
Ecstasy Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"The very word ecstasy in Greek is to stand outside of yourself, you no longer have that identity, that carefully crafted identity, for this moment you are the recipient of your senses."
"Beauty is not a need but an ecstasy. It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear, but rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears."
"Ecstasy or Samadhi is not a nebulous state but a transcendental state of wonderment."
"In the world of Mars Neptune the Ecstasy has a goal."
"Life becomes a constant, blissful, ecstatic, sexually flourishing act."
"Ecstasy does what other favored dance drugs like amphetamine and like LSD don't do."
"It is like being beside yourself. It's like a new part of you that's just coming out in a pure way."
"Feeling great, feeling wonderful... the loved up feeling of the drug had a profound effect on the ethos and the culture of raving."
"Ecstasy is a means to discover truth within oneself and in the words of the great sheikh in Arabi the truth is found in ecstasy."
"Isn't it wonderful? Reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation."
"Capture the feeling as he says, reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single sensation isn't it wonderful?"
"This was not simply a culture that had finally Unified; this was a culture that was ecstatic with its identity and its government."
"The passion in our hearts will burn like a great central fire, melding our souls into a whirlpool of unending ecstasy."
"This is going to be memorable, rapture like nirvanic to a whole other level."
"It's a sea of suffering but it's beautiful; it's ecstasy, which God made manifest in form."
"All your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness."
"For the spiritual person, in death is combined with ecstasy, on the basis of these universal considerations."
"Let's run free. We're born to be free, and there should be no law against ecstasy."
"Truth often generates in us the response of the agony and the ecstasy."
"Life literally becomes an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity."
"Music dances and rhythms come together to create an atmosphere that is favorable for possessions visionary trances and states of ecstasy."
"It's like going to heaven, coming back, going to heaven, coming back."
"Ecstasy... you know what ecstasy means? Oh, in the dictionary, it means happiness."
"I can't live without them. Why would I? I've been having them, well, consistently now for 16 years. And I can't even imagine not having them. Having ecstasies and raptures and those expanded states for me, that's life now."
"Your energy will come free inside you'll wake up in the morning with ecstasy pouring with your being."
"This is a sacramental foretaste of an infinite ecstasy of a heavenly union. Thank you for this."
"It's impossible to worry when he touches me like this. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud of ecstasy,"
"That is heaven. I don't have any other words."
"Action unless it's coming from ecstasy is not correct action."
"For he who enjoys this transporting Vision becomes blessed."
"I didn't feel that sense of how could he do it. That was not there. And I said the whole trip home, I had this euphoric third chakra, which made me more euphoric because I thought, I got to call John O'Donoghue. I got, I am in ecstasy."
"Guys, I think I've died and gone to heaven."
"...nothing compares to this feeling at this moment."
"Let go of yourself, and experience the ecstasy of being."
"There's a kind of ecstasy and satisfaction in the reminiscence of childhood memories."
"One victory after another, the fall of France, the fall of Belgium, the fall of Holland, the fall of Norway—all of this is a kind of ecstasy."
"The poet's imaginative Rose Garden symbolizes a place of epiphany and unearthly ecstasy."
"To feel the love that flowed from her was to be lifted up into a state of ecstasy."
"When you produce a vision, it brings ecstasy to your life."
"We have felt that there is spiritual life... our souls burned with ecstasy in the thought that we have eternal life."
"This is the very ecstasy of love."
"Some of us know what it is to be almost too happy to live. The love of God has been so overpoweringly experienced by us on some occasions that we have almost had to pray for a stay of this delight because we could not endure anymore."
"Ecstasy so Bliss. I just heard of bliss."
"...the ecstasy is on the other side of our vulnerability..."
"It is my cross that makes my crown, my agony that makes my ecstasy."
"I didn't know what ecstasy was, then I went into space."
"I just want to feel you in me and feel your sweaty body on mine as we both are feeling the Ecstasy at its highest peak."
"Pure ecstasy. Roland had now experienced what it was like to wield incredible power and now that he'd felt its cruel nectar filling every ounce of his being there was nothing that could stand in his way."
"He was quite ecstatic to be able to sleep comfortably in a fluffy bed."
"But truly we are very ecstatic and uh aesthetic."
"He sees the world as divine names, and when you see the world as divine names, you receive spiritual states that lead to love and ecstasy."
"Maybe there are people who get their new car and they really are just in a constant state of ecstasy every time they get in it."
"To be in her presence, to feel the love that flowed from her, was to be lifted up into a state of ecstasy greater than I ever imagined could exist."
"I am so ecstatic and over the moon with how all of this looks."
"I've just died and gone to heaven."
"I felt ecstatic. I'm so happy. Thank you."
"It means that when I get saved for real, for real, that I have so much excitement and exuberance and ecstasy that I begin to leap and skip as if nobody was looking."
"There's a great ecstasy in being filled with the Holy Spirit."
"It's a kind of ecstatic element to it, you know, because it's kind of like letting yourself go to a desire."
"I've never had an orgasm in my life. I wasn't even asking any questions. I was just f**king loving it, you know? I just... I'm saved. You feel like a hero."
"When the beauty of the Incarnation and the beholder meet, the beholder's heart half hurls the world off from under his feet in ecstasy."
"I'm very proud of that conversation because we were in an ecstasy."
"The ecstatic arises genuinely in the process of creation."
"The ecstatic is our compass pointing to our true north."
"Kent was absolutely ecstatic. He said that he was jumping up and down. Everyone was so elated."
"Walk us home, we've touched the ecstasy, we've touched the glory."
"Paradise is the Ecstasy it's Nirvana it's the Rapture it's the orgasm of that which is the celestial wedding."
"Doctors said she looked like she was enjoying spiritual ecstasy."
"We're gonna have to be boundless in our joy, in holy ecstasy."
"We seek ecstasy in our lives, and the trick is to use it to come into the divine, not into a self-inflated cloud 9 which is simply an enhancement of ego."
"Religion is laughter, it is music, it is dance, it is ecstasy. All that is precious in life."
"The ecstasy of surrender is our birthright. It's in this moment when your hearts are open and you're connecting, that's where it is."
"There's ecstasy, there's celebration."
"I think ecstasy is marvelous, whether it comes daily, whether it comes once in a while, whether it comes and goes, but when it comes, it affirms that connection, your connection with the divine reality."
"I still have visitations of ecstasy."
"We must become mad; ecstatic wanderers of faith."
"Your ecstasy comes from inside out."
"No wonder she's feeling ecstatic, a well-deserved win."
"You got a spell on me with your eyes so bright and free."
"I can't help but feel the ecstasy, don't know what's right no more, now I'm lost in fantasy."
"I was filled with this love of God that is indescribable... total love and acceptance and just bliss, ecstasy."
"Octopuses on ecstasy started becoming even more social and a lot more touchy-feely with each other."
"I felt an ecstasy... it was essentially a spiritual climax."
"The ecstasy of jhana is a form of extended ecstasy."
"If you are truly blissed out and ecstatic, you wouldn't know what is a day, what is a year, what is a lifetime."
"There's ecstasy in all that pain."
"Once you hit this ecstatic love wave, you're just surfing like you never want to come down."
"Tantra was reimagined as a cult of ecstasy in the west that could challenge stifled attitudes to sexuality."
"These experiences can be extremely powerful; there are enormous energies that could be ecstatic raptures."
"She danced ecstatically, wildly, intoxicated with pleasure."
"That feeling, that emotional sense of ecstasy."
"Dionysus possessed the ability to induce inspiration and ecstasy; his worship held profound significance in the realms of art and literature."
"The shaman ritual is a process of self-abnegation and sublimation to achieve a state of ecstasy."
"Absolutely overwhelming joy, like absolute ecstasy."
"Mystics experience communion with the deity as that kind of cosmic orgasm."
"I would feel like this ecstasy, I would feel that I was connected to God."
"Through that loving exchange, he becomes situated in a state that he is always hankering for and that state is the state of bliss or state of ecstasy."
"And for a breath of ecstasy, give all you have been or could be."
"I am in a state of ecstasy, never mind that nonsense about euphoria and so on. It is sheer, unadulterated, uncompromising ecstasy."
"The whole thing just comes across as a glowing moment of musical ecstasy."
"The sea filled me with a religious ecstasy, a sense of being in mystical communion with the secret heart of things."
"The ultimate aim of Sri Vidya is what is described in the Soundarya, where Shiva is in union with Shakti and there is great ecstasy."
"The other definition for ecstasy is an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state."
"Odin's name means master of ecstasy, an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement."
"It's moments or periods of extreme inspirational ecstasy where we have an absence of fears and doubts."
"Kabir says: 'He who has drunk of this nectar wanders like one who is mad.'"
"For on the other side awaits a form of ecstasy that is so seldom found in the course of a lifetime."
"I am ecstatic because I am ecstatic; I love you because I love you; it is so because you consider it to be so."
"You come out of ecstasy into your relationship to create ecstasy."
"This ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive."
"There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, beyond which life cannot rise."
"Indeed, it is a kind of extraneous ecstasy."
"When you discover who you are, you will encounter the mysterious ecstasy of living the secret life of God."
"Ecstasy is just the experience of finding being; it's the natural bliss of existence when all else is cleared away."
"Beneath the surface is an ocean of transcendental ecstasy in the service of the Lord."
"It was ecstasy for the first time I was standing in front of Jesus."
"The first time we say the name of Govinda, we will reach into raptures of ecstasy."
"We are people who sing in community; it's about getting people to sing and that whole ecstasy that it brings and the silence that it brings to be together and sing."
"You're just living off of pure childhood ecstasy."
"Each and every mystery tradition shared one thing in common - and that was the pursuit of religious ecstasy and its subsequent gnosis."
"She truly had the body of a goddess, and he was experiencing an indescribable mix of physical and spiritual ecstasy."
"Oh my God, I think I've died and gone to heaven."
"To feel that soul-love of all pure hearts is to be transported in an ecstasy of joy so great, so overwhelming, that it cannot be contained."
"When you are out, there is complete... a different ecstasy."
"There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise."
"Henriksen shivered in ecstasy, rejoicing beneath her unholy touch; it was time."
"Imagine essentially catered journey inwards and outwards, an expansion of pleasure and a welcome state of ecstasy."
"Till your first friend dies, you think ecstasy impersonal, but then discover that he or she was the cup from which we drank it, otherwise unknown."
"You are saturated with an ecstatic joy, indescribably sublime."
"The truth of creation is discovered and ecstasy may be solely known in this hiddenness of the bread of the hungry and thirsty."
"With all my soul, your perfect grace; to swoon and pass away—what rapture!"
"Sexuality most often brings man a fleeting glimpse of ecstasy."
"The ecstatic laughter of divine madness is the sweeping up of every perception into a vortex of surprise at its very existence."
"Move your body in the ecstasy of a release, knowing the greater holds you in the womb of its love."
"Extreme joy fills her body and soul."
"Ecstatic experiences are not always pathological; they're often good for us."
"Rapture is a state of intensely pleasurable joy that lifts one into communion with the sublime and the sacred."
"This is rapturous, intense joy and pleasure."
"That was the moment of pure joy, ecstasy, and hope."
"Every single event can be filled with this beautiful loving spiritual water, this enjoyment, this kind of divine ecstasy."
"Make room for joy, fulfillment, and ecstasy."
"Love arrives, and in its train come ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories."