
Self-talk Quotes

There are 1406 quotes

"Killing ants (automatic negative thoughts): How well are you controlling your self-talk? If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them."
"Your brain is like a supercomputer and your self-talk is the program it will run."
"Your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk."
"When you stand in front of a mirror and you're like, 'Hey, you're awesome. We got this. I got you. I know it's hard, we're gonna go do this,'... then you're creating momentum for yourself."
"The most important conversation I ever had with is with myself."
"You need to tell yourself in some way that you're awesome."
"The most important conversation is the one you have with yourself."
"Self-talk is really important. You need to be very thoughtful about what you repeat."
"Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love."
"We hear all the time words are power, and the reality is that the words you speak to yourself, the thoughts you have, they will dictate your energy."
"Sometimes that's the most powerful thing that you can do when your mind gets negative: you just tell it to shut up and you move on."
"I use that friend test in my head all the time. If your friend was saying the things that you're saying about yourself, what would you say to your friend?"
"One of the most important things that we could learn is the importance of the words that we say to ourselves, how we communicate to ourselves."
"Our self-talk is determining where we are orienting our subconscious mind and whatever we say is being programmed, or further emphasizing programming in our subconscious mind."
"The way you talk to yourself, the way you dialogue with you, is the big key to self-love."
"So the way you talk to yourself, the way you dialogue with you, is the big key to self-love."
"Your brain is like a supercomputer, and your self-talk is a program it will run."
"How we talk to our children becomes their inner voice."
"The more that you say mean things to yourself inside of your head, the stronger those things become."
"Manifestation is more than just ticking off goals; it's continuous positive self-talk and reinforcement."
"Our internal dialogue, our internal narratives are extremely important."
"Rewrite your inner narrative... affirm yourself in a positive way."
"What you say to yourself and how you communicate programs your brain."
"Change the way that you speak about yourself and it's going to change."
"Speak what you want into existence, speak in a favorable way towards yourself, and then you will end up attracting everything your heart desires."
"You have to tell your brain what you want because it's always listening."
"Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in; we could no more stop talking to ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking."
"By words or inner talking, we build our world."
"The great secret of success is controlling inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire."
"The words 'I am' are incredibly creative. 'I am hungry, I am lonely, I am tired.' You've been saying it, haven't you seen?"
"Make your inner conversations conform to your imaginal act."
"Stop listening to your past, because it has nothing new to say to you."
"Pay attention to what you're saying to yourself."
"Confidence is simply a habit. It's the habit of how you talk to yourself, how you carry yourself, and it's a habit of becoming self-aware."
"One of the greatest gifts of being an adult is separating from your parents and deciding how you want to talk to yourself, how you want to change the way that you think, how you speak, how you support."
"How you speak to yourself is how you view yourself."
"Your mind will believe whatever you tell it, so make sure that you are speaking your desires, not your fears."
"Your self-talk is everything. The words that you say to yourself on a day-to-day basis have such a huge impact on every aspect of your life."
"You can choose what you are going to tell yourself about what's happening."
"Let's talk to ourselves and see everything positive about our country."
"The most important conversation you'll ever have is the one you have with yourself."
"Worst case scenario, absolutely worst case scenario, whatever you're thinking, ask yourself if you would say that thought to your loved one."
"The person that you talk to most is yourself, and what we say to ourselves isn't always kind or true or helpful."
"Listen in on the way you speak to yourself. Inquire compassionately, curiously."
"I think the way you speak to yourself and the way that you view yourself has a lot to do with how you're gonna be treated."
"No one is more influential in your life than you are because no one talks to you more than you do."
"You can replace bad thoughts with better thoughts... engineer a better conversation with yourself."
"Talk to yourself...It's so important to speak the language."
"People use inner speech for all sorts of emotional and motivational purposes: to G themselves up, to tell themselves off, to encourage themselves."
"Nihilism can be therapeutic... you can kind of talk yourself down using nihilism."
"Words are power, and the reality is that the words you speak to yourself, the thoughts you have, they will dictate your energy."
"Whatever we say to ourselves will become our reality."
"Silencing the inner critic is crucial for creating a safe and positive internal environment."
"The most important words you'll ever hear are the words you say to yourself."
"Be nice to yourself. Truly work on the relationship and the dialogue that you have with yourself."
"Monitor your inner conversations, the things that you say to yourself."
"The way you talk to yourself and treat yourself is so important. I wouldn't tolerate somebody else being like, 'Shame on you,' so why would I shame myself?"
"The language I use in my mind is so powerful. I'm really thoughtful about what I consume, what language I use to define myself."
"If you can adopt a negative dialogue from external voices, then you can also adopt a positive dialogue from external voices."
"I think you know what you have to tell yourself, and this is the kind of thing where it's like you know when that voice comes up and says this is not enough, what I want you to recognize is that like that voice is a part of you but it is not the whole you."
"Talk to yourself the same way you would talk to your dearest friend."
"Talk back to those voices, shut the enemy down."
"It's really important how we talk to ourselves and how we talk to each other, what words we use."
"Watch what you say to yourself...your thoughts are either going to help you...or they're going to scare you."
"If you keep telling yourself negative [stuff], that's all you're gonna believe."
"What you say to yourself becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy."
"The messages we tell ourselves will help us to determine if we show up again tomorrow."
"Be very careful with the things you believe in about yourself and the very things you say about yourself."
"I refuse to agree with the devil and the negative mess he's bombarding me with."
"Language is the foundation. If you don't have a healthy dialogue with yourself, it doesn't matter what other people do to you; you're diminishing yourself."
"The idea of people having a worm in their head is a great metaphor on how people will allow that little voice in their head to dictate their entire mood."
"Don't let that voice in your head tell you to quit. Tell that voice to shut up; you're going to finish this workout."
"The way we communicate with others and with ourselves, internal communication ultimately determines the quality of our lives."
"The greatest force holding you back today, right now, are the words that you allow to come out of your own mouth."
"Self-talk: You need to become obsessed with monitoring the way that you speak to yourself and shifting the stories that you are consistently telling yourself."
"Words are power. The reality is that the words you speak to yourself, the thoughts you have, will dictate your energy."
"Words matter. The way we talk to ourselves shapes how we feel."
"The things that you say to yourself are so important."
"You have to get in the habit of speaking kindly towards yourself."
"George, it's me, your conscience. I'm not real, but you can still hear me."
"When your legs start telling you they don't have anything left, it's time for you to take over and tell those legs they're lying to you."
"Thoughts are what you hear, but thinking is what you say to yourself."
"I feel so much better than yesterday I feel like I was just in such a stressed out mood yesterday but honestly I did this like whole rant to myself where I literally just ranted out loud to myself and I felt a lot better so yeah."
"Speak positively over your life, you can either bless yourself or curse yourself with your words."
"That encounter with God is gonna propel you into your next step."
"You can talk yourself out of your dreams or you can talk yourself into your dreams."
"See, I've learned you can talk yourself out of your dreams or you can talk yourself into your dreams."
"There's a self-compassion, a change in the way they speak to themselves internally."
"Engaging in negative self-talk? Easily correctable, you're capable of handling yourself."
"I'm a huge believer in all of that. The way you talk to yourself, the way you just put on this kind of image of confidence and everything else."
"If you continue to say it out loud, it's like your mind already knows."
"The way you feel about everything is down to only two things: the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself."
"You talk to yourself more than anybody talks to you so what you say matters to yourself."
"If you're constantly negative about yourself... you're always going to attract that."
"One of the tools that helped me was learning from therapy, the self-talk. When you look in the mirror, you humanize yourself."
"This is also about healing wounds revolving around how you think and how you speak to yourself, how you communicate with yourself."
"Celebrate the good. You have so much good in your life. I'm talking to myself."
"Your private voice can either help you out or break you down. But it's the only voice that is with you until your death."
"Progress gone, nothing's working, I'm worthless — you need to just think, 'Alright buddy, you fell off the wagon abyss. That's a natural part of life. Everyone goes through it.'"
"Learning to observe those thoughts and go wait a minute, that is not the language of love."
"Your thoughts are largely the inner dialogue that's most people, they're talking themselves all day."
"The most important word you'll ever hear are the words you say to yourself."
"It's a daily effort. You have to tell yourself every single day that it will get better."
"The way you speak to yourself really helps with self-confidence."
"This is victim talk, right from beginning to end."
"Just tell myself I'm gonna make trash... it can at least get you going."
"Our early internal dialogue is much more harmful than anything anyone else can say to us."
"Maybe I should." You should've went back to talking to yourself and said, "You know what, if I'm gonna get the answer, to this question that I have, I may have to pay for it."
"How you talk to yourself is very important. Very important to do it in a strong, positive way."
"Remember self-talk, talk to yourself in positive ways, in good ways."
"If you constantly have negative self-talk, interrupt it."
"I love the self-talk though. Far superior to what you and I can provide."
"Separate yourself from the negative voice in your mind."
"Every time you think something negative to yourself, try to replace it with something kind."
"It's not what people say about you that is the most destructive, it is the things you say to yourself."
"If you had a friend that said this stuff to you that your brain says to you, you wouldn't be friends with them."
"Notice how you talk to yourself and I want you to start and each day with a positive that you say about you not about anybody else or something that you have."
"Negative self-talk, often a subtle and sneaky habit, can significantly lower our vibration without us even realizing it."
"You want to talk to yourself the way you would talk to a best friend."
"I want you to remember how you feel right now and I want you to look in the mirror and say [ __ ] you myself and for the rest of the year you remember how you feel right now and you prioritize your goddamn self"
"Self-talk is everything. This is going to determine what kind of life you live."
"The magic occurs in my own mind by my inner speech."
"The trap is that you were talking about yourself in a way that actually holds you back, that impedes healing and growth. The tactic is..."
"Your advancement in life is determined by who wins the argument in your head."
"Your self-talk around love and your self-talk altogether, okay, so what you believe, your voices are in your head."
"All of this year's work comes down to how you think of yourself. That's what it comes down to, what you say to yourself and how you think to yourself."
"You're stepping away from an old mindset... opening up to a fresh mind, new logic, and new ways of talking to yourself."
"Every time you look at yourself, whatever you say and feel, you're practicing and affirming something."
"Affirmation is really powerful, the more we speak about it, the more coming past."
"In order for things around you to change, you must first change your inner dialogue."
"It's a perfect time to shift negative self-talk and release the pressure off yourself."
"Level four self-talk is the most powerful for positive personal creation. It literally creates new realities."
"Be mindful of how you talk to yourself. Thoughts become things."
"You're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"Repeating it to yourself over and over again."
"Stop trash-talking yourself. You are defining yourself, you are labeling yourself, and word is bond."
"Honestly hun, you are not stupid at all. Don't say things to yourself that you couldn't imagine saying to one of your best friends."
"Nobody can damage me with their words as much as I can damage myself with my internal monologue."
"When you say 'I am,' I'm not only talking to myself; the creator of the universe is stepping down into my situation."
"A good coach would tell his student: Make a motto in your head, make a mantra, shout it out. 'I'm the greatest, I'm the best, I'm the champ.'"
"Positive self-talk can turn things around. Your mind will believe what you tell it."
"The most important words you will ever hear in your whole life come from you."
"You can't take on the biggest thing like you don't go from off the couch to climbing Everest like there's a process and base camps you got to go through and and that biggest component is that that self-talk that conversation that you have."
"Don't listen to that voice in your head telling you to quit."
"Negative thinking and self-talk are formidable adversaries on the path to spiritual growth."
"If you're going through something, take that time and talk to yourself, bro."
"We create our own reality with the thoughts we think and the words we speak."
"You want to speak positivity into your life."
"Positive self-talk is really something that I had to work on."
"Thoughts become things. The way that we talk about ourselves actually influences our set of circumstances."
"Take my emotions, put them outside of my body, and talk to them."
"Speaking positively to yourself is a superpower."
"Keep telling yourself it's a good day, no matter what."
"Self-care is so much more than a bubble bath, it's the way we choose to speak to ourselves, the awareness we cultivate."
"Sometimes you just gotta look in the mirror and say you domain, you domain."
"Never ever speak anything but greatness in your life no matter what your circumstances are."
"Even in the toughest times, your self-expression is important."
"Trust your intuition to lead you through any challenge."
"Stop with the storytelling in your mind. Stop."
"Talking just kindly to yourself like you're a toddler."
"Your brain is a super computer and your self-talk as a program will run."
"What story are you telling yourself in the silence?"
"You can talk yourself into it, just like you've been talking yourself out of it."
"Your thoughts are creating your reality, so what are you saying about your life?"
"You have to work on discipline, have a straight talk with yourself, and say, 'I would really like to make money in the markets.'"
"Be surrounded by people that lift us up, be really conscious of how we speak to ourselves."
"It's choosing to be loyal to your authentic self."
"The words you tell yourself about yourself matter."
"He appears noticeably and 'Sharper' than before as he mutters to himself: 'That's much better.'"
"If the voice in your head is a voice and a tone that you would never use ever with the people you care most about, don't use it with yourself."
"Some of you have been speaking death over yourself, and today's the last day."
"In the wind and the storms of life, you don't have to lose your grip. Change what you say to yourself. Hold on like the old church mothers: 'I got a hold on Jesus and I won't let him go.'"
"Intentional solitude to allow your innermost thoughts and emotions to come up."
"Don't speak unkindly to yourself the idea of being poor if you have food to eat and can go to the dentist you're not poor"
"Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself."
"We got to be mindful that the words we speak to ourselves can literally be manifestations and if you talk negatively about yourself you may be manifesting a negative perception of who you are and vice versa."
"If you already talk to yourself and you say your name to yourself, you're not crazy. You're probably high performing."
"If you can't talk to yourself know who you gonna talk to first you're not crazy for conversing with yourself."
"Be careful with how you're talking to other people and how you're talking to yourself."
"Talk to yourself nicely, positive manifestation, talk to yourself nicely."
"The number one thing that causes depression are harsh, hurtful, critical words that you say to yourself on a daily basis."
"Treat yourself well. Careful what you say to yourself, because you are listening."
"You kind of just have to tell your negative brain to stop and shut up."
"Sometimes my brain even like tires myself out and I just have to tell my brain to shut up, so as to shut up."
"Being a youtuber a good youtuber is being able to hold a really good conversation with yourself oh I'm good at that see oh I'm good at that I think we all are that's literally what we do as a youtuber exactly."
"The heart of healing the self is the continual and persistent attempt to speak to yourself with the voice of love."
"Words are spellings out to the universe. Be aware of the way that you talk to yourself and to the universe because words are spells."
"Positively talk yourself out of that situation."
"Instead of saying 'I can't go and speak in front of that meeting,' change it to saying 'I'm feeling excited.'"
"Stay calm, don't fuck this up, you literally have played so perfectly, Vinny."
"Pay very close attention to the words that your brain is telling you."
"Speak beautifully to others, but speak kinder to yourself."
"Your dialogue is everything. Your mind's gonna work out what's going on with you by the words you say to yourself."
"Control your self-talk: alter your viewpoint and reclaim your power."
"Talking to yourself is your medicine, I promise you. You're going to love it."
"Soft speech with yourself is the first step to embodying feminine energy."
"Create a mantra... creating a kind, loving, curious relationship with yourself begins in your mind."
"Most people wouldn't have many friends if they talked to their friends in the same way that they talked to themselves."
"Remember that your mind, especially your subconscious, does not recognize jokes. You are always listening to you essentially, and your energy is affected by the words that you speak about yourself."
"When we feel shitty and say shitty things to ourselves, we don't take the actions that actually change it."