
Self-transcendence Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The very word ecstasy in Greek is to stand outside of yourself, you no longer have that identity, that carefully crafted identity, for this moment you are the recipient of your senses."
"One of the best things that you can do is to have a self-transcending purpose."
"By transcending our own conditioning and limiting beliefs we accumulate personal power as an individual."
"The mode of Kabbalah is 'I'm an empty receptacle, an empty channel, channeling something greater than I am.'"
"We find meaning in life by finding something that's bigger than ourselves and throwing ourselves into that."
"It's not about your stupid little passion. It's about connecting your passion to something higher than yourself."
"The larger purpose of business is not to succeed, but to serve as a theater for self-knowledge, self-actualization, and self-transcendence."
"Self-transcendence: doing it for a bigger reason than just yourself."
"Ultimately meaning in life arises out of service, out of going beyond the self."
"True religion is about transcending the self, not about gratifying or discovering the self."
"Prayer can allow you to get outside yourself and at the same time take control in a way that is about letting go of control."
"Overwork is the antagonist of holistic development, and holism is the catalyst to exponential growth towards self-transcendence."
"We are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"The basis of spirituality is to get outside of yourself, whether it's a belief in God, an afterlife, community service, helping other people, doing charity work. Get out of yourself."
"We're at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"The possibility of this evolution is, that, a human being is capable of rising beyond their survival process."
"If you have never had even a glimpse of self-transcendence, then your life is pretty purposeless."
"No human life is fulfilled unless there is at least some access to the dimension within them that transcends the self."
"A person is at their absolute best when they get beyond themselves."
"Transcending survival altogether is possible to radical degrees."
"Ego death... your awareness expands beyond the limitations of your mind."
"It's outside of yourself in some way that was very cool."
"You have to die to be reborn. Saint Paul said, 'I die daily.' It's all right there. Let go of yourself that is projecting yourself onto life."
"The secret sauce of happiness... When you can transcend your ego, get outside yourself, and invest yourself in somebody else's problem or issue, all your bullshit tends to evaporate."
"Eclipsing the self so that the eternal self may reign."
"Religion gives you a sense of purpose, something bigger than yourself."
"Literature and fiction... can allow a reader to leap over the wall of self and to imagine himself being not just somewhere else but someone else." - David Foster Wallace
"True spirituality is about being absolutely free including from yourself."
"There's something greater than yourself that's here."
"It's about something other than and bigger than yourself."
"Becoming nobody: the key to transcending time and healing the body."
"Yoga means consciously obliterating the boundaries of your individuality."
"In living beyond himself, he had brought to life a man sustained."
"You need to believe in something greater than yourself."
"The moment you become pure consciousness, you forget about yourself. That's my definition of creation."
"And when He is there, I am not there. And when I am not there, it's bliss."
"The mind is at its best when it seeks a higher truth beyond itself."
"What you are being called to do is bigger than yourself."
"When you overcome your senses, when you understand that you are not bound by the chains of your past, when you live a life that is greater than your body, your environment, and time, all things are possible."
"Myths teach us to go beyond what we perceive as the limits of our possibility."
"There's something greater in this life, something greater than me."
"True love is transcending yourself, getting beyond your ego and self-interest."
"He got to the point where he reached the end of what he thought was possible."
"He's so outside of the context of himself that he's made room for something greater to happen."
"The most reasonable unreasonable thing you can do is to remain outside yourself."
"True freedom is attained when one transcends the illusionary imprisonment of their mind."
"Everything else is just fear and conditioning, and we are more than anything that could ever happen to us."
"Always go to something bigger than yourself."
"Meditation is a journey from limits to the unlimited. You see, this is the normal human limitation, imprisoned wherein, in the flesh, in the mind, in this concept of Gary or John."
"I am free, the claim of freedom to be beyond the small self's limitations."
"Acceptance elevates us, allowing us to transcend limitations."
"Living lives that matter for something more than ourselves."
"If we can get beyond ourselves we can make massive changes in a lot."
"Transcend the person which will always be weak and limited become the vision or your calling which is indestructible."
"Our dreams inspire us to build something new, something that transcends the limits that we have always set upon ourselves."
"To change is to be greater than your environment... to be greater than the conditions in your life."
"You have to be willing to die of the personal self in order to experience the expansiveness of your spiritual self."
"The moment we become nobody, no one, no thing, nowhere, and no time, that's the moment we get beyond ourselves."
"If we want real spirituality that talks about real self-transcendence and wisdom, real connectedness and meaning in life, real conformity, we need the argument I just made."
"The greatest quest of all humans and civilization for all time is to learn how to transcend themselves, to learn how to become whoever they want to be."
"The divine double allows you to conform to the very play of being itself, affording your radical self-transcendence."
"Self-transcendence is not just psychological improvement, it's allowing for real epistemological truths about reality to be disclosed."
"The journey towards embodying platonic forms is not merely about self-improvement; it's about self-transcendence."
"You need to feel like you're contributing something bigger than yourself."
"Healing somehow transcending the boundaries of the self, in the way you address this question, reminds me how healing is actually central."
"We shouldn't just be talking about having knowledge about wisdom, we should be going through the process of self-transcendence by which we become wise."
"Wisdom is the project of becoming a wise person, achieved through a process of self-transcendence and self-examination."
"It's not about you decreasing so that he might increase. It's about you dying so that you can live. It's about you surrendering so that you can finally be. It's about you pushing everything to the center of the table and not going back, man."
"You are becoming through bestowal of grace something more of a goddess and a god, of a human and a sacred animal, integrated as one."
"There were persons who were aware of what might be called self-transcendence, of irrational forces, of something which undoubtedly was somewhat of the same type as that which Harman sang forth."
"The question burns out the questioner, which also means it burns out your conditioned sense of self."
"He exceeds his limits and something snaps inside of him."
"A moment of self-transcendence can look a little bit like hitting rock bottom and choosing to experiment with a state other than resistance."
"Ecstasy means standing outside yourself, outside your own personality made up of emotions."
"Imagine something bigger than yourself."
"The oceanic feeling is a feeling of being connected to everything, of being indissolubly bound up with and belonging to the world outside yourself."
"Salvation is something much greater than forgiveness of sins; our problem was not just our sins but ourselves."
"The individual then loses all self-consciousness and feels simply that he is the channel for infinite intelligence to express itself through."
"I became the physical Universe, where there was just incredible phenomena happening."
"The ultimate mystical experience is where there is no sense of 'I', your sense of self is diminished, there is no awareness of the world, and there is no intellectual function."
"Love is the highest bliss that man can attain to, for through it alone he truly knows that he is more than himself and that he is at one with the all."
"The pleasure of the godly soul is to free itself of itself."
"It's injurious to confine ourselves to our nature; our job is to rise above our nature."
"It's about reaching the other state of enlightenment for all martial artists where the body is elevated beyond the self."
"I believe in something greater than myself."
"It's a concept of self-transcendence, going beyond what people tell you your limitations are."
"To escape through wisdom from the oppressive narrowness of the self into the joyous omnipresence of the higher Self is the goal of human life."
"The further it departs from itself and from everything which is not that towards which it hastens, and the more unlike itself it becomes and unlike all that is not its goal, to that extent it becomes ever more like the thing towards which it is drawn."
"That excellent and famous painter who painted so much beauty beneath the modest veil surpassed the limitations of art and triumphed over himself."
"It's just such a unique and fascinating experience; it takes you completely out of yourself."
"Your goal is to transcend yourself and to learn to wear your heart on your sleeve."
"Philosophically informed friendship, meaningful relationships in which we are afforded the cultivation of wisdom and self-transcendence."
"Purpose means it has to be more than just you, that is part of the meaning of purpose."
"You must somehow ever reach beyond yourself to God."
"All you could ever ask for as a human being is to be a part of something bigger, to be more than yourself."
"Books are the means to immortality. Through them, we all experience other times, other places, other lives; we manage to become much more than our own selves."
"We are all capable of transcending our circumstances and ourselves."
"The true spiritual experience is all about truly experiencing something beyond yourself."
"The major step in spirituality is when you get past this getting and not getting, doing and not doing, having and not having."
"To be in love is to surpass oneself."
"When you stop focusing on yourself excessively and you really shift to others, that's the whole idea of maturity, of self-transcendence, of outer orientation, of finding a meaning in life by giving meaning to others."
"Find joy through exertion... that's the formula for self transcendence."
"Love is not just to do with me, me, me; love is to share and go beyond yourself and to be able to love everyone else."
"Do you identify with the capacity to continually transcend what you are?"
"Suddenly your life has a real purpose, a purpose beyond you."
"Within each and every single one of us is the ability to transcend our own life."
"Going to the divine, allowing the divine to come into you, doing your practice to reach up to the divine, to transcend your boundaries and your limitations, to connect with the divine is what this journey through the chakras is all about."
"We are not our religions, we're not our culture, we're not even our countries, we're just Consciousness."
"Through my I Am Presence, I transcend all limitations."
"Those big moments are when you become something bigger than yourself if you can excel."