad judgment."
"Mistakes are normal, they're part of the process. Making mistakes, learning, and growing from them."
"And learning and growing in your career with the right mentors and with the right level of patience for yourself and ability to learn from your own mistakes is a crucial part of career development."
"I've definitely done stupid stuff in the past, but I do stupid things, I learn from them, and then I grow." - Dream on personal growth.
"The past and the mistakes that I have made have cultivated where I'm at now in the gratefulness I have."
"A failure is only a bad thing if we don't grow and learn from it, and I intend to keep on failing at that."
"You have to be able to learn, be willing to make mistakes, and then be willing to grow from those mistakes."
"That's okay, this is how you learn in life, you have to mess up to learn."
"A wise man learns from other people's mistakes."
"I'm not ashamed to have these regrets because I think that they helped me grow as a person and helped me learn a lot."
"I've been messing up a lot. I've taken a lot of L's... But the important thing is, every time I made a mistake, I've learned from it and improved myself."
"The idea is you can watch the videos and learn from them and learn from other people's mistakes, including my own mistakes, and go apply these things in your own life so you can speed up your success and get to a place where you're really happy and you really enjoy your life."
"Losing rating and facing failures is the only way to learn from mistakes, and learning from mistakes is the only way you can get better."
"The good thing about democracy is that it is much better than dictatorships at learning from its own mistakes...over time, democracies are much better at learning from mistakes and changing course of action, which is why over time they perform better."
"Learning from mistakes and using them as the turning point to move forward with confidence and renewed vigor."
"If you die in one place, learn from it. On defense, in ranked, if you stop looking outside, you will win more rounds."
"Love the fact that you might have made wrong decisions, because that will make you more motivated to make the right decision in the future."
"Practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is saying a mistake was made, I'm going to learn from it so it doesn't happen again."
"Don't even bother trying to avoid mistakes because you're going to make tons of mistakes. The important thing is actually learning quickly from whatever mistakes you make and not giving up."
"A great positive shift doesn't occur; we will forever be destined to repeat our mistakes on greater and greater scales until we finally do."
"Just keep doing everything you normally do because, yes, I made mistakes along the way, and I did things that I would do differently now, but they got me to where I am now."
"I would have probably made a mistake with this shot, and that is the absolute key to getting these long exposure photographs right and making them look special."
"One of the most important things in life is not to repeat the same mistake twice."
"I'm here today...to try to touch everybody that will listen and teach you how to not make the mistakes that I made."
"Persistence is one of the keys to success... you want to learn from your mistakes."
"Mistakes are not failures; they're lessons that you can take on for the next time you approach drawing."
"Nobody's perfect, and nobody knows everything. We all make mistakes, and mistakes are feedback, they're information."
"You don't give your child everything; you teach them and let them make a few mistakes."
"It's almost like, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
"You don't always get punished every time you make a mistake in the Premier League."
"Learn from my mistakes, don't buy these stupid options."
"My goal... is that tomorrow you don't make the mistake that I made today, and that tomorrow you make so much money off of knowing what you're doing, of knowing how to not repeat the mistakes that I've made, that you make my thirty-nine hundred twenty-six dollars look like dogshit."
"A wise man learns from others' mistakes; a fool learns from his own."
"Some of the best lessons we ever learn, we learn from our mistakes."
"I hope people can learn from their mistakes."
"The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and try to not repeat them."
"At least I learned what not to do, and that is always a valuable lesson."
"I would rather suffer the momentary embarrassment of having been proven wrong even in a public forum than to forever be wrong and never know it."
"It's a great pitfall in life to perfect your mistakes instead of learning from them."
"Acceptance of our past mistakes is crucial; it allows us to learn and grow."
"Maybe this is a good thing it happened because then maybe other people can learn from this from my mistake."
"There's nothing wrong with making a mistake; we can learn and overcome and just make it again."
"The key is to not keep making the same mistake and to get that information out."
"You learn from those, you grow, and you don't make them again."
"Lessons to learn like what not to do maybe more than what to do."
"The world of innovation is all about taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from them."
"Her emotional display in seeing her parents in distress gradually faded after each interjection but you'll now see it completely cease altogether once she realizes that she made her first mistake."
"The key is to not keep making the same mistake."
"We should learn from the enormous mistakes of this pandemic."
"I made pretty much every mistake that someone could possibly make."
"The best time to get a coach is after you lose a bunch of money and waste a bunch of time."
"We should be delighted when we're shown to be wrong because it means we've learned something."
"Mistakes are just problems for you to solve, and over time, with practice and experience, you'll improve."
"Mistakes are only problems if you don't learn from them."
"Everything I've ever done in life, however bad it is, whoever I've hurt, or whatever, I've learned from it."
"Failure in life is being you know... hurt someone badly. This is being you know... being unloyal to anything: to your life, your family, your wife and work. This is failure. For me."
"Finding out you're wrong can be painful, but it's not to be feared. It's actually maybe a good thing because you can learn something."
"This is still good, yep again it's experience, right? I don't want them to just blow this thing up because they rush through it."
"Lesson learned: try not to get hit this time."
"You can't really expect someone to learn from their mistakes or never do it again if they don't understand why it was wrong in the first place."
"A smart person learns from their mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of other people."
"This is about innovating your life, this is about getting stronger, this is about not making those same mistakes again."
"Mistakes are the most information rich data stream there is."
"It's a good thing to make mistakes, you'll learn from them."
"Learn by losing a little, not by going out and learning by losing it all."
"Getting early things wrong, getting late things really right."
"Just remember, take it one step at a time, do the best that you can. You're gonna screw it up, so make sure you learn how to fix it."
"You underestimate people's ability to learn from their mistakes."
"Sometimes you make a mistake, but sometimes your mistakes make you."
"Life's not over until it's over. We might as well live our absolute best and make a bunch of mistakes."
"Making mistakes is not the problem; the problem is when your mistakes... get you to quit."
"It's all about choices and the best that we can possibly do is learn from our own mistakes and learn from the mistakes of others."
"I think everyone makes mistakes; we're human, we learn from it."
"I move on it's never a waste you know what I mean because it's all experiences that you're learning from."
"You must take action and overcome your fear; then the whole universe will help you."
"Scars are important, they remind you of mistakes that you made and don't make the mistake again."
"What is the greatest mistake you've made that you're so grateful for that you made because it made you a better person from the lesson you learned or from the thing you got out of?"
"Gotta sign it even the bad ones you should sign you should love them just because he probably still learned something."
"If you make a mistake then it's okay, you learn from your mistake. It makes you a better person."
"One of the best ways to make sure that you don't make a mistake is by asking a lot of other people the mistakes that they've made and then avoid those things."
"I'm going to say this, one of the biggest mistakes I've made in the last five years is not believing in myself."
"You don't make mistakes, mistakes make you. First of all, makes no sense. That makes no sense, right?"
"Don't let it burn you twice once when you made your poor investment but a second time when you let that bad investment stop you from a good investment."
"What happened? Why did the Newton fail and what can be learned?"
"Remember, mistakes are by a wide margin the very best way of learning."
"Russians are very good at learning from their mistakes, changing when they need to, and adapting on the battlefield."
"Drawing in pen allows you to see your mistakes easier. If you freak up, there's no going back."
"It's time for you to not fear mistakes of the past, you've grown, you've evolved from those times."
"Learn from your mistakes, you're going to make a lot of mistakes and things are not going to come easy to you but in the end everything is going to work out."
"You're never paying a mentor for something that they've done, you're paying for the mistakes that they made."
"There truly is no better case study than Knives Out."
"Hopefully, by the end of this video, you will learn from my mistakes, fix your ineffective studying, and improve your content retention and therefore, your test scores."
"Lessons learned from challenges and mistakes."
"Empowering people means you take an ass chewing... and periodically they're going to make mistakes."
"Remember that these people are human, they're going to make mistakes, they're still learning." - Xavier
"It's interesting to look at the end of games or the moments near when you die and say like those are the mistakes I made."
"Keep in mind, I screwed up for 27 years... immense amount of suffering that I had to endure before I finally learned the lesson I needed to learn."
"You have to learn from your mistakes and you have to be willing to fail. Otherwise, you're never going to develop that kind of thick skin that the world requires."
"I have learned enough to know that there were things we simply did not get right, and I must take responsibility."
"Demonstrate that you've not only had setbacks, but learned from them and become a better employee."
"You gotta make the mistakes... Life Is Fun from the mistakes."
"Lastly, I share my top five mistakes of affiliate marketing that I wish I knew when I got started. That would have saved me months, if not years of frustration and failure."
"Guilds now get to actively watch over attempts and learn from their mistakes."
"You can learn just as much from a mistake as you can from doing it perfect the first time. Trust in the process. If something feels right, do it. If it doesn't, don't."
"Hopefully with that jail time it taught them a lesson."
"It's good to be wrong, that we can change those ideas."
"We learned what our mistakes were and we fixed them really quick."
"Everybody makes mistakes and you should embrace them, you should learn from them."
"It is a wise person indeed who can learn from another's mistakes; usually you have to learn from your own mistakes."
"My heart's desire really became to show people how to avoid the mistakes that we made but then also give them life practical ways of managing their finances."
"Everything is fixable... if you fall, immediately learn and keep moving forward."
"Life boils down to choices, right? You know, I've been married a couple times, I've made all the mistakes in the world, yeah. I didn't do it the smart way, I did it the hard way."
"I love that because I made so many mistakes and I had to learn and deal with it by myself."
"If I hired a man today who was a dumbass but he owned up to his mistakes, apologized for them, genuinely tried to learn, and was dedicated to the cause, I wouldn't fire his ass."
"Just keep going strong and learn from what we have done wrong."
"Mistakes are good mistakes are great in this series right now because I want to see some of those negative events I want to see how the balance has changed."
"It's okay to be wrong and admit where one was wrong and what one learned. That's a central part of the way science works."
"Stay positive... Every time you make a mistake, it's actually an opportunity to improve."
"You have to just feel sad if you fail, you just say, oh well, I failed. That was a bad decision. You learn and then you keep going."
"Don't be afraid to make those mistakes. That is probably the best way to learn how to be a GM."
"Past decisions are only mistakes if I don't learn from them."
"Return with a healthy perspective... learn to avoid the same mistakes."
"Learn from your mistakes and be better and do better."
"I think that freedom is so important, the freedom to be able to make mistakes not just for your teammates or your coaches to see but like that own personal freedom of like, no I, I can try [__]."
"Somebody who went broke ain't telling me how to save money, I'm sorry. Why? It's a mistake that they made that you won't make if you listen to them."
"They learned their lesson. They want to change the pattern here."
"I underpriced things, I didn't understand I didn't have much value."
"Regret is our teacher, our instructor, our tell, our clue, our knock at the door."
"You need to get good at explaining your game in a way that people with no context will understand."
"Half of my success was finding out what it took to be successful, the other half was not making mistakes."
"People always make mistakes, you just have to pick yourself up off the ground and learn from your mistakes."
"Number 5: The Quebec Bridge - 'Generally speaking, people learn from their mistakes...'"
"The good news is, though, I think that people will realize and learn and understand when they've been burned once and then they were wrong."
"That was a mistake, I should not have done that."
"Allow me to know it's okay to make mistakes."
"That was the risk, that was the mistake. I've got that out my system."
"Your 20s are a fabulous time, it's a time for you to bump your head, but like I always say, learn from your mistakes."
"You're allowed to have made mistakes in the past, you can hold yourself accountable, learn from them, and add value to yourself."
"Smart people learn from their mistakes, wise people learn from other people's mistakes."
"But we can all hope that she'll learn from it."
"Regret clarifies what we value but it also instructs us on how to do better."
"I'm really hopeful that I can be used as proof that people can change and grow and learn from their mistakes."
"I think people learn just as much from their mistakes is from their success."
"Learn from mistakes, mine or others', and make the world better."
"Now is not the time to give up. If you got burned, you know, just your XP is higher. Goku, you beat him up, he's now stronger."
"Building blocks of creativity: where every screw-up leads to another chance."
"The law of averages dictates that somewhere in the hundreds of games of the Mario name attached to them, there is a small collection of absolute abominations that must be documented so that future generations learn from these mistakes."
"Share your best practices and share your mistakes to promote overall growth."
"You gotta learn from these mistakes. That's how you learn, tuition is the cost you have to pay."
"It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to be wrong."
"Keep your mind positive, focus on improving, and if you do lose and make mistakes, laugh at yourself."
"Forward failure, OK you make a mistake, you go forward, you grow from it."
"I've done this in the past where I was engaging with somebody and they proved me wrong and I just kept going and going and going."
"I'm gonna prove you all wrong, I'm gonna learn from my mistakes."
"It took years of me fudging up and doing things wrong before I could learn how to do them right."
"If you're taking a loss and you're just saying 'hey I took a loss, I don't know what to do,' and you're not looking at how you could have given your trade a second chance, then you're not going to learn."
"We learn more from our mistakes than from our successes, this is you know life, life lesson number one."
"Every young officer, I don't care who they are, is gonna make a mistake."
"If this doesn't teach us anything, then we're doing something wrong."
"This is a game where you need to accept you're going to be wrong."
"Your mistakes are gold, that's why I'm here."
"Expose yourself to new opportunities and learn from mistakes."
"Stuff happens, we make mistakes and we learn from them."
"You have to be crazy and I think the startup founders that fail right, and sometimes fail in really meaningful ways."
"Mistakes are just being made time and time again."
"In a culture of growth, you're willing to examine mistakes because they're part of the process of growing as a group."
"Learn from every single mistake you make and grow from every experience."
"For me, in retrospect, so many of the things that have ever happened to me or any of the mistakes that I've ever made, I'm actually pretty thankful for them because they've made me a significantly better host."
"Making mistakes does not make a game master bad. The key is to learn from those mistakes and correct that behavior in the future."
"You are never beyond redemption for your failures or mistakes."
"We can only hope that they have learned from their mistakes."
"You are going to fail in life... you must learn from the mistake."
"Artists are human beings too. We evolve, we learn from our mistakes, and we become better."
"Life is mostly a matter of making your mistakes and knowing how to evolve past those mistakes and learn."
"If something bad happened, what did you learn from that bad mistake?"
"Success does not consist in never making mistakes, but in never making the same one a second time." - George Bernard Shaw
"I feel like they want a future with you but they are having to learn the hard way."
"Make sure that you pay attention to that because I didn't for a very very long time and now I can see the mistake."
"The end of the Jurassic world trilogy should learn from some of the mistakes that happened in this new Star Wars sequel trilogy."
"I strongly believe in celebrating a culture of failure."