
Financial Literacy Quotes

There are 2157 quotes

"If you want to be independent, you have to learn to budget your money better."
"You need to know the difference between a need and a want."
"Understanding the difference between being able to buy something and being able to afford something is crucial."
"The thing that differentiates a wealthy person from a broke person is not just what job you have or how much money you make... it's what you do with the money that you earn."
"The psychology of investing is just as, if not more important than the actual how-tos and investing."
"Learn the rules to the game. The reason why so many people suck with money is because they don't understand the rules to the game."
"Investing is important. If you don't learn it, you're going to find it very hard to get or maintain wealth."
"Money is created as a result of providing value."
"I think the ideal situation is you become friends with money because your best friend cares about you, thinks with you, and works with you."
"The stock market is one of the most accessible wealth-building tools that we have."
"If you don't understand compound interest, you're most likely going to be broke forever."
"There are many things about being rich that unfortunately cannot be understood only financially."
"You need to understand how money works and how money plays a part in your life, that way you can use money to amplify your happiness."
"Money doesn't have feelings; money is not emotional. This is just what the system is, and this is what is happening. So you can either understand it and learn from it, or you can choose to be oblivious from it."
"If you're not educated, you will get pimped, and somebody's going to take all your money."
"None of us are actually taught the different ways that we can earn money, manage our money, invest our money, and build wealth."
"You can be rich if you will utilize and maximize every dollar that comes into your possession."
"It's all about teaching them how to keep the money. It's not time to buy boats and cars and planes. It's this mental shift."
"People will spend so much time and effort worried about how to save four bucks on a latte. Right? But how often are people thinking, 'How do I save a thousand or two thousand dollars a month on where I live?'"
"Invest in learning about how to make your money work for you."
"I didn't know how to make money until I turned 25. I never thought I'd be an entrepreneur."
"I wish financial literacy was taught in school. So much, man. Like, people actually need this."
"Mindset times skill set times tool set equals assets, and income follows assets."
"How about teaching kids how to pay their taxes, how to balance a checkbook, like financial security, survival skills."
"This will be a world message on economic empowerment, stock market investing, entrepreneurship, the whole gambit."
"The game of life is not just about accumulating assets, but also about understanding the utility and impact of those assets on our lives."
"Don't ever go to a car dealer without having done your homework and don't ever believe that the finance man is your friend."
"Take your money seriously. Once you take your money seriously and you put some time in it, whether it's this book or wherever you want to get your information, you're going to be better off for it."
"There's a distinction between being broke and being poor."
"Just do yourself a favor and just take the time over the next couple of months maybe just to read through all five of these books, and I can guarantee you'll come out a better investor, you'll come out better with your money."
"Financial literacy can literally help close wealth gaps, reduce inequity and even help with social issues."
"Americans now have the highest credit card debt in history, translation: you didn't learn anything. Debt is an invisible burden being carried by the country's most vulnerable."
"The more you know, the more educated you become, the more enlightened you are. Not only do you learn about these things like stocks and housing, you learn about other ways to make money."
"Improve your financial literacy...it will pay you dividends for the rest of your life."
"Investing into knowledge that generates income, rather than investing into stocks or whatever things you can't control, is what I've learned over the past few years."
"You've gotta learn to make money work for you and that's the art and the science of investing."
"People know how to trade their time for money, but when you sleep you aren't making money. When you know how to invest and you understand the principles, while you sleep, the money you have is compounding and growing."
"I'm always excited about learning about money because they don't teach that at school."
"Financial illiteracy is a plague not just in the United States of America but around the world."
"For every pair of Jordans that you have, I want you to have at least 100 shares of Nike per pair."
"The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they handle fear."
"78% of NBA players are bankrupt within three years of leaving the sport."
"People don't save early enough for retirement. Even a small amount of money invested early on, because of compound interest, can give you quite the nest egg."
"When I want you to think about money, I want you to think about money in terms of how many assets can you buy. An asset is something that makes you money."
"Once you start changing the way you look at money, it is going to be so much easier for you to start investing your money."
"Do you know how little people know about finance and economics, and they're stuck in a debt cycle because they're never taught that?"
"If you understand the system, you can use it to your advantage. If you don't, it is going to screw you over."
"Inflation now is a hidden tax; it's a silent tax. It affects the people who don't understand money and it disproportionately affects the poor and the financially uneducated."
"The less you understand about money, the more money your bank makes."
"Invest in real estate, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and index funds. Become financially literate to create a sustainable wealth that works for you."
"Life is meant to be experienced, not spent constantly trading time for dollars. Financial literacy and wealth creation are keys to unlocking a life of experiences."
"We really need to change the curriculum in high school...to start to explain how a credit card works, how an investment works, how the market works."
"We never taught kids in high school about investing, nothing about debt, nothing about credit cards. Huge mistake."
"Financial literacy can be an equalizer, but you've got to use it smartly."
"Once you become financially literate, your whole life changes."
"Financial literacy is the gateway to where we gotta go."
"You are 100% giving birth to the next generation of slaves if you don't get into financial literacy."
"Imagine if Rockefeller, Murder Inc, Cash Money in the 90s knew how to invest in the marketplace; they would have been one of the biggest hedge funds in the world."
"The same thing needs to happen when a financial literacy movement that you see is making changes and it's happening."
"Most people are poor because they've made poor life and financial decisions. It only takes two things to stop being broke: a good decision-making process and a lot of effort."
"The rudimentary understanding of financial literacy is very important."
"Financial literacy is important because we got to learn how to adapt new relationships with money."
"Knowledge is very important to kind of study the ebbs and flows of financial history and equip yourself with a worldview for the world we're going into."
"We started Earn Your Leisure's financial literacy business platform...realized how important financial literacy was, how much people didn't know."
"Financial literacy is a snowball that's turned into an avalanche."
"We're always taught to be consumers rather than investors."
"Financial literacy is the possession of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources."
"But we also have an amazing opportunity to set ourselves up for an extraordinary life both now and in the future if we take the time to learn about how money works and how we want to work with money."
"The state of Florida just made it part of the curriculum for the high schoolers to have a financial literacy course before they graduate."
"Rich is about money, and wealthy is about mindset."
"Financial literacy, that power is gonna give us knowledge and liberate us."
"We have to educate us because it's not about the money, it's about wisdom."
"School doesn't teach us how to earn money. It's absurd when you stop and think about it."
"Schools don't teach us that there's a point in our lives where we do have the option of retiring as long as we were on the right path."
"Understanding financial literacy is very important. The majority of people can't even understand the basics of financial literacy."
"All that money and just to have it and give it to my family? No. My family be taken care of, uh, and then I'm going do something what fin literacy, stem cell, something, some program that's going to aid the black community."
"We are not victims of financial markets; we are just victims of financial ignorance."
"We need more leaders in our community. We need more people who are financially literate."
"Stop looking at money as like a game; it's something that you can use to really build the next whatever you want in your life."
"Financial literacy seems special, and like black excellence seems special, but I want to normalize the things that are special."
"There's a language for the rich and the wealthy. Once you learn the language of the rich, then you have money for a lifetime, not just lunchtime."
"My vision is to help millennials and minorities avoid debt and to build wealth."
"Every black person should be a wealth builder, every black person should be a business owner, every black person should be an investor, every black person should be a producer."
"The school system is designed to keep people poor and mediocre. It was never designed so you could become rich and live a life full of prosperity."
"Understanding how the money supply expands and contracts can help you make smarter financial decisions."
"Combining fashion and financial literacy and business, that's a moment in history."
"Financial literacy is very, very real. People don't tap into it."
"Generational wealth means to me... teaching you how to set up real estate and the ultimate goal is for me to get you to understand the power of a living trust."
"Understanding your investments will give you the competence to know why each aspect, each one of your holdings, why it does what it does and why it makes a part of your overall portfolio."
"Developing skills that can be used to make more money is crucial, but so is learning how to save and manage money effectively."
"Cars lose value each and every day...you're buying assets, here you're investing this money into yourself."
"Your car is a liability, it's not making you any money."
"Investing is a full range of learning; it's not just about the stock market."
"Mastering money means more than just making it—it means understanding how to use it and grow it responsibly."
"The power of this knowledge is not just in acquiring it, but in applying it to achieve financial freedom."
"Instead of hating the people who have money, you got to start asking the question of how did they get the money in the first place."
"Becoming wealthy is as much mindset as it is what you do with your money."
"This is the year for you to get financially smart."
"Accessibility is great, but the accessibility without financial education can be dangerous."
"How a pretty normal average guy that knew absolutely nothing about finance growing up...was able to generate thousands of dollars every single month in passive income."
"Understand the difference between being able to buy something and being able to afford something."
"I've learned a lot by getting into crypto. The value of money, what's really important."
"Know the numbers, get a calculator, live by the calculator, and live by accountability."
"Particularly Americans have the wrong data about money. There is financial misinformation in the marketplace that is perpetuated by the banks and the institutions."
"Lack of financial literacy is an ongoing problem in America."
"We are giving you the tools to learn, grow, and navigate life like a boss and make money moves in the process."
"The best investment that you can make in your lifetime is your own education: education on the history of money, education on finance, education on how the global economy works."
"The mathematics of wealth building is about the sixth-grade level. You can do it, but we've got to change our behaviors, and we've got to change our beliefs to change our behaviors."
"You don't have to go broke to learn to stay out of debt... It's a series of choices; it might be growing up a little bit."
"There's no incentive for them (banks) to pick up the phone to you and say, 'Hey, by the way, you're paying us too much interest.'"
"Part of my journey in my career and in learning about finances is to be able to show my daughter that she can do anything and to show her that she has control over her finances and over her destiny."
"The idea that we should all be financial experts is a crazy idea."
"As an intelligent investor, you should not speculate but rather understand stock market's history and discover patterns to find out what is the best time to invest."
"Keeping a budget and being aware of what you are doing with your money is such an important step towards financial freedom and peace."
"The conversation about saving money is cool now, investing is cool now."
"Real gangsters don't risk their lives and freedom; they learn how to leverage money for generations."
"A friend told me that I'm broke not poor, and there is a difference."
"A lot of times, a young person, right, they can get into student loan debt, they can go and get a loan for like $20,000, $30,000 to go to college and put them in debt. But if those same young people say, 'Hey, I want a thirty thousand dollar loan from the bank because I want to start my own clothing line, I want to start a hair company, I want to start a skincare line,' these banks will tell them no."
"I want to understand my money. I want to know how it works. I want to know where it's going, and I want to be able to take care of myself long into the future."
"The more often you talk about money, the less scary it is, and the more on track you're going to be."
"Everyone knows I am a huge proponent of budgeting. You have to budget if you want to get good with your finances."
"It blows my mind that you can go to school for 16 or more years of your life and not learn a thing about how to manage your money."
"Spending money on plastic just doesn't seem like spending real money, but there is a real cost to credit cards that completely destroys your ability to build any sort of wealth."
"Having financial literacy is what's going to allow you to make good financial decisions and ultimately live an amazing life of your own choosing."
"It's never too late to start getting smart with your money whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s."
"You're losing 2.75 every single year, so this is extremely important why you must invest."
"Yes, we are kind of a financially screwed generation, however, we don't have to be as long as we have financial literacy."
"I would love for these people to come on stream and like, break down their budget and prove to us that it's circumstantial."
"Our goal is to help you understand money so that you can see how money can be used as a tool in your life and not become some kind of weird obsession or something that causes you stress."
"Fast money, lack of knowledge. This is where there's money because it's easy to take it when you're not educated."
"Learn money, don't shy away from it. Don't bury your head in the sand. Understanding it is crucial."
"The goal of learning about money isn't about amassing billions of dollars, it's to buy the freedom to pursue personal fulfillment."
"He who understands [compound interest] earns it; he who doesn't, pays it."
"Investing is way easier than the gurus like to make it seem."
"We're fighting against Marxism taught in our schools because that's why there's no financial education in schools."
"You need to learn the rules of the game most people are losing in the game of money because they don't understand how the game of money works."
"Learning how to beat the bank, learning about your credit, that's what's important to me."
"I wasn't always into personal finance... I didn't grow up in a financially literate household. My parents were immigrants."
"Finances is not something scary; it's not something you need to be afraid of."
"Generational wealth is being talked about, and that's a good thing."
"I know the power of credit, how credit can help you build wealth."
"It's one thing to make your own money, but it's another thing to figure out how to spend it wisely."
"Just because someone is willing to give you a loan for something doesn't mean you can afford it."
"Get good with money so that it doesn't have to define you anymore."
"Learn money management and always have you a B and a C plan."
"Financial illiteracy is so rife in this country."
"In order to win the game of money, you have to understand its rules first."
"You are not taking advantage of credit. Credit is taking advantage of you."
"Reparations are necessary...but giving somebody money doesn't mean anything if they don't know what to do with the money."
"Money management is number one. Why is it number one? Because if you can't pay your bills, you're going to be miserable."
"Successful car purchasing is all about knowing your buying power and being able to move quickly."
"You can make all the money in the world, but if you don't know what to do with the money, you can still stay broke."
"Buying stocks that you don't have a deep understanding of is arguably one of the easiest ways to lose a lot of money in the stock market."
"Understanding how to trade options can help you both lower your risk and make more money in your investments."
"The point of money is not to be flashy or fancy."
"The rich do things very differently... they're investing in assets... something that puts money in your pocket."
"We need to stop focusing so much on that and understand that this is the normal cycles in the market."
"You just buy stocks and they go up and you make all kinds of money. It's not true. I mean, it can be true, but you need to have a basic understanding of what you're doing."
"A performing asset is something that puts cash in your pocket every month."
"Being a millionaire means that you are worth a million dollars. The way that you calculate this is you take your assets and you subtract your liabilities."
"It is more important than ever for you to get financially educated and to use your money the right way."
"We are right now in a system where our society, including banks, profit when people are not financially educated."
"I'm not talking about just budgeting, paying off debt, or saving, but I'm talking about truly learning who you are and what you want from your money."
"There should be an entire curriculum in high school of personal finance where you learn how to do your taxes, how to balance a checkbook, how to handle a credit card."
"It has always been our mission to empower you with knowledge so that you can take back ownership of your wealth and personal freedoms."
"Diversification is a good strategy... the problem is people don't understand what diversification means."
"Teach financial literacy in high school; the kids will freaking listen."
"Stop saying 'I can't afford this' and start saying 'how can I afford this?'"
"There's no guarantee that you're gonna make a good decision when you pick a stock, but what I wanna encourage you to do is five minutes of research minimum before you hear about a stock on Reddit or on social media."
"Imagine if you started saving and investing when you were 10."
"Assets equal liabilities plus shareholders equity, this is another thing that you'll learn in a very like entry-level accounting class."
"Millennials are much more savvy about making the most of what they have and demanding that their financial services companies work for them."
"Modern Western Society has such a low level of financial literacy... even people building in the space have low levels of financial literacy."
"We need historical literacy, not just about financial literacy, but also literacy because a lot of the stuff, and you see this all the time, the problems that the crypto space is working through, people have worked through already."
"Understanding options chains and how to read them is crucial for options trading success."
"There's never been a better time to build your own investment portfolio at low or no cost."
"That's a pretty good explanation of the difference between trading and investing because they are different things."
"Most traders hear words like support, resistance, or trend and immediately stop paying attention and turn the other way."
"That shows you the power of the options two hundred forty profit to be made on twelve hundred dollar position."
"Understanding the game of money is more important than working hard."
"The value of an asset is not the same thing as the asset itself."
"Teach them to fish and people mistake the idea of making money as a trade-off to helping people when it's really one and the same."
"Cash flow statements deal with operating cash flows, investing cash flows, and financing cash flows."
"You don't need to be a cash flow statement expert, but the three bold headings that hit you in the face in my cash flow statement are well worth a quick look."
"Change the way that you look at banks and money for the rest of your life."
"Learn the real estate game because it's a new way for you to accomplish things in your life."
"So the key in anything honestly is understanding the true value what I call the fundamental value of any asset or any instrument."
"Make sure you are sharing this with other people who are basically losing money every single year by saving it in the bank."
"Financial information should be democratized so individuals can have all the knowledge and resources they need to succeed financially."
"The business is not about stock tips... It's about understanding what to look for."
"Good debt and bad debt, you must be careful. Don't confuse the two."
"Knowledge is power. You can't depend on other people to tell you if it's proper to buy or not."
"Good money habits start with your very first paycheck."
"It's also important to remember that recessions are a very normal part of the economic cycle."
"If you want to be one of the people that's making a lot of money from all this craziness, you have to be financially educated, patient, and take out the emotion from the equation."
"How ordinary people build extraordinary wealth, how you can too. $231,000 paid off in 25 months, did it separately and together sort of by communicating."
"It's your ethical responsibility to do the best that you can read study and learn how to be wealthy like it ain't about you it's about your children's children."
"The amount of people who have the opportunity to open a 401k and just pass up free money astounds me."
"Financial intelligence is always about constantly understanding how things work."
"What makes Howard Marks a great investor is his in-depth understanding of the nature of uncertainty."