
Sacrifice Quotes

There are 29588 quotes

"Financial independence is about making sacrifices and learning from your mistakes."
"You are sacrificing personal time to pursue something that is important to you."
"We're trying to make everything work for everyone."
"All of the different groups have to make sacrifices in order for us all to get on."
"We're all sacrificing... to make sure that we are all friends with each other."
"Would you be willing to give up everything for that one shot at glory, for your name to be inscribed in the annals of history as a somebody amongst nobodies?"
"In the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others so that we may gain."
"These individuals place their lives on the line for us. It is an act of service unlike any other."
"If there is one phrase that defines successful people, it is that they sacrifice the short term for the long term."
"A temporary sacrifice for the remaining decades of your life is worth it. I promise."
"This idea that we're willing to sacrifice for the sake of a greater happiness is actually a big part of life."
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field...he sells all that he has and buys that field."
"God's gonna bless you because you've left everything to follow him."
"Every victory comes with its price, but the glory of triumph dims the pain of sacrifice."
"Rick Blaine in Casablanca... loved Elsa so he surrendered her, he gave her up because that's what was best for her."
"If you're not willing to sacrifice, you're not ready for self-improvement."
"The only way to reach our best version of ourselves is to require sacrifice."
"You got to sacrifice to get to the next level."
"Sacrifice creates paradise. Truly becoming successful is sacrificing today for a better tomorrow."
"If you're not willing to pay that price, you don't deserve to be successful."
"Choose your sacrifice: What are you willing to sacrifice to construct a beautiful life? Ask yourself that."
"Sacrifice properly undertaken, so that would be voluntary, is indistinguishable from celebration."
"What you gain is so much more than what you give up."
"There's some self-sacrifice in relationships."
"Temporary sacrifice produces eternal significance."
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
"What us adults do is, when we know what we need to do for a better life, we go through the hard period, the sacrifice, to get that better life."
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son."
"When it comes to your children, you're supposed to die defending your children."
"You value life and you value empowerment, you put that life on the line."
"Those who are willing to make the sacrifices, stay up late, work longer, are more focused, pay the price, and get the job done, are the ones that will succeed."
"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
"Freedom from dependence is a battle worth fighting for, requiring immense work and sacrifice."
"You're killing yourself. I'm like, yeah, and to put your soul into the body of the hippo to save the hippo. Yes, exactly, absolutely, to help the team."
"Every fighter faces a choice, a commitment to the grind, a choice to sacrifice blood, sweat, and tears in the relentless pursuit of victory."
"We sacrifice our children on the altar of our own desire."
"I've been grinding all my life, sacrifice, hustle paid the price."
"Grover's fatal flaw is loyalty. He's willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his loved ones."
"It's fine if you want to drive to the airport and pick someone up at 4 AM because you love them. That's perfectly okay."
"Obedience is better than any sacrifice we could give."
"Sacrifice yourself today to build a bridge with the future so that the Superman could be born."
"Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."
"By fighting so bravely, Nicole may have saved a lot of other lives that night."
"It's really about finding dudes that are willing to sacrifice some of what they know they can do to fit the team."
"I've been successful at damn near everything that I've done, but there's a price to be paid for that."
"If I could take his place right now, if I could give him back his life, I would do it in a daggum heartbeat."
"For Christians, the passion is redeeming; Christ died for our sins."
"I think that though failure in the actual accomplishment must be recorded, there are chapters in this book of high adventure, strenuous days, lonely nights, unique experiences, and above all, records of unflinching determination, supreme loyalty and generous self-sacrifice on the part of my men."
"Love is a choice, it's an act, it's a sacrifice."
"If something's valuable, you'll make sacrifices to attain it."
"You will never be abusive when you love your wife...when you take self-sacrifice as your calling as a husband."
"I'm willing to not be happy to be around my kids every day."
"To truly be a king, not a gluttonous tyrant or a power-seeking despot, one must use his strength and authority for the good of others, even though doing so may cost him dearly."
"If it meant that he would go on living, I'd switch places."
"Sacrifice your things that make you feel a little better throughout the week for their future, it's worth it."
"God bless the men and women who died for me."
"The sacrifice takes your soul in highest regard over the material."
"For Tarkovsky, the key theme of the sacrifice lies in the film's title."
"The concept of being willing to leave this Earth for the sake of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, and being principled dying on principles, that is what makes all of our heroes heroes."
"Sacrifice is something people decide on their own, not something they force upon others. It is a choice between the survival of the fittest and stepping over the rights of the weak."
"All progress demands sacrifice but never risk sacrificing everything for progress."
"Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better."
"Life is bright on the other side; the other side of the tunnel is bright. It requires sacrifice to get there."
"Victory must come at any cost, and if there is not someone with the will to do so, then all will fall to darkness."
"No amount of money, and I'm telling you I was making millions, and I left it because my kids were being hurt. With entitlement, they were being hurt with people's advice, and they didn't have a mother at the front saying, 'I don't care what the world's opinion is, this is the truth, and this is where I stand.'"
"What's unfair is Jesus had to be tortured, beaten, and crucified for my sins. That's unfair."
"If I must die, you must live to tell my story. If I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a story."
"To become a part of the Godhand in this moment and achieve his dream, Griffith has to make a sacrifice, and in the end he chooses to betray his companions, branding them and sealing their fate."
"The proper sacrifice is the voluntary willingness to bear your cross."
"You need to stand up for yourself, for your friends, and your family, even if it means you lose your job."
"There are people who, when a grenade is lobbed through the window, throw themselves on it before it can blow up. It does happen... it doesn't require divine sanction or permission."
"Ganyu sacrifices herself. Oh God, Ganyu, dude."
"The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
"He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much."
"It's a poignant moment reminding us of the sacrifices the heroes have made."
"What would you sacrifice to protect those you care about?"
"We die in the dark so that you can live in the light."
"God wants us to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto him."
"Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it."
"Give up what you want now for what you want more."
"I thanked my wife for taking care of our kids and working multiple jobs to pay for my education."
"A violently executed plan, a plan executed with passion and belief that causes you to sacrifice to win because nobody really wins without sacrifice."
"People want to say that love is an electric blanket, when actually it's the cross."
"The Lord had laid on him (Christ) the iniquity of us all."
"The only time you should use the Eight Gates is to protect something precious to you."
"There is no way to heaven outside of the cross."
"Sacrifice is going to have to become your companion and no longer your enemy. Too many of you think sacrifice is your enemy. Sacrifice is a curse word, sacrifice is bad. Well, guess what? You cannot have success without process, without sacrificing."
"Sacrifice is the sun, rain, and fertilizer of growth."
"What impedes man's willingness to sacrifice: his ignorance, his perversion, his pride, his ingratitude, and his cowardice."
"If you're not willing to sacrifice for your goals, then your goals become the sacrifice."
"Their family can hold their head up high, knowing that they died for democracy and peace. What better way to go?"
"You can have anything you want, but you can't have everything you want. You have to sacrifice most things in the medium term in order to facilitate progress toward one thing."
"The sacrifices you make today, you know, get you closer to the Super Bowl."
"Sacrifice is the highest good and the only reason that our culture has survived... because they understood that the free sacrifice of self for something greater is the greatest good that we can have."
"When you have a family, you learn that you sacrifice for your family because in the sacrifice, your true value comes out."
"Sacrifice by definition implies that you're giving something up... but it's not a con."
"It's not a sacrifice if you get something in return."
"Love requires sacrifice, but that's not love, and it's not a sacrifice if you get something in return."
"I believe a man should lay down his life if something happens or his wife's life is threatened."
"If you're not willing to sacrifice things for your goal, then your goal will become the sacrifice."
"Let us forsake our sin as servants of the Lord, as we serve in the name of Him who was forsaken upon Calvary’s cross."
"Sacrifice has gain attached to it. If we cannot connect the gain with the sacrifice, then we're losing ourselves in the process."
"Imagine the noblest aim that you can conceptualize and then sacrifice your life to attempting to attain it."
"But the more interesting note is, of course, understanding why she could see this as an action worth doing. Would you live as an outcast forever just to make one person a bit more happy?"
"Dear brothers and sisters, if you are to show Allah subhana wa ta'ala today or tomorrow, 'Ya Allah, for you I will swallow the bitterness,' the gates of the heavens will open up to you."
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."
"You risked your life to fight for our family. You're forever a hero."
"Unfortunately, that day never came, and Jaime, finally unable to simply stand by and do nothing, slayed the Mad King, saving thousands of innocents."
"On the other side of your sacrificial offering is His unexpected promises."
"I did not come to earth to be served but to serve and to give my life for many."
"Instead of self-protecting, it was self-sacrificing."
"The Guardians of the Galaxy movies. These stories have actual growth and change, death and sacrifice."
"There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary; you can't gain anything without losing something first."
"The reward on the other end of that [sacrifice] is just so beautiful and so wonderful."
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
"God loves you so much that he gave his only son before he asked you for anything."
"Wake up and see that your calling is worth the sacrifice."
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
"The Eternal Memory... It's a film about sacrifice and learning to let go."
"Jack's heroism is undoubtable; the young man showed a kind of courage exceptional even in war and paid the ultimate price."
"I can live without a hand. I can't live without freedom. I can't live a good, moral, humanist, valuable life without that freedom."
"The price you will pay for not making your dream come true is far greater than the one you will pay to make it come true."
"One of the core aspects of Spider-Man that we've seen through countless stories is the idea that by doing the right thing, Peter is the one who suffers."
"Cap opted to sacrifice his own life by crash-landing it in the middle of the Arctic Ocean...to ensure the safety of millions of people he'd never even met."
"Tony Stark intercepted the missile and took it into the wormhole...but stark did it without knowing whether or not he would make it back alive."
"Groot extended his branch-like appendages around his friends and protected them from the impact of the crash."
"Tony Stark...snapped his fingers to turn Thanos and his army to dust...sacrificed his own life to save everyone else's."
"Love is selfless. Love is sacrificial. It's not just love of self; it's love of the woman in our life, love of family, love of our calling, love of our destiny."
"If you were an American soldier in World War II and you were of German-American or German ancestry, you would, on average, almost certainly share more genes in common with the people you were trying to kill than the people you were willing to give up your life for."
"Christ did die for us... because he loved us and he was willing to pay the price for our redemption."
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
"We were created as communal beings, as familial beings, to give of ourselves, to actually sacrifice, to have some kind of commitment."
"In God's great love, He sent His Son Jesus to die so that we can have a relationship back with God."
"All heroes have to make sacrifices in the name of justice, but few commit themselves so entirely to the cause."
"If you want to find peace with yourself, self-understanding, self-knowledge, self-esteem, all of these things are going to be found only through sacrifice, getting uncomfortable."
"To every single American, please know that the sacrifice you're making at this time is saving lives, many, many lives."
"You need a reason to make a sacrifice. That's the key point here. You need this 'why' to make meaningful changes in your life."
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise."
"Being a man is when you run into battle to fight for what you believe in and save everything you love and hold dear, knowing you may never come home."
"Our primary objective is service and sacrifice, not self-entitlement."
"The greatest evidence of God being for us is Jesus on the cross."
"If you've ever wondered what it takes to be a genius, what it takes to change the world, what the cost is, the sacrifice, how to make decisions, how to think, and what motivates these world-changing entrepreneurs, in the next hour and a half you find out."
"Greatness is not popularity. Never sacrifice greatness for popularity."
"Let us fix our gaze on the blood of Christ, seeing that it was poured out for our salvation."
"We know how hard they work. Obviously, the sacrifices you make to make it happen, you know, but when they cross the line and all, and they are just killing it; you have some crazy emotions!"
"His divine love is eternal and it's a sacrificial love. He gave His only begotten Son for us."
"Greatness is a sacrifice; it's not given, it's taken."
"There's a cost of greatness... I recognize real-time the things that I have to sacrifice to get what I want."
"Greatness doesn't take a day off; greatness is a sacrifice. It's not given, it's taken."
"My queen, you will destroy this world. She is my world."
"I have the much greater admiration, frankly, for the person who drops five dollars or one dollar in a collection plate on Sunday...they are actually giving up something that has utility to them."
"The essence of the gospel: God came down to die on our behalf, and he was like us in every way."
"We are also taught the importance of making sacrifices to save those we love, even though, at first, it was strongly opposed by those who did not want to lose us forever."
"Jesus Christ died for me. He thought me worthy of His blood. He loves me and can make all the difference in my life."
"That's why I'm going to do this. I know it's the only way for everyone to be happy."
"The character shown by these people, the actions they took, the risk to personal life and limb to ensure that others could live, because they'd already seen so many die, that's where it goes from being in awe to being in reverence."
"I'm here to stop you, and I don't care what happens to me."
"No greater love than the one who would lay down his life for a friend."
"A man can really make a difference in life; that a man has a high calling in life. That's a vision you could give yourself to and sacrifice for."
"Stay positive and stay happy, and remember if you want to make a change in your life, let's start with sacrifices."
"Your ability to sacrifice comfort today for your future self's benefits literally dictates how your life will go."
"What really moves God is the sacrifice of your broken spirit."
"The wrestler and Black Swan... both involve the performer choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to reach the highest possible achievement in their art."
"A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation."
"When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do His will, he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering."
"What do you want and what price are you willing to pay to get there?"
"There's a lot of life to be lived. Sacrificing for 3 years gets your financial life in order."
"The danger of Mysterio comes from the fact that he is so destructively obsessed in his mission that he's willing to do and sacrifice anything to fulfill it."
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
"Jesus warned his disciples: 'Pick up your cross and follow me.'"
"Watching him have so much joy, knowing what he had sacrificed and what he had been through to get to that point, it's inspirational."
"We must commit ourselves to opposing injustice even if this means financial sacrifice because once we do, we can become effective leaders of collective movements that have a real chance to change the system."
"Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting."
"The power to save through the demonstration of sacrificial love."
"There's a beautiful hadith that, when quoted, 'Whoever dies protecting their wealth is a martyr.'"
"Sometimes sacrificing yourself for the greater good is actually a viable option."
"He literally gifts his life for another, the ultimate act of selflessness, destroying his greed and completing his psychological journey in this war arc."
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many."
"Freedom isn't free. Freedom has never been free."
"Harmony spoke with a calm assurance that belied the madness of her actions. 'We offer now our chosen at this hour of winter. We offer them to you, oh Greatness. He of sickle claw and hungry beak. He of endless eyes and grinding teeth. We offer you this feast, oh holiest of holies.'"
"Women and Children First. It means that the men on that ship are to sacrifice himself today so that the generation can live tomorrow."
"The day you have a kid, you are willing to die for that person. It's an amazing feeling."
"That which is to give light must endure burning."
"The glad acceptance of sacrificial responsibility, that is what it truly means to be a man."
"Sometimes you have to cut back so that you can move forward."
"A lot of blood was spilt to make this country a possibility by very brave individuals."
"Of course, if there was no other alternative, I would be willing to give up a certain standard of living to ensure the comfort of other people around the world."
"The ultimate expression of Love is the giving of something that's precious to you."
"Being a leader, you have to sacrifice so much."
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
"A truly masculine man is self-sacrificing, someone who is willing to sacrifice for the people he leads."
"God proves His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything."
"Jesus was willing to sacrifice everything for us. Now, there they are showing a willingness to sacrifice...to sacrifice these things for Jesus in return."
"I think if the wise men...were standing here, I don't think they would say 'let me tell you what a sacrifice it was.' I think they would say 'I wish I had 10,000 lives to do the same thing and to sacrifice anything I could for the Lord Jesus Christ because I love him with all my heart.'"
"You don't have to live 2000 years ago in Bethlehem to be able to sacrifice, and study, and search, and give gifts to the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do it today."
"Real moral virtue is not virtue signaling; it's a sacrifice of value. It's the real thing."
"Would you live out your life to stop the suffering?"
"Honeybee mating rituals involve a dramatic and deadly process, showcasing the individual sacrifice for the hive's continuity."
"Character is the willingness to sacrifice your pleasure for the sake of principles."