
Moving Forward Quotes

There are 1756 quotes

"It's not the worst thing in the world to fail math class, but it's about learning from it and moving forward."
"Vicky survived two attempts on her life and she's really moving on with things now."
"Let's just let the past go and focus on moving forward for our happiness' sake."
"I can't change what's already happened, so there's no value in wishing it were different."
"Keep moving forward, that's the main thing. Don't stop living your life because this person is gone."
"Finding peace in yourself and just be like, 'You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm moving forward.'"
"I move forward with no regrets. I leave my past behind and walk into a brighter future."
"We need to draw a line in the sand, forgive and forget, and move forward."
"We can't move forward with hate...we have to forgive the past we have to forgive other people in order to move forward with a clean slate."
"This is all about no more past interference. We're moving forward here."
"The only way to move forward is to face your past."
"You're going to forgive, forget, elevate, and move on."
"All you can do is learn from it and move forward."
"Stop listening to your past, because it has nothing new to say to you."
"I think regrets are okay so long as you don't like just die on that hill... as long as you learn from it."
"This is a poor choice. This is on me. This is my fault. I'm gonna move on."
"We move on, you know. We've got to just get past this point in our life."
"Forget those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before."
"When you leave somewhere terrible, do not look back. There's no nostalgia for catastrophe."
"You're moving on to bigger and better things, leaving a lot of heavy troubled energy in the past."
"The key with the death card is you have to be able to let something go in order to move forward."
"Chalk it up as an integral step in your learning process and move forward to what matters, to what you care about."
"You cannot move forward to a better future if you are holding on to the hope for a better past."
"You only get stuck there (in the past) if you don't learn from those mistakes while you're consistently moving forward."
"Forgiveness is really the key to move forward."
"The beauty of the bullet journal is that you can just turn the page and move on."
"I will no longer allow the voices of the dead to bind me. This is something that I must do, no, something that I am choosing to do."
"Your healing doesn't always depend on talking, confronting, analyzing. Sometimes it's about naming, releasing, and then moving on."
"Life is about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."
"Erase it from your memory, move on, and forget any of this ever happened."
"You can't change the past; you can only move forward."
"Let's let go of the old, let's close the old chapters, let's forgive and let's focus on the road ahead."
"You take that moment and you learn and you grow and you move forward."
"There's no cure for what we went through, but there's a way to deal and a way to move forward."
"Don't let your past hold you back. This is really giving me the vibes of like this person's gonna be so different and there might still be fears that come up where you wonder... Can I really trust this person? I don't feel like they are, and I feel like you can truly move forward with this person in a very new way."
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing."
"It wasn't to replace anybody; it was probably one of the best decisions we made because it helped us keep moving forward."
"It's hard to move forward when your past is always in your back pocket."
"Sit in those feelings as long as you feel like you need to, and then get up, reframe, and move forward."
"Acknowledging your regrets is really important to be able to move forward."
"Don't bring your past into your future; don't let your past hold you back."
"Your life can be beautiful, but it starts with a decision to move forward."
"You can't worry about yesterday because yesterday is not coming back to look for you."
"Forgive yourself and get on with the rest of your life."
"You could kill yourself if you kept asking 'What if?'. Instead, you have to ask, 'So now what?'" - Teresa
"We cannot just sit and grieve on the past. We have to be able to move on, but not forget."
"We have to be able to move on, but not forget."
"Don't be sad that it's over, smile that it happened. Now I'm going to move forward today with a different kind of energy, a different mindset."
"The more you force your life forward, the smaller and eventually invisible the things behind you become."
"You should definitely feel those feelings when you're having them, because sadness, loss, and loneliness are all part of life, but you don't want to get stuck there."
"Sometimes pain can bring us closer together, and it's kind of bittersweet but can help us move forward."
"'Donda' the album is Kanye's clearest attempt to accept his grave circumstances and move forward in the only way he knows how."
"We are not going back, there's no going back to your old life."
"Your destiny is too great to let what one person did keep you from moving forward."
"I find for myself that as long as I'm staying busy and moving forward, that I usually get over things very, very, very, very quickly."
"Let's just move on. Come on, let's take all this despair and change it into hope."
"There's been rips, there's been tears, there's been despair, but it's finally time to get off this roller coaster of emotions and turn towards home."
"You can put this behind you. It'll get easier as you move forward."
"This is a very unfortunate situation...we really want to be able to move forward and put this behind us."
"The fullness of forgiveness involves not just forgiving someone, but wanting to move forward with them."
"You never get a date with destiny as long as you're married to your history."
"The past is over, and all things are made new!"
"It's never too late to go back, fix what's broken, and move forward."
"Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's also the key to moving forward."
"I just sort of know, like within myself, I'm not going back there. So, it's just full steam ahead from here."
"We've got to stay positive, and we've got to find a way to keep moving forward with that positivity."
"I accept the lessons that I've learned. I am free. Claim this energy. I'm ready to move forward in my life."
"Leave the past in the past, but take the lessons."
"I made some mistakes, and I regret them. I'm ready to move on."
"The best form of revenge is just getting it done and moving on."
"It's time to turn the page and look to the future."
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, 'Let's just forget it and move on' is not how you unify the country."
"Instead of re-fighting the battles of the last two years, let's fix what needs fixing and let's move forward."
"I know it's going to hurt, I know it'll break you, but we have to be able to be strong and move forward."
"What are we talking about? Yeah, come through. I'm not gonna go nowhere but through."
"The fusion of the two of them. He's amazed as well."
"You're moving through it. You have to keep moving."
"It's time for you to move forward it's time to let go it's time for you to love again now it's time for you to open your heart up and receive this love."
"Let go gracefully. Whatever has taken place in the past, it is time to move forwards."
"You have everything that you need to move forward in your life."
"Keep only the lessons and the love and leave everything else behind you."
"Moving forward, it's telling you to move forward."
"Some things you have to walk away from in order to move forward; don't rush it, just keep going."
"You will survive this. Suit except that he wasn't sure forever. Let today be your last day wondering why it didn't work and your first thing knowing better is coming your way."
"I feel quite cleansed to a degree. I'm a lot more confident. I feel far more ready and prepared to move on now and to enjoy my life more."
"It's good to not be awful to each other again, it's good to let the past pass."
"Healing from your past is crucial to moving forward."
"I will miss it, but you've got to forget about the past and keep going."
"This is the week to feel your power and leave the past in the past."
"It's time to leave it behind, just don't go there anymore."
"Have no regrets with the past out of the way."
"It's time to move on, but are you ready to see it?"
"Everything happens for a reason, so just move forward."
"Regardless, everything now is in the past and it's time to move forward to the future."
"It's about learning from what we've experienced and it's about growing and it's about moving forward."
"It's time to move on from the stress and negativity."
"Permission to move on and understanding that you have what it takes."
"The foundation for you moving forward is forgiveness."
"Now is the time to let go and to move forward, let's stop making excuses, let's take responsibility for where we are in life right now."
"You have got everything you need to move on."
"Clarity, truth, revelation... time to move forward."
"You need to come to terms with your past in order to move forward."
"Let's put it all behind us." - Commentary on moving forward from drama and focusing on positive outcomes.
"I'd rather just leave it here and just move on with my life."
"It's hard to carry on that way. It is. I think we can move on to the next question at this point."
"Endings lead to new beginnings. It's time to move on from a situation."
"It's a healing card, it's about release, it's about taking a breath and having your feelings and knowing that it's time to move forward."
"Great, you're all moving on. We should all move on." - Captain America
"Compassion is important, and letting go of the past is so important right now."
"The past is the past, what matters is what we do next."
"You can't have your future held up by their acknowledgement of what they did to you. You got to move on without it."
"Divorce is not the end of your life. You can move on. You can still live a life that is secure."
"It's time to move on, this is the era we in now, you're not the one."
"Forget the former things and do not dwell on the past."
"That scripture you just had about life moves fast, whatever happens in your life, you have to move forward... that hit a tone just for me today."
"But it's great to get out of the way to not worry about her anymore and start to look forward."
"There's no going back, and I have to look forward."
"When love comes to you in life, accept it with an open heart and move forward."
"Just remember that there are better things out there, and don't let a breakup hold you back."
"You gotta move forward. You gotta live with the skin you got."
"Don't let the past hold you back. It's time to move forward, you have so much to look forward to."
"It's easy to feel like things are beyond repair...never look back."
"Speak your truth, speak your light, and move on."
"Out with the old, in with the new, this officially ends us talking about Trisha."
"Let's chalk this up to a learning experience and move on."
"As long as you're moving forward, everything's in the right place."
"Some bridges need to be burned because there are some places you should never return."
"It's okay to be wrong, it's okay to have an opinion... So what? Get on with it. That's how we do it, that's how we move forward in life."
"Success is the greatest form of revenge you just keep it moving."
"To move forward, you have to leave some things behind."
"Encourage yourself to let go of the past and of the familiar."
"Sometimes the best reaction is to keep it moving."
"You can't change the past but you can still move forward."
"Severing ties to the past, finding solutions, moving forward."
"That's all you can do is know it now and move forward."
"I feel like I'm at a point where I can just kind of start fresh now."
"You don't have to hold yourself hostage to who you used to be."
"Life continues to move on whether or not you move past your pain or not."
"If you know it's just going down the wrong path just cut it off and move on to the next one."
"I would rather let him go and get rid of the strife, instead of chasing money or something, just moving the f*** on."
"It's getting to the point now where it's been lingering for too long and nobody's really made a decision. So, if you want communication, you're going to have to do it. If not, time to move forward."
"Don't hold on to disappointments, it's a new season."
"Radically accept the past so that it can truly be the past."
"Let's put everything behind us. Let's be happy and enjoy life."
"I'm moving forward. I'm not always focusing on the past."
"It just is what it is and we move on, so bouncing back with a positive note."
"It's time to move on... push away toxicity, move forward."
"The way to set this right may just be to disconnect."
"It's over, I'm out of it, never going back, I'm good over here."
"It's going to help you to move on with your life."
"We can move forward unshackled from the stories of the past."
"You're on the other side of something, don't you ever go back to it, ever."
"we can't hold on from experiences to the past and expect that for what's to come in because that's stopping the law of attraction"
"You cannot go back to whatever you came out of; you can only go up."
"Your manifestations are here, you're leaving behind the past where there was lies, deception, and hurt."
"You're releasing what doesn't serve you any longer and you're moving on."
"You just gotta apologize and keep it moving."
"You have a choice: stay stuck or move forward to something better."
"Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree and move on, that's totally valid."
"No more self-blame. Now it's time to reckon with the fact that we've learned so much."
"Make peace with the past before moving forward."
"Kudos to Serena for finding real love and just moving on with her life."
"Communication is key if we're gonna move forward from racism, move forward from sexism, and move forward politically."
"Accept your gift... things are moving forward very, very quickly."
"The important thing is we grow, we learn, we move on."
"Closure there will be an apology there will be you coming full circle with the situation so you can move forward with your life."
"Whatever it is that's been keeping you stuck, the tower comes along and says, 'Boom, it's over; we're moving forward now.'"
"Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ said that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty."
"The shadow of what you did will follow you forever; really the best thing you can do is just move on and pursue other endeavors where you're not so much in the public light."
"Sometimes we can't change the past, but I'm happy with where I am now."
"They just want to get over their stuff once and for all, they want you both to just put the past behind you and move forward with this new life together."
"There is no chance, oh my gosh, okay, we move on."
"Advice on how to love again is just to realize that some people are in your life for a lesson and some people are in there for the long haul and that is okay."
"Life moves on whether you get over the heartbreak or not, life will move on and so will you."
"We're not going back. Time has one direction so you've got to figure out how do you move forward."
"Honor your truth or accepting your truth is inherent in order for you to move forwards."
"My girlfriend moved in, and we're moving forward."
"To spend any more time celebrating yesterday today would be somewhat ridiculous."
"A lot of you guys are choosing you. It's like all these I'm just gonna move on my own way or a lot of you guys are moving toward a love that seems to be your wish fulfillment."
"You're not stuck with just the last thing you did."
"Continue, no wallowing. What are you going to do with this next?"
"Sunset shows that life is too beautiful to hold on to the past, so move on to the present."
"Time to walk forward, the past has been written already."
"If you always hold onto what could have been, you'll never go to what is."
"You're reconstructing your future without this person."
"Don't look back. You're being told not to look back at this."
"It's important for me to approach all angles of this so I can move on."
"Practice forgiveness so you can keep working past that."
"Leave it in the past, it no longer serves the future."
"Every ending reveals the truth so you can move forward without baggage."
"Time to move in a new direction without regrets."
"You're overcoming this, moving on to bigger and better things."
"The last bit of anger and embarrassment was spent yesterday. We moved on. Let's get on with the show."
"The bat card shows up to signify the ending of a chapter, the closing of a door, the bat comes swiftly encouraging us to move on, in just a few hours, a new day dawns, no more lingering in the past."
"It's an energy of someone walking away, but you know what? I feel like this is an energy of moving forward."
"You gotta put the past behind you. That's what Rafiki said to Simba in The Lion King. You gotta put it behind you and keep moving forward."
"It's a long shadow. You've walked through it. It's time to step out of it now."
"Life happens, you just got to get on with it and move on, right?"
"In order for you to completely move forward and invest yourself completely into something, you need to be honest with yourself."
"I feel like we're gonna break a lot more of those in the future, let's go!"