
Financial Independence Quotes

There are 4149 quotes

"Financial independence is about making sacrifices and learning from your mistakes."
"Those that monetize their mind unlock a luxury unfathomable to those who monetize their time."
"Having more than one stream of income is genuinely life-changing. The fact that I had money coming in from my YouTube channel and my business meant that I could leave my day job or at least go part-time on it to focus on the thing that actually brought me joy and fulfillment."
"You can escape wage slavery by becoming ultra creative and hardworking with a powerful vision."
"Passive income is a really interesting thing."
"The freedom of the schedule that you get with passive income is really cool."
"The goal is to make your first dollar on the internet. It's not to make a million dollars; it's just you need to make one dollar."
"When you work for your money, you feel humble because you know the grind."
"Genuinely passive. That's a dream. That's the goal."
"I think the ideal situation is you become friends with money because your best friend cares about you, thinks with you, and works with you."
"What if you were in control of your financial future? What if you had more time to spend with your family and doing the things you love?"
"97% of millionaires believe they control their financial destiny."
"Now, after Bitcoin, you have for the first time in human history the ability to buy not a barrel of oil but Bitcoin, and you put it on your phone."
"The big picture here guys of why people invest in dividend stocks is to live solely off of dividend income."
"Financial independence is a universal goal we all have, barring the possibility of dying young."
"Slow financial independence aims to strike that balance between prioritizing the time it takes to reach financial independence and the amount of enjoyment we get out of the process of becoming financially independent."
"I wouldn't mind at all if the girl makes more money. I would actually want the girl to make a decent amount of money just so I don't feel like she's using me for my income."
"I want you to be an aggressive investor because social security is becoming a thing of the past, and pensions are becoming history."
"Financial independence unlocks autonomy and freedom, allowing you to do what you want."
"Financial independence in your 40s means doing things on your terms, where, when, and how you want."
"Wealth is the fortune that grows outside of your direct input... making money while you sleep."
"The true purpose of wealth is to completely remove the financial burden from the individual."
"You are like the real estate, house hacking guru. Like, you are the mecca when it comes to owning rental property, house hacking, cash flow."
"If you have twenty million dollars in the bank and ten years left to live, what choices and decisions would you make for your life?"
"Being meticulous is the difference between becoming a millionaire and being a poor ass newbie."
"I don't want you chasing any hot stock. I want to teach you to learn to be self-sufficient."
"You have to own assets that make you money while you sleep."
"Focus on the things that you truly enjoy...and then over time...you don't have to make it about 'I got to make money.'"
"It's only when you get to a point of money where you can say no, my principles are worth losing x million, that's when you can escape the matrix."
"This is the dark tunnel before the incredible rest of the Decades of your life where you get to live in a nice apartment or house because you don't have to worry about all these minimum payments that are just eating you up."
"Make sure you're always financially independent. It doesn't matter whose daughter you are, it doesn't matter whose wife you are... you have to stand on your own feet."
"It's amazing what money can buy once you have a job."
"A rich life is not just about how much money you make; it's about how good you feel about yourself and your life."
"One of the fastest ways to free yourself is to pay your own way, and when you pay your own way, you start to feel very empowered to pave your own way."
"You'll be debt free and you have a fully funded emergency fund. Sounds fantastic."
"Financial freedom is the real desire which actuates men in their labors for the dollar."
"If you will live like no one else, later you can live and give like no one else."
"You don't want to delegate this to somebody else. I want you to understand it and once you understand it and you automate it, you make a few good choices in life, you never have to worry about lattes or appetizers again."
"If he is saying 'We are at war against Bitcoin,' then I would say to him, 'No sir, you have lost the war against Bitcoin a long time ago.'"
"If your money can work harder for you than you do with your hands, your back, and your brains, you're going to be set up for success."
"You're going to make more money as a result of being single."
"We could finally build our own airline, which means that we'll be able to generate an income."
"It's so important to have goals and values and gratitude that is completely decoupled from money."
"I was just trying to make some extra money, you know, because before that I was doing like manual labor gigs, mowing lawns, just selling firewood."
"What I really want to see is people joining me in the final step where their money is working for them, and they can afford to do what they really want to do."
"Every dollar you invest into an asset becomes kind of like an employee that's working for you 24/7 to create more income, even when you're on vacation."
"I prefer an asset that is no one else's liability, an asset that has intrinsic value versus somebody saying I'll pay you someday."
"The first step to actually making a gargantuan, life-changing amount of money is to actually take full responsibility for every decision you make."
"It's a beautiful thing about investing in money. It doesn't matter where you live."
"Don't buy anything on Wall Street, speculate on nothing, no Bitcoin, nothing. If it doesn't give you a cash flow next month, do not buy it."
"If you have enough assets that 4% of that amount can cover your annual expenses, you can consider yourself financially independent."
"Financial independence is taking that control back and living a life where you add value into the world."
"This portfolio is generating over $500 a month in income and this is so important for anyone that is pursuing financial independence with the goal of retiring early by living off of your portfolios."
"Passive income is important because once you reach financial independence and you retire early, you have to do very little to no work in order to generate income in a stock portfolio."
"Financial independence is essentially when you're able to sustain yourself indefinitely, you don't have to work."
"In your 50s, it's about finishing the puzzle... getting the final pieces put into place of your financial independence."
"Money doesn't care about any of that stuff; it just needs you to respect and get on the path to creating financial independence."
"FIRE is an acronym of Financial Independence and Retiring Early."
"FIRE is more so about really assessing what you value rather than earning lots of money."
"Every bit of savings that you have is a piece of your future that you own. It's you just buying your time in the future so that it's yours and you can do whatever you want with it."
"A budget is the foundation for anyone on this journey towards fire."
"You probably don't actually need as much money as you think to achieve financial independence."
"There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all plan to financial independence; everyone's situation is unique."
"You're not dependent on a thing; you're dependent on yourself and your writing and ability to go out on the road and earn a living."
"The creme de la creme of reaching financial independence is to become the elusive millionaire."
"The definition of investing is very simple: You gotta know how to make money work for you."
"Women should be encouraged to be financially independent of men."
"Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else and give like no one else in the future."
"Live like no one else so you can live like no one else."
"People want the freedom to do what they want, when they want, how they want, without financial or time constraints."
"Everyone is seeking financial independence -- that day when you can kiss your boss good-bye and spend the rest of your days doing whatever the heck you want."
"Financial independence is not about deprivation -- it's about choices."
"Bitcoin fixes that. Bitcoin allows you to just exit the system."
"Bitcoin is...the first free-market, private money that's also a technological money. It's not controlled by a central bank; it's not controlled by anyone. It's really at the people's money."
"Live like no one else, so later you can live and give like no one else."
"You can have your own gold standard. You are free to take dollars as you choose and buy gold as much, or as little as you want."
"The only reason I'm not poor is because of the internet and that's because the internet gives you the capacity to make passive income."
"The minute that you can get your hands on your own money, you become financially independent, and nobody else has the power over you."
"For the sake of financial independence and retiring early, you must do what you can to save more money."
"Learning to esteem yourself outside of money, I think, is a critical lesson."
"Passive income is the holy grail when it comes to wealth building because now you are earning money while you sleep."
"The whole idea of passive income is where you can make money without having to physically go to work."
"Wealth is having enough money to meet more than just your basic needs to the point that if you never worked again, you'd probably be just fine."
"I want to teach people how to grow 'fuck you' money."
"I never paid a single penny to anybody to learn how to invest and I think it's been going pretty well."
"Living below your means plus saving plus investing plus time equals magic."
"The significance of Bitcoin is it's a technology for you to avoid becoming impoverished."
"I want her to have money so she has the freedom to do whatever she wants and doesn't feel like she gotta ask me for stuff."
"The only way to build wealth is through ownership."
"I wholeheartedly believe that we can be successful without racking up debt."
"Wealthy people learn how to stop trading time for money. They start letting the money work for them and they learn how to give an immense amount of value to people."
"There's a difference between being financially independent and having financial freedom."
"Wealthy people do three things with their money: They stop trading time for money, they start making their money work for them, and they start giving value to people."
"People are usually talking about investing or doing things with your money where it works for you — passive income, entrepreneurship — all of these things are seen as an escape."
"Data says the single women got more money than you, the single women are happier than you."
"I would rather be free and be on that Corolla life than all day, man, then be working and need all the paychecks and all the money to support all the debt so I can drive, I don't know, the BMW or drive that Mercedes, man. I would rather just be free."
"It is your money, it is your life, and only you can make it awesome. Just go out and be a goal getter today."
"Passive income is making money while you sleep."
"We are separating money from politics, we are separating money from the state."
"Being completely debt-free, not owing one penny to anyone, your life would be a lot different, wouldn't it?"
"The more financially free you are, the less reliant you are on your job, and the more flexibility you have in life."
"I am financially independent and creating my own wealth."
"The true financial goal is to eventually get to a place where you are living fully off of your dividends, you're living fully off your investment, and no matter what, if you stop making money tomorrow, you will always be fine."
"Freedom in finance means not having to chase after money."
"Money does buy freedom, which can eventually lead to happiness."
"When you have no debt, you don't have to pay anybody. If you have a thousand dollars in your account, it's going to remain a thousand dollars unless you spend it."
"We're investing 25% of the household income on a monthly basis, you guys are going to retire multi-millionaires."
"Money equals options, money equals more time for you. It doesn't equal happiness but it allows you to pursue things that do make you happy."
"Imagine if you could make a thousand dollars a day from anywhere in the world without having to clock into a job or have a lot of money to start with."
"The end goal is almost always the same: to earn enough money passively so that you're able to sleep in whenever you feel like it, to do whatever you want during the day, and otherwise not have to worry about money because you know that no matter what, more money is going to be coming into your bank account every single day."
"Don't ever let a man, don't ever let anyone, control your money."
"The idea that you can go to bed at midnight and then wake up at 9 o'clock in the morning and have made money while you sleep is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Trust me when I say this, once you get started on this path and once you make your first dollar in passive income, you're never going to want to stop."
"Financial freedom is the ability to live and give at the level you want with no limits and to not have money ever again control you or capture you."
"Start investing in passive income. You need this passive income more than you need earned income."
"The new dream of every country on this earth is to create an income while you're sleeping, while you're doing anything, while you're running your errands, while you're spending time with your family."
"Now I can step away from the computer... and I know that my holidays paid for... because of passive income."
"I retired at 45 while a lot of my peers who made more money than me won't be done until they're 65."
"Financial freedom is when your passive income exceeds your expenses."
"Firing your boss and paying off staggering amounts of debt is undoubtedly one of the best feelings in the world."
"Lesson number one was don't work for money. Do not work for money."
"If you can not need a paycheck, you have a better chance of getting rich."
"The moment you don't need money, you're a free human being."
"Real wealth, real true sustainable wealth, is built in silence. It's quite because it just keeps happening in slow increments over time."
"Building passive income is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Can you imagine getting off that stage, going home, walking into your job for the very first time, it's your career, and when you get that first paycheck, that paycheck is yours. Can you imagine having freedom at 22?"
"Writing a book is a common example of passive income. You don't get paid for writing the book, but once it's done, it keeps selling."
"What passive income means is no matter whether or not you are directly inputting your time... you're still earning money."
"The key to success is not to work for money but to make money work for you."
"So many Americans live now in rented homes or apartments, they drive financed cars filled with subscription-based features, they buy everything on credit, and they own nothing."
"Money has been created to serve you; you must always remember that you do not serve money."
"You don't need reserves of money. What you need is cash flow."
"If you don't have any payments, you have money."
"I'm not against you having a nice car. I'm just against your nice car having you."
"In the modern world, you've got the best chance you've ever had to be financially stable and independent."
"It's delightful. I feel like to me, it lets me know that I'm not made money my master."
"The first thing I did with my money is I retired her immediately off it because... she hated her job, she worked too hard."
"If you never learn how to make money in your sleep, you will work until you die."
"Imagine what it would feel like to not owe anyone anything."
"I create something that'll pay me long after I'm done working on it."
"When I get it, it's mine. I don't have to worry about ever making a payment on it again."
"Being profitable gives you freedom because you aren't in a position to need to raise money."
"Always have your own money, always have something going for you."
"When your investment portfolio provides you with half a million a year in residual income, that's when you've kind of won the game of life."
"It's not actually about money, it's about buying back your time so that you can do all the things you want to do with your life."
"Don't just work for money, make money work for you."
"Creating multiple sources of income, maintaining a side gig, or keeping a part-time job on the side as a fallback is crucial."
"After I eliminated my credit card debt, I have been able to build back up my savings."
"Decentralization is a good thing because it removes power from the central elite and big banks. It's permissionless."
"It's weird for me to see you in person because I've been watching your channel before I even started YouTube five years ago. You were one of the first people to make videos about financial independence, retiring early, investing. You were like the pioneer of the space."
"Your original FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) videos inspired me to talk about the topic too."
"Financial independence... the ability to not need to work to be able to live."
"My wealth is great because my needs are small, and I won't have to work again with any luck at all."
"I am never going to let an employer treat me that way again. I'm never going to be trapped because of financial constraints."
"Once your passive income exceeds your living expenses, you're retired. You're financially independent."
"Ideally, the end goal is to have a nice property where we're very sustainable, earning a nice amount of money."
"I'm creating generational wealth and I'm done stressing about finances month after month."
"My goal is to continue to inspire women to financial independence in order to change the world."
"Become debt-free... If you're debt-free, you have freedom to choose."
"Living a bankless life requires taking control of your own private keys. Not your keys, not your crypto."
"The only way I can make bread is to do positive and make money doing something else."
"I wanted to not be reliant on viewers for money... It's weird if you're donating to someone who's making five million dollars in a year."
"You can't physically consider yourself financially independent unless you truly own your life."
"If you want to get out of that system, you got to make more money. How do you do that? Find a second job or find a second income from somewhere else."
"People shouldn't have to work so hard on money. Money should be working hard for them."
"I'm all about enjoying your money. You only live once... but I'm also passionate about being financially independent and feeling financially secure for the future."
"I'm going to live like no one else, so that later, I can live and give like no one else."
"Buying assets so you can have cash flow, residual income, and appreciation."
"I would never want to give them so much money that they would never have to work but I want to give them enough to basically allow them to pursue what they want and be comfortable."
"I don't borrow money, and if you don't like that about me, I'm okay with that. I'm still going to be me."
"I paid off thirty-five thousand dollars of debt on a thousand dollars a month as a single mother."
"I'm trying to help people create financial freedom for themselves."
"Whether you end up marrying my son or not, you should always keep your own separate bank account."
"Dividend increases...are like paycheck increases except you don't have to do anything for these paycheck increases because your money is working for you rather than you working for your money."
"I want to do better than making enough. I want to be able to have some sort of sustainable foundation beneath me so I can start being a giver instead of a beggar all the time."
"When you're a debtor, you become a slave to the lender."
"Not allowing someone else to control your money is a huge plus."
"It's not just about money; it's about your life in general, having a much more happy and fulfilled life."
"The cost of your economic emancipation is going to be on the other side of your commitment."
"The power of saving... that resource, the relief it gives you, and the power it gives you is so great."
"If her dad's not in charge of her money, if she's dealing with Bessemer Trust and they're like go to Hawaii whatever, it's your money, we'll help give you guidance but really you can spend how you want, then I think maybe she won't be so annoyed with all of this."
"The best days I think of my career in terms of excitement...waiting for something to happen but also living within whatever means that that was, as long as I can make 500 a month for my rent, I'm like, I'm good."
"If you take control of your financial situation, you get liberated. Things change for you, things start to get better."
"The path to financial independence could actually run through a two-year education much more easily than it does through a four-year education."
"Most Americans believe that government assistance should be short-term and aimed at quickly getting people back on their feet and on the road to being financially self-sufficient."
"Riches is when you home everything, when you can sit down at night and say, 'I ain't got to owe this man nothing.'"
"A salary can actually be slavery because you only have one source of income."
"We want you to build wealth... access other people's money so you could invest in income-producing assets and get to that next level of financial freedom."
"Don't ever compare your financial journey or choices to someone else's. Stay in your own lane and focus on you."
"Bitcoin brings financial freedom and allows you and everyone else to break the chains of the banks."
"If you buy just one rental property a year that cash flows $500 a month after all expenses... just start. Being an owner."
"Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later."
"This is real people's lives. People have paid off their houses, become millionaires...that gets me so jacked up, dude."
"Financial independence is what's coming to you, all right, financial freedom."
"If you solely rely on somebody else to pay your bill, eventually the ability to pay your own bill goes away."
"Ultimately, Man United in the hands of mega wealth who don't need to sell our stadium name, that's the ideal."
"With business credit...none of this requires a personal guarantee, none of it requires a personal credit check."
"No trade signal provider on the planet cares more about your money than you care about your money."
"You ain't got to have a dime, and God can move heaven and earth for you."
"Institutionally oppressed... just simply not being able to have a credit card, not being able to have your own bank account."