
Intellectual Growth Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"Every single time you have a new idea, your mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
"Creativity is dependent on the expansion of your mind."
"If you think about how much time we waste on Facebook and silly things, deep intellectual thought is what's missing."
"You actually strengthen your understanding of the world and therefore strengthen your own convictions by encountering other ideas that are well formed."
"The greatest value that we got out of Apollo was the creation of intellectual capital through the inspiring of millions to go into science and engineering, to be part of the great adventure of human expansion to space."
"The point of college is to keep you physically safe but intellectually unsafe, to force you to confront ideas that you vehemently disagree with."
"New ideas require many reiterations and restatements before they become part of the generally accepted currency of thought."
"You've got to be it intellectually, you've got to be it emotionally."
"I've always had the goal of being a deep, free, and original thinker."
"Thoughtful disagreement if you work that through you raise your probabilities of getting at the best answer."
"The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying."
"You will not be able to grow intellectually until you surround yourself with people you disagree with."
"Asking 'dumb' questions is essential for learning and growth. If you don't know something, being willing to ask and learn is key."
"To get smarter, you have to expose yourself to other ideas, to ideas that criticize you, people that disagree with you."
"It squeezes your brain so much and your schedule so much that by semester's end, you genuinely feel smarter."
"It is a law both of the intellectual and the spiritual nature that by beholding, we become changed. The mind gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it is allowed to dwell."
"In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired."
"You have to be willing to come face to face with your intellectual limitations and keep going."
"Good thinking, deep, nuanced, and creative thinking, is arguably what we need most."
"If you're the smartest person in the room, you've got to find a different room."
"Groundbreaking ideas nurtured our minds and souls."
"All I can do is discuss. We are still too immature intellectually, socially, historically, to produce final answers, but what I want to do...is to make you start thinking."
"Reading is something that we should embrace more. We've gotten so accustomed to watching TV, being on social media, that we're not really feeding our brains the way that we should."
"It's a sacrifice to become a critical thinker. It requires a lot of energy. Are people willing to make that sacrifice?"
"Meet a lot of people who are smarter than you and ask them questions, pay attention, and follow-up and validate and check the things that you learn."
"We need viewpoint diversity... to make us smarter."
"As a scientist, the two greatest states to be in are being wrong or confused."
"I think we are in an intellectual revolution that our capacity to invent and think and use technologies to help us think has never been greater than before."
"Reading people like Carl Jung and Viktor Frankl broadens how you think about people."
"Knowing more always gives you more ways, more lenses through which to view things."
"If you cannot ask questions, you can't develop, you can't grow."
"I love having my mind changed and opened. That's what I value most highly."
"Intellect is far more than that. It's about learning on your own, being curious, going out in the world, experiencing things, having a job, dealing with people right, and how you react to the world around you."
"It's important to debate and challenge your ideas always."
"I welcome debates with liberals because it's made me much sharper in my views."
"We should be delighted when we're shown to be wrong because it means we've learned something."
"The search for truth is more precious than its possession. Long may the search continue."
"There is a kind of deliverance that happens as a fortification through knowledge."
"Once a man's mind has been stretched, it never returns to its original form."
"Knowledge is the fuel that drives human existence."
"Thoughts should be things that help us grow, provoke our mind, help us understand reality."
"Read a damn book, don't just tweet, don't get on Instagram, don't go on your Facebook. Have a fast from social media and dig deep into intellectual resources."
"All of the thinkers all of the creators all of the speakers that I respect the most are the people who changed their mind quite regularly."
"The purpose of education in any society is to facilitate the development of a mature mind."
"Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
"The mind will soar to new heights when fired by a potent constructive emotion."
"As an academic I care that I learn something every day if a day goes by I don't learn something that's a wasted day and ideally you should get your mind blown at least once a week by just something whoa I never knew that."
"We'd like to focus on the ability to take this idea of knowledge and being able to reason based on knowledge."
"Those who question eventually will get closer to the truth."
"When you discover something scientifically, your mind expands."
"The expanded mind cannot return to its former dimensions."
"Watch for a moment of intellectual or spiritual breakthrough around the 17th."
"You cannot know your own side of the argument until you know the other side."
"How do we increase the wisdom, the joy, the higher intelligence?"
"Ideas in, equal ideas out. You must chase that knowledge down, it is a relentless pursuit."
"It's a good thing to be proven wrong because you've found truth in being proven wrong."
"Each Theory shows you its limits. If it's a good theory, it shows you its limits. You transcend the limits and then you get your new Theory to project down."
"Ideological diversity within academia may not produce revolutionary information, but it gives potential for falsification."
"Curiosity is how a human being literally grows."
"Wisdom and knowledge is two different things. Knowledge is like what you get, wisdom is how you apply it."
"A person remains knowledgeable so long as they are seeking knowledge."
"Smart is not something you are, smarter something you get." - Professor Dylan William
"My name is Scott, reminding you to read between the panels. Grow smarter through comics. See ya."
"The goal is not to have the controversy unless it guides us to higher levels of understanding."
"We should try out new ways of thinking, challenge our identity, and redefine ourselves."
"True confidence in one's worldview must come from a place of knowing that you can challenge and question your own beliefs."
"Encourage doubt. Doubt is a beautiful thing."
"If you took one cent and you put it in bitcoin 10 years ago... it outperformed everything."
"Enhancement of your faculties is enhancement of life in many ways."
"It's a really foundational book, I guess in who I am as a thinker."
"Jim Quick is now the brain coach to some of the leading minds on the planet."
"Maybe as a thinking human being you can change your views."
"Once your mind is stretched to a new idea, it never regains its original dimensions."
"It's always good to expand your horizons, that means your learning abilities and look at things that you may not need today but you will need in the future, especially when you have, you know, educated conversations."
"Invest in yourself to increase your thoughts, your knowledge, how you think and see and process the world."
"Focus on being able to understand a ton of stuff."
"Let's push intelligent black media and let's make our people smart."
"In our resurrected State... we're going to be constantly pushing back the frontiers of knowledge."
"Intellectual growth should happen every day. There's no such thing as graduating from institutional learning."
"The more I speak with people, the more my mind expands and my horizons expand, and my views change."
"Building your brain makes you sustainably rich."
"Have you ever noticed that when you go on vacation you get smarter?"
"I like to hear ideas that I've never thought of. I like to hear views that I agree with and views I disagree with. I like to have my thinking evolve."
"You can't get smart without other people. You can't get smart without being exposed to challenges."
"It will first become intellectually clear to us and then it will deepen into enlightenment."
"I thought I was going to become an intellectual genius when I asked for wisdom."
"Teaching intolerance I like to teach and I and I believe in tolerance of ideas that are different from your own I believe that it is good that you can become a better thinker when you're listening to people who don't think like you."
"Look at the intellectual strength and power that comes from focusing on that which one truly loves."
"I want our congregation to be a place where you can develop your understanding of meaning and truth."
"We should be making an effort to elevate the intellectual baseline of the Muslims."
"Reading books can give you wisdom over time."
"Being open-minded is more important than being right."
"This is a time of expanding your knowledge base, being open to new ideas, learning, staying curious."
"You cannot miss an opportunity to gain knowledge."
"This is how we improve our thinking this is how we grow as a culture and as a civilization"
"Expand your horizons educationally, don't underestimate your right to feed your mind."
"The more you learn, the more you want to share."
"I think we are obliged to be constantly updating our ideas in light of new evidence."
"I'm the smartest person in the room; I'm definitely in the wrong room."
"No problem can be solved from the same level of thinking that created it."
"The person who benefits the most from a philosophical debate is the person who loses the argument."
"Read more; reading is to your mind what exercise is for your body."
"Deep engagement without open-mindedness... you have to be both engaged and open-minded."
"Truth beauty and wisdom will come to you that way. Assume nothing question everything and start thinking."
"If I have seen further it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."
"I think doubt actually is really useful intellectually because that means that we're always sort of interrogating our own ideas."
"I felt my head getting like larger with facts and knowledge and I thought let's do this again."
"New light never extinguishes older light but adds to it."
"Challenge your assumptions, so that you can find your truths."
"We just need to encourage people to read more, to learn more, to have a love of learning."
"I encourage everybody in here listen to people who disagree with you because that will make you a smarter person in general."
"If you refuse to learn to speak the language with accuracy and mastery, that is a clear sign of a mind that refuses to expand."
"Having someone else to discuss these types of things with allows us to look at things from different perspectives."
"It causes you to feel really stupid for a while, but then you start connecting the dots and start to feel like the smartest person to have ever lived, and I think everyone can benefit from feeling that way once in a while."
"Study for knowledge, not for marks. Get an education, not a degree, and start thinking beyond what everybody else is doing."
"Talking with people who think differently from us is how we challenge ourselves."
"I think it's always good to kind of challenge your ideas and feelings."
"Knowledge is information, understanding is revelation, wisdom is application."
"The RZA got bars and knowledge because he read so many books."
"Reading is relaxing. It settles your mind and makes you smarter so do it."
"Surround yourself with great books and people you'd want to emulate intellectually."
"It's good that we have conflicting perspectives. It causes both parties to dig deeper and to better understand where other people are coming from and to look deeper at the studies."
"It's about questioning things it's about finding what's real and what's true and training your mind to poke holes in that box."
"At every stage, we once again have to learn to let go of what we've already learned, let go of dogmatism, and be opened up to the next level of exploration."
"Read well, select your authors well." - Ravi Zacharias
"It's okay to be wrong in life because the more you learn about something, the more possibilities you find out about."
"Read more to understand the perspectives of others."
"It's great when you're wrong, when you're wrong, that means you learned a new thing and you're now smarter."
"It's more important to unlearn than it is to relearn."
"Intellectual purification: questioning, exploring, learning."
"Wondering what questions I don't yet know to ask."
"We will not solve the problems of the world with the level of thinking we were at when we created them."
"Every era witnesses a transformation, a metamorphosis of thought that determines the course of generations."
"The transformation was not just an intellectual one, it was deeply emotional and spiritual as well."
"Each time we emerge smarter, better, more insightful, more clever."
"It really highlights the importance of intellectual flexibility."
"The more I talk about the stuff that I do, the more I've found myself surrounded with smarter and smarter people."
"We're done with that... we're going into the knowledge barrier."
"Continue to seek knowledge, seek truth, seek wisdom, seek understanding."
"Part of being a genius is learning from someone else's experience."
"Every project you get involved in stretches your mind."
"You owe it to yourself to confront ideas you don't agree with."
"If you find that you're the smartest guy in the room get out of the room and get in a better room."
"Reading is a transformative endeavor that broadens your horizons and sharpens your intellect."
"When you decide to follow the truth, you become a sponge. You begin to absorb all manners of truth."
"Education is not just about getting the degree or getting the diploma in your hand, it's about expanding your mind."
"Science is evolving... understanding that science and just knowledge human knowledge is always elastic." - Ali Ward
"Reading challenging books opened up my imagination."
"If we love truth, we should change our opinions."
"I generally went as far as I could go intellectually, but I did not go horizontally, so if I had to go back and give myself advice to my younger self, it is to say just go all the way."
"Societies are built upon knowledge, and then more knowledge is developed."
"Read a lot. It will enlarge your mind in so many ways."
"By adding to your existing knowledge, you're tacking on new knowledge onto something you already know."
"When the human mind is stretched by a new idea, it can never go back to its original dimensions."
"You have to think critically so you can put your ideas to the test."
"The mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original shape."
"But if we found one overwhelming answer, it's that we need to keep asking questions."
"The human species is too young to have beliefs. What we need are good questions."
"If you want your muscles to get bigger you lift weights, if you want your brain to get sharper, you evaluate your thinking."
"Knowledge is the cumulative past accomplishment, but imagination is the future."
"Think for yourself... Challenge your own ideas... Expose yourself to new topics and new ideas."
"I think changing your mind is awesome, you know some people view that as weakness but I think that being open to being wrong is good."
"What I'm hoping is that somebody sees this and gets whole new insights and whole new breakthroughs."
"In terms of pure squad, it's potentially the best team."
"Reading is extremely important... intellectually if you read a lot of books you will definitely advance... become smarter and... see the world through a different lens."
"I think we are in an intellectual Revolution, our capacity to invent and think has never been greater than before."
"You're probably in a stage of evolution that one gets to when one listens to a multitude of opinions."
"Books open you up to new experiences. They make you more compassionate, a better writer, a better thinker."
"All that knowledge and curiosity was now paying off big time."
"You have to be exposed to offense, to dangerous ideas, to become more enlightened as humans."
"The best knowledge is knowledge that you can share."
"I love education, I love value education, and I love learning new things."
"We need to value knowledge and value what somebody can help us keep as well."
"The more you read, the more you distance yourself from the crowd because you start realizing like the way we think in is not correct."
"Your belief systems should evolve as long as the information is continually evolving."
"It's important to form an opinion but it's also important to change the opinion as new information comes out."
"People who are right a lot, they seek to disconfirm their most profoundly held convictions."
"We keep getting better and better at thinking about things."
"The person most likely to correct something you're wrong about is someone that you disagree with."
"It's good to be challenged and try and learn constantly all the time in our lives."
"You don't go to school just to make money, you go to sharpen your mind."
"Keep a mental list of when you got a prediction wrong; it tells you something about your mental models."
"On the 29th, lucky stars are arising and deserve stars that are giving success boosts about intellectual developments and finances."
"Keep trying to understand with an open mind."
"If we learn to think for ourselves, we will grow as strong."
"Engaging with criticism on a topic helps us think."
"The more avenues you have to check your own assumptions, the more that you are going to be in a position to not get rugged."
"I want my ideas to be challenged, I want to come into contact with totally new ideas I'd never considered before."
"You are in fact allowed to change your opinion about things when presented with new information."
"The central intellectual fact about the present era is that knowledge grows."
"The brain, you're meant to be out there testing the brain all the time, pushing the limits."
"Reading books concentrates the mind in ways that reading tweets or newspapers or magazines don't quite know."
"It's hard to grow intellectually if your ego is in the way."
"...I think there is an intellectual awakening that just is deferred in a lot of people."
"Here's to your intellectual curiosity, honesty, and warm-heartedness."
"Opportunities will open as your mind opens. Ideas will start to flourish as you turn the pages of a book."
"I'm wise enough to seek out people who are smarter than I am, hang around them, and learn things."
"At the end of the day, it's not necessarily A Plan B, it's educating yourself, right? You're becoming an intellectual, you're opening your mind up to new opportunities, new possibilities."
"Beauty goodness truth is grammar logic rhetoric truth comes at this cotal level."
"Academics of the right sort are requisite: observation, invention, study, and original thought."