
Profit Quotes

There are 3623 quotes

"Knowledge today is not only power, knowledge is profit."
"Profit generation that goes back into scaling something bigger is the most sustainable way to make an idea change things in a huge way."
"Your status is gonna elevate, your money's gonna elevate, your career is just gonna explode in a good way."
"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. Our obligation is to make money."
"Good hacks can net you millions of ISK in a single trip."
"Wormhole space is awesome, very profitable, but you probably lose some ships here."
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty."
"Data brokers are making a fortune selling your personal information."
"In all labor there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty." - Proverbs 14:23.
"Profit isn't value. Value is value. Don't let them convince you they're the same thing."
"The decision to transcend into another state of being should not be for profit."
"Profit and purpose are going to coexist. If you have a purpose, you will end up making more money."
"In all labor, there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."
"These foods are products first and foremost, the only thing that they're designed to nourish is a healthy profit margin."
"We made 100 million profit there; that's the best profit I've ever made."
"Not everything can or should be run for profit; not everything can be put up for sale."
"You're making less profit per item, but if you sell more items, it's fine."
"It's functioning to generate profit for the insurance companies but not for the social provision."
"The Hunger Games film earned nearly 700 million dollars internationally, making it Lionsgate's most profitable film ever made."
"When you use your gift in the direction of your passion, your passion will always produce the profit."
"Profit is not a sin. Making money is a good thing, as long as you're not doing bad things to make it."
"Profit is an indication that a person has provided more value to others than he has asked for in exchange."
"The bigger the problem and the bigger the solution, the more money you make as a business."
"Profit is clutch—clutch is everything in life."
"Profit is the incentive structure that actually allows people to create new and innovative products."
"The only time you are guaranteed to leave the arena in profit is if you sell when you're in profit."
"The goal is to leave alive, not Max, profit."
"We're going to buy the speaker spider for 20 gems, boom, and then we're going to sell it for 50 gems and we're going to make money."
"If you paid attention to yesterday's video and acted on my non-financial advice, you would be up over 10% on your investment in a single day."
"Dollar cost average into any investment... it's the easiest thing that you can do which may result even in more profit than any day trader out here."
"For so long, you have taken the parts of me that you like and made profit out of it. But now, this is where I make my profit. This is where I get my reparation."
"Time companies actually have to take a profit hit in order to make the world a better place."
"At the end of the day, look, the prices might be high, but this is how you make money, ladies and gentlemen. This is how you make that money."
"The only way that you can make the most money is to provide an exceptional valued service and charge a ton of money for it."
"Profit and ethics can be intertwined when seen with the corporate social responsibility module."
"Corporations don't have to stop pursuing profits for their shareholders; they only need to shift to a longer-term perspective on their organization and its mission."
"Too often, the profits of pharmaceutical companies are placed before the actual health and well-being of the American people."
"If you don't put higher principles before profit, profit will ultimately destroy everything that makes life worthwhile."
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"
"The customer is the most important. Without customers, there is no business, no money, no profit."
"The reason I still trade this strategy to this day is because it consistently puts me in positions that help me to make massive profits."
"Finding a consistent way to make profits is one of the first steps of you becoming a profitable trader."
"They’re making profit from polarization hand over fist. And what they’re selling isn’t ads. They’re selling us. We are the products."
"The insurance industry is a money-making scheme that the government has allowed to fester for so long, it's become a special interest group almost impossible to disempower."
"Profit from its COVID vaccine yet estimates its 2021 revenue will be up 22 times higher than their revenue in 2020."
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?"
"Packaging, promoting, and profiting from your knowledge."
"If you're gonna be making such a huge profit off their aesthetics, you should be supporting their communities too."
"When companies act in a competitive manner, they lose out on efficiency and their narrow-minded interest for profit bites them in the long run."
"That shows you the power of the options two hundred forty profit to be made on twelve hundred dollar position."
"Profit is different to revenue because it's total revenue minus total costs."
"Within the space of a few weeks, I've made more money than I would have made in a whole year."
"The gains outweigh the losses if you know what you're doing."
"Selling your own products can get you that entire pie for yourself."
"Every 85, every inform that comes out, they do sell and you can make profit."
"The system itself is what's racist... you're racist because you're making money off a racist system."
"They put the llama in the corner and now they get to vibe out and be 12,000 richer as a trio. What a great display of strategy."
"The long-term profit is there, it's just about how you attain it."
"It doesn't matter if the market is bullish or bearish, you can make money regardless of the direction."
"They'll make an offer based on the profit they think the owner should be making... regardless of what the asking price is."
"Ultimately, if you look at the bottom line, Tesla already made like over a billion dollars just from that Bitcoin purchase alone."
"I would say statistically speaking you have a very, very high chance of seeing profit."
"There's more money to be made than lost, it's just that simple."
"Profit is good. Profit is good. Losses are bad."
"At the end of the day, we're making money with this music, so we need to respect where it came from."
"Blanco's criminal Empire produced an incredible $80 million every month."
"If you become a fighter who is marketable, who is fighting the best, the money will follow."
"I made over a thousand dollars in this nine thirty three and one."
"If you risked $1,000, you would have made $24,000."
"Making money while helping people - it's the ultimate win-win."
"We're making money today, we made like 500 700 bucks in one day."
"Buying Bitcoin during the previous dips has proven to be profitable."
"That's what it's all about, and the more Dominus hats you get, the more money you get, and the faster you get that money, and yeah, and you basically win."
"We definitely have the potential to make some big money today."
"If you want to go to that next level, you're going to have to say [expletive] it and actually put yourself out there."
"Because the buyer paid shipping... we ended up making an extra like dollar and 50 cents over what the selling price was."
"Let's make people money, brothers. Big Ben throws a touchdown, Najee Harris gets a rushing touchdown, and the Steelers with the money line."
"Senator Risch is one of the leading rhinos who's profited enormously from defense spending."
"You can make five times more than just doing the leads, the farther you take it, the more leverage you have."
"Let's face it, you're making a lot more money with Jupiter here until the end of May this year."
"This place overall netted them a $15,000 payout, more money than Monsoon had ever made from gaming before."
"Isn't that the most disgusting part of this too, that they're actually profiting off of somebody else's complete horror?"
"Anyone who bought during the bear market is in profit like it's pretty magic."
"The most profitable thing in cryptocurrency is holding."
"Oh, look at how much money we're making too, these things are worth a lot."
"Let me do a gesture that has no risk. Let me do a gesture that's going to put more money in my pocket and prolong my career."
"Think of the money that you invest as gone... If you do that and you make money now, you just found brand new money."
"Profit boosts, oh you like that kind of stuff."
"We estimate that the profit that's being made off of retail traders, is probably in the neighborhood of more than $20 billion a year."
"You could be making fifteen, twenty thousand dollars off a sheet of paper, man."
"We're making money again; this feels pretty good."
"Just the last two days, two back-to-back fifty percent gains on option trades."
"At the end of the day, it's all about having fun and hopefully just maybe making a profit."
"You buy any crypto at 100 and now it is at 200."
"Profit now is probably about like a hundred thousand which is still [ __ ] insane."
"It's okay to make money during a crisis but it's not okay to make money from the crisis."
"Those of us that's been that are used to these patterns, we're making a lot of money."
"Look at all this, we're gonna get so much money!"
"Is it possible for capitalism to construct a system that insures against catastrophic events... you can't make a profit out of catastrophe."
"Profit is simply theft, and what you're stealing is the talent and hard work of your workforce."
"You can actually maximize your profit by treating people decently."
"They made more money than they've made in years."
"Yes, your studying time is a lot longer. But that money comes in when the markets turn and it increases so much in a short period of time."
"Biggest lesson is that someone is always profiting from injustice."
"We own you. You don't understand how much money we're going to make from this. Billions."
"All that for a drop of clout and he's still profiting from the bag."
"You always want your a cost to be lower than your profit margin."
"Had they made a video a year ago talking about ethereum you would be up 400 cardano you would be up 1300 dogecoin you would be up ten thousand percent and solana you would be up eighteen thousand percent"
"I spent about seven point three mil on the implings and of course, we got the ranger boots so we've made a lot of money."
"When a seller and a buyer love the wares, that's when a profit is made."
"By huddling, you're going to make a lot of money because you can see that no matter how low the prices go, they're not going to go back to the low of the life cycle."
"I started this portfolio with $50,000. I withdrew $400,000. It's actually $4.3 million."
"Securing profits is crucial; that's how you ensure long-term success."
"Do not let it terrify you. This is how you will end up making so much more money."
"I think you can want to do good in the world and spark social change and also make money at the same time."
"That's 500 profit for the day if my math and mind situation is correct."
"I can't believe how much money we made. It just kept throwing money at me!"
"Stick around when the market is calm, that's when you make the most money."
"There is money to be made when you collaborate with other companies and other brands."
"Biggest profit they'll ever make easy so they can leave with a comfy comfy money out of their pocket so simple as that."
"It's just going to add more cream to the top of Tesla's margin."
"Grind it out, grind it out man, there's still money to be made out of that."
"We made profit, baby! I'm a free gold miner!"
"We paid twenty dollars a piece for these chairs... they are pending right now for two hundred."
"We're hoping to sell it between 150 and 175 so it'll give us a nice little profit for really not too much work."
"But we're going to make money out of it and that's also exciting."
"You are simply connecting people with products that they want to spend money on anyways and you get a profit for it."
"Turn meaningless crap into cold hard credits."
"This is a Band-Aid and our government is supposed to help the people but they're making more profit from this."
"Short-term profit maximization should not be advocated for by our government."
"Imagine how much money we'll make next time when we do this whole thing again."
"If you could spend $5 million a year and make $180 million, would you take that deal?"
"I learned something and I profited from it, that's the best thing."
"These companies don't see trainees as humans but more so products that have the potential to make you a lot of money if they're successful."
"It's win-win-win: the customer has a good time, the company and the server make more money."
"Our campaign and the pitch and the team was really proud what we're building is truly a unique combination of purpose and profit."
"They were actually profiting off of our failure."
"If he's doing this at cost, there's no profit. In theory, as he's arguing, it would be a better deal for the country and the taxpayers."
"I made 70,000 off of one design and it's like you're one design away from thousands of dollars like it."
"Cashing out at eight hundred and forty for a profit of one hundred and eighty or so, beautiful."
"This year so far you made 200,000 profit thereabouts. You're having a great time, so why are you here?"
"Exxon made 19.7 billion dollars in profit last quarter alone."
"Flipping electronics...fully functional phones...profit margins will be much larger."
"Everybody should be entitled to the profit from their labor."
"The profit in the United States... distorts our health care system."
"We shall see that war in preparation for war is not a matter of national honor and national defense but a matter of profit for the few."
"The more value you provide, the more profits you will make."
"Your voice, face to face, that's where all the profit lies."
"I want to say I had 800,000 I sold about 550 of which I got a double out of which was awesome."
"Imagine buying something for around fifty-eight hundred dollars and in five years you have 1.2 million."
"Every single day I make some serious melon profits."
"That's some easy profits. I felt day 909 was a good day to expand my map. It wasn't that difficult."
"I've made my money by selling what's not popular."
"I'm gonna call it a safe 20 bucks in profit."
"The price of your artwork shouldn't only reflect the time you spent learning your skills but it should also cover your expenses and all of the time you spend managing and scaling your business while also being able to turn a profit."
"Business is half creativity that comes from the chaos of the arts, and half the discipline of science. Business is binary. You either make money or lose it."
"In the first five days, I managed to get over 200 subscribers, almost 10,000 views in total, and I made over 250 dollars in pure profit."
"I actually made money when I bought this property, I actually got a surplus, so it used no money."
"Now, how do I calculate how much money I actually made?"
"Nintendo doing pretty well this past fiscal year with a profit of 4.4 billion dollars."
"Every vehicle Tesla sells, they're making way more money than anyone else... competing."
"Maybe Hollywood shouldn't have prioritized identity politics over profit."
"Helping others sell their business can earn you massive rewards."
"You can actually make some money off of finding the things."
"So cheers to anybody that took that trade, it's doing quite well."
"The thing about false prophets... they tend to create real profits."
"People make money from doing good; it's a wonderful thing."
"You can actually take home all the bacon when you have your own product."
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue."
"A full haul of cash nets the player a total of $2,115,000, two hundred more for Artwork and four hundred more for gold."
"Remember if you’re after the big bucks, always go for 'The Big Con' approach."
"Ended up coming home with over a hundred dollars in profit."
"Romance celebration party and financial gain."
"Health care cannot be a for-profit institution."
"BTS are able to stay on the charts while actually making money from their music. That's what makes the industry mad."
"The whole system exploits the pain of black people for profit."
"The extreme profits that companies have seen during the course of the pandemic go Way Beyond profit it's price gouging."
"Afterlife is being so well received and it actually looks like it is probably going to turn a profit."
"Last time, we went from $20k to $42k in four weeks."
"Every sale that comes through is basically 100% profit."
"Money's made on the delta between price and value."
"The money suits decide who's allowed to profit off your work."
"You'll usually make more money by focusing on niches you're personally interested in."
"Just remember, no one ever went broke taking a profit."
"As long as you're on the right side of it and you know when to sell, you can end up making money."
"Tesla bought $1.5 billion of bitcoin around $33,000. That means they have now made over $1 billion on that investment in less than 45 days."
"It's all good seeing those flashy revenue numbers but how much money are you really making?"
"Does the lure of basic baby bait for tons of profit drag these newbies down or is it secretly the next Pixar bursting with cinematic potential to be some of the best of the best?"
"Not too shabby for a film made on a budget of twenty-three point six million dollars."
"Gold smuggling is lucrative. You invest one crore in the morning and you get 1.2 crores in the evening."
"This is the best week ever for me I think in terms of potential coin profits off of marquee matchups, this is insane."
"You're making off of putting a hundred and seventy dollars."
"I'm gonna go mine these tokens, then I'm gonna go and make money on Refinable."
"Who's profiting from this war? Who's making all the money?"
"A major risk should never be taken for small profit."
"That's how that client with $850,000 ended up making over a half a million in one year on his IUL policy."
"I think that was a good trade for literally holding it for less than 30 minutes."
"If you actually do the math, 80% of the people end up making money."
"This is a pretty good method of making money but if you streamline your process of selling items that you find, and finding the right items, you could very easily crank out a million dollars in a day easily."
"You are sitting in some sweet profits even when bitcoin and some of these other coins are going down."